Sunday, February 28, 2010


The ancient Egyptian priests who prepared bodies for mummification knew a great deal about anatomy. What they knew seem to get lost during the period called the Dark Ages. Many who knew little about the internal organs of the body, thought the pulsation or rhythmic throbbing of the big blood vessels, which varied in people and even from time to time in the same person's arm or leg, meant that their heart moved around from its proper place. Because of this lack of knowledge many outlandish metaphors came about.

You have heard it said; "to wear his heart on his sleeve?" Perhaps you have heard; "my heart is in my mouth!" With knowledge we know where our heart is located and we realize that the intensity of the throbbing and the rhythmic pulses are the beats of our pulse which can be found in strategic locations throughout our body. (Adapted from "Why you say it!" Garrison)

Recently I asked for prayer for my brother Lynn who was to see a Cardiologist from OHSU, because of a heart problem with regard to upcoming surgery. One of his heart valves has a thickness due to Cobalt treatments many years ago. I received a message from my Pastor that said; "Our prayer is for our God to firmly hold Lynn's heart, every step of the way." I mentally had a picture of God holding Lynn's heart in His hand. Can you see that?

Many times my heart aches because of circumstances, or situations that I have no control over. Many times I witness things that caused my heart to ache and tears to well up in my eyes. Many times I say to myself; "Oh my heart" as something touches me without warning. At my age, tears come easily and so do the heartaches. My Pastor also reminded me with a scripture of God's care; "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you or forsake you; Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8

Because of the way we are, we become fretful and filled with worry. Because of the way we are, our hearts feel faint with weakness. Because of the way we are, we forget that God knows us so well. So well, that He says; "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." John 14:27

Yes, I can see God holding Lynn's heart because I have felt Him holding mine. You can't get to be my age without understanding God's passion for His people. He has walked beside me so many times and when I needed an arm around me, He has provided. God is so good to us, that is why David said; "My heart is steadfast O God, my heart is steadfast! I will sing and make melody! Awake, my soul! Awake, O harp and lyre! I will awake the dawn! I will give thanks to thee O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to thee among the nations. For thy steadfast love is great to the heavens, the faithfulness to the clouds. Be exalted O God, above the heavens! Let the glory be over all the earth!" Psalms 57:7-11

Where is your heart? Is it where your family is; your job; your next vacation; your home; or perhaps all of the above? God says your heart is where your treasure is. From a very early age I was interested in Godly things. I wanted to be where my family was and where my church family is. I never wanted to miss the youth group or the College and Career class. I loved teaching His word and still do. I still look forward to being in God's house with my family the church. I am glad some things have never changed.

There are many scriptures in God's word, that talk about the heart. God has promised that if we "Take delight in Him, He will give us the desires of our heart." Psalms 37:4 Let us stand on God's promises; Let Him search and know our hearts. Placing our heart in His hands is the best place for it and for us. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/26/10

Saturday, February 27, 2010

EAU de COLOGNE 2/27/10

Did you know that pure air caused the Roman emperor Claudius to choose a special city? He named it after his wife Colonia Agrippina. By the time it became known as a beautiful city in Germany, with lots of cathedrals, it was known as Cologne in other parts of the world. An Italian, who lived there, learned to make a lighter perfume scent by adding alcohol and aromatic oils and it was called Cologne water or eau de Cologne. Before long it was adopted by many perfumers and we all use it today, because it is cheaper and much lighter in fragrance than perfumes. Not to mention that most times it comes in a larger bottle.

I love cologne! I wear it like water! I am often without because when I have some, I wear it everyday and spray it on several times during the day. Mainly because I can't smell it after the initial spraying. Jim really doesn't like to buy it for me because my taste in fragrances is spendy. This past Christmas it was my turn. I received three bottles of Red Door; two before Christmas from Jim and one from Santa Claus, who was not Jim. I am set for a few more months!

I have had lots of favorites. I wore Fabreja's fragrance, Straw Hat, years ago. After Jennifer was born, my sister Joyce introduced me to Hypnotic. I haven't been able to find that anywhere for years. However, it is still my favorite! Nothing compares to that fraquance for me.

Today, our world is bombarded with fragrances. Powder, lotions, creams, shampoos, conditioners, medicated products along with colognes and perfumes. You would think instead of making new ones they would just add and keep the old ones. I find that I respond to good smells. I compliment those men and women whose odors I find pleasing. Why not? It's a good thing!

