Sunday, October 31, 2010


EVEN THOUGH today is Halloween, I am not addressing Halloween. I did that last year, so if you want to talk about Halloween you can look at last years October Morning Glory on my blog. Instead, lets talk about somebody! Somebody who has done something very wrong and must face the consequences. Somebody who got caught doing this very bad thing and even though they have tried to put the pieces back together by repenting, receiving God's forgiveness and moving on, appears to get deeper and deeper in the pit and all the while is being condemned by their neighbors.

THROUGH the years as part of God's kingdom, I have seen these things take place and never quite understand how a Christian's life can fall apart when God says; "Take heed to yourselves; if your brother sins, rebuke him and if he repents, forgive him; and if he sins against you seven times in the day and turns to you seven times and says; "I repent," you must forgive him!" Luke 17:3-4 Sounds so simple, doesn't it? Lots of times we convict without proof!

A COUPLE OF THINGS I see in this scripture. One is to rebuke him while he is sinning; and to forgive him, when he repents. The other is, if he sins against you even 7 times in one day and 7 times says; "I repent," we are to forgive him. Nothing is said about finding fault continuously and tearing that person apart to get him to cry uncle or leave the church. I've looked, but I can't find that! I know that necessary discipline, needs to take place.

THE LESSON found in John 8 is an example of casting the first stone. "The upper crust, brought a woman caught in adultery and having set her in the midst they said to Jesus;" "Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery; in the very act!" verse 3-4 Wow! They witnessed this? They saw it first hand? The story comes with a very popular discussion about "what is Jesus writing on the gorund?" I always felt the discussion should be; "What were these men doing when they found her?" Makes me wonder, who are the busy bodies?

"BUT WHEN they persisted in asking Jesus, He straightens up and says to them;" "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." "Again He stooped down and wrote on the ground." verse 7-8 As you know, when Jesus looked again, the accusers were gone and the only one left was the woman. How sad for her to be in such a place! How sad for her to have no one be her advocate! But wait, Jesus was her advocate because He says to her when they were alone; "Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you!" And she said; "No one, Lord!" Then Jesus said; "Neither do I condemn you; go your way; from now on, sin no more." verse 10-11 The important discussion here is; "From now on, sin no more!"

WHEN DO WE draw the line and condemn? When do we decide, "I am the judge and jury!" It is true in Matthew 18:15-35, Jesus gives us understanding on how to disciple offenders. Those who are practicing sin! The one thing I notice is that it says; "go and tell him!" Doesn't say, talk about it with a friend; it doesn't say write a letter; it doesn't say go in anger. But these are things that are done. There are various steps to be taken but at the end in verse 17, "if he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile." The great thing is, if he submits to council you have won your brother, if he does not and refuses to change, you treat him as a non-Christian; not simply as a penalty but to bring him to repentance and back into the fellowship.

WHO ARE WE to ask them to leave the church? Who are we to decide who gets discipined and who doesn't? Imagine you were the woman, caught in adultery! Imagine those sitting around waiting for what action is to be taken. What if you have already been forgiven? It is like being condemned to death when you were innocent. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/25/10

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I GUESS my all time favorite is Disney Land. But give me a playground with adult swings and I am happy. There was a place in Long Beach called the Pike and near the pier in Santa Monica, a place called POP or Pacific Ocean Park. Both of those were great! The pike is gone and In am not sure about POP but Disney Land; the magic kingdom, is still going strong and all over the world.

AS CHILDREN going to the playground, it was a time to look forward too. My days as a young parent, we could say; "as soon as you get your room picked up, we will go to the park!" Happy faces would move full steam ahead and before you knew it, we would be on the playground. I believe Disney Land opened up in Anaheim when I was still in highschool. However, I didn't go there until after highschool. All the same, it was always memorable!

AS ADULTS, we find many different kinds of playgrounds are available. Playgrounds of diversity; full of deceitful enchantments and low grade excitement. I went once, but never made it a practice to go "bar hopping!" Those who do, know what I am talking about. Foul odors; foul language; foul activities. I think "foul hopping" would be a more appropriate name!

TODAY bars come with drugs; alcohol; topless waitresses and dancers; explicit connotations amongst the opposite sex and those looking for pleasure in all the wrong places. No, I have never been in one of these places. I don't expect that I ever will! However, there but for the grace of God, go I and you and you!

SATAN LIKES IT when Christians find themselves explaining;"it is okay to drink wine because they did it in the Bible." Satan likes it when Christians go to these kinds of places saying; "I just go with my friends but I don't participate in all that goes on." It is amazing what kind of games we play, when we try to live on the edge!

