Sunday, April 5, 2015


WE ARE TO REST in our SAVIOR! Our Lord says; ‘Come unto me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest!’ Today is the day of SALVATION; says the LORD! Our world is in such turmoil and we in America are still living within the safest of havens as countries go. However, the Christians are truly being persecuted for just saying ‘I am a Christian!’

TODAY let us be encouraged by Paul’s words; ‘Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know, how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.’ Romans 8:26 We believers are imperfect in our prayer lives, for often we do not know what to ask for, nor how to pray. His Spirit (God within us), knows the mind of God! He teaches us how to pray, what to pray for, and even takes over for us with sighs too deep for words. When the Spirit’s strength is added to our weakness, we are unconquerable!

MANY have died, through the years, with the name of Jesus on their lips. Many have died just yesterday, with the name of Jesus on their lips. Jesus paid the ultimate price to give us hope and freedom. Because of Him we have hope for eternal life with the Father. Because of Him we have the freedom to die without fear. Oh to be gathered to Him in Paradise, at that fateful moment.

‘AND GOD, who searches the heart, knows what is in the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints, according to the will of GOD.’ Romans 8:27 Only Jesus brings God and men together; He is our mediator! Even though we cannot find words to pray, or are ignorant of the true nature of things (such as in a crisis), the Holy Spirit is our prayer partner, and pleads with God, for us.

AS YOU celebrate our SAVIOR today; include a prayer walk for those who are on the front lines, of paying their ultimate sacrifice; their lives! Then, let us go and live for Him, for Jesus is coming again!
    By Jane Ann Crenshaw 4/5/15