Did you know that God loves incense and odors with good smelling fragrances? Did you know that your obedience is like a pleasing odor to God? Did you know that how you smell can please our God to the point of pure happiness? Did you know that God has a fragrance all His own? Did you know that we spread Christ's aroma of God everywhere we go? Well, you do now, because I am going to tell you about it.

"Then Noah built an altar to the Lord, and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And when the Lord smelled the pleasing odor, the Lord said in His heart; I will never again curse the ground because of man." Genesis 8:20-21a

When God instituted the burnt offerings through Moses, many times we read where God requested items in addition to the burnt offering; "as a pleasing odor before the Lord; it is an offering by fire to the Lord.' Exodus 29:25 At one point God says He will meet them before the mercy seat every morning; "And Aaron shall burn fragrant incense on it." Exodus 30:7a After all the assignments had been laid out and the completion of the tent of meeting, God says; "And the anointing oil and the fragrant incense for the holy place, according to all that I have commanded you, they shall do." Exodus 31:11 Whenever God required a burnt offering He also requested an offering by fire; "A pleasing odor to the Lord." Leviticus 23:18d

Paul says the help and the gifts sent to him by the Philippians were; "A fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God." Philippians 4:18c Earlier Paul says; "But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumph and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life." 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 We Christians should be wearing the Essence of Jerusalem", which is pleasing to God. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/20/10

Sunday, February 21, 2010

GOD'S FAVOR! 2/21/10

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6 I love these words of the Lord and I have tried to do just what this scriptures says to do.

"For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than dwell in the tents of wickedness. For the Lord God is a sun and shield; He bestows favor and honor. No good thing does the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of Host, blessed is the man who trusts in thee!" Psalms 84:10-12

I believe the Lord knows best. No matter how we see a situation, God knows best! That is why we are to trust in Him and not lean upon our own understanding. I have been at the feet of Jesus for many, many months bringing before Him my brother Lynn. I have cried; I have sobbed; I have smiled in remembrance and today I come with heartfelt thanks.

I wrote that Last Sunday afternoon! The decision to do surgery was to take place this last Wednesday morning. Just as my brother and his wife were preparing to leave for the Hospital on Tuesday morning, for the all of the pre operative appointments, they received a call from the scheduler. This is the person who schedules for the Oregon Health and Science University Hospital. They were cancelling Lynn's surgery for approximately 6 weeks so that an appointment could be made with one of the OHSU Cardiologists. He will see Lynn before surgery and perhaps be available during surgery. WOW!

When God reveals Himself in such a transparent way, we can't help but sit up and take notice. This is what Lynn and Kathleen have been asking for all along. This was one of their major prayer requests! One of Lynn's obstacles is his heart! And now they say, the same surgery can be performed later as well as now. How awesome is our God! WOW!

When I began this Morning Glory for my blog, last Sunday, I didn't know what the outcome of the surgery would be but I knew that whatever happened, God would be there. I felt the peace that passes all understanding and was so excited when Kathleen called, and when I talked with Lynn. They had been so tired; but now filled with anticipation, because of what God has done once again. Seeing a blessing when it happens, creates in God's people, blessings without measure!

Kathleen writes; "Once again, we're in a holding pattern. What a roller coaster ride! We are trusting God and know that He has a plan. Actually, it's rather exciting to see God take us to the edge of the cliff, then pull us back with His gentle staff." There is an old song that says; "Prayer is the key to heaven, but faith unlocks the door." Thank you all for your faith and prayers! Thank you for praying for a brother and sister that most of you don't even know, but because of your faith and prayer, they have been strengthened by your love and concern.

