Sunday, December 26, 2010


CHRISTMAS EVE we attended two candle light services. Afterwards, we blew out the candles and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. We read a little story which told of the journey to Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus, our Savior. We ate small sandwiches and lots of other good stuff with a chocolate cake for dessert; Jesus' birthday cake! We opened presents, as though it was Christmas morn. A night of love for each other and we felt the love coming down from above.

ON CHRISTMAS DAY we opened stocking stuffer's, shared in a wonderful meal of primerib and enjoyed the kind of family day that only comes on Christmas. We took naps and later on went to a Catholic Eucharist which is the Holy Communion where Danny plays and leads the Saturday worship in music. Adam worked which has begun a new chapter in our lives. Can't always plan on the whole family coming together on Christmas day!

JIM AND I completed this years 12 Days of Christmas and felt blessed to have been able to visit with at least 13, which included 3 of our own family. We began doing what we call 12 Days of Christmas in 1995. We stopped right after we moved when we retired in 2001 and started up again in 2007. I love visiting ahd hearing about all these people who were once young and full of vigor of youth. We don't call on the elderly only, but they are the ones who need to be called on the most.

THERE ARE many programs that require a sacrifice of time, money and self. I read about these and often wondered where I would fit in. I fit in the church! The church has needs! It needs the tithe of it's members to operate in the black. It needs your time to fill in all the nooks and crannies of the family. It needs caring people who are willing to offer comfort, food and support wherever needed. It never fails that around Christmas, these things are most in need.

GIFTS are not the real meaning of Christmas; food is not the real meaning of Christmas; shopping is not the real meaning of Christmas. The real meaning is "Love came down" and the needs of the people are far more important than any of the things we think we must get done. I discovered a little song written by Estelle Levin and Lee Pockriss. Let's see if you remember it!

"KATHY got a dolly that cries and blinks its eyes; Jimmy got an automatic plane that really flies. But we were poor that Christmas, so Momma stayed up all night long. Sitting in the kitchen making us a present; it was this song." (Verse 1)
(Chorus) "CHURCH bells ring-a-ling, angels sing-a-ling; Happy Birthday, Jesus. Snow flakes ting-a-ling, sleigh bells jing-a-ling; Happy Birthday Jesus. All year long we wait just to celebrate this Christmas morn. 'Cause we want You to know we're so glad you were born. Oh, have a very, merry happy birthday Jesus.
"TEDDY bears get broken, and trains will rust away; All the fancy playthings seem to fall apart one day. But I was very lucky, when everybody's gift was gone, I still had my present; Momma's song of Christmas, lived on and on." (verse 2)
"CHRISTMAS is for children, and now I have my own; Their eyes are full of wonder when all the toys are shown. But I'll give them something better than anything that's on TV. Something very special, something made forever, this melody; (verse 3) Chorus: CHURCH bells ring-a-ling, angels sing-a-ling; Happy Birthday Jesus. Snow flakes ting-a-ling, sleight bells, jing-a-ling; Happy Birthday Jesus. All year long we wait just to celebrate this Christmas morn. 'Cause we want You to know we're so glad you were born. Oh, have a very, merry Happy Birthday, Jesus."

I TRUST your Christmas celebration included the baby Jesus being born; I pray that you do not keep Him in the manger. He grew into a man who went about doing good so that you would learn how to follow Him to the cross. Jesus said to all; "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." Luke 9:23 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/22/10

Sunday, December 19, 2010

FIRSTS! 12/19/10

IN OUR LIFE times we have experienced many firsts, haven’t we? First birthdays; first day of school; first day on the job; first in line; first tooth; first pair of glasses; first time behind the wheel; first bank account; first child and the list goes on and on and on.

RECENTLY, I read a couple of poems on the internet. Both were called “My First Christmas in Heaven!” One was by a 13 year old boy named Ben you died shortly after, from a brain tumor in 1997. The other was by Anonymous who obviously was a seasoned Christian with maturity. Both were filled with glorious incites into the promises of God.

MOST TIMES we are only concerned with how we feel the first time we experience Christmas without someone, whom we have cherished and loved. Most times we feel their absence more during the Christmas celebration, than we thought we would. But considering the promises of God, we should probably feel a little excitement about the possibility’s, of their first Christmas in heaven!

I HAVE TO ADMIT, I never thought of my loved ones in those terms; which is beyond imagination! I never really thought about them at a Christmas party or experiencing anything other than their first day in heaven. I have to admit, I wonder what it was like but never imagined their first Christmas....Since there is no morning or night; everyday in God’s presence seemed good enough to me. Let’s ponder a first Christmas in Heaven!

CHRISTMAS IN HEAVEN By Jim Crenshaw "There’s a birthday party in the heavenly realms; Where the saints of God and the angels dwell; They’ve gathered around the King of kings; Where they listen to the heavenly choir sing.
They sing the songs about the birth of Christ; They sing the songs about eternal life; And the message they sing is one of love; That is sent to earth from God above.
They celebrate the birthday of the Son of God; The day they call Christmas where He once trod; Merry Christmas they say on the earth below; But they’ve seen nothing till they see the show; When the angels sing and the choir joins in; For the One who saves mankind from sin.
It’s Christmas in heaven and for some it’s the first; Who recently lived their last day on earth; What a joy for them, they’ve been set free; To dwell with Jesus eternally.
Along with Him, there’s Peter and Paul; And John and James and that’s not all; There’s brothers and sisters who’ve gone before; And husbands and wives who’ve entered the door.
What a joy for them, those newly arrived; To sing to Him who gave them life; And best of all, they’ve all been given, The joy of “their first Christmas in heaven.”

JIM HAS a talent of putting words to his guitar. Sounds a little like Johnnie Cash when he puts it all together. Even so, you can say the poem with a little pizzaz if you give it a little swing with the rhythm of Johnnie. I am sure he wouldn’t mind!

"HE WILL WIPE away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away. And He who sat upon the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Revelation 21:4-5a The commentary at the end of Revelation of my Harper Study Bible RSV 1952/1962 says; “The Bible opens with man in the Garden of Eden in happiness and contentment. It ends with man in the new Jerusalem where he is again happy and contented.”

WE WEEP because we love much; we sob because we miss much; we look towards the heavens in anticipation; because we know we will meet again in a different place and a different time. Meanwhile, let’s remember to enjoy those who still surround us with their love. Let’s remember Christ did not come to cause us sorrow but to bring us happiness from above. God bless you all as you remember the Birth of our Lord . By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/17/10

Friday, December 10, 2010


THIS MORNING Jim, Jennifer and I set out for Eugene to go shopping in the Mall! We are leaving early enough so we will have plenty of time. Hoping to connect with my sister-in-law Kathleen and perhaps a couple of friends. It should be a great time of visiting; getting caught up; having lunch and did I mention, shopping?

IF EVER there was someone born to shop, it is Jennifer. Ever since she learned how to count money, write checks and then began using a debit card, shopping is a daily activity; especially around Christmas. I keep reminding her; "You are not Santa Claus!" She smiles and then files another completed list. Another thing Jennifer likes to do is organize the wrapping and keeping track of what is a present and what is merely a stocking stuffer. Believe me, everyone needs a Jennifer!

EVEN THOUGH I love to Christmas shop; even though I love the lights, tinsel and clitter; even though I love the smell of baking and of course eating all the goodies; I have never forgotten that this is Christ's birthday! How can I! How can anyone not remember what this season is all about?

I REMEMBER hearing a preacher talk about putting a manger scene in the front window instead of a Christmas tree. I remember he suggested bringing gifts for those who were less fortunate, instead of family. I remember, he thought that using the money to give to the needy instead of purchasing a tree, decorations and whatever else you normally would buy; would be as though you were giving the gifts to the newborn baby Jesus.

I SORT of remember that my sister Janice and her family were going away for Christmas and so she decided that she would use something other than a tree because they wouldn't be home. For some reason, instead of a manger scene, I keep thinking she decorated a tumble weed. That was possible, living in California. However, I don't remember everything as it was; I suppose I could have dreamt that.

LET'S PUT CHRIST BACK into Christmas and not only sing the carols and attend the pageants and the Christmas Eve Service, but let's greet one another with; "Happy Christ's Day!" The word Christmas has become so commercialize that clarifying it, would help to put the meaning back in it's place. We say; "Happy Birthday" to each other; we sing Happy Birthday when the occasion arrives. Why not wish Jesus a "Happy Birthday" in our Christmas greetings and see what happens. Could this start a revolution or what? Oh I know it would be just as politically incorrect as Merry Christmas is!

"FOR UNTO you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord!" Luke 2:11 How astounding is that? When Jesus was born, He was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Who could make up stuff like this? "And all they, that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the Shepherds." Luke 2:18

JUST AS MARY pondered these things in her heart, we too ponder these things! However, we can go back and read and reread and feel the peace that passes all understanding. I for one will never forget that we celebrate Christ's birthday on December 25th; 14 days and counting!

HAPPY CHRIST'S BIRTHDAY to all Morning Glory followers. Enjoy your family and friends! Get all excited when you see the lights and sing the songs. Let's give God the glory for such a time as this; remember, He is the giver of life and a Christian's life begins with HIm! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/9/10

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A B C D 12/4/10

ALL LITTLE girls, at least when I was a little girl, when given an apple, would twist the stem and say her ABC's and the letter, the stem came off with, was the first initial of the boy she would marry. Do you remember doing that? I really don't know if the boys had a similar system for knowing who they would marry, but little girls had several. To this day, when I have an apple in my hand, I automatically start twisting the stem and saying my ABC's. I still try for J, because when I was a girl, the boy's name I had the biggest crush on, began with a J. Today, I want to be faithful to the man I married who's name begins with a J; even with twisting the stem on an apple.

