Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I guess worry is the first step to becoming stressful or full of anxiety. We learn to worry at a very young age, don't we? Our #1 grandson, Adam was a worrier! His parents were very busy which not only consumed most of their days but into the evenings because they were employed by a local church. Being worship leaders and administrators kept them up front which made the church, Adam's second home.

Many times they would drop Adam and of course the other boys as time went on, at our home while they would go off for an engagement at another church or perhaps just time for themselves. When evening would roll around, Adam was expectant. When was his Mom and Dad coming home? I always felt it would be a good thing for his parents to call him often, but they knew best. Good parents always know what is best!

On many occasion he would stand or sit in front of our picture window and watch the road when he felt it was time for them to come and get him. At some point the chairs would be found on the corner of the front yard with Adam waiting and watching. I am not sure when he stopped worrying about whether his Mom and Dad would remember to pick him up, but in time he trusted them, because they always showed up!

Worry is second nature to most! Worry for some becomes a standard! Worry, in the early stages teaches us to use any means to alleviate the fears that bring on worry. Eating is one; craving chocolate could be another. Today, many go for a run or if they have a pool, they do a few laps. If we don't get a handle on the early stages of worry, they grow into stressful periods and eventually anxiety fills our lives and we become depressed. Medicines are recommended and like takes a different turn. If not recognized, we find ourselves spiraling out of control!

During my days of medications, I was spiraling out of control. My days and nights were filled with distress and anxiety. I have empathy for those who experience days like that, don't you? We all have experienced some of these kinds of days! Praise God for the right meds!

A small amount of stress is healthy and a natural part of life. It can help you to do more and be productive. Some people do their best work while under pressure. However, too much is not a good thing! Some events come into our lives that cause the kind of stress that bring on physical and/or emotional/mental illnesses. Too much stress can lead to anxiety which causes us to indulge in unhealthy behavior. Smoking; alcohol and even drugs.

"Anxiety in the heart of a man weighs it down, but a good word makes it glad". Proverbs 12:25 I remember my days of being heavy hearted, only to realize it was my thoughts of constant worry. "Casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you!" 1 Peter 5:7 The next verse says; "Be on the alert, the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." Don't let Satan get the upper hand! Recognize his presence!

We are all familiar with the story of Martha and Mary. In Luke Chapter 10, we find Martha being worried about many things. She was distracted with all her concerns of being a good hostess that she even asked Jesus to help her out, by letting Mary help her. However, in verse 41-42 Jesus says; "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things, but only a few things are necessary; really only one, and Mary has chosen the good part, which should not be taken away from her." The lesson learned here, is to get your preparations done before Bible study in your home, or whatever else is going on. Have the coffee and cookies all ready. Have the dinner on the table and allow yourself to become one of the guests. Don't be so busy serving that you miss the opportunity of taking part in the celebrations. Jane Ann

Monday, June 29, 2009


This week we are going to look at one of the plagues of our century; Worry and anxiety! It comes to all of us at one time or another. Sometimes it is caused because of a medical condition , but many times it is self enduced. I am not an expert in this field, but I have walked this path and know that it no picnic. However, I find myself leaning more and more upon our Savior and know the peace I find there.
I am a worrier! At one time in time my anxiety was so great, I worried about everything! Great or small I could make it a BIG problem. The summer of 2007, Jim and Jennifer went down South for about 5 days to visit his family. A long drive! I stayed home because I didn't want to miss seeing Adam, Our #1 grandson, leave for boot camp. Since I was alone, my anxiety set it. Now, I know I shouldn't worry, but this thing worry had been plaguing me for quite a while. I blamed it on my medications! For six years the side affects were varied, so were the medicines. In January I had some of my Meds changed but I was still experiencing major side affects and anxiety.

I remember sitting on the deck overlooking our little English Garden. I had just watered the flowers as Jim had instructed me. For no reason, I began to cry! Our God is so good! That morning I was reminded that; "Yes, I worry, but I am content". "Yes I worry, but God has promised me peace." "Yes I worry, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". If something would have happened to Jim and Jennifer on this trip God would have been my comfort. Through sorrow and complete devastation I would be comforted and given the peace that passes all understanding. You know why? Our focus is on heaven!

The spring of 2008, Jim and Jennifer left for another trip to be with his family. This time with all the preparations and saying good-byes I felt no anxiety. No worries! I was just fine!
However, earlier that year I suffered a heart event and all my medicines had been changed and I no longer was experiencing any of the side effects of the previous medicines. I can leave Jim and Jennifer in God's hands and know that He will take care of them and me.

How many of you worry about tomorrow? Because Paul didn't worry about what tomorrow held, he could rejoice daily knowing his faithful God was in control. Worrying about what the future holds does absolutely no good; it simply robs us of today's joys. Paul expressed his joy for the day even though tomorrow threatened to be difficult. He also encouraged the Philippians to rejoice as he did, regardless of their circumstances.

Jim has reminded me many times that the Apostles were focused upon Christ and heaven. That was why they could give up everything to follow Him and to establish His Church. They had concerns but worry did not overpower them. We too have a destination! HEAVEN! Because we know where we are headed, this can bring contentment into our lives. When we find it difficult to have this kind of contentment and worry overtakes us, we only need to come to the Father for His reassurance.

Are you aware that prayer is a gift from God! Using this gift often brings results of profound magnitude. It is the one gift that can be used at anytime and anyplace. The scriptures show us that we are to be circumspect when we pray. We should never enter prayer lightly! Psalm 24:1-6 says; "We are to come to Him with a contrite heart and clean hands." Psalm 5:3 says; "We are to approach the throne seeking God in faith and expectancy." In James 5:16c it tells us that if we approach God, knowing Him, we should not be afraid. It doesn't say that only the righteous can approach God, however, it does say they have great power.

When my worry button is pushed, I immediately yell at Satan and then seek God's face. It took a heart event for me to have my medicines changed but in fact my heart event was an answer to prayer. In short, approach the Father with clean hands, a pure heart, humbled and exalting God. Do what is right; muster up faith of a grain of a mustard see; Love life; Turn from evil; Seek peace. Have confidence and remember who you are and who He is. We all have witness ansers to prayer, but we have seen nothing yet! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/24/08

Friday, June 26, 2009

The world is made up of different colors, ethnic groups, life styles and even languages. It is understandable that they don't get along. The church is made up of one body! The head is the same and never changes! However, the body, because it lives in the world, wants to use the same methods of disciplines, requirements and performance as sought after in the world. Sometimes it is easy to think we are still a part of the world because we live in it. But in fact, we are not of the world! Why don't we get along? We are suppose to, you know!

Growing up, I thought there was no better place than being in Sunday School, Church or the Youth Groups. Going to a Sunday Night Sing at a neighboring church was an added bonus. A fifth Sunday Rally was just frosting on the cake. Pot lucks, programs, the Sunday Night Long Song Service, where we could choose our favorites was something to look forward to.

Since I have grown up I have discovered the nitpicking, criticisms and all out war that has become a part of the body. I don't always agree with how some things are done like decorations, how the furniture is placed, how the communion meditation is said, but none of those things are as much for me as it is for the Lord. My attitude and my appreciation, not to mention how my love is evident, is what God is looking for in me. The Lord is not waiting for my likes and dislikes, He is waiting for my adoration and willingness to be a part of His body.

I know most of you have heard; "Don't bite the hand that feeds you!" Do you know what it means? To give its full meaning; "Don't repay kindness with wrong doing!" When we turn against, criticize, talk about or even fight against those who volunteer to encourage the church to grow, we are biting the hand that feeds us. We turn against ourselves, our friends, our families! In the long run, we may regret our actions, because the hand you are biting is our Lord Jesus Christ!