DID YOU KNOW that Satan has favorite playgrounds also? One is our righteousness; one is our mind; one is our self esteem and one more is His Disney Land! I am sure there are many more parks that he likes as well as these, but this is enough for me! I know what you are thinking! There she goes again! Off the wall; throwing the mud and taking away our fun and relaxation. I merely try to point out what I know to be true with my life. In doing so, it encourages me to know the facts and know what God has to say about it. I just like to share!

I HEARD a preacher recently say that; "self righteousness is Satan's playground!" Did you know that? How many times have we set ourselves up as holy, above reproach and yet we find ourselves on the front row watching an R rated movie? To be righteous means to be right! We are not always right about most things in God, but are held up as righteous because of Christ.

SATAN LOVES to play with our minds and cause us to think on things that absolutely are not on the minds of the righteous. "Set your minds on the things above and not on the things of this earth! Colossian 3:2 When Satan begins his games of self esteem, we are never sure if our self esteem is good or if we are suffering, in spite of our play acting. I believe many pretend to have a good self esteem when in reality it is low. We fall prey to peer pressure and begin to follow the crowd. God says; "Let what you say be simply YES or NO!" Matthew 5:37a

SATAN'S most ingenious playground is his, Disney Land. Living in a fantasy world takes us away from our reality. We can play this game with drugs or alcohol; playing video games and the best is through the most common virtual reality by watching explicit movies or TV shows with the excuse of the parental ratings, are okay. In Proverbs there is a list of seven things that God hates. Two are; "A heart that devises wicked plans and feet that run to evil!" Proverbs 6:18 Take heart; forgiveness follows repentance! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/24/10

Sunday, October 24, 2010

GONE ASTRAY? 10/24/10

I HAVE THIS HABIT, like many, where I cut out articles; sayings; poems; thoughts etc and put them aside to peruse at a later time. Of course when I put them aside I very seldom go back to get them right away. It can be days, months and sometimes even years. I was looking for something the other day and came across the following and decided to write a Morning Glory. I like thought provoking tidbits and I bet you do too!

"Twas a Sheep...Not a Lamb!" "It was a sheep, not a lamb, that strayed away in the parable Jesus told; a grown up sheep that had gone astray from the ninety and nine in the fold. Out in the meadows, out in the cold, twas a sheep the Good Shepherd sought; back to the flock and into the fold, twas a sheep the Good Shepherd brought. And why, for the sheep, should we earnestly long, and so earnestly hope and pray? Because there is danger, if they go wrong, they will lead the young lambs astray. For the lambs follow the sheep, you know; wherever the sheep may stray. If the sheep go wrong, it will not be long till the lambs are as wrong as they. So, with sheep we earnestly plead, for the sake of the lambs today; if the lambs are lost, what a terrible cost some sheep, may have to pay."
Author unknown

WE KNOW how important it is for the strong to hold the hand of the weak. We know how important it is to hover around the aged to keep them from tripping or falling. We know how important it is to have security gates around stairs to protect the young from falling. But do we know how important it is to be there for the sheep in the Shepherds fold?

"STUDY TO SHOW thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, but rightly dividing the Word of truth." 2 Timothy 2;15 Many are students of the Word and yet find themselves standing on the outside looking in because of disagreements and faulty discernment. We talk about being on the milk, when it is time to eat meat. We talk about being young in the faith and the need to mature. When we lack understanding and are still on the milk, be careful that you don't become the bull in the china shop. To need further understanding is not a bad thing, but seeking further training, is a good thing.

IN ISAIAH we read prophesies of the coming Savior. "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53:6 Jesus was wounded for our sins; He was bruised and with all the chastisement and with the stripes, we are made whole. How can we still be sheep that go astray? How can we forget what the Christ has done for us? How can we never learn to eat the meat so we can become strong and firm in our faith?

REMEMBER when Jesus was telling the Jews who He was? Jesus and others were just milling around in the Temple when the Jew's confronted Him with; "Tell us plainly, if you are the Christ!" "I have!" Replied Jesus. "The works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness to me; but you do not believe, because you do not belong to my sheep. My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me." John 10:25-27

DO YOU HEAR the Shepherd's voice? Have you responded when He said; "Come!" The story of the Good Shepherd is actually an allegory, which means that all details are relevant. Jesus is both the shepherd of the sheep and the door. Only through Him can the sheep enter the kingdom. Jesus the shepherd, died for His sheep! Those who are not true sheep, cannot enter the door. I pray that those who read this today are still in the sheep fold. However, if you have found yourself outside of the fold, come back to the Shepherd, He is waiting! We all have been there! "For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your soul. 1 Peter 2:25 Ah; There's no place like home! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/23/10

Saturday, October 23, 2010


WE HAVE BEEN TOLD that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That could be true! I know what is beautiful to me and you know what is beautiful to you. In preparing a lesson for a Ladies Bible Study, I have used the same passage several times about Mary anointing Jesus' feet. There is so much beauty in these passages. So much emotion! But this morning, in looking in the book of Mark, I saw something beautiful. I saw something so revealing about Jesus.