WE LEARN so well when we are children. We learn and remember! I am not saying that all children are smart; I am saying that when we are children we learn more than we do, when we are older. Children learn to crawl, walk and talk. Children learn colors; how to write their name; to add and and subtract and even to tie their shoes. Most of these things they retain all their lives by doing them every day. Circumstances only can keep a child from learning these things and even losing the ability as they grow older. But on the whole, most start out well prepared.

I WAS REMINDED about the stem on the apple a few days ago. I was preparing Jennifer's lunch for her to take to work and before I washed the apple I began to automatically twist the stem. I said to Jim; "I do this every time I pick up an apple!" Without even looking at what I was doing, he said; "doing your ABC's?" He knew! I suppose I had mentioned that to him before. He seldom forgets!

WHY IS IT I can remember to do that, but have trouble remembering what I am suppose to be doing; like fixing Jennifer's lunch. Oh yes, sometimes I forget and remember when I hear her in the kitchen putting it together. I still know how to tie my shoes, even though I have difficulty doing it. We take this gift, God has so expertly instilled in us, for granted! Oh yes we do! We take everything for granted when in fact, we should be thankful for the way God has put us together, in such an unprecedented way; that is still baffling the greatest minds of all time.

AS I GET OLDER and wiser, these thoughts come into my mind; how I have been able to function all these years. My life is becoming, apparently more fragile. My hands don't want to work as they use to. My tongue gets a little twisted when I am speaking. My eyes don't see as well and in a few years I probably will need hearing aids so I can distinguish the correct sounds of words. Until then my hearing is normal, for a woman my age!

"FOR YOU formed my inward parts, You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise You, for You are fearful and wonderful. Wonderful are Your works! You know me right well; my frame was not hidden from You, when I was being made in secret; intricately wrought in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance that was being formed. And in Your book were all the days fashioned for me; when as yet there was none of them." Psalms 139:13-16

I HAVE pondered this passage because, some believe it indicates that God has ordained all the days that I should live. I wonder! Sin has caused the death process and sin is what takes it's toll on the body. We begin the aging process as soon as we take our first breath! I have witnessed newborn's, children, young adults in the prime of their lives and the elderly living beyond their years and yet they die at such inopportune times. What determines when it is time?

"IF NO ONE knows what will happen, who can tell him when it will happen? No man has authority to restrain the wind; or authority over the day of his death!" Ecclesiates 8:7-8a Our trust and obedience is required here, not our understanding! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/1/10

Sunday, November 28, 2010

GRATITUDE! 11/28/10

THIS PAST Thursday, was a day that we thought about all the things, that we were grateful for! We dressed our tables with the bounty that we have become accustomed too and filled our stomachs full of all the tastes and sounds of home. This year we were especially blessed because our Adam was home with us and not in a far away place called Iraq!

THE FAMILY I grew up in and the family God has given Jim and me, have always been blessed with the presence of our Lord sitting among us. Maybe not in person but there was nothing to keep the Spirit from being there. The foods, drinks and the talk was wholesome! I remember my brother Lloyd would say in his prayers; "We ask you, to be a guest at our table this day!" I remember my brother-in-law Bud would say something similar. Today, Jim usually says; "Thank you for the blessing of this food!" Yes, our Savior was at our table!

BEING THANKFUL or appreciative comes easy to most Christians. We know where we have been and we know who we have become in Jesus Christ. Looking back, is something I have a habit of doing; Jim never feels it is necessary to look back! Every year for him, gets better and better. Looking back is part of my memory exercise. Looking back brings me not only joy but a feeling of comfort.

I DON'T KNOW about when I was a baby, but I think I have knowledge of at least 67 Thanksgiving Dinners that I have attended within my families. That is not even counting how many I have attended outside of the family. Just this year alone, I have been to 4 Thanksgiving Dinners. The faire were similar and yet different.

"ENTER HIS GATES with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him, bless His name! For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness is to all generations." Psalms 100:4-5

EACH TIME we enter His gates, or seek His face, we should come with clean hands and a pure heart; with thanksgiving on our lips. Without Him we would be nothing! "O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever!" Psalms 107:1

THERE ARE MANY scriptures that talk about God's steadfast love that endures forever. Yes, we have much to be thankful for! We have a life that is God breathed! We have a world that is far more than our minds could ever have imagined. We have a future that is designed for outer space, where many of my loved ones already are living.

"I GIVE THEE THANKS, O Lord, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing thy praise. I bow down toward thy holy temple and give thanks to thy name for thy steadfast love and thy faithfulness; for thou hast exalted above everything, thy name and thy word." Psalms 138:1-2

HOW BLESSED we are! What a life God has given us! What more could we ask for? Thank you Lord for loving us so much! Thank you Lord for leaving your beautiful home in glory to walk among the sorrowful and downtrodden! Thank you, O Savior, for giving us a future and a hope within your heavenly home. Thank you Lord, for saving my soul! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/27/10

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I ALWAYS say that your past helps to make you, who you are today! God gave us all that is necessary for life, but our choices, takes His design in directions, He didn't plan for us. We have a tendency to take His design, and to a certain extent, take it where we want to go. God wants to hear instead; "mold me and make me Lord, what you want me to be!"

HAVE YOU ever been asked; "What are you made of!" How do you answer this very simple, yet profound question? Is your answer; "Blood, sweat and tears?" Or is it; "Sugar and spice and everything nice!" Could it be both? It's funny when you realize that God created us out of the very same stuff, he placed on the ground for us to walk upon. It's funny when you think about having to work your way from the bottom to the top. And yet, God says; "Lean upon me and you will learn to fly!"

I HAVE always had questions! My Mother use to say; "Your middle name should have been why!" One of my questions today is; "Why do I think this way and other's think another way?" Life is simple, but we make it hard! Life can be good, but we struggle! Life is a moment to moment existence and we want to plan it for decades and decades.

THE COWBOY spends his days in the saddle. He spins his thoughts around the countryside, the rivers and looking for a place to spend the night. A cool drink of water is what the song says; but I am sure the cowboy would drink anything that was wet and would take away the parched dryness of his throat, caused by the heat; the winds and lack of water.

THE SINGER practices her songs to prepare for a performance. Over and over again she repeats the lines, so she can say her words as though they were fresh in her mind; sharing her passion of thought, speaking them with sustained tones. Yes, that is what singing is; speaking in sustained tones. She too seeks liquids, that sooth her throat; to keep it moist and flexible as she exercises all of her many vocal cords.

THE SINGER AND THE COWBOY are very much alike. Both doing what they feel they were meant to do. Cowboying is hard work! Being the singer is hard work! Daily routines, some from experience and some from practice. We all discover, what we are made of, when we are called to task. When pressures are laid upon us! We all discover, what we are made of, through our responses to situations and/or how we react.

"IF ANYONE thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me as the scripture has said, out of his heart, shall flow rivers of living water." John 7:38b-39 When Jesus said this, He was still with the Apostles and the other Disciples. The Holy Spirit had not yet come! Jesus was reiterating that when He was gone, the Holy Spirit would come to those who believe in Him. The Holy Spirit would fill you with the living water and you would not thirst again. Jesus is talking about a different kind of thirst; a yearning of your soul to be satisfied!

JIM SAYS; "we are made of star stuff!" I know he heard that somewhere! In other words; God made us in a mystical and magical way. Because God was and is the creator! The one who made things out of nothing! Water is essential to our physical well being and our spiritual as well!

REMEMBER the story of the woman at the well? "But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst; the water that I shall give him will become in him a spring of water, welling up to eternal life." John 4:14 Can we, like the woman, say; "Sir, give me this water?" Can we, like the woman, take it to heart that which our Lord gives us, and learn to drink from this eternal well? Can we? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/16/10

Sunday, November 14, 2010


LATELY, I have been tired. My energy level has subsided. I still get my bed made in the morning and I pick up here and there and just a week ago, I did get my floors dusted, swept, mopped and vacuumed. It was about time! However, I am decidely perplexed, because I have never had much energy until I had my heart event, two and half years ago. I was thoroughly enjoying my new energy level. Now, I feel like my old self again; forcing myself to do the things I have to do, besides the things I really want to do. Yes, I said forcing myself!

I WATCHED a video recently where this old woman was to give the invocation before a large dinner meeting of a large organization. She says the prayer and then; "Lord, since I have the microphone, I have a few more things to say." She begins with answering the two questions everyone wants to know, but are always afraid to ask! "I am 72!" She says! After the laughter dies down she continues with; "and I weight 142 lbs!" Again she waits until the laughter subsides and then says something very profoud; at least to me, it was profound. "No one practices to be old, it just happens; all of a sudden, you are old!"

YOU KNOW, that is just the way it happened to me. One day I woke up and I was old! Even my grandson's can testify that one day they woke up and I was old. Their grandpa was old and even their Mom and Dad were old but then all children see their parents as old. No practice needed; no instructions given, except for books like; "Growing Old Isn't for Wimps!" Or maybe; "Help Lord! I'm Having a Senior Moment" by Karen O'Connor.