"An argument arose among them as to which of them was the greatest." Luke 9:46 When Jesus heard this He merely took a child and said; "Whoever receives this child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me receives Him who sent me; for He who is least among you all is the one who is great." Luke 9:48 Where do you stand in this hall of humility?

Remember the story of David, the shepherd boy? In 1 Samuel Chapter 17, we find David arriving at the battle in the valley of Elah where King Saul and his men were fighting the Philistines. David questions why they have allowed this Giant to make fun of them? Why doesn't someone go and fight him? Not even King Saul, the king above all kings would go up against the giant Goliath. David decides that he could do it! David tells the king how the Lord had saved him from the lions and bears, and He will save him from this Philistine.

David confronts the giant Goliath and says; "You come to me with a sword, spear and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts and the God of the armies of Israel." Before he slays the giant, he says; "So that all may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear, for the battle is the Lord's and He will give you into our hand."

God grows the church not you and me! God level's the playing field, not you and me! When God calls, He uses who He wills, not you and me! We may fight amongst ourselves and hurt one another, but God says; "Love one another, encourage one another, humble yourselves in His sight." How true or false are you in your worship? God says to those who were fasting; "Behold, you fast only to quarrel and to fight and to hit with wicked fist. Fasting like yours this day will not make your voice to be heard on high." Isaiah 58:4 If we stop these ways and doing these things; "Then you shall call and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, here I am." Isaiah 58:9 Jane Ann

Thursday, June 25, 2009

In 1960 Dr. Frank Hayden, a Medical Professor in Toronto Canada and Eunice Kennedy Shriver were seeing the beneficial value in enabling athletic opportunities for developmentally disabled children by offering summer camps. Through this venture the program took off like wild fire and today the Special olympics are offered all over the world and have become just as important in the world of sports, as the Ancient Olympics did over 2000 years ago in Greece.

During my highschool days, football was the highlight of every Friday night during the first quarter of the school year. I can't recall the name nor what grade he was in but I do remember one of the football players. He was slight build and his left arm was limp. It would hang at his side and some times it was in a sling but I remember, he was on the football team.

Jim remembers about 10 years ago a pitcher playing in the National League. His right hand was partially missing and he used only his left hand. He would come out onto the mound with his glove on his left hand. He would catch the ball in the glove and when he was ready to pitch he would put the glove with the ball under his right arm. Removed the ball with his left hand, pitch the ball, reach over and put his left hand into the glove as quick as a wink and be ready to catch the ball again. Obviously, no handicap here!

I have seen on TV, wheelchair basketball and of course other competitive sports where the players were able to compete without handicaps even though they were handicapped. Isn't it amazing what a person can do, when they give it a try and put their minds to it.

When those, in reality shouldn't be able to, actually can participate; we stand in the bleachers and cheer full of pride for their achievements and also for their tenacity. When we are close to one of the achievers we are full of pride and expect everyone else to show that pride also.

I find that sometimes in the church, we work under a handicap even though we are not necessarily handicapped. God has given us all talents of one kind or another. God expects us to use these talents and to even use muscles that are under developed, in His service.

During my most active years of service within the church body, my overload button should have gone off many times. It is true the more you do, the more that is expected of you. In January of 1979, while my plate was pretty full, the preacher came to me and said he wanted a choir to do a Cantata for Easter as an added celebration in dedicating our new Sanctuary. We didn't have a choir! We didn't even have many who had shown a desire for a choir! Being a singer didn't make me a choir director! I said; "I can't direct a choir!" He assured me I could and one of my problems is that I could never say no to anything that was asked of me within the church. With the Lord's direction, we formed a choir and I led this choir for almost 10 years.

Do you remember the conversation Moses had with God at the burning bush as found in Exodus 3? Moses, with all his insecurities shook his head and said no to God. "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?" Further on Moses says; "If I come to the people". Do you suppose Moses dares to argue with God? Can you imagine the ring in God's voice when he replies to Moses with; "I Am who I Am!" I shudder to think how Moses must have recoiled under the thunderous sound of God's voice. Moses continues to argue with God and says; "Oh my Lord, I am not eloquent; I am slow of speech and of tongue!" Eventually God, realizing that this man He had chosen, was bringing Him to anger, said; "Aaron will go with you and I will speak to your mouth and you will speak to his mouth and Aaron will be glad in heart". God kept His promises to Moses and even hardened Pharaoh's heart!

Whenever we come face to face with our Lord, we are standing on holy ground! We can take off our shoes, but we need to be ready and willing to do as we are asked. Jane Ann

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

my brother Lynn was playing football in his senior year in highschool, I remember one of the other players. I think his name was Bob! He was one of the best players! At the end of the school year when all the awards were handed out, he was given the trophy for the "Most Inspirational Player". As a spectator, I wondered why Bob, because there were many others I would have thought were far more inspirational.

I asked Lynn and he said because he was always asking the coach; "Put me in Coach, put me in!" It didn’t matter whether he was needed but he was always willing. Well, I still thought there were others that deserved that trophy more than Bob. But of course I thought Lynn was their most valuable player.

Have you ever thought of yourself as the most ‘anything’ player? I remember trying out for a choir in 4th grade and although I could read and sing alto, I was chosen last. However, because I was chosen last didn’t keep me from wanting to be in the choir nor from continuing my singing career, such as it was. At that time in my life, singing was still one of my favorites.

Through out the years, I became an encourager of those who are now doing my favorite things. I can be moved by those who are just learning to be team players as well as the veterans. I sometimes have problems with those who aren’t willing to play with those who are not as experienced as they think they are. But I can tolerate them! Everyone still needs to learn!

What do you consider to be the most valuable player on the church team? The one who is always there; the one who is early for practice and performance; the one who listens to the instructions and follows through; the one who is willing to help others; the one who complains the loudest, or the one who keeps trying. Have you ever been the most inspirational player?

"And Stephen, full of grace and power, did great wonders and signs among the people." Acts 6:8 We are all familiar with the story of Stephen! We know that he was young and courageous and was counted as one of the first deacons. The scriptures say that he was a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit. The leaders were afraid of Stephen because he spoke with such authority and wisdom. They set out to destroy him just as they did with Jesus.

In the early church, Stephen stands out as the ‘most inspirational player’! He not only stood up before the many leaders but he reminded them of the scriptures they taught and called them stiff necked people, unclean in their hearts and ears as they resist the Holy Spirit. Stephen was stoned! "Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God!" Acts 7:56 How many team players have we stoned?

Not everything is done to my liking and not everyone is perfect in the part we play. But everyone is in a performance before God, not for each other. Not everyone performs the same tasks but are to become equipped; "For the work of the ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." Ephesians 4:12-13

Paul continues with, "We are to speak in love, and to grow up in Christ because He is the head and we form the whole body, joined and knit together by every joint with which it is supplied when each part is working properly, continuing to grow and renew itself in love." Ephesians 4:15-16

Since the church is a body of team players, let us achieve to become inspirational to each other so that we can continue to grow and renew our body through love, encouragement and to "maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace!". Ephesians 4:3 Jane Ann

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

When we were kids,
one of the things I hated most was having two team captains and the rest of us stood around while these two captains would choose their team. Of course the friends were all chosen first and the rest of us would stand on one foot and then the other and each one just new they would be chosen last. I hated that! Probably because since I wasn’t the greatest school ground or front yard athlete. I was a girl and always chosen last!