Uncertainty causes us to pause when we pray. We know that the Spirit can intercede for us. "And He who searches the hearts of men knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God." Romans 8:27 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be yours as well." Matthew 6:33 What are these things that will be ours? They are things we need, to live and all the things that God says is good for us. Jesus continues in verse 34; "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day's own trouble be sufficient for the day." I have a postcard sitting on my bookcase in my bedroom. I see it every morning and every night. "Don't worry about tomorrow, God is already there!" By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/17/10

Saturday, February 20, 2010

DO NOT REMOVE! 2/20/10

I must have gotten my love for books from my Mother and probably my sister Jean. I used to clean the two shelf's on each of two built in bookcares that were in the dining room when I was a girl. I loved those books! When Mom moved to Oregon she had a whole wall filled with books. In many of these books she had written her full name, address and "Do Not Remove From This Property" in bold letters. My sister Jean ended up with what books were left after my mothers house fire. The last couple of years, she has been sending these to all the siblings. She carefully picks and chooses just the right book to send to each one of us. What a treasured thought! Talking to Jean over the phone, with her reading the titles is just another way of going down memory lane. As you know that is one of my favorite past times.

I am not the avid reader of fiction and even non fiction as I use to be. I do read, but I have to put the book down often and so it takes me a long time to actually finish a book. So I just read what I want out of the book and as my mother and my sister Jean, I have lots and lots of books. People give me books because I have now, become a writer. I also have books given to me from their own bookshelves. I found a couple yesterday that had belonged to the organist at the church I attended for over 30 years. Of course she has been gone for about 5 years now and I can't remember how I got them.

It saddens me to think that reading has become a past time of the past. The church we attend today, has a book club. They read a book of the month and get together on the last Sunday to discuss it. Jim and I wanted to join but, as I said, I can't read for very long at a time; we tried and stopped! My children and grand children are readers and I like that!

"Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy and heed the things which are written in it, for the time is near." Revelations 1:3 I imagine reading is important. "Take hold of instruction, do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life." Proverbs 4:13 We need to read because most things come with written instructions. When my mother said "Do not remove from this property," she meant exactly that. These were her books! We could read them but we needed to remember they belonged to her and to put them back where we found them.

God says; "And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book." Revelation 22:19 When John wrote this, under God's direction, they meant it! God says basically the same thing earlier; "You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it." Deuteronomy 4:2a Why do you suppose God is so adamant? "Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His words lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar." Proverbs 30:5-6 I don't want to be found a liar! Do you?

There are many out in the world who say that God is only talking about the Law He gave to Moses and/or only the prophecy found in Revelations; not the whole Bible. I am one of those who believe that we are not to add, change or remove anything in God's word, because this is HIS word! If I change anything it becomes my word. Who do you want to believe? Me or God?

When I ask Jim about this, he just says; "Don't do it!" I guess that is why many say; "God said it, I believe it and that settles it!" How about You? Is that the stand you take or do you decide what you want to believe and if you don't agree, you make it fit your life style. I pray that you believe what you read and not be one of those who read only what they believe; they are ignorant of the word. I thank God for His written word! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/13/10

Sunday, February 14, 2010


My son Danny was about 14 months old, when one sunday morning he fell in the hallway in our home, and hit his forehead upon the sharp edge of my bedroom door. Before we had a chance to get to him, he already had a bump in the middle of his forehead the size of a goose egg. We immediately left for the ER and were assured that he was fine, but to put cold compresses on it and he might have a headache. The charge was $45.00! I had already written our weekly tithe check and it was about $45.00! I didn't have anything extra so I wrote a check for the amount required and held back the tithe check. I felt guilty!

Later that week I was talking to our pastor and I told him about holding back my tithe and he took my hand and said; "Janie, God is not a cruel God! he understands how circumstances in this life, may call us to make certain decisions. He understands your heart better than you do. He understands how it feels when your child needs you." I never forgot how comforted and peaceful that made me feel. Especially the part where God knows my heart better than I do!

"The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man, nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He himself gives to all men life and breath and everything." Acts 17:24-25 God has not relinquished his right of ownership of this world and everything in it. God gives us our life and breath; without it we would be nothing. God enters the church building, when we are there!

In Matthew 25:35-36 We read the passage that says; "When I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me." When the people asked; "when did we do this Lord?" He said in verse 39b; "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me." I ask you this; "Is it possible for us to do these things without money?

"For the Lord God is a sun and shield; He bestows favor and honor. No good thing does the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly." Psalms 84:11 All the things we need or even desire can be ours because God gives us every good thing. That is if we walk uprightly! Even though the scriptures say that the love of money is evil it does not say that money is evil. Christians are to trust in God and not in riches and they are encouraged to be rich in good works.