THOSE OF YOU who are about my age and already in your winter years; give or take a few, know what I am talking about. Those of you who are younger than springtime and maybe some of you who are entering your autumn years, will find this out soon enough.

ONE OF THE THINGS I find comforting as I grow older is that the scriptures say, that white hair brings wisdom. Perhaps it means that white hair should come with wisdom. I think I have been wise in many things but I also must admit that wisdom comes for a moment and then begins to wane. When the waning comes, it is at a different time for everyone. What is it to wane? "To grow less, decline in power or importance, to draw to a close." Webster has more to say, but that is enough for us to get the picture.

"BE PATIENT, therefore, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient over it until it receives the early and the late rain. You also be patient. Establish your heart, for the coming of the Lord is at hand." James 5:7-8 All my life I have been told to be patient! All my life I have been encouraged to take heart and wait. All my life; sounds onimous!

WITH AGE comes the best in cheese, wines and other commodities. With age "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight." Proverbs 9:10 "For wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with them." Proverbs 8:11 "For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 1:6

WE CAN PONDER old age all we want; but what it comes down to is how you live your life. Are you seeking God's face daily? Are you in His word regularly? Have you been doing your part to further the kingdom? If so, these are the things that count! "Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power; are you washed in the blood of the Lamb. Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour; are you washed in the blood of the Lamb." Great old song; hu! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/13/10

Friday, November 5, 2010


EVER SINCE I can remember, singing in church was one of my favorite things to do. This past week I was playing some of the songs out of the church hymnal and I asked Jim to give me a song to play. I just wanted a spontaneous request! He requested "There is Sunshine in my Soul!"

WE ALL love sun-shiny days; we like walking in the sun-shine. Nothing is better than picnicking when the sun is just over head. When it is raining and the sun is shining you can see it glistening through the rain drops. The sun-shine is what brings the rainbow after a rain shower. Even so, on bad days, we could go on and on about how the sun makes us feel. Let's take a moment and think of a time or something that filled our souls with sun-shine!

THE FIRST THING that comes to my mind is Christmas but then mostly everyone I know feels good around Christmas; although we know of many who don't feel the thrill of Christmas. My children have filled my life with sun-shine and especially my grand children. Oh what joy fills my mere existence when I think about all my children. My greatest moments are when I am with Jim. Remember the song; "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine; you make me happy, when skies are gray?"

THIS WEEKEND is a sun-shiny spot in my season of memory making. In 1985, those who could, on my side of the family, met at Box R Ranch to celebrate Thanksgiving for the first time. We continued every year until 2002. We did it again at Fish Lake in 2008 and then back at Box R last year and again, this weekend. It is a much smaller group but I can't help feel some excitement about getting together and remembering when. It is possible this will be the last time, at least for Box R! But while there is life, there is never a last time for remembering!

GOD BRINGS sun-shine into our lives through many avenues. Our parents; our brothers and sisters; our spouses and children and the church. Then there is happenings and places and things! "O there's sun-shine, blessed sun-shine, when the peaceful, happy moments roll; when Jesus shows His smiling face; there is sun-shine in my soul!" I've heard it said; "There is always room for dessert!" Well, with Christ in your life, there is always room for sun-shine and dessert!

ONE OF the things about Box R and Thanksgiving is the food. Good food! Well thought about, and well prepared food! I grew up poor but we always had a Thanksgiving spread on our table. In the beginning I remember a goose and don't remember much else but as the years rolled by, I remember mashed potatoes; scalloped corn; turkey, dressing and giblet gravy; not to mention the salads galore and pies. Pumpkin, apple and mincemeat; oh my! Yes, even the poor can have a feast on Thanksgiving because through the grace of God, others help by giving. Giving money; canned goods; baking supplies, even turkey's.

IT IS TRUE that many in the world go hungry; but the feasting on food is not what is going to give them the sun-shine they need. Their hunger and thirst is for that which will fill their empty souls not their empty stomachs. "But how are men to call upon Him, in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him, of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear, without a preacher? And how can men preach, unless they are sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who preach good news!" Romans 10:14-15

ALONG WITH the groceries we need to preach the Gospel! "But they have not all heeded the gospel; for Isaiah says; "Lord, who has believed, what he has heard from us?" Romans 10:16 Many turn away from the Good News and seek their own ways. But Paul continues with; "So faith comes from what is heard and what is heard comes by the preaching of Christ." Romans 10:17 The preacher must keep preaching and the Son, will shine! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/5/10

Sunday, October 31, 2010


EVEN THOUGH today is Halloween, I am not addressing Halloween. I did that last year, so if you want to talk about Halloween you can look at last years October Morning Glory on my blog. Instead, lets talk about somebody! Somebody who has done something very wrong and must face the consequences. Somebody who got caught doing this very bad thing and even though they have tried to put the pieces back together by repenting, receiving God's forgiveness and moving on, appears to get deeper and deeper in the pit and all the while is being condemned by their neighbors.

THROUGH the years as part of God's kingdom, I have seen these things take place and never quite understand how a Christian's life can fall apart when God says; "Take heed to yourselves; if your brother sins, rebuke him and if he repents, forgive him; and if he sins against you seven times in the day and turns to you seven times and says; "I repent," you must forgive him!" Luke 17:3-4 Sounds so simple, doesn't it? Lots of times we convict without proof!

A COUPLE OF THINGS I see in this scripture. One is to rebuke him while he is sinning; and to forgive him, when he repents. The other is, if he sins against you even 7 times in one day and 7 times says; "I repent," we are to forgive him. Nothing is said about finding fault continuously and tearing that person apart to get him to cry uncle or leave the church. I've looked, but I can't find that! I know that necessary discipline, needs to take place.

THE LESSON found in John 8 is an example of casting the first stone. "The upper crust, brought a woman caught in adultery and having set her in the midst they said to Jesus;" "Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery; in the very act!" verse 3-4 Wow! They witnessed this? They saw it first hand? The story comes with a very popular discussion about "what is Jesus writing on the gorund?" I always felt the discussion should be; "What were these men doing when they found her?" Makes me wonder, who are the busy bodies?

"BUT WHEN they persisted in asking Jesus, He straightens up and says to them;" "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." "Again He stooped down and wrote on the ground." verse 7-8 As you know, when Jesus looked again, the accusers were gone and the only one left was the woman. How sad for her to be in such a place! How sad for her to have no one be her advocate! But wait, Jesus was her advocate because He says to her when they were alone; "Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you!" And she said; "No one, Lord!" Then Jesus said; "Neither do I condemn you; go your way; from now on, sin no more." verse 10-11 The important discussion here is; "From now on, sin no more!"

WHEN DO WE draw the line and condemn? When do we decide, "I am the judge and jury!" It is true in Matthew 18:15-35, Jesus gives us understanding on how to disciple offenders. Those who are practicing sin! The one thing I notice is that it says; "go and tell him!" Doesn't say, talk about it with a friend; it doesn't say write a letter; it doesn't say go in anger. But these are things that are done. There are various steps to be taken but at the end in verse 17, "if he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile." The great thing is, if he submits to council you have won your brother, if he does not and refuses to change, you treat him as a non-Christian; not simply as a penalty but to bring him to repentance and back into the fellowship.

WHO ARE WE to ask them to leave the church? Who are we to decide who gets discipined and who doesn't? Imagine you were the woman, caught in adultery! Imagine those sitting around waiting for what action is to be taken. What if you have already been forgiven? It is like being condemned to death when you were innocent. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/25/10

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I GUESS my all time favorite is Disney Land. But give me a playground with adult swings and I am happy. There was a place in Long Beach called the Pike and near the pier in Santa Monica, a place called POP or Pacific Ocean Park. Both of those were great! The pike is gone and In am not sure about POP but Disney Land; the magic kingdom, is still going strong and all over the world.

AS CHILDREN going to the playground, it was a time to look forward too. My days as a young parent, we could say; "as soon as you get your room picked up, we will go to the park!" Happy faces would move full steam ahead and before you knew it, we would be on the playground. I believe Disney Land opened up in Anaheim when I was still in highschool. However, I didn't go there until after highschool. All the same, it was always memorable!

AS ADULTS, we find many different kinds of playgrounds are available. Playgrounds of diversity; full of deceitful enchantments and low grade excitement. I went once, but never made it a practice to go "bar hopping!" Those who do, know what I am talking about. Foul odors; foul language; foul activities. I think "foul hopping" would be a more appropriate name!

TODAY bars come with drugs; alcohol; topless waitresses and dancers; explicit connotations amongst the opposite sex and those looking for pleasure in all the wrong places. No, I have never been in one of these places. I don't expect that I ever will! However, there but for the grace of God, go I and you and you!

SATAN LIKES IT when Christians find themselves explaining;"it is okay to drink wine because they did it in the Bible." Satan likes it when Christians go to these kinds of places saying; "I just go with my friends but I don't participate in all that goes on." It is amazing what kind of games we play, when we try to live on the edge!

DID YOU KNOW that Satan has favorite playgrounds also? One is our righteousness; one is our mind; one is our self esteem and one more is His Disney Land! I am sure there are many more parks that he likes as well as these, but this is enough for me! I know what you are thinking! There she goes again! Off the wall; throwing the mud and taking away our fun and relaxation. I merely try to point out what I know to be true with my life. In doing so, it encourages me to know the facts and know what God has to say about it. I just like to share!