I don’t remember my having bad sportsmanship but I remember others who did. If they didn’t get on the team they wanted, they would pout and/or cry and stomp off the field. Even some of the good players would do that. I always just felt bad , but tried to keep it to myself because I wanted to play on a team, regardless.

Whatever activity, requiring many participants and even if chosen last, I wanted to be on the team. Not until I was older was I able to take charge and of course that was within my Sunday School and/or Church. I never was in charge or a number one player while in school. The competition was great, but on the church grounds I was always at home and in my element.

Even so, there were many that had hurt feelings and would slam the door while running from the room because they didn’t get the part they wanted in a play or quit the choir because they didn’t get the solo they wanted. Left the church because they couldn’t be on the main ‘worship team’. Sportsmanship is something we have to develop and perhaps never perfect until we are mature enough in Christ, to recognize that we can’t always get our way, no matter what it is we want. Especially with or without consequences!

It has been said; "It isn’t whether we win or lose, but how we play the game!" For me, I was happy to just be included. How about you? What did you learn, coming up the ranks of good or bad sportsmanship? Did you always win the blue ribbon or get a trophy? Were you one of the honorable mentioned? Or were you one of the forgotten few that never even got mentioned.

Most don’t realize that within the church we are all team players. The interesting thing about church team players is that we have a tendency to criticize one another. In other words we examine sharply to form a judgment. When we find a fault we want to put blame on someone. The most amazing thing is that we don’t even have to be on a team and actually participating, but be just one of the members making deliberate judgements because it is not our favorite. We want something different, regardless of the hearts that are on the teams.

Most remember Ecclesiastes for; "There is nothing new under the sun!" However; "The words of the wise heard in quiet, are better than the shouting of a ruler among fools. Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good." Eccl. 9:17-18 The complaints and criticism of those in charge and the fools can destroy what is good. Think before you bring down those who are willing to use their talents and sacrifice their time for the sake of the Lord. "But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please men, but to please God who tests our hearts." 1 Thess. 2:4

Only God knows the hearts of the team players. Only God knows if the ‘worship team’ is worth their metal; Only God knows the hearts of those in the Women’s Ministry. Only God knows you inside and out. Don’t make judgements unless you are judging a sin not a service. Jane Ann

Monday, June 22, 2009


Some things have come to my attention these past few weeks. Things that I have seen happen over and over within the church body. I have never understood the why and wherefore these things come about, but I can only attribute them to Satan and how he can undermind the workings of the church. I have personally gone to those who have started these dysfunctional disturbances, however, I am not immune and I am guilty. We are all guilty! This week let's look at who is the captain and what position each of us are to play in order to be winners on God's team.
When my brother Larry was a senior in High School, he was a running back on the Varsity football team. I loved going to the football games on Friday nights, even after I was out of high school. Lots of excitement with plenty of yelling, singing and chanting until you thought you would just burst. One of Larry’s most exciting games was when he received the pass pretty close to the 50 yd line and was running down the sideline heading towards the goal line while all the other players were pursuing further back on the field. Larry was well clear and running for all he was worth. The crowds in the stands were yelling and screaming, encouraging him on. When all of a sudden, Larry turned his head and looked back! As soon as he did that his pace dropped, bringing runners closer behind him. All of a sudden he tripped, by catching his foot in a small hole in the field, and fell. Immediately, he was covered by the opposing team. I am sure that this all happened pretty early in the game. These things happen in football and the team players rally around and quickly move onto the next play. That’s what makes it so exciting, except for winning of course.

My #3 grandson, Jordan who was in the 7th grade, was playing his first year of basketball. To him it is just a game and so far was having a good time. At one point in a game he found himself with the ball and the players of both teams were down at the opposing teams basket. He stopped long enough to assess his position and with no one to throw the ball to, lopped it with an over the head throw towards the basket not intending to score, but just getting rid of the ball. Standing about 10 ft outside of the three point line, he tossed the ball smoothly into the basket. The crowd went crazy! Now this play was a little different from another play he made when he forgot they switched baskets at half time and he dribbled the ball all the way to the visitors basket and tried to make a basket. This time everyone laughed, including Jordan.

When I was a child, at the end of each service an ‘invitation’ would be made to those who wished to accept the Lord and to be baptized. One time a young man came forward. The pastor asked him; "Do you play baseball?" The young man said yes! Then the pastor asked him; "Are you a team player?" The young man said yes! The pastor went on to say; "Do you want to play on God’s team?" The young man said yes! Philippians 1:6 tells us that God has begun a work in us which He will take to it’s completion. When we decide to be a player on God’s team He begins that work immediately. Not just when a game is scheduled. God’s team is always in play! In other words we need to be strong! Our eyes focused on what is ahead! Pressing on towards the goal.

Did you know that we are not strong enough to fight Satan’s attacks alone? Not only did God give us the Holy Spirit but in Hebrews 10:24-25 Paul tells us that we also need the support of God’s people, His team, the church! Galatians 6:1 tells us that we are to stimulate one another to love and good works and to encourage each other. We must come together in worship and fellowship. We need each other, working together as a team so it is possible for us to help carry each others burdens. I love watching competitive sports but I like it more when they are having fun.

I know that Life is serious and team play is serious! "And whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted". Matthew 23:12 In competitive sports we can win or lose. If we want to play on the wining team; If we want to excel as a team player; If we want to carry that ball for the winning point, then we need to let God be our coach!
When we play by God’s rules, we are winners! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/8/08

Friday, June 19, 2009

This Sunday
is Fathers Day! A day that began June 19, 1910 by a daughter who was raised by her father in Spokane, Washington. In 1926 a national committee was formed in New York City and in 1956 it was recognized by a joint resolution of Congress. In 1972, President Nixon signed the proclamation for a national observance of Father’s Day. It was held yearly, on the third Sunday in June. One more interesting fact is, June 19th is my husbands birthday!

If you could characterize your Father as a tree, what tree would it be? I have never thought of this before, but I think I would see my Father as ‘the Tree of Life’! Not because it was a tree in the Garden of Eden and good to eat, or because it needed to be guarded after Adam and Eve sinned, but because my father gave life to 14 children.

I asked Jim this question and he said; The young Oak! His Father was hard headed and a visionary who brought his family out of Louisiana to California, where he could provide for them and they could prosper. I asked Jennifer this question about her Father and she said; "A Fir?" Well, if she is meaning a Christmas Tree, I would agree, because he certainly lights up our lives.

The persona of a strong tree always reminds me of the persona that a father should have. Head and shoulders in stature and soft and gentle swaying in the breeze. I think there was a book written about Paul, called; "Hands of Velvet, Hands of Steel"! I think this title also fits the persona of a Father. Being firm yet a gentle peacemaker!

"I think that I shall never see, a poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed against the sweet earth’s flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, and lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear a nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree." Trees by Joyce Kilmer, 1886-1918

This is a poem you very seldom hear anymore. One of the things that surprised me about this poem is that Joyce Kilmer was a man. His name and his style presents his strength and his softer side. I sang in an all girls double trio and one of the songs we sang was Trees! I loved the poetry and the melody not to mention, the message is one that always rings true.

I have always been fascinated by tree’s! In my single years, my two sisters and I visited Muir Woods just outside of San Francisco. Huge trees that seem to form a canape overhead. Some of these trees had 6 ft cavities carved out of the them. Our guide asked me to stand inside of one of these burned out hollow spaces. I did! Then he explained that the Indians who inhabited this area would provide these places for the maiden to stand when they were ready for a mate. Needless to say, I moved very fast from the inside of that hollowed out tree.