CHAPTER 14, verses 3-9, we read the story of a dinner held at the home of Simon the Leper. According to my studies, Simon was married to Martha, the sister of Mary. While the men were reclining at the table, Mary came in with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume of pure nard. She broke it and poured it over His head. Some were indignant and made comments about wasting this perfume that could have been sold and the money given to the poor. If you recall, Judas was one of these men! Jesus said; "Let her alone! Why do you bother her?" "She has done a beautiful thing to me!"

BECAUSE of my brother Lloyd's inability to walk well anymore, or even to bathe completely, Gene and Joetta would drive a distance just to wash Lloyd's feet. When my sister started doing this, she could get down on the floor easily. As time moved on she would sit on a stool. No matter how she felt, she would wash and manicure his feet. Everyone had taken their turn doing things for Lloyd but no one thought to do that for him, except Joetta. Lloyd suffered much with his paralysis, but Joetta also suffered with Rheumatoid Arthritis and I could not hear her pain. Would you say, She did a beautiful thing to Jesus?

HAVE YOU THOUGHT about what you have done for Jesus that is a "beautiful thing?" As I read that passage, I felt pricked in my heart. What have I done for Jesus, that He would consider a beautiful thing? When I asked Jim about this, he reminded me of Matthew 25:31-46 where Jesus speaks of judgment. He speaks of a time when; "I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you welcomed me; I was naked and you clothe me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me!" The king in question responded with; "when did I do these things?" Jesus says; "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me."

I IMAGINE, you and I have done beautiful things to our Jesus when we have called upon the sick; visited those in prison; helped by bringing food and clothing for the poor. I imagine you and I have done beautiful things to our Jesus when we shared financially with causes that would benefit the poor, and loving one another! I don't usually look upon anything that I do as being a beautiful thing but I am wrong.

WHEN WE THINK of the things that the Apostles and the Disciples went through in establishing God's church; when we think of the things that Missionaries all over the world suffered for the cause of Christ; when we think of the anguish that our Pastors and Elders experience because of their flocks; do we see these things as being a beautiful thing to Jesus. Indeed, they are beautiful!

WE FIND it hard to lay our burdens down at the feet of Jesus but how much harder is it to realize the beautiful things He desires of our hearts. When I am writing a morning glory I never know where it will lead. This morning it leads me to the foot of the cross, where Jesus said; "Forgive them, they know not what they do!" Oh my heart!

CAN WE say like David; "I will give to the Lord the thanks due to His righteousness and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High?" Psalm 7:17 Can our prayer be; "Use me Lord; Thy will be done!" By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/11/10

Sunday, October 17, 2010


FIRST OF ALL, I still find it hard to think of Lynn being gone these past 5 months! Secondly; WOW, He has been in heaven for 5 months! I know I have asked this question before, but I want to put it out there again. "Do you really believe, that what you believe, is really real?" I heard the professor on the "Truth Project" ask that question. Profound to say the least! However, I really believe, that what I believe, is really real; and I pray you do too.

MY GRIEF through the past 42 years, have brought me to the realization, that I do not grieve without hope. My hope is in Jesus Christ and I believe in the promises of our heavenly Father. All is well with my soul! But grief, although not a stranger to me, is still something that I struggle with. Because Lynn live 250 plus miles from me, I did not see him often. When I did, it was as though we had never been apart. Even so, I did not share all my days with him!

THE PAST FEW YEARS Lynn and Kathleen shared in our anniversary celebrations and we in their's. We married January 27 and they were married on January 28th. We have had some wonderful experiences together and I will miss that time as couples! I admit, I didn't want to let him go; I did not want to experience, once again, the loss of a dear loved one. I remember the last time I saw him and how I felt walking away from the hospital. I remember my loud bursts of anguish and loss. I remember Jim and Joyce trying to comfort me! I didn't want comfort, I wanted to go back in that room, where Lynn was!

I HAVE TRIED to control my periods of grief. I have tried to be uplifting and encouraging to those who have and are still grieving. I accept the encouragement from those who love me and understand. But none of that kept me from having a dream so real, that when I was suppose to be awake I felt as though I was still in the dream.