I HEARD a preacher recently say that; "self righteousness is Satan's playground!" Did you know that? How many times have we set ourselves up as holy, above reproach and yet we find ourselves on the front row watching an R rated movie? To be righteous means to be right! We are not always right about most things in God, but are held up as righteous because of Christ.

SATAN LOVES to play with our minds and cause us to think on things that absolutely are not on the minds of the righteous. "Set your minds on the things above and not on the things of this earth! Colossian 3:2 When Satan begins his games of self esteem, we are never sure if our self esteem is good or if we are suffering, in spite of our play acting. I believe many pretend to have a good self esteem when in reality it is low. We fall prey to peer pressure and begin to follow the crowd. God says; "Let what you say be simply YES or NO!" Matthew 5:37a

SATAN'S most ingenious playground is his, Disney Land. Living in a fantasy world takes us away from our reality. We can play this game with drugs or alcohol; playing video games and the best is through the most common virtual reality by watching explicit movies or TV shows with the excuse of the parental ratings, are okay. In Proverbs there is a list of seven things that God hates. Two are; "A heart that devises wicked plans and feet that run to evil!" Proverbs 6:18 Take heart; forgiveness follows repentance! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/24/10

Sunday, October 24, 2010

GONE ASTRAY? 10/24/10

I HAVE THIS HABIT, like many, where I cut out articles; sayings; poems; thoughts etc and put them aside to peruse at a later time. Of course when I put them aside I very seldom go back to get them right away. It can be days, months and sometimes even years. I was looking for something the other day and came across the following and decided to write a Morning Glory. I like thought provoking tidbits and I bet you do too!

"Twas a Sheep...Not a Lamb!" "It was a sheep, not a lamb, that strayed away in the parable Jesus told; a grown up sheep that had gone astray from the ninety and nine in the fold. Out in the meadows, out in the cold, twas a sheep the Good Shepherd sought; back to the flock and into the fold, twas a sheep the Good Shepherd brought. And why, for the sheep, should we earnestly long, and so earnestly hope and pray? Because there is danger, if they go wrong, they will lead the young lambs astray. For the lambs follow the sheep, you know; wherever the sheep may stray. If the sheep go wrong, it will not be long till the lambs are as wrong as they. So, with sheep we earnestly plead, for the sake of the lambs today; if the lambs are lost, what a terrible cost some sheep, may have to pay."
Author unknown

WE KNOW how important it is for the strong to hold the hand of the weak. We know how important it is to hover around the aged to keep them from tripping or falling. We know how important it is to have security gates around stairs to protect the young from falling. But do we know how important it is to be there for the sheep in the Shepherds fold?

"STUDY TO SHOW thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, but rightly dividing the Word of truth." 2 Timothy 2;15 Many are students of the Word and yet find themselves standing on the outside looking in because of disagreements and faulty discernment. We talk about being on the milk, when it is time to eat meat. We talk about being young in the faith and the need to mature. When we lack understanding and are still on the milk, be careful that you don't become the bull in the china shop. To need further understanding is not a bad thing, but seeking further training, is a good thing.

IN ISAIAH we read prophesies of the coming Savior. "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53:6 Jesus was wounded for our sins; He was bruised and with all the chastisement and with the stripes, we are made whole. How can we still be sheep that go astray? How can we forget what the Christ has done for us? How can we never learn to eat the meat so we can become strong and firm in our faith?

REMEMBER when Jesus was telling the Jews who He was? Jesus and others were just milling around in the Temple when the Jew's confronted Him with; "Tell us plainly, if you are the Christ!" "I have!" Replied Jesus. "The works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness to me; but you do not believe, because you do not belong to my sheep. My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me." John 10:25-27

DO YOU HEAR the Shepherd's voice? Have you responded when He said; "Come!" The story of the Good Shepherd is actually an allegory, which means that all details are relevant. Jesus is both the shepherd of the sheep and the door. Only through Him can the sheep enter the kingdom. Jesus the shepherd, died for His sheep! Those who are not true sheep, cannot enter the door. I pray that those who read this today are still in the sheep fold. However, if you have found yourself outside of the fold, come back to the Shepherd, He is waiting! We all have been there! "For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your soul. 1 Peter 2:25 Ah; There's no place like home! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/23/10

Saturday, October 23, 2010


WE HAVE BEEN TOLD that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That could be true! I know what is beautiful to me and you know what is beautiful to you. In preparing a lesson for a Ladies Bible Study, I have used the same passage several times about Mary anointing Jesus' feet. There is so much beauty in these passages. So much emotion! But this morning, in looking in the book of Mark, I saw something beautiful. I saw something so revealing about Jesus.

CHAPTER 14, verses 3-9, we read the story of a dinner held at the home of Simon the Leper. According to my studies, Simon was married to Martha, the sister of Mary. While the men were reclining at the table, Mary came in with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume of pure nard. She broke it and poured it over His head. Some were indignant and made comments about wasting this perfume that could have been sold and the money given to the poor. If you recall, Judas was one of these men! Jesus said; "Let her alone! Why do you bother her?" "She has done a beautiful thing to me!"

BECAUSE of my brother Lloyd's inability to walk well anymore, or even to bathe completely, Gene and Joetta would drive a distance just to wash Lloyd's feet. When my sister started doing this, she could get down on the floor easily. As time moved on she would sit on a stool. No matter how she felt, she would wash and manicure his feet. Everyone had taken their turn doing things for Lloyd but no one thought to do that for him, except Joetta. Lloyd suffered much with his paralysis, but Joetta also suffered with Rheumatoid Arthritis and I could not hear her pain. Would you say, She did a beautiful thing to Jesus?

HAVE YOU THOUGHT about what you have done for Jesus that is a "beautiful thing?" As I read that passage, I felt pricked in my heart. What have I done for Jesus, that He would consider a beautiful thing? When I asked Jim about this, he reminded me of Matthew 25:31-46 where Jesus speaks of judgment. He speaks of a time when; "I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you welcomed me; I was naked and you clothe me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me!" The king in question responded with; "when did I do these things?" Jesus says; "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me."

I IMAGINE, you and I have done beautiful things to our Jesus when we have called upon the sick; visited those in prison; helped by bringing food and clothing for the poor. I imagine you and I have done beautiful things to our Jesus when we shared financially with causes that would benefit the poor, and loving one another! I don't usually look upon anything that I do as being a beautiful thing but I am wrong.

WHEN WE THINK of the things that the Apostles and the Disciples went through in establishing God's church; when we think of the things that Missionaries all over the world suffered for the cause of Christ; when we think of the anguish that our Pastors and Elders experience because of their flocks; do we see these things as being a beautiful thing to Jesus. Indeed, they are beautiful!

WE FIND it hard to lay our burdens down at the feet of Jesus but how much harder is it to realize the beautiful things He desires of our hearts. When I am writing a morning glory I never know where it will lead. This morning it leads me to the foot of the cross, where Jesus said; "Forgive them, they know not what they do!" Oh my heart!

CAN WE say like David; "I will give to the Lord the thanks due to His righteousness and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High?" Psalm 7:17 Can our prayer be; "Use me Lord; Thy will be done!" By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/11/10

Sunday, October 17, 2010


FIRST OF ALL, I still find it hard to think of Lynn being gone these past 5 months! Secondly; WOW, He has been in heaven for 5 months! I know I have asked this question before, but I want to put it out there again. "Do you really believe, that what you believe, is really real?" I heard the professor on the "Truth Project" ask that question. Profound to say the least! However, I really believe, that what I believe, is really real; and I pray you do too.

MY GRIEF through the past 42 years, have brought me to the realization, that I do not grieve without hope. My hope is in Jesus Christ and I believe in the promises of our heavenly Father. All is well with my soul! But grief, although not a stranger to me, is still something that I struggle with. Because Lynn live 250 plus miles from me, I did not see him often. When I did, it was as though we had never been apart. Even so, I did not share all my days with him!

THE PAST FEW YEARS Lynn and Kathleen shared in our anniversary celebrations and we in their's. We married January 27 and they were married on January 28th. We have had some wonderful experiences together and I will miss that time as couples! I admit, I didn't want to let him go; I did not want to experience, once again, the loss of a dear loved one. I remember the last time I saw him and how I felt walking away from the hospital. I remember my loud bursts of anguish and loss. I remember Jim and Joyce trying to comfort me! I didn't want comfort, I wanted to go back in that room, where Lynn was!

I HAVE TRIED to control my periods of grief. I have tried to be uplifting and encouraging to those who have and are still grieving. I accept the encouragement from those who love me and understand. But none of that kept me from having a dream so real, that when I was suppose to be awake I felt as though I was still in the dream.

THAT MORNING as Jim tried to comfort me, I could do nothing but sob and cry! Throughout the dream I kept saying; "I can't do this again!" "I don't want to do this again!" In talking with my friend, Iona Kay, she comforted me with; "you are normal!" "This is called a grief burst!" I don't entirely understand that concept, but those who have walked through grief; and have shared within circles of grief; and have attended workshops and conferences have a better understanding of what the body goes through during grief. Iona Kay has been there!

WE FIND IN PROVERBS, the proverbial bad vs the good. Once in a while you will find one that says exactly what you need. "Even in laughter the heart may be sad and in pain; and the end of joy is grief!" Proverbs 14:13 God gives us many reasons to praise Him even at times like these. "Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning." Psalms 30:5b Everything looks fresh and new in the morning. As the day begins again so can you begin again with a new slate. A new resolve! With the peace that passes all understanding!