Jim and I have driven through the redwoods and have stopped and admired their majesty. I have pondered the rows of trees in Santa Barbara, California that show massive roots all exposed to the elements. We have driven through rural areas in Virginia that showed so many variations of the color green and the different varieties of trees along the roadside.
Our #3 grandson, Jordan would say he knew when they were getting closer to our home, when he saw the ugly trees. The scrub oak! They were only ugly to him because they were not as beautiful as the evergreen firs and pine trees along the long stretch of mountain roads that separated us.

"A Father who plants himself by the waters of the Lord will be nourished and will grow strong like a tree." Psalms. "His offsprings will rise up and glory in his name. His grandchildren are his crown." Proverbs "Bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." Ephesians It can happen, you know! With the Lord, anything can happen! Jane Ann

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Shortly after
my Mom and Dad moved to California with their family, they bought a small house and in the back yard was a garage. From the house and along side the garage was a sidewalk and next to it was a fig tree. At beautiful leafy tree! When the fruit became ripe the birds loved it and when the fruit was even riper it would fall from the tree and all over the yard and the side walk. Boy was it a mess!

I can’t remember if my Mom used the fruit of this tree for making anything. I have to agree that the fruit tasted good but had a bunch of little seeds. Our main problem was that either the birds got to them or they fell and got squished before we could entertain picking them.

The house we bought after Jim and I retired had a beautiful flowering tree that was on our patio, just outside of the sliding glass door. It’s fruit were little eatable plums. Again the birds were waiting for the plums to ripen and before we knew it we had squashed plums all over the patio. The ones that were not squashed had little holes that were caused by the birds tasting each one until they found the one they wanted. Sort of like chocolates!

Spring is always filled with beautiful flowering trees throughout our neighborhood. Cherry blossoms fill the mall and surrounding areas of Washington DC. Our main street in the community where we live, has flowering trees lining the sidewalks.. For the flowering season, nothing is more beautiful or spectacular.

A few years back we planted a young flowering Hawthorne. The first spring it bloomed and although it was young and reaching as high into the sky as it could, it showed us it’s potential beauty in our front yard. The next year we notice that a branch was obviously in trouble so Jim cut it off. The next couple of years, even though we would have some blossoms, more and more of the tree was dying. This was a fruitless tree with berries that the birds loved! Last year Adam, our #1 grandson, cut it down, root and all. You will know a tree by its fruit!

"And seeing at a distance a fig tree in leaf, He went to see if perhaps He would find anything on it and when He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. And He answered and said to it, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again! And His disciples were listening." Mark 11:13-14 This verse has puzzled many theologians not to mention those like me. I always listen very carefully when this passage is preached from the pulpit and never am quite satisfied.

"And as they were passing by in the morning, they saw the fig tree withered from the roots up. And being reminded, Peter said to Him, Rabbi, Behold, the fig tree which you cursed has withered. And Jesus answered saying to them, Have faith in God." The first part of this fig incident took place after the triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the second part just after Jesus cleanses the temple the second time. After they saw the withered tree Jesus talks to them about their faith. In Matthew he says that the tree withered immediately, right before their eyes.

Some believe that the withered tree is a prophesy about Israel. Because of her unfaithfulness she would be cut off. However, I believe Christ withered the fig tree to show His Apostles the power of faith and prayer. Jesus took every opportunity to teach, even if it was in the midst of something else that was going on. The fig tree was an opportunity for a object lesson.

Whatever the curse on the tree means, we can be sure that the lesson Christ gave His Apostles is also a lesson for us. Faith and prayer go hand in hand and it is something we should continue to learn about as we go. Jane Ann

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

In days of old the woodcutter was one who would go off each morning with his ax across his shoulder and head off into the woods to cut down trees. He would take all day and leave his days work lying on the ground. The next morning he would head off to the same spot and trim and clean off the trees that he had chopped down the day before. The following morning, again he would go and prepare the fallen trees into whatever he needed. This process would continue until all of the trees that he had cut down, many days before, were cleared away and stacked close by his home, ready for use.

My, how things have changed! We still have the woodcutter but we call them loggers and I would suppose the tree huggers have more caustic names for them. At one time the logs were an important commodity and filled each community with jobs, heavy equipment and even necessary building supplies along with heat for their homes. The highways were heavy with logging trucks filled to capacity with their logs of various sizes and kind.

Then the environmentalist’s became outraged because of the spotted owls and the loss of their natural habitats. The clear cutting of logs which caused erosion and floods. Some of these activists would chain themselves to the tree’s and some made their homes in the tree and were being taken care of by those who lived in their comfortable homes but encouraged the tree sitters with food and other supplies. Some of these tree sitters were sitting for weeks on end.
Their call to the nations was to stop cutting because we were depleting the forests!

Well, the complainers won and laws were instituted and clear cutting was banned in certain areas. The spotted owl was unencumbered and most of the tree huggers went home. However, not all was lost because the loggers still had some business, albeit, on a much smaller scale. Lot of the Logging Companies closed but those that scaled down contracted lumber from other countries to remain productive, which enabled the housing market to continue to flourish.

"Then God said; Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit after their kind with seed in them on the earth and it was so. And the earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed after their kind and trees bearing fruit with seed in them, after their kind and God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:11-12 I have to chuckle sometimes at mans finite mind and their understanding of how God works. God has planted so many trees on earth at the very beginning and He saw that they would yield seed which meant they would multiply and grow more and more trees.

Our country sides throughout our nation are full of trees of all kinds. Some have been standing for hundreds of years and some are young. Fires burn forests and the birds naturally find new habitats and the trees begin to grow again. But we bend to those, who are loud and create the most interruptions. We create laws to placate the unreasonable in order to smooth the ruffles and iron out the chaos.

But our God is faithful regardless as to how man acts. To those who love and obey Him, the Psalmist says; "For you will go out with joy, and be led forth with peace. The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Instead of the thorn bush the cypress will come up; and instead of the nettle the myrtle will come up; and it will be a memorial to the Lord, for an everlasting sign which will not be cut off."

The trees of the forest and all around is a memorial that God is! His creation is a testimony! "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Thy name in all the earth!" Psalm 8:1 Jane Ann

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Not long after we moved to Oregon we discovered several roadside picnic areas along the Rogue River. In these spots the river was narrow and curvy cascading downwards towards the estuaries that eventually would flow into the ocean. Although there were several of the picnic areas we had our favorite. It had only a few tables and a place to park your vehicle. That part of the wayside wasn’t spectacular but getting beyond the brush and the trees there was the river and ‘Naked Defiance’.

Naked Defiance sat at the bend in the river! On stormy days when the rains would come and the river would rise, the water would submerge the lower half of Naked Defiance until eventually through the years it washed all the dirt away and left the rugged roots exposed on this massive, massive tree.

This tree was our main attraction!. Oh it was fun watching the water racing down and out of sight around the bend; listening to the birds and wishing we could get in the water. However, it was too swift! Through the years the water had washed out a small beach and we would lay on our blankets and watch the kids playing close to the shore. No wading, nor getting to far out to get caught in the swift undercurrents. All by ourselves being one with nature.

For years I wanted Jim to paint me a picture of Naked Defiance as he stood there tall and stately. It fascinated me to see so much of it exposed to the elements and wondered why it just didn’t topple over. The picture of this tree is in our memory, the photo’s are hidden in albums.