THAT MORNING as Jim tried to comfort me, I could do nothing but sob and cry! Throughout the dream I kept saying; "I can't do this again!" "I don't want to do this again!" In talking with my friend, Iona Kay, she comforted me with; "you are normal!" "This is called a grief burst!" I don't entirely understand that concept, but those who have walked through grief; and have shared within circles of grief; and have attended workshops and conferences have a better understanding of what the body goes through during grief. Iona Kay has been there!

WE FIND IN PROVERBS, the proverbial bad vs the good. Once in a while you will find one that says exactly what you need. "Even in laughter the heart may be sad and in pain; and the end of joy is grief!" Proverbs 14:13 God gives us many reasons to praise Him even at times like these. "Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning." Psalms 30:5b Everything looks fresh and new in the morning. As the day begins again so can you begin again with a new slate. A new resolve! With the peace that passes all understanding!

WITH LIFE comes death! With death comes the awakening! What have you chosen to wake up to? What could be your home when you move from this place? Have you given it much thought? Have you taken it seriously or is it something you talk about with friends and cross your fingers behind your back?

"SEEK THE LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that He may have mercy on him." Isaiah 55:6-7 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/13/10

Saturday, October 16, 2010


EVERYONE GRIEVES at one time or another. We can grieve about losing weight, our jobs, moving, even our good health when it is not so good anymore. There are those who grieve, when their children leave home, under the guise of "empty nest syndrome." We experience grief anytime we feel a loss. Some will grieve more than others but nevertheless, grief is very real and needs to be dealt with. My sister Jeri, was the youngest and the one who would listen to Mom, when everyone else was too busy with their lives. So it didn't surprise me that she would be the one who was willing to say what had to be said during my time of grieving. What she did for me, at my lowest point after the loss of my brother Layton, shook me to the core.

I HAD NEVER experienced anything like the pain when Layton drowned. I know that I had a wonderful husband and two children, but that didn't keep me from feeling like my life was over. I spent many hours in the Word trying to find solace. I wasn't able to find it so I just kept looking and looking, to the detriment of my family and friends. Oh, I continued with teaching Sunday School. I continued singing. I continued many things but my heart was not in any of it.

MY SISTERS and I were scheduled to sing for a Mothers Day Banquet in May. I should have been better by then, after all it had been eight months. I even practiced two nights before. On Saturday morning, Jeri called me and said; "Where were you?" "What do you mean," I ask! "We sang at the banquet last night, where were you?" Before I could say anything else, Jeri said; "Look, you are not the only one that lost Layton. We all did! You are not the only one grieving." I must have mumbled something like "I'm sorry!" But the only thing I remember is that when we hung up, I felt like I had just been plowed into by a bulldozer.

I THOUGHT at the time, losing a sibling couldn't be the same as losing a spouse, or a child, or a parent or even a friend. Unknown to me at that time, losing anyone that is close to you day in and day out can be unbearable. Since that time I have lost four more brothers and two sisters. I have lost both my mother and father. I have lost numberous friends and each time it is as though a part of me leaves with them. Like aging, grieving is a condition of life.

THE INTERESTING thing about grieving for Layton was that I had never really grieved before. I realize, I had lost my father whom I loved, but I guess I was too young to realize the effect of death upon the body. I felt sad but not distraught! Old people are suppose to die! A friend of mine told me; "You have just experienced another part of life." I wasn't too sure I liked this new experience. I knew for sure, I never wanted to experience this again!

THROUGH Layton's death I really began to want to know more about heaven. When Larry died I was comforted to think they were together. As Lonnie, Lloyd and then Janice passed on I became anxious to see them all again; soon and very soon! With Jewel and then Lynn, I found comfort in knowing; "He would be with us always." Matthew 28:20b "I will never fail you nor forsake you!" Hebrews 13:5b

In one of my most desparate hours I begged God to show me that Layton was with Him. I cried in despair for reassurance! As I lay on the couch with tears streaming down my cheeks, I felt a warmth so encompassing that it was felt from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head. It lasted for only a few seconds and then it was gone. That very moment, I knew that I had just felt the presence and comfort of God. That very moment, I knew that Layton was with the Lord! I continued to grieve but not like one that had no hope! Jesus is my hope! Jesus can be your hope also. "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful!" Hebrews 10:23 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/2/08

Sunday, October 10, 2010


THIS IS AN OLD LINE from an old movie! Remember Casablanca? So sad! So memorable! Some years ago I discovered I was actually the church pianist and I loved it! The piano is my favorite instrument, especially when it is played by those who have exceptional talent on the keys. I am neither exceptional nor mediocre. I am good in a pinch! The church I played for had no one else so they appreciated my efforts.