WITH LIFE comes death! With death comes the awakening! What have you chosen to wake up to? What could be your home when you move from this place? Have you given it much thought? Have you taken it seriously or is it something you talk about with friends and cross your fingers behind your back?

"SEEK THE LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that He may have mercy on him." Isaiah 55:6-7 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/13/10

Saturday, October 16, 2010


EVERYONE GRIEVES at one time or another. We can grieve about losing weight, our jobs, moving, even our good health when it is not so good anymore. There are those who grieve, when their children leave home, under the guise of "empty nest syndrome." We experience grief anytime we feel a loss. Some will grieve more than others but nevertheless, grief is very real and needs to be dealt with. My sister Jeri, was the youngest and the one who would listen to Mom, when everyone else was too busy with their lives. So it didn't surprise me that she would be the one who was willing to say what had to be said during my time of grieving. What she did for me, at my lowest point after the loss of my brother Layton, shook me to the core.

I HAD NEVER experienced anything like the pain when Layton drowned. I know that I had a wonderful husband and two children, but that didn't keep me from feeling like my life was over. I spent many hours in the Word trying to find solace. I wasn't able to find it so I just kept looking and looking, to the detriment of my family and friends. Oh, I continued with teaching Sunday School. I continued singing. I continued many things but my heart was not in any of it.

MY SISTERS and I were scheduled to sing for a Mothers Day Banquet in May. I should have been better by then, after all it had been eight months. I even practiced two nights before. On Saturday morning, Jeri called me and said; "Where were you?" "What do you mean," I ask! "We sang at the banquet last night, where were you?" Before I could say anything else, Jeri said; "Look, you are not the only one that lost Layton. We all did! You are not the only one grieving." I must have mumbled something like "I'm sorry!" But the only thing I remember is that when we hung up, I felt like I had just been plowed into by a bulldozer.

I THOUGHT at the time, losing a sibling couldn't be the same as losing a spouse, or a child, or a parent or even a friend. Unknown to me at that time, losing anyone that is close to you day in and day out can be unbearable. Since that time I have lost four more brothers and two sisters. I have lost both my mother and father. I have lost numberous friends and each time it is as though a part of me leaves with them. Like aging, grieving is a condition of life.

THE INTERESTING thing about grieving for Layton was that I had never really grieved before. I realize, I had lost my father whom I loved, but I guess I was too young to realize the effect of death upon the body. I felt sad but not distraught! Old people are suppose to die! A friend of mine told me; "You have just experienced another part of life." I wasn't too sure I liked this new experience. I knew for sure, I never wanted to experience this again!

THROUGH Layton's death I really began to want to know more about heaven. When Larry died I was comforted to think they were together. As Lonnie, Lloyd and then Janice passed on I became anxious to see them all again; soon and very soon! With Jewel and then Lynn, I found comfort in knowing; "He would be with us always." Matthew 28:20b "I will never fail you nor forsake you!" Hebrews 13:5b

In one of my most desparate hours I begged God to show me that Layton was with Him. I cried in despair for reassurance! As I lay on the couch with tears streaming down my cheeks, I felt a warmth so encompassing that it was felt from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head. It lasted for only a few seconds and then it was gone. That very moment, I knew that I had just felt the presence and comfort of God. That very moment, I knew that Layton was with the Lord! I continued to grieve but not like one that had no hope! Jesus is my hope! Jesus can be your hope also. "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful!" Hebrews 10:23 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/2/08

Sunday, October 10, 2010


THIS IS AN OLD LINE from an old movie! Remember Casablanca? So sad! So memorable! Some years ago I discovered I was actually the church pianist and I loved it! The piano is my favorite instrument, especially when it is played by those who have exceptional talent on the keys. I am neither exceptional nor mediocre. I am good in a pinch! The church I played for had no one else so they appreciated my efforts.

I GET TO PLAY in church this morning! It has been almost 10 years since I have played in the morning worship. Can you believe that? I get to play once again! I am so excited and know that I will appreciate this far more, than anyone else! That's okay! Even if I am never allowed to play again, I have this morning. I think this could satisfy my musical ego for years to come.

WHEN I WAS YOUNG I never anticipated getting old. Who does? We think we are invincible! As the years go by, you realize at 40, age is creeping up on you. By the time you are my age; you are old! Do I feel old? Sometimes! Do I feel any different? Not really, except for a few aches and pains and when I look in the mirror, I wonder; "Who is that old woman!" One thing for sure; I am not doing all the things I use to do. God instituted a process so that many talented members of His body have opportunities to serve the kingdom up front and behind the scenes. It is like an escalator! You start when young and keep at it until you are old. If you are willing, you never have to retire! My 86 year old sister is still teaching the 6th grade SS class!

TO BE ASKED to lead a Bible Study again was the highlight of this year for me. To be allowed to play the piano for the Worship Team, my second! Does that mean I lead a very useless life within God's body? No way! Just being recognized as a member of His body is sufficient for any day of the week. Each member is needed to complete the circle.

"I AM SURE that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6 In other words the work that God has begun in each of us will continue until either we die and go to heaven or are here when Jesus Christ returns. Does that tell you anything? It tells me that as long as we are willing and able, God will continue to use each of us in His kingdom.

JIM SAY'S; "There's work on the grounds; there's work on the buildings; there's cleaning the bathrooms and throughout the building. There are bills being paid; there's a news letter prepared; communion prepared and served. Lessons prepared and being taught; sermons prepared and preached; prayers being said and scripture's read. There are Sunday School teachers; Church secretaries; roll books and Sunday School Superintendents. There are musicians tuning up; the worship team preparing and special music. Children's church; the nursery; communion meditations by elders and deacons. There is fellowship; there is calling on people in their homes; there are mid-week bible study's; visiting the sick and calling on the shut-ins. Encouraging one another; loving one another; outreach BBQ's and crying/laughing. Spurring one another on in love, all in the name of Jesus Christ. Do you year it? Can you see it? It's the church dancing to the direction of God's leading. The Gospel is the melody and any activity that supports it is the harmony. Faithfulness to do the work promptly is the rhythm and when everything is done in harmony and regularly, the dance is beautiful."

I LOVE IT when activities are overflowing within the kingdom and I love it when they overlap. There will be a time when we all come to the end of our labors. But those who never quit while they still have the strength or breath, are the ones that are always ahead of their game. "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!" Revelation 4:8b If the four living creatures can sing that song, then why can't we! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/8/10

Saturday, October 9, 2010


NOW THAT IS A QUESTION, ISN'T IT! When I was a child the temptation was there as I would wander around in Floyd's Market on the corner of 147th and Hawthorne Blvd. Oh yes, I was faced with that very question! I have to think, because I was, so were you! Did I steal? I can't fully remember except I can see myself putting something in my pocket. Can't remember what it was or even if I kept it, or possibly had returned it. I know I didn't get caught, by the people at the store.

WHAT CAUSES us to not fight the urge to take something that doesn't belong to us? What causes us to want something so desperately, that we are willing to get it dishonestly and risk getting caught? Why can't we see that we are treading on dangerous ground?

THESE PAST THIRTY YEARS or so, the housing market flourished, then gravitated from a buyers market into a sellers market. Many bought into the greener pastures and now have hung up the shingle that says; "in foreclosure." Couldn't we see what was coming? Couldn't we realize that spending a half million dollars on a home could lead to possible bankruptcy? Couldn't our income dictate our desires?

CREDIT CARDS have made somebody rich, but in reality, it has made most of us to be in debt. I know; because we have those cards too! In our world, being in debit, is normal! However, this normal, is taking us way over our heads. I don't want to be classified as being in the "new" normal. I realize that when changes come we have to take a different tact and lay out a new strategy, but wouldn't it have been easier if we had only spent what we have in our pockets.

AS YOU READ GOD'S WORD we find that He takes pleasure in our successes! He takes pleasures in our humbleness! He takes pleasure in our obedience to Him! Does He take pleasure when riches and signs of prosperity take precedence over our allegiance to Him? "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed, a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions!" Luke 12:15

IN MANY PLACES of the Bible you read; "our cup runs over, He is our Shepherd, we receive blessings and blessings, a peace that passes all understanding; we have a mansion in heaven and life eternal. None of this has cost us anything because Christ has paid it all! In Psalms 20:4 the Psalmist says; "May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed!"

IN ORDER for us to receive the desires of our hearts we must use wisdom not only in our finances but circumspect fully in our walk with God. When we seek God's favor we must first check our motives before we petition the Lord for our wants. "Now to Him, who by the power at work within us, is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think." Ephesians 3:10

WE HAVE the Holy Spirit within us! Our help lives with us! Many want to pray the prayer of Jabez and WALLA, we have it all! I don't pretend to understand the prayer of Jabez but I do understand when God says; "Bring the full tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house and thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing." Malachi 3:10

JAMES, IN CHAPTER 4, talks about passions and desires; our wanting and not able to obtain so we wage war and kill. James says we ask and do not receive! Why? Because we ask with wrong motives. He calls us "unfaithful creatures!" "Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." James 4:4 Lord, help me to put you first in my life! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/8/10

Sunday, October 3, 2010


REFLECTING on our trip, I have to admit I am so glad we went. Many things were different in my home town. The bridge across the Missouri was refined and I almost missed it, halfway across. The Union Pacific is still present but the hustle and bustle of a railroad town was gone. The house I lived in as a child was still there but the yard got much smaller and houses on both sides moved closer together; the block was shorter and the streets were much narrower! I suppose it could be that as a child it all looked much bigger!