Years went by and one day we decided to go and visit our old friend by the river. Obviously, a restoration project had been underway while we were just living our lives. The ground had been reinforced and built up around the stately old tree. The beach was gone and the water was rapidly moving along, paying no attention, that the curve in the bend of the river had been returned to it’s natural state. You couldn’t just walk out to the water anymore but stood on a small knoll overlooking the rushing waters, while standing under the branches of the tree.

We still call him ‘Naked Defiance’ even though I guess you could now call him, ‘God’s Masterpiece’, as he stands there by the waters fully dressed. Fully strengthened by the soil that surrounded it and the waters that had been giving it nourishment since the beginning.

I know many of you have seen such trees or some similar in our grand country. I know that you have stories to tell of your experience wondering about God’s creation. I know we always stand amazed as we see the scriptures come to life many times over.

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out it’s roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for it’s leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit." Jeremiah 17:7-8

As you travel on Hwy 62 in Southern Oregon just past a little town called Prospect, you find yourself driving through; "The Cathedral of Trees". Massive, defiant and full of majesty! Trees that stretch towards and fill the sky with its branches. Oh to be like these huge trees covering the expanse above. Oh to be like Naked Defiance standing by the water, being strong and faithful with branches held out towards the sun, soaking in all of God’s goodness. Oh to be like a tree being defiant to all of the elements knowing that God’s provision is always constant like rushing water. Oh to be like a tree firmly planted in God’s loving care. Jane Ann

Monday, June 15, 2009

TREE'S 6/15/09

When moving onto a piece of property, one of the biggest surprises is your first spring. Living in an area that has seasons, spring is the most revealing. Moving onto a property that had been unimproved left room for nature itself. Many blues, yellows, whites and even green of every shade appeared on our acreage profusely. One of the things that drew us to this particular property was the winter creek that ran through it.

Needless to say, when we began to improve the property for habitation, the winter creek was rerouted and we never saw it again. The blue star thistles were awful and needed to be removed of which some always remained. However, the tree’s and the grasses were plentiful and kept us in awe.

When we purchased our home in the city, again when spring rolled around we were thrilled with the rows of lilac tree’s that lined our back fence. Marigolds popped up everywhere, along with a variety of roses that filled the entry of our driveway. It was exciting to see the nature that was left behind by the previous owners. We had a huge flowerless mulberry tree in the back and several maple trees in the side yard that were on fire every fall. In the front was a masterful Sequoia Tree that was almost 45 ft high.

Where we live now, gave us no surprises our first fall, winter and or spring. It was an older home but not much attention had been paid to the yard, front or back. We had one ugly tree in the front and 4 beautiful trees in the back. But then we really didn’t know if they were beautiful or not. One tree had to go because the tiny plums were very messy. Another berry tree still remains because during the winter when it is covered with snow the red berries pop out and couldn’t be more beautiful and festive.

The tree that can be seen from the dining room window didn’t do much the first couple of years but the 3rd or 4th year it blossomed. Oh my, was that exciting! Bright golden yellow blooms filled the tree. They hung all over the tree about 4 to 10 inches in length. Jim took picture after picture of our ‘Golden chain Tree’! When the blooms were done and blew away what remained looked like the stems after the grapes had been eaten. The tree no longer held such beauty, but was sort of bare and stark as winter sat in with all these little bare stems still hanging on the tree. These stems remain until it blossoms again!

No matter how we try, we could never create anything as beautiful as a flowering tree. No matter how much we know about cultivating, we never can plant anything so magnificent as a massive tree. No matter where we live, God’s beauty can outshine all of our landscaping with just one of His beautiful trees. I know man has cultivated tree’s but God still grows them!

We are often amazed at the fruitfulness of God’s earth. "The trees of the Lord are watered abundantly, the cedars of Lebanon which he planted, in them the birds build their nests; the stork has her home in the fir trees"; Psalms 104:16-17 I have heard that some roots are the same length as the tree is above the ground. Not all trees are like that, because you can see the roots spread out above the ground.

Even though we can recognize a tree by its fruits or it’s blossoms we also know that we can recognize a bad tree. "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits! Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles?" Matthew 7:15-16 Jesus is giving us a way to test false prophets.
Jesus further explains; "Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruits". Are you known? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/1/09

Friday, June 12, 2009


As Jim and I walked
one morning, I saw something glistening in the sun. I looked closer and found a small oval shaped pin. It had a loop for a chain and also a clasp so it could be pinned on. The date on it was 2007-2008. It had a name of a girl and also name and town of the store where it was made. It was an award pin and on the front it said; "Laura’s Wolf Pack". Jim and I looked it over and then I put it in my pocket. Immediately a memory flashback took over my mind. I laughed in remembrance and shared with Jim this story.

While in the 4th grade my friend Iona Kay and I would walk to and from school on a street that was a walking thoroughfare. No side walks! Lots of dirt and much trash filled the sides of the street. It was a residential area and in the center was a divider, that was a dirt mound with weeds and more trash. But it provided easy travel for cars traveling east and west. One afternoon walking home from school, besides stepping on the empty packages of ‘Lucky Strikes’ so we could save up our strikes to hit those we didn’t like, we found a piece of paper with some writing on it. Part of the message was missing and we were instantly intrigued. Of course we had read enough of Nancy Drew books to know a mystery when we saw one. A plan was formulating in our young minds and a club called "The Answers to the Puzzles" was created. We stood up in our 4th grade class the next day and introduced our idea and asked all those who would like to join, to meet in Iona Kay’s sunroom the following Tuesday after school and we will begin looking for and solving puzzles. Brilliant idea! Or so we thought!

At our first meeting, I don’t believe we had any takers except for a few close friends. We paid our due’s which amounted to a few pennies and a nickle. If I remember rightly, I was the treasurer. Iona Kay the president! Our sleuthing days didn’t last!.

However, with the internet at hand I did a little sleuthing regarding the found pin. I am not handy with the internet but after 30 minutes or so I found the store that made the pin. I was so excited! I have mastered the internet, a little bit! The owner of the pin lived in Florida.

Life is full of mysteries! To us God is a mystery! His son Jesus is a mystery! How our bodies die and yet we live, is a mystery! How a baby is formed in the mother’s womb and grows as a plant in a hot house and then knows when it is time to be born, is a mystery. How someone could love me to the exclusion of choosing someone else, is a mystery! How when a man and wife can become one is a mystery! How those in Christ can stand firm and find peace in the midst of turmoil, is a mystery to the world! If you stop long enough and think of the mysteries of life, you could fill sheets and sheets with thoughts that are a mystery to you.

In Ephesians 3:4 Paul alludes to the mysteries of Christ. That is because Paul was chosen to take the gospel to the gentiles as noted in verse 6. In Ephesians 6:19 Paul asks the Ephesians to continue in prayer for him that he would be able to speak boldly, proclaiming this mystery of the gospel. We are to pray for each other so that we can be as bold as Paul, as we reveal the mysteries of the gospel today. In Galatians 3:25-26 this mystery is revealed in that through Christ ‘all’ are sons of God through faith! The mystery of two shall become one is revealed in Ephesians 5:31-33 where Paul speaks about Christ and the church. Christ is the groom and the church is His bride. Even so the husband is to love his wife and she is to respect her husband!