I GET TO PLAY in church this morning! It has been almost 10 years since I have played in the morning worship. Can you believe that? I get to play once again! I am so excited and know that I will appreciate this far more, than anyone else! That's okay! Even if I am never allowed to play again, I have this morning. I think this could satisfy my musical ego for years to come.

WHEN I WAS YOUNG I never anticipated getting old. Who does? We think we are invincible! As the years go by, you realize at 40, age is creeping up on you. By the time you are my age; you are old! Do I feel old? Sometimes! Do I feel any different? Not really, except for a few aches and pains and when I look in the mirror, I wonder; "Who is that old woman!" One thing for sure; I am not doing all the things I use to do. God instituted a process so that many talented members of His body have opportunities to serve the kingdom up front and behind the scenes. It is like an escalator! You start when young and keep at it until you are old. If you are willing, you never have to retire! My 86 year old sister is still teaching the 6th grade SS class!

TO BE ASKED to lead a Bible Study again was the highlight of this year for me. To be allowed to play the piano for the Worship Team, my second! Does that mean I lead a very useless life within God's body? No way! Just being recognized as a member of His body is sufficient for any day of the week. Each member is needed to complete the circle.

"I AM SURE that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6 In other words the work that God has begun in each of us will continue until either we die and go to heaven or are here when Jesus Christ returns. Does that tell you anything? It tells me that as long as we are willing and able, God will continue to use each of us in His kingdom.

JIM SAY'S; "There's work on the grounds; there's work on the buildings; there's cleaning the bathrooms and throughout the building. There are bills being paid; there's a news letter prepared; communion prepared and served. Lessons prepared and being taught; sermons prepared and preached; prayers being said and scripture's read. There are Sunday School teachers; Church secretaries; roll books and Sunday School Superintendents. There are musicians tuning up; the worship team preparing and special music. Children's church; the nursery; communion meditations by elders and deacons. There is fellowship; there is calling on people in their homes; there are mid-week bible study's; visiting the sick and calling on the shut-ins. Encouraging one another; loving one another; outreach BBQ's and crying/laughing. Spurring one another on in love, all in the name of Jesus Christ. Do you year it? Can you see it? It's the church dancing to the direction of God's leading. The Gospel is the melody and any activity that supports it is the harmony. Faithfulness to do the work promptly is the rhythm and when everything is done in harmony and regularly, the dance is beautiful."

I LOVE IT when activities are overflowing within the kingdom and I love it when they overlap. There will be a time when we all come to the end of our labors. But those who never quit while they still have the strength or breath, are the ones that are always ahead of their game. "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!" Revelation 4:8b If the four living creatures can sing that song, then why can't we! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/8/10

Saturday, October 9, 2010


NOW THAT IS A QUESTION, ISN'T IT! When I was a child the temptation was there as I would wander around in Floyd's Market on the corner of 147th and Hawthorne Blvd. Oh yes, I was faced with that very question! I have to think, because I was, so were you! Did I steal? I can't fully remember except I can see myself putting something in my pocket. Can't remember what it was or even if I kept it, or possibly had returned it. I know I didn't get caught, by the people at the store.

WHAT CAUSES us to not fight the urge to take something that doesn't belong to us? What causes us to want something so desperately, that we are willing to get it dishonestly and risk getting caught? Why can't we see that we are treading on dangerous ground?

THESE PAST THIRTY YEARS or so, the housing market flourished, then gravitated from a buyers market into a sellers market. Many bought into the greener pastures and now have hung up the shingle that says; "in foreclosure." Couldn't we see what was coming? Couldn't we realize that spending a half million dollars on a home could lead to possible bankruptcy? Couldn't our income dictate our desires?

CREDIT CARDS have made somebody rich, but in reality, it has made most of us to be in debt. I know; because we have those cards too! In our world, being in debit, is normal! However, this normal, is taking us way over our heads. I don't want to be classified as being in the "new" normal. I realize that when changes come we have to take a different tact and lay out a new strategy, but wouldn't it have been easier if we had only spent what we have in our pockets.

AS YOU READ GOD'S WORD we find that He takes pleasure in our successes! He takes pleasures in our humbleness! He takes pleasure in our obedience to Him! Does He take pleasure when riches and signs of prosperity take precedence over our allegiance to Him? "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed, a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions!" Luke 12:15

IN MANY PLACES of the Bible you read; "our cup runs over, He is our Shepherd, we receive blessings and blessings, a peace that passes all understanding; we have a mansion in heaven and life eternal. None of this has cost us anything because Christ has paid it all! In Psalms 20:4 the Psalmist says; "May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed!"

IN ORDER for us to receive the desires of our hearts we must use wisdom not only in our finances but circumspect fully in