WHAT HADN'T CHANGED was the closeness and love of family. The highlight was visiting in their homes; going to their favorite restaurants; looking at home movies and just strolling through the town they live in. We tried to best one another in telling stories about spiders and snakes but no one could best Harriet with her story of the flying turtle.

LISLE AND HARRIET were driving along in their car as another car came towards them on the other side of the street. Just as the car was to pass them it hit a turtle in the road and literally hit it into the air and it flew across the front of their car and appeared to be flying as they watched it through their windshield. Laughing is good for the soul and it is also good in drawing distant relatives into a close encounter.

DRIVING THROUGH God's country, that we call America, is amazing! We drove through rocky mountains that weaved in and out of several states; across the planes and high desserts. We climbed mountains that scared the bejebies out of Jennifer and me and all Jim could say was; "I love driving this car!"

WE WENT TO MT RUSHMORE and was in plenty of time for the light show in the evening. When the lights came on it started very slow and soft. It gradually got brighter and the Presidents appeared as though glowing in the night. Man may have sculptured the busts but God gave the foundation and it was very illuminating.

WHEN WE ARRIVED at Old Faithful in Yellowstone, having never been there before, our expectations were limited. However, when the steam would overflow and then fade we found ourselves mesmerized. Then we begin to see it bubbling and felt just like the song; "It's bubbling, it's bubbling, it's bubbling in my soul!" When it begin to spew out in force it took my breath away! I could only describe it as watching a bride coming down the isle. It was so beautiful and radiant! It's magnificence put us in a state of awe! It's majestic burst of energy and sparkle in the sun left us with our mouths hanging open. It lasted about 6 minutes and then it was steam, preparing to return again. That is why,it is called "Old Faithful!"

WE STOPPED in Idaho and spent a couple of nights with my sister Jeri and her husband Ron. They are the best Bed and Breakfast in town. Wednesday night we went to church with Jeri at Ten Mile Christian Church. A well established body but a new building! She took us on a quick tour into the sanctuary. Children were bouncing off the walls! They have so many middle school age children in the youth group that they have taken over the sanctuary and the adults are in the large foyer. I know of many elderly Christians who would have had a heart attack. I loved it!

"O LORD, OUR LORD, how majestic is Thy name in all the earth! Who hast displayed Thy splendor above the heavens! From the mouth of infants and nursing babes Thou hast establish strength because of Thine adversaries, to make the enemy and the revengeful cease." Psalms 8:1-2 Jim used this verse this morning in our Sunday School class. I felt it was perfect for this Morning Glory. He is the master designer of all creation; He designed families and He is the one who says babes and infants will cause the masses to stop and take notice. Everyone should take a trip through the west and mid west at least just once! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/3/10

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I HAVE DISCOVERED through my many years that there are many kinds of intimate relationships. Yesterday afternoon Jim and I were sitting on the front porch; as always, enjoying just being together. Our attention was interrupted with the loud urgency in the chirping of a Blue Jay or Scrub Jays as they are called here. He was obviously anxious about something, while perched in our small young tree. Across the street we saw another bird of the same stature, yet smaller. Could this be a mating call?

AT ONE POINT they both were perched in our other small young tree. He was far more beautiful with his blue coat, than she was; but she was also beautiful in her own right, although her coloring was more of a gray blue. Together they flew away, oblivious of the onlookers! What a treat for us but how exciting for these two love birds.

HAVE YOU EVER WATCHED young love? Have you ever pondered the idea of an intimate relationship? Have you or are you enjoying an intimate relationship that fills your whole being with joy and happiness? When you and the one you have intimacy with are separated, do you feel free or do you feel a little bit at a loss?

I USE TO HAVE crushes on the boys. Most of the time I would not share that information with anyone. Now that I am old and happy with my own intimate relationship I can confess my crushes. I can talk about those moments of unfulfilled passions in the secret places of my heart. However, even in my dreams I never imagined the place I could be, in a intimate relationship.

WHO DO YOU know, that you can feel intimate with? Your husband or wife; your children and grandchildren; how about your close friends? Remember the story of Job? He remembers the days of his youth and his Autumn days; "when the intimate friendship of God was upon my house!" Job 29:4b Can you say that your relationship with God is or has ever been intimate?

GOD CREATED us to have a hunger for a relationship with Him. Without God's presence in our lives we are left searching and desperately seeking a purpose for our mere existence. With God we not only feel the love and intimacy of fellowship and friendship, but "when we take delight in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37:4

TO HAVE INTIMACY we need visual, verbal and a personal relationship. God wants us to know Him! He already knows us; He created our being and gave us life. Did you know that God knows all your secrets? Did you know that God has loved you from the beginning? Are you aware that His Son gave His earthly life up for you? Can you give your life to Him!

THE FIRST KEY to an intimate relationship with God is prayer. The second is to study His word so that you can know Him. The third is to recognize Him through His creation. "Ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature, namely, His eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made." Romans 1:20

HAVING A PERSONAL intimate relationship with God is nothing short of a miracle. Paul tells us at the end of verse 20; "So they are without excuse!" My relationship with God is just as real and intimate as my relationship with Jim. Jim walks with me and holds my hand! God walks with me and holds my hand! My heart is in Jim's hand and he knows it! God holds Jim's and my heart in one of His hands, because we are one.

RELATIONSHIPS can be good or bad. When we seek God and allow Him to change us we are on holy ground. We are made perfect in Jesus Christ because we can do nothing on our own. "The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear Him and He makes known to them His will." Psalms 25:14 Oh how He loves you and me! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/17/10

Saturday, September 18, 2010

THE SUMMER OF 1947! 9/18/10

I WAS 9 years old in the summer of 47. Short red hair with freckles; not very tall and I wore high top brown shoes. I remember boarding a train at the Union Pacific railroad in Iowa which was to take my family to California, the land of milk and honey; or perhaps a place with jobs, oranges and palm trees.

IN IOWA there are four seasons. School being out was summer; winter heralded in Christmas. Flowers, popping up everywhere meant it was spring and in the fall the rains came. In California the weather was pretty much the same year round but we knew when it was Christmas time because a large box would come in the mail. That box was loaded with presents for everyone. Once in a while we would receive a very large fruit basket. Harriet would write the nicest letters to Momma and also sent beautiful cards.

LISLE WAS THE ELDEST of the children and he married Harriet! They didn't move to California. They stayed in Iowa and raised their family! They still live in Iowa! And that is where Jim, Jennifer and I are headed this next week.

I KEEP DRAGGING my feet because I really don't like car trips. I wasn't always that way but I am now! 5 to 6 hours on the road is enough for me. A few nights in someone else's bed is enough for me. A 5 to 6 hours return trip home is enough for me! We will leave on the 21st and return home on October 2nd. Please pray for Jim and Jennifer that their adventure will be great in spite of me.

YOU MIGHT THINK I really don't want to go home. You might think that leaving at age 9 means I have no memory of home. You could be right! When some of the family moved to Oregon and Idaho, Lisle and Harriet would always visit wherever Mom was. During the time she lived in Oregon where we live, we got to see them. While Mom lived in California, you were lucky if you were also visiting when Lisle and Harriet were there.

LISLE CAME when Mom, Lonnie & Lloyd were ill. Lisle came to Daddy's Layton's Mom's and Lloyd's memorial services. Lisle was very attentive to his family even though he lives many miles away.

LISLE JUST CELEBRATED his 88th birthday! Harriet is not far behind at 86 and they have been married over 60 plus years. I am excited about seeing them once again. I am excited about visiting with my nephew Bob and Cindy; also my niece Robin and her family. Family is so important even when we are absent from one another!

JESUS THOUGHT family life was important. He developed a close relationship with His Apostles and visited frequently with Mary, Martha and their brother Lazarus. He said to allow the children to come to Him and best of all, He calls us family. We are His brothers and sisters! We have the same Father and are striving to achieve that family resemblance.

THE SCRIPTURES talk of the man who gives freely of himself. Especially one within a family! "He who troubles his household will inherit wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise." Proverbs 11:29 Have you seen this happen within families? Do you understand the root problem?

SOMETIMES when we follow the path of the fool our judgements are hindered. Not sound or of good report. "He who is greedy for unjust gain makes trouble for his household, but he who hates bribes will live." Proverbs 15:27 We must walk circumspect becasue we are Christ's ones. We have a Father who cares for us! "Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn awawy from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones." Proverbs 3:7-8 As part of the family of God, we are always home! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/17/10

Sunday, September 12, 2010


FOR MANY YEARS I have heard; "The children are the church of tomorrow!" I don't know when or why that was started but I have to agree it has a profound sound. However, children have always been the church of today! Without children within the church, no matter when, there would be no church of tomorrow. As far as I can remember I have been involved with the church of the day. I was 12 years old when the preacher asked me to be on the drapery committee. 12 years old! Drapery committee!

I AM NOT SURE I influenced the others on the committee, but they acknowledged me and I was pleased as punch to be a part of that decision. I learned to help plan and execute many functions with the youth group. I learned just about everything I know today, in Sunday School and in Junior Church. I attended the youth groups from the time I was old enough until I married and then I helped with the high school Christian Endeavor group in planning their youth banquets.

THE COLLEGE AND CAREER group were a little more adventurous because they would go to the large Los Angeles General Hospital, once a month, to help the Chaplain hold the Christian church service and serve communion. For as long as I can remember we attended the sings held at various churches, not to mention the once a month Sing held in Compton, California. Many churches would fellowship together at the 5th Sunday Rallies. Those were happening times!