When I read a book, I start with the end. I love mysteries but I want to know who did it before I begin. When we read the end of God’s Word, we realize that the mysteries have been solved. Mysteries can be puzzling but in Christ all is revealed. Read it again from the beginning to the end and you will see that Jesus is the one who did it! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/13/08

Thursday, June 11, 2009


We have skin on our bodies that we wear like a body bag. Depending where this skin is placed it is smooth, soft, pliable and yet tough. Some areas have hair follicles that create protection and need to be kept groomed and or trimmed. On the finger tips there are grooves/ridges that enable us to pick things up. One of the interesting things about our finger tips is that it can leave a print. Years past the FBI required fingerprinting on drivers license and important documents. There are no two fingerprints alike! Each individual has their own set of fingerprints! When these are on file a fingerprint could be detected and checked against those on record and a criminal could be easily identified. In more recent years only those arrested would have fingerprints taken and they became part of the criminals record to be looked at for continual identification. Since DNA testing has become available, some have felt that fingerprinting is no longer necessary. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if fingerprinting became fashionable again due to 9/11 and future threats to America.

There is a couple who we use to attend church with for about six months of each year. The other six months they live in Mexico where he was born and the two of them served with a small congregation in San Carlos. She carries a bible that on the back cover has a rough set of fingerprints that are made evident with white paint. At first glance you would think they were perhaps one of her grandchildren. She shared this story with me and I was encouraged by her faith and her love and concern for others.

Rose Marie had loaned her bible to a friend who had taken it home. Some robbers broke into her friends home and completely destroyed the inside by tearing up the furniture and breaking everything they could break. They found some white paint in a closet and literally dumped it throughout the house. Then they went outside and dug up the yard, breaking and stealing any copper tubing that was used for water and/or sewer lines to the house. The police were called and said it was done by vandals who were looking for copper to sell. Rose Marie and others went to help clean up her friends house and in amongst the mess was her bible. When she saw the hand print she knew it was the print of one of the vandals. Even though the paint was water base and she could have washed it off, her first thought was to leave it there to remind her to pray for the owner of these prints.. What a story!

The book of Job is filled with wonderful verses that helps us to understand the plight of man. Job 5:7 says; "For man is born for trouble, as sparks fly upward." I am sure that the young man that belonged to those fingerprints did not know that God already knew him. I am also sure that this young man did not know that David speaks to God in Psalms 139:13-14 saying; "You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made". It is right for us to pray as found in James 4:8; "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you men of double mind". It is okay to ask God as found in Isaiah 41:13; to let this young man know that God can be his God and who will hold his right hand and will say to him "Do not fear, I will help you" . One day, because Rose Marie has prayed earnestly for this young man it will be as 1 John 5:4 says; "Whatever is born of God overcomes the world".

1 John 4:7 has made it clear that because God loves, everyone who loves is born of God! Perhaps God’s plan for this young man is something special, why else would his fingerprints be left for Rose Marie to find and to love him through prayer. Let us all find opportunities that lead us to champion the lost in such a divine way. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/25/08

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I changed my mine for this weeks discussions. Instead, you get pot luck!
I learned at a very young age
to never let my Mother hear me grumble and complain. I had a short fuse and often when it was lit, it was a sure bet I would be in trouble. You would have thought I would have learned my lessons. Even though I didn’t get spankings anymore, I still felt the impact of her look and knew I was in hot water. It doesn’t take a person long to realize when they are in over their head, but I have always had an inquisitive and argumentative nature. If I didn’t want to do something I would grumble under my breath. I didn’t slam drawers or doors because that would be to obvious. However, everyone knew I was angry or upset. I suppose most people have a discontent and deal with it in their own personal way. Eventually, control is reached, whether by counting to 10 or by shear will power. Jim was my control!

During the time I was teaching the SS highschool class and leading the Youth Group, I remember a brother and sister. The girl was beautiful with long dark hair, dark eyes with thick lashes and nicely shaped eye brows. Her brother was fairly quiet compared to her and he was not filled with as much anger as she was. However both of them expressed their dislike of their mother and father. The sister didn’t care who heard her verbal tirades about how awful the parents were and how much she hated them. I tried to talk with her but she couldn’t listen because her hatred filled her whole being. One evening she was killed by running into moving traffic. She was killed instantly!

Jim and I were on our way home from church and happened upon the situation and took the youngest of the family to a friend while the parents went to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. We went to be with this devastated Mom and Dad. We found them sitting beside their beautiful daughter stroking her hair, caressing her arm and with tears dried on their cheeks talking lovingly to her as only now they could because she couldn’t yell back at them. During the short time we knew this family, it was difficult for us to see why the teenagers hated their parents so and how devastated the parents were at her death. We attended three different services for this girl not to mention the day long visit at the mortuary. I often thought they did this because they could shower love and attention on her and she couldn’t run away anymore.

We are all familiar with the story of the Israelites and how they would grumble and complain and how God continually supplied all their needs. We remember how they would praise and thank Him and would turn against Him with more grumbling and complaining. God would send disease and trouble amongst them to get their attention and then they would repent and come back to Him. Over and over again God would be patient, but in the long run, they were no longer His chosen people, except to bring Christ into this world. This happens to us today when we complain about what God allows in our lives. It begins to affect us physically and then we begin to spiritually decay. Conversely, when we continue to praise and rejoice in the Lord during troubled times we grow spiritually because we have put our trust in Jesus which develops in us a grateful spirit towards God and others.

When we forget about ourselves we can let ourselves lie in green pastures because the Lord is our Shepherd. Read Psalms 23 and replace the personal pronouns like "my, I, me etc" with your name and re-read it again. It becomes far more personal! This passage is read at most memorial services because it is comforting. However, this is a happy passage! Take this chapter with you daily and see if it doesn’t bring the assurance that you are loved and cared for all the days of your life. Just think; "you can dwell in the house of the Lord forever". This is our safe harbor! It is filled with peace and green pastures! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/12/08

Monday, June 8, 2009


This week we are going to look at how we treat one another in the Spirit. Hang on, this could be rough!
When my children were small, every Saturday morning we cleaned our whole house. They would do one small thing and would come and beg Jim or me to come and see. As they got older, this never stopped. We still were to come and see! Danny loved to moved the furniture. Once he came and wanted me to come and see, even though I was cleaning the toilet. Brush in hand, towel in the other. I had to leave my important job to go and see! It is important to them to get an approval each step of the way. The truth is, no matter how old we are, we are still saying, "Come and see! Watch me!" We seek out those people who will acknowledge us with a look of love and approval. Faye, my daughter-in-law has always given her three boys a look of ‘doing good’ with a thumbs up. I have seen her do this at ball games, in church when they are participating up front during worship! The boys are always seeking that look from their Mom & Dad that says you are on the right track, keep going.

When I was 17 or so, it was my turn to clean the living room. I started out hanging clothes on the line; Washing them and putting them away; Making beds; Ironing clothes; Always doing dishes etc. Well, now I got to clean the living room! On Saturday mornings my mother usually went grocery shopping. The living room was sort of on the order of a theater so that everyone could see the TV. Well my first time on the job, I changed it! It now looked like a living room. I was pretty pleased with myself! Mom came home and took one look in the living room and said; "Who cleaned the living room"? I was excited, so I said; "I did"! Mom turned to me and gave me one of her stern looks and said; "put it back the way it was"! I did! As I grew older, I began to understand my Mom. She didn’t have time for incidentals. Having to deal with so many living in her home didn’t give time for explanations. But her response hurt me just the same. I guess that is why I never minded Danny moving the furniture! I wish he was still arranging my furniture.

Can you recall a time when somebody turned on you and spoke in a way that made you leave the room with your tail between your legs? By the same token, can you remember a time when someone spoke words of approval, or encouragement? I remember when Jim first said; "I love you". I do! He brought me home after a Sing at a neighboring church. He stopped the engine and he turned towards me and said, I LOVE YOU! All I could say was; "THANK YOU! But I remember! I was amazed that somebody could feel that way about me. When we hear words that make us happy, we keep them ready to replay often, especially as we get older.