Sometimes doing good works requires money. Tithing is a good method of financing the Lord's work. It's a way of expressing our love toward God and one another. Tithing is not a commandment but it is the only system that is fair and can work. Have we been able to grasp the full significance of supporting God's work today?

A tithe means 1/10th of your income. "A man's life (happiness) does not consist in the abundance of things he possesses. A man's "life" consists of his heart condition." Today is Valentine's day! We give candied hearts to our loved ones along with other gifts. It is a lovely time! Perhaps because Christmas is past; taxes are coming; diamonds are purchased, that it appears God takes a back seat when it comes to our tithe. Let's remember God's work never ceases; Let's remember our tithe; Let's remember all these things will be added unto you. If we do this first, all things work together for good to those who love the Lord! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/12/10

Saturday, February 13, 2010


When I was a girl I remember standing in lines waiting my turn to swing; to use the turning poles; to get a ball or just about anything that was on the Central School playgrounds. In 1997 the Promise Keepers, including Jim and my son Danny, along with over a million men from all over the country, participated in Standing in the Gap; in Washington DC. Some of us wives, sisters and daughters went along and witnessed many phenomenons that weekend; but one of them was a Kodak moment. There had to be hundreds and hundreds of outdoor potties lining the Washington Mall. Many times you see this with women but this weekend it was line after line of men and little boys taking their turn at the facilities.

While in Jordan, Jim and I witnessed men lining up across the street from our Hotel; each one taking their place in line next to the one already in place. As the taxi drove up 3 or 4 from the head of the line would get in and those still in line, would move up. Each one taking their turn as the cab drove up. This was amazing to us!

We teach children to take turns and therefore as we grow older we know that taking turns is good! Home life doesn't always afford the luxury of the men and women taking turns. Usually it is defined; Women do the girl things and the men do theirs! I never mowed the lawn or took the trash out but I did dishes and made the beds. Today things are different!

Today, there are Mr. Mom's who stay at home and rear the children and care for the home. Today, there are retired men who play golf while their wives are still working. Jim and I retired at the same time. We became a stay at home couple! We still share the running of the household as we did while working, but he always takes care of the outside. It seemed, I was relegated to the kitchen as my primary domain. Everytime we would go on a diet (which was often) it was me that needed to figure out what we could eat, count the calories and then clean it all up. I hated that! Needless to say we weren't very successful in dieting.

This last June we agreed to take a different tack. It was decided that the three of us would take turns. I would cook one week, Monday thru Sunday and Jim would clean up after me. The next week Jim would cook and Jennifer would clean up and I had the week off! The third week Jennifer cooked, I clean up. Every Sunday night whoever did the clean up, also mopped the kitchen floor. Oh my; what a novel idea! I don't know about Jim and Jennifer but I love this concept! I even look forward to being the chef again, when its my turn!

God doesn't say much about taking turns but He does tell us about doing our one another's. Remember those? "Love one another with brotherly affection; outdo one another in showing honor." Romans 12:10 This suggests to me that we should take turns. Step aside and let our brothers and sisters go first. Give them respect and honor and learn to be good at it.

"Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ." Ephesians 5:21 Letting someone else take precedence over our desires is not an easy concept. If you accidently hit your left thumb with a hammer, it doesn't take revenge, does it? Immediately your right hand tries to comfort the injured thumb. "With all lowliness and meekness, with patience, forbearing one another in love." Epehesians 4:2 This scripture encourages us to put up with one another. Perhaps someone has been putting up with you? Bearing with one another should be with humility, gentleness and patience. I am thankful for those who have and still are putting up with me!

Taking turns is just one of the ways we learn to; "Live in harmony with one another; and not be haughty!" Romans 12:16a/b The scriptures teach us to not be proud or conceited. Taking turns, loving one another and putting others first is giving the same grace that God has given to each of us. I love Him because He first loved me! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/8/10

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Many, many years ago there was a commerical that went like this; "For a good marriage, you must give a little, take a little and make a terrific cup of coffee!" I think it was Maxwell House! When I was asked about marriage,I would repeat this commerical and we would all laugh. As I have gotten older and don't drink as much coffee as I use to, I still believe a lot of discussion and problems are solved over a good cup of coffee.

How many of you do your morning Bible reading with a cup of coffee or perhaps a cup of tea? How many of you begin your day with a cup of java even before you reach for God's Word? I have to admit, I have trouble getting my motor running until I have that first cup of coffee with caffeine. I am really moving after my second one! The rest of the day, if I have coffee it is decaf!