WE HAD BASEBALL teams and basketball teams that would participate in the church league; some within the community and some with churches of like faith. Didn't matter whether it was soft ball, slow pitch or the hoops; it was a grand time for those who coached, played and the ones who came to cheer the teams on. You may think I am merely nostalgic for times past, and I suppose you could be right. After all, the church was a home away from home for all of us kids who were the church then and grew up to be the church now. The church doesn't stand still, it keeps moving. Those who are a part of it, start at the beginning and keep moving with it.

THROUGH THE YEARS, many of those young people that I knew as a teenager, still get together once a year. Their lives have taken them in different directions and they are part of the body in other towns. They still have that longing in their hearts to reunite with old friends and families; to get caught up with one another and to remember those who have already reached their final destination.

WE EXPERIENCED song leading classes; Bible drills; planning and leading in the youth meetings, along with Sunrise services on Easter Morning. We memorized scriptures and had lengthy biblical discussions. As a young woman, I became a chairman of the month as part of the women's ministry. My committee would prepare and clean up for the communion service. We planned the monthly fellowship and also planned a table for the annual birthday banquet.

LIFE IN THE FAST LANE has nothing on the life in a happening church. Today, I have heard people complain because the church is planning another pot luck or they need money to send some kids to camp. Today, we have allowed our worldly commitments over shadow the obligations we have established within the church. Have we forgotten our first love?

"PREACH THE WORD, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings. And will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths." 2 Timothy 4:2-4 "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" Joshua 24:15c Let's forget about ourselves and magnify the Lord, He is coming soon! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/9/10

Saturday, September 11, 2010


LAST WEEKEND my Morning Glory honored the Lawndale Christian Church's 90th birthday. It is only fitting that today I talk about Lertis Ellett, a preacher; a pastor and a shepherd of the first order. "5/3/1906 = 9/11/78" As the five of us Knauss kids walked up the street we could see a man opening the front door of the church we were headed for. Janice was the oldest at 13 and Joyce was the youngest at 6. Layton, Lynn and I were in the middle. As we walked up the small incline at the front of the building, Mr. Ellett came quickly with his hands outstretched towards us.

HIS GREETING set the tone for our first adventure into Christianity. He introduced us kids at the SS opening exercises; again, at the beginning of the church service and then at the end, he invited us 5 little Knauss' to their scheduled Friday night pot luck. Can you believe that? Inviting 5 kids to attend a pot luck without their parents! Mom let us go, but she fed us at home first.

THIS PASTOR and this congregation loved us kids. They were openly loving, each one of us, to the point that the journey we began in 1947, is till moving in the lives of the whole family who followed for one reason or another. One of the things about Mr. Ellett was that he was organized and even created a card system of keeping track of his congregation. However, his desk left a lot to be desired. Anyone looking at it would shake their heads and all the while their hands were aching to straighten it up. No signs said it, but it was understood; 'hands off!'

MR. ELLETT would plan and arrange every year for a two week evangelistic meeting. One year we had the Evangelist, Reggie Thomas and a gospel Quartet called 'The Gospel Four' on the docket. Every year was outstanding but that year I fell in love with the idea of an Evangelistic centered program. I was lifted higher than I could ever remember. This was my very first mountaintop experience.

EVERY YEAR the youth put on a youth banquet that was centered around a missionary who would be visiting Lawndale. The youth banquets didn't start out that way, but Mr. Ellett's mind was mission oriented and couldn't help himself when he could combine a function to encompass more than one purpose. Our banquets were exceptional! Pearl Watkins could feed an army and she did it very well when it came to the youth banquet. My favorite was Swiss Steak! It was smothered in brown gravy which was also poured over mash potatoes. Did I mention the green beans, salads and dessert? Oh my!

MR. ELLETT'S dream was to become a professor or administrator of a Bible College. He worked for years on his doctorate but never fulfilled his dream or even became a Doctor. However, he Shepherded a congregation full of young people who later went on to have families who continued in the faith. Without realizing it Mr. Ellett was obedient to God's great commission when Jesus said; "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Matthew 28:19-20
That is the mission he achieved during his life time!

MR. ELLETT had a physical deformity! His left side dropped ever so slightly, but enough to be noticed. Some might have thought his suit jacket didn't fit him well. The problem was he carried his bible in a shoulder holster that he had made specially for his bible and he was never seen without it. Without ever saying it, his motto was; "Have Bible will travel!" His theme was; "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16 God set me on a path that led directly to Lawndale Church and Mr. Ellett! Hallelujah! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/8/10

Sunday, September 5, 2010


I MAY HAVE TALKED about this before, but recently,I looked it up on the internet and discovered the way I learned it, is a lot different than anyone else; and I like mine best. "30 days hath Septober, April, June and no wonder; all the rest have butterscotch, except for Grandma and she can't ride a bicycle no how!" The 1st version says; "30 days hath Septober, April, June and no wonder; all the rest have peanut butter, except for Grandma who has a red wagon!" What do you think?

WHEN I WAS 9 years old I became acquainted with the Sunday School Superintendent at Lawndale church. He was the one that rang the big school bell that was in the belfry. He would pull the long rope and the bell would call all the Sunday School classes to order. I always wanted to pull the rope but I wasn't tall enough. Each Sunday morning he would greet me with some quirky saying. One September Sunday morning he quoted the 30 days hath Septober. I loved it! I wanted it for my own! Every Sunday morning I would ask him to say it again and again, until I finally had it memorized. I will never forget Keith Hamilton!

MY FIRST SUNDAY in the 4th grade Sunday School class, they were memorizing Matthew 28:19-20. The kids kept encouraging me to get it memorized before the class ended cause I would get a prize. I remember trying to memorize that verse and believe it or not, I had it by the end of the class time. I said it and received a prize! I don't remember the prize but I still remember Matthew 28:19-20.

WHAT WAS THE FIRST scripture you ever memorized? What was your second? Memorizing scripture is important to our well being. I was told the story about a missionary to China who was arrested and put into prison. He was held captive for many years and when he was finally released he said; "The only thing that kept me alive and sane were the many scriptures I had learned by memory. Reciting those scriptures over and over kept my mind upon Jesus Christ and not on my condition of life."

"STUDY TO SHOW thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 This was the second scripture I learned as a child. It is the scripture that has grounded me in the Bible; God's Holy Word! During my life time I have learned many scriptures but I can't remember where they are found. Has that ever happened to you? It doesn't matter because most of those scriptures, I use when dealing with the Devil. He knows where they are found; I am just confident in using them, so I can send him packing.

AS AN EXERCISE, write down all the scriptures you have memorized. Out to the side of each scripture write down what the scripture means and how it has helped you in your walk with our Savior. Let's make it a practice to never forget the words that God speaks to us personally and the ones He wants us to use to reach others. I love God's Word and I love studying it!

"THE SAYING IS SURE; If we have died with Him, we shall also live with Him; if we endure, we shall also reign with Him; if we deny Him, He also will deny us; if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself." 2 Timothy 2:11-13 "God's firm foundation stands, bearing this seal; "The Lord knows those who are His, and Let every one who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity." 2 Timothy 2:19 We must remain faithful and knowing God's Word is one of those ways to stand firm. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/2/10

Saturday, September 4, 2010


IT USED TO BE when someone turned 90, we considered that to be the one of last aged milestones. Fern is 90 and acts and thinks like she is 70 plus. I have met others who are in their late 90's and still counting. The average life span was considered 3 score and 10 or by reason of strenth 4 score. This means 70 or 80 years! I am 72 so I must be on the down swing. It's okay; I can finally say I am happy where I am.

LAST WEEKEND,the church of my youth celebrated 90 years of existence in Lawndale, California. The Mayor spoke and many old timers were recognized for their faithfulness along with many who came from all over to celebrate a reunion of beginnings, so many years ago.

I AM SO HAPPY that Pastor Eddie is interested in the history of this church. I remember walking down the halls and looking at baby pictures of the cradle roll when I was a girl. Many of those who were in those photo's I still consider as my friends. My age group never made it in the picture gallery, only because we came into the church long after that period of picture taking.

RECOGNITION was given to Dorrie, who had attended there for 75 years. She was probably around 2 or 3 years old when she made the scene at Lawndale. And a grand entrance, towards the end of the service, was the honorary candle bearing birthday cake which was rolled down the isle. What can be better than that! It was one of those "feel good" moments within a church families life time.

I UNDERSTAND the walls on Sunday were filled with many old pictures and memorabilia that told the story of this glorious church, that in Christ, was without spot or wrinkle. We know that the church is subject to Jesus Christ and because of that we are to be subject to one another. "That He might present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish." Ephesians 5:27

DON'T GET ME WRONG; I am not saying that this body was without its problems! However, 90 years is a good long time for a continuous run; don't you think? The church is commanded to keep itself above reproach. "I charge you to keep the commandment unstained and free from reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Timothy 6:14 Paul is instructing Timothy to keep the Word of God unstained. Timothy was a preacher, many have preached at Lawndale and it is still going strong. Hallelujah! We continue to pray for Pastor Eddie!

I UNDERSTAND the sermon was based on "I am the vine and ye are the branches!" In the book of John, Jesus calls His Father the vine dresser and He is the vine. We are His branches! Many have labored in the vineyard at Lawndale Christian Church during the past; some are laboring even now and those in the future are still to come. The invitation was given to all who would belong to the root and become branches fulfilling the legacy that Jesus established upon the cross.