God gave us His Word to build us up. To encourage us! His word also shows us how we are to lift up and encourage one another. Gods Word is very important and so is our word! To love one another is a commandment! It doesn’t leave room for negativity! Showing our appreciation is important for our spouse and our children. Our response is important!

When we are loving God, we can’t help but show approval, appreciation, encouragement and affirmation to others. Matthew 22:37-39 says; "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your mind and Love your neighbor as yourself"! We know when God gives us His approval! We know when we have done well! We feel it in our souls and when it is appreciated by others. Keeping God’s commandments are necessary for us because it helps us to remember what pleases Him. Receiving approval and encouragement not only makes us feel good about ourselves, but it helps us to know what it can do for those we show appreciation and encouragement to. With our Heavenly Father, we don’t have to say; "Come and see! Watch me"! What satisfaction. Love Rules! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/25/08

Friday, June 5, 2009

It is easy
for us to look at life through rose colored glasses. It is easy for me to tell you how it should be because I was able to do something’s right. It is easy to look at God’s word and say this is what God asks and this is what we should do. The preacher of my youth preached a sermon on sex and abstinence, every year. Most preachers, cover the ideal Christian walk but it always come down to God’s promise of forgiveness. WOW!

Being chaste is no easy task! One of the things God told Eve in the garden just before He asked Adam and Eve to leave, was that Eve would desire her husband. Of course it was in the context of having pain multiplied in childbirth. However, the inner workings of a woman is the desire that can come up by a smile, the touch of a hand, the smell of cologne and even by the attention that is paid to her. I am talking as a woman because even though I know how quick a man can respond to some of the same things, I am not a man therefore I cannot speak for them.

When we walk with Christ we know that sexual intercourse is wrong before marriage. We know, if we do not stop, we lose control and eat of the forbidden fruit. When that happens and it does, God has promised us forgiveness. Our God loves us so much that he has given us a lot of rope. You have heard; "Give him enough rope and he will hang himself!" In reality, we certainly can hang ourselves, but being unchaste by fornication and/or committing adultery is not the unforgivable sin. Praise God!

In my youth most things were kept hush, hush. If a girl became pregnant while still in school and unmarried, she would just be gone for a while. If a girl became pregnant and married, which were very few, she left school and sometimes would have a tutor so she could complete her education. But pregnancies were not allow in the public schools. There were many girls that were looked upon as being easy and you could readily recognize the boys that sought out these girls.

At my 50th high school reunion I saw that the easy girls could change. One in particular who Christ made a difference in. Praise the Lord for His promise of forgiveness! Being idealistic keeps us from looking inside ourselves and cleaning out the closets. Being filled with self righteousness keeps us from reaching our potential in Jesus Christ. We must examine ourselves and discover what path we want to follow and begin anew.

Today, we have learned to have compassion on these that find themselves in the family way. We need to help them not abuse them, because you can’t turn back the clock and make it not to have happened. Abortion is not the way out, because there is a life involved. A beautiful, new life regardless as to how it began.

Being forgiven gives us a new lease on life! Being forgiven tells us that God is not through with us yet! Being forgiven keeps us on the narrow path which goes through the narrow gate! Being forgiven helps us to realize that the ideal is the best way, but through God, perfection is always ahead of us. Remember; "pbpwmginfwmy"? It says; "Please be patient with me, God is not finished with me yet!" Hallelujah !

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness". 1 John 1:9 "My little children, I am writing this to you so that you may not sin; but if any one does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; He is the atonement for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world."
1 John 2:1-2

Let’s take God’s offer and see how He can clean up our act! Let’s learn to walk in Christ and become the children of the Father. Our lives will be much happier and fulfilling! To be forgiven is what this is all about! Jane Ann

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Growing up we were to live by the rules. We had rules at home which said; obey the rules! They could be anything from picking up your clothes, clean your plate, be home at a decent hour (of course we had to be old enough for that one), do your chores etc. etc.

At school the rules were also; obey the rules! They could be hand in your paper at the end of the day, do not run in the halls, no hitting one another on the play grounds and of course when you were in high school there were the dress codes.

In the community the rules were also; obey the rules or in this case the laws. No loitering, littering, cross only in the cross walk. When old enough to drive we were to obey the traffic laws. We all know what red, yellow and green mean, but do we obey them?

Rules, rules everywhere and no leniency anywhere! God set up the law in the Old Testament so the people would learn right from wrong. So they would understand that sin was wrong and to be obedient was good and right. God set up the law so we would know and understand human behavior in such a way that to be obedient to God would give them a better life. "To obey is better than sacrifice!" 1 Samuel 15:22b

"Thus says the Lord, learn not the way of the nations!" Jeremiah 10:2a In reading 1 Thessalonians 4 Paul is telling the people to learn how to live to please God. Paul says that we are to abstain from unchastity because God has not called us to uncleanness but holiness. If we disregard this, we are not disregarding man but God who gives us His Holy Spirit.

We are to teach our children to know God and to be able to differentiate between God and man’s laws. We are not to teach our children to disobey man’s law because Romans 13:1a says; "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities." That sounds a little ominous doesn’t it? A little more inclusive than we would like but in that same verse Paul tells us; "For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." That sounds better, doesn’t it?

"Rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of him who is in authority? Then do what is good and you will receive his approval." Romans 13:3 It is apparent to me that when we are obedient to God’s word and are teaching our children His statutes then God will use those in authority for our good. However, if we are doing wrong then we should be afraid.

I am concerned about what is being taught in our schools and the lengths that have been taken to keep the parents out of the decisions regarding the liberal handing out of condoms and not notifying the parent regarding abortions. However, if we are training our child up in the way he/she should go we need to put our trust in the Lord. His word is true and just! Mistakes happen but with God, we can live justly and do the right things.

Once the Vice Principal at the High School called me because Danny and Jennifer arrived late to school. He said; "Your son tells me he was late because his truck wouldn’t start!" I replied; "If Danny told you his truck wouldn’t start, then his truck wouldn’t start!" The VP said he was just checking because he felt I should know. I was a little angry that they would check up on Danny and Jennifer’s excuse when they were not children with social or disciplinary problems. They never called me again!

Parents need to know where their children are at all times. Parents need to let their children know where they are at all times. Children need to know they can trust their parents and in doing so, parents know they can trust their children. This is trusting in God! This is God’s law! Jane Ann

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

When Jennifer was preparing to attend summer school I went with her to get her enrolled and to sign some papers. When the enrollment was completed I was given two more papers to sign. I glanced at them and then asked; "Exactly what are these papers?" The clerk informed me that these papers were acknowledgment of my having received a copy of my rights as parent of my child. "My Rights"?; I responded! More like, I exploded! She told me that according to the law the child has more rights than the parent does in regards to how the school teaches, what they teach and what information is given to the parent.

I refused to sign the papers! I was informed that under the law, unless I signed these papers they would not be able to allow Jennifer to attend summer school. I thought about it for a few minutes and I told her I would sign the papers only because Jennifer needed summer school to help her to retain what she had already learned and wouldn’t regress during the summer. However, as far as my rights were concerned, I was still her parent and if the school did anything that was contrary to what I considered right or necessary , they would hear from me.

For quite some time the law has been on the side of the child, which in some cases is a good thing. To unify the law for all children is not a good thing. It takes parenting out of the hands of the good parent as well as overseeing the good of the child in homes where bad parenting is going on.