I wonder how many of us begin our mornings thinking about; "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable...if anything is excellent or praiseworthy!" Philippians 4:8 I wonder how many of us look out our windows and whether it is raining, snowing, wind blowing or the sun is shining, and say to ourselves; "This is just the kind of day I wanted!" I wonder!

We all need encouragement! We all need something to pick us up! Whether it is our morning coffee, our Bible reading or even a breath of fresh air; we need encouragement! I have a husband Jim, who encourages me with a freshly brewed cup of coffee every morning. He always smiles at me and questions if I had a good night. I can't help but feel my spirit perk up just at the sight of him and my coffee. By the way, he makes a GOOD cup of coffee! "Encourage one another daily." Hebrews 3:13

In 2 Timothy 4:2 Paul instructs Timothy with; "Correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction." In Titus 2:15 we read; "Encourage and rebuke with all authority." I believe these passages were used by the pastor of my youth in teaching me. I needed lots of patience and love from those who trained me in the way I should go.

Lastly and not at all least of the importance of encouraging one another is found in Galatians 6:10; "As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

This morning, after your first or second cup of coffee, go into the presence of the Lord with gladness of heart. Greet one another with psalms, hymns and fondness as brothers and sisters in the Lord. Don't hesitate to stop and listen! Share one another's burdens! Pray together and remember that where two or three are gathered together with one mind, He will be there also.

I do hope those who follow Morning Glory understand that when I write these things I am always amazed that I can do this. Jim proofs each one and when he says; I like this, his encouragement keeps me wanting to do more. I pray that you receive these words as encouragement. Because life can be SOOoo good, if we will only taste Him and see that He is good, along with enjoying that first good cup of coffee of the day. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/4/10

Saturday, February 6, 2010


When I hear people complain about the praise songs I can't help but think they are complaining about God's word. Many of the scripture songs are just that; songs taken directly out of God's Word. "How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news; who announces peace and brings good news of happiness; who announces salvation and says to Zion, "Your God reigns!" Isaiah 52:7 Do you remember singing "Our God Reigns?" I do! As a matter of fact my sister Joyce wants that sung at her memorial service.

Usually when we think of feet our thoughts are drawn to shoes; walking; skipping; running and dancing. Sometimes we remember our own feet being dirty; sore; stubbed toes; athletes disease and don't touch my feet. Feet are part of the body that most want covered up and those who don't have them, would feel blessed if they did.

We don't normally think of feet as beautiful. We talk about a beautiful face, eyes, legs, a beautiful body, hair, smile and a beautiful personality. But do we ever hear much about the word "Beautiful" to describe feet? I am sure, there is some starlit out there who have insured their feet!

During the different periods in the Old Testament the people would fall away from the Lord. They did this time after time. God would be done with His people and then He would send a Priest, Judges, Kings and Prophets. The people would repent and come back to the Lord and then they would turn their backs on Him again. In Isaiah 52 God says no matter how constantly they blasphemed His name there would be a time when those will come and proclaim from the mountain tops His good news and eventually all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God. I believe that time has come!

"And how shall they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of good things!" Romans 10:15 In Isaiah's day and also in Paul's day there was pretty much a time lag for those with beautiful feet. The lag time was because travel was mostly by foot. The victory has been won; but no one knows about it. The soldiers have not come home; the people are waiting; hoping for or perhaps dreading the word from the messenger.

All of us have had a messenger who has come to us with God's good news. When we first heard it we probably didn't respond as the messenger would have liked. As for me, I was very young! When the preacher asked me why I hadn't accepted God's gifts, I didn't know why. I was 9 years old! By the time I was 10, I knew I wanted Jesus in my life. I took that step and put my trust in God! It is easier for children to accept what God has to offer. Holding onto it is another story. Staying on the path is not easy! However, perseverance can pay off!

Perhaps some are not aware, that when you experienced Christ's death and resurrection through baptism, then you became His messenger! You are His witness! You have beautiful feet! The surprise is that God entrusts this message to us and turns our feet into beautiful feet. We can shout; "The victory has been won! Death does not have the last word!" How beautiful we have become! How beautiful your feet are! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/3/10