THOSE OF US who could not attend were surely there in spirit; I know I was! I was thrilled to hear the excitement in my sister Jean's voice as she related to me the happenings on Sunday. I was pleased as my friend, Iona Kay filled in with some of the details and between the two of them I felt like I was there. I imagined the cake and the candles along with the oohs and aahs. I can imagine the tears of those visiting with one another after such a long absence, one from another.

THE DOORS CLOSED on a church we had attended for many years, because church doors close throughout Christendom for one reason or another; we know these things happen! To hear of a church building and it's location, with the doors still open for 90 years and counting, can only warm our hearts and bring pleasure to our Lord. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/1/10

Sunday, August 29, 2010


IT IS BELIEVED the origin of "Going to the Dogs" came from ancient China. Dogs by tradition, were not permitted within the city walls. Stray dogs roamed the area outside of the city and lived off the garbage and trash thrown there by the city dwellers. Not only dogs were there, but also criminals and social outcasts were forced to live there. When the people were sent to live among the rubbish, it was coined; "gone to the dogs!" Obviously, this would mean that their lives had taken a turn for the worse.

EVER SINCE I can remember, we have had a dog until the last 12 years. I love dogs, don't you? Just recently some friends of ours took over a 6 month old pup from their daughter. His name is Bentley! In their household it is like taking a new born baby to raise. They have been empty nesters for many years; even though grandchildren have been their name of the game.

I HAVE WANTED a small dog to love because my children are grown and my three grandsons don't need us as much as they once did. A small dog wouldn't require much, except the necessary training and perhaps letting it in or out during the day and night. Feeding a small dog wouldn't cost much; even though the vet bill could run high sometimes.

GETTING A SMALL DOG at our age doesn't mean that we would be going to the dogs. It wouldn't mean that our lives would change all that much. It doesn't mean that we would be living as we did 30 years ago because we had a dog. It would mean I would have something that loved me unconditionally and would sit on my lap and look at me with loving adoration. You know, just like my little Beagle Frosty, and even Foxy Lady did, so many years ago. Sometimes we just need that extra little loving that just makes you feel good.

USUALLY as I begin writing a Morning Glory I have no idea where it will lead me. As I began writing about dogs my thought went to; "Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under foot and turn to attack you." Matthew 7:6 I believe today, many treat their animals better than each other. On the other hand, many mistreat their animals and are taken to account for that.

SO WHAT DOES it mean, not to give dogs what is holy because they could trample them? I looked at Acts 13:45 where Paul is talking to the multitude and some of the Jews became jealous and began to make fun of him. Sometimes when we are trying to share the gospel there are some who will begin to ridicule you and laugh. "He who corrects a scoffer gets himself abused and he who reproves a wicked man incurs injury." So, do not reprove a scoffer or he will hate you; reprove a wise man and he will love you." Proverbs 9:7-8 Dogs do not understand special favors except to satisfy their appetite. A scoffer doesn't want to listen to the truth and the wicked man is always ready to hurt someone.

REMEMBER the story of the Canaanite woman that cried out; "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely possessed by a demon." Matthew 15:22 The Canaanite's were considered dogs to the Jewish people. The disciples wanted to send her away! Jesus responded to her with; "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." verse 24 After she again pleaded, Jesus said in verse 26; "It is not fair to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs."

I LOVED HER ANSWER in verse 27; "Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table." Jesus liked her answer and commended her faith. Her daughter was healed! Even the worst of the worst deserves a chance in Jesus Christ! Even those we find despicable deserves to hear about the saving grace of Jesus. However, when you are rejected, let them go. Take the value of God's Word to those who have ears to hear. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/28/10

Saturday, August 28, 2010


THE OTHER MORNING I saw a banner outside of one of our most prestigious Jewelry stores in the town I live. It said; "we buy gold and diamonds!" For the past couple of years an advertisement on television requested that you send them your gold watches and jewelry and you could make money. Enough to maybe take a vacation. If I have learned anything in my many years, I have learned that if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is!

DOES ANYONE sell their diamonds? I wonder! I gave my diamond out of my engagement ring to my daughter when she celebrated her 25th birthday. Not because I didn't want to keep it any more, but I wanted to give her something that was precious to me. We had the diamond mounted in a beautiful setting with some sapphires which are her birth stones. A beautiful ring for a beautiful daughter. Both remain in my heart forever.

BUT AGAIN, does anyone sell their diamonds? I suppose to a pawn shop for its redeemable value. I suppose because it has no heart felt value. Perhaps you didn't like the one who gave it to you or you just found it and decided to dispose of it. It is ironic how we can place monetary value on some things that can do nothing except have shine and glitter, while other things, that are extremely important, we just cast aside. We give no value of importance; we forget them!

I PLACE much importance on my memory because my mother's memory faded in her old age. I place significance upon my children, husband and family because I could never replace them. I have decided that much of who I am is seen in what I consider to be valuable, such as my possessions. Are you like that? Do you look upon your life as something to be desired by others; perhaps influential?

"DO NOT TOIL to acquire wealth; be wise enough to desist. When your eyes light upon it, it is gone; for suddenly it takes to itself wings, flying like an eagle toward heaven." Proberbs 23:4-5 I suppose the writer is saying acquiring wealth can be easily lost, just as if it had wings and could fly. We know all to well how quickly the pay check goes and how long we wait until we get paid again. Abundance is always a good thing but placing all our eggs in one basket can cause us to suffer.

I REMEMBER once being asked how many karats my diamond had. I didn't have a clue and never really thought about it. I asked Jim and he said; "I am sure it is probably a full cucumber." Obviously, he didn't have a clue either. I know I have learned how many karats, but because it has never been an issue for me, I don't remember; I have already forgotten how many karats!

THE VALUE I held in my diamond was that Jim saw it and bought it for me. That is what makes it precious! That is why I wanted Jennifer to have it! When something is precious we savor it with joy and we share it with gladness of heart.

"BEHOLD, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and he who believes in Him will not be put to shame." 1 Peter 2:6 "To you therefore who believe, He is precious! 1 Peter 2:7a This cornerstone is far more precious than any diamond available on the market, no matter how many karats. This cornerstone is given with gladness of heart; to be received with joy.

"BUT FOR THOSE who do not believe, the very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner, and a stone that will make men stumble, a rock that will make them fall; for they stumble because they disobey the word as they were destined to do." 1 Peter 2:7b-8 Those who do not accept Jesus as the Son of God are destined to fall. We place value in worthless things! Choose the cornerstone and live forever! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/25/10

Sunday, August 22, 2010


"FOR A WHOLE year they met with the church and taught a large company of people; and in Antioch the disciples were for the first time called Christians." Acts 11:26b I don't think I have ever started a morning glory with a scripture but then there is a first time for everything. A simple scripture to expound a large subject. Many descriptions were given such as "the followers of the way" but the simplicity of the name Christian merely meant they were "Christ ones!"

I HAVE OFTEN wondered why so many other names have been given for those who follow Christ and yet they conclude they are Christians. Names like Baptist; Holy Rollers' Catholic; Methodist; Presbyterians; Episcopal; Lutheran; Full Gospel; and so on and on and on. Many say they go back to the basics and yet call themselves by a different name.

YEARS AGO when filling out applications or any official document the question asked was, are you Catholic or Protestant. My answer was always; "Christian!" Have you ever been asked the question; "What do you believe?" From some perspectives the principle answer is "no creed but Christ, no book but the Bible!" I believe that is a basic fundamental answer for a sufficient guide to sound doctrine.

SO I ASK YOU Morning Glory followers; "What do you believe?" I know what my answer is, do you? I love reading about church history. In the back of Halley's Handbook he gives a history of the church that is compacted into a few pages that are easy to read. He writes with an understanding of what he reads and not one who only writes about what he believes. His insights are still being used by Theologians of today. I received my first Halley's Handbook when I graduated from highschool and I use it today, as my basic handbook to the Bible.

WHEN THE CHURCH started it was led by God's providential hand; was founded during the Roman Empire; when Rome fell the church spread rapidly. A tolerance movement began which granted to all Christians and to all others, full liberty to follow any religion they chose. Constantine favored Christianity! Eventually, Christianity became the state's religion and eventually the church was made into the image of the Roman Empire. The church changed in nature and began to move into great apostasy and became a political organization and then into the Papacy. The Pope became it's rule!

THEN THE REFORMATION began to move. Many more years passed until the Reformation became as we know it today. The church went back into it's beginning and then became known as the Protestant Movement. Whatever happened to simply, Christian?

a) "I BELIEVE the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from the Savior of the world is communicated to us through this book." Abraham Lincoln b) "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible." George Washington c) "The Bible is the sheet-anchor of our liberties." U.S. Grant d) "The New Testament is the very best book that ever was or ever will be known in the world." Charles Dickens

I HAVE NO quarrel with these churches that call themselves by a different name, after all; "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters." Matthew 12:30 Those who preach Jesus Christ is not against Him. I preach Jesus Christ! He is the bond that encourages us to be in fellowship with one another.

LET'S BE CAREFUL to believe what we read in God's Word, and not read only, what we believe. "Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed but rightly dividing the Word of Truth!" 2 Timothy 2:15 Simply Christian? I am; and happy that merely the name sends Satan packing! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/20/10