In 1996 The Christian Coalition and its political allies were campaigning to establish the right to raise one’s child, free of outside interference. Parents, in their view, can no longer spank a child without being harassed by a government agency, while schools are constantly subjecting children to offensive sexual materials or anti-religious teachings. However, establishing parental rights would make it easier for parents to file lawsuits against everything from sex education to the teaching of evolution and certain works of literature by Mark Twain or Shakespeare. The consensus also felt that this would give parents the right to bring litigation to harass local school boards and authorities into withdrawing controversial courses.

According to Bob Unruh, posted April 09; "Supporters of a plan to amend the U.S. Constitution to include parental rights are warning moms and dads across the United States they already are losing their rights to make decisions regarding their children’s health, education, welfare, finances, sex education, access to abortion and even leisure time". It has become apparent that even though the parent is still the parent the term; "what is best for the child" can override a good parents decision. I ask; "Who determines what is best for the child?"

I agree with the ‘Parental Rights in Education’ a statement by Focus on the Family which says; "We steadfastly oppose any and all domestic and international efforts of social parenting movements that would define children as wards of the state." I believe that the school is to teach the 3 R’s and other academic instruction and leave morality and religion up to the parents.

According to the Alliance Defense Fund statement; "The US Supreme Court has ruled that parents have the right to ‘direct the moral upbringing of their children." That right extends to the rights of parents to have their children ‘opt-out’ of explicit sex education programs that contradict and undermine the family’s sincere religious and moral beliefs."

Family Research Council says; "Parents play a major role in whether or not their teen will have sex". Chastity is taught in the home! "Little children, let no one deceive you. He who does right is righteous, as He is righteous. He who commits sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning". 1 John 3:7-8 Just because some parents are not in the know doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be. Teaching our children is the key! Jane Ann

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Recently I discovered a new favorite TV show; The Doctor’s. Of course it is entertaining but it also had some good sound information/advice regarding many questions most people have on moles, warts, vaccinations different surgeries and many other chronic conditions that you can take care of at home. The Doctor’s are very personable and seem to have a good ra por’ with one another. Needless to say, I was enjoying my new favorite.

Yesterday, I was checking to see what the topic for their time slot would be and the whole show fell down the slippery slope of disappointment. The topic for the day was sex! Not just the purpose of this activity but how to and what enhancements are best to use for both men and women. In our world today, anything is fair game in books, movies and on TV.

Oh yes, we are given a certified rating so that we will be circumspect in our choices if children will be watching. I personally classify myself as one of the children. We have a new cliche’, new because it parallels the advent of TV and computers. "Garbage in, garbage out!"

Early movies would depict a married couple sleeping in twin beds. Never under the same sheets! Kisses were more casual and not the passionate ones you now witness! Somewhere in the 50's more and more was not left up to your own imagination but instead became something of an embarrassment, especially if you were sitting next to the opposite sex.

TV commercials and advertisements in magazines and newspapers have taken being discreet, out of the picture and have become blatant in the exposure of their products. So much so that we are bombarded with birth control/prevention methods along with pills, ointments and salves for arousal and enhancement sprays for men and women. Not to mention the advertisement of under garments and the use of sexual innuendos in every other product on the earth, that have nothing to do with the sexual nature of man. Our TV’s, movies, books and the computer have inundated our humanity with sexual overtures and we continue to allow it by watching what is on our electronic devices and wonder; "What has our world come to"!

I am not comfortable with what is happening, nor am I comfortable watching it at the theater nor on my TV. We either mute the commercial or scene or we turn the station on the TV. It is a rarity if we stay longer than 10 to 15 minutes at the movie theater. Movies are not cheap but knowing that Jim is more than willing to walk out with me makes it all worth the cost of the popcorn.

We were standing in line for a movie, wondering what we were going to see and the lady behind us recommended; "The Cider House Rules". She knew we would just love it! Okay! We hated it! I have often wondered why this woman thought we would just love it! Was it because we are old or because it had abortions, illicit sex and took you down an imaginary road where you, the Christian, wouldn’t travel in real life? Jim did get his popcorn and shortly after, we left!

I am not a prude but I am a Christian! I am not a perfect example of Christianity but I have put my trust in the Lord and am persuaded that the Holy Spirit will help me through it all.
In 1 Corinthians 5:9-11 Paul says that we are not to associate with immoral men; true believers are to have no fellowship with the wicked works of darkness. He is not talking about the world because the world is already judged by God but he is talking about the church, for we are to judge one another. Watch where you walk! Watch what you think! Watch what you do!

"If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away; And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; It is better to lose one of your members than your whole body be thrown into hell." Matthew 5:29-30 Jane Ann

Monday, June 1, 2009


This week our subject use to be hush hush, however, today anything goes. It is subject that even in the Christian world we don't want to discuss, but it is a subject that needs to be considered.
it is called "sex education" and by the School Board authority, you receive it in school. When I was 10, it was no longer, more than I needed to know. When I told my Mom of the issue I was experiencing, she handed me a little book called "The Birds and the Bee’s" along with some other things, with instructions on how to use them. She told me to read the book thoroughly! I read the first few pages which was all about the habits of birds and how bee’s got the nectar/pollen from one plant and deposited it into another. I was soon bored, but I told Mom I read it!

Sometimes I would go with my friend to her grandparents house in Redlands and play amongst the orchards. I told her what had happened to me and she said it hasn’t happened to her but she knew all about it. After all, her Dad was the preacher and he knew everything and had talked to her about it. I didn’t have to coax her, because she was more than willing to share what she knew. Some of what she told me, I already suspected, but now, I had the facts, Now I understood, or I thought I did. But then, I was very young and naive!

As I grew older we had a class where the boys were separated from the girls and both classes were given instructions on the development of our bodies which took us through awareness and puberty. Now, that was an eye opener! All of the girls and boys went around for a few days after that whispering to each other about our new found identities and information.

My brother Lloyd always said that I lived in my own little world and most things just went over my head at the speed of lightning. When I got married, I finally understood what he meant. However, I married a man who knew a lot more than me, but not as much as he thought he did. We learned together and what a blessing that was and has been throughout our marriage. We have no comparable’s, except each other. He is the most patient of men and has always been wonderful to me. Experience is not always the best teacher! It depends upon what you need experience for. Many life situations require some experience. Being a virgin was considered ideal for girls only. I suggest that being a virgin for the young woman and man is the ideal. I believe that every young girl deserves a chaste man as well as he deserves a chaste woman.

I have often wondered why Mary, the mother of Jesus, was dressed in blue. I saw a movie once that told about it and decided that was as good an answer as any. In Judaism during biblical times blue was considered pure and was worn to show virginity in young girls. That makes it sound like they wore a badge of sorts. Today, in our world, it is no longer a disgrace to be sexually active but looked upon as normal. No wonder marriages don’t last and love is a word to describe desire. To love means far more than that! No wonder there is so much unhappiness!

"Fornication and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is fitting among saints. Let there be no filthiness or silly talk which is not fitting. Those that do this will not inherit the kingdom of God." Ephesians 5:3-5 He says that we should not even associate with those who do these things. In verse 12 it says that it is even shameful to speak of these sinful things that they do in secret. "We are to look carefully how we walk for we are to be wise. We are not to be foolish or drink wine, but understand the will of God and be filled with the Spirit." Ephesians 5:15 We are to be pleasing to God even in our sexual activities.

Defilement of the marriage bed is common today. Either before marriage or even after marriage! Marriage use to hold mysteries and surprises but today it is mostly full of comparable’s and being unfulfilled; constantly seeking a fulfillment that could have been if you had only waited for that special one. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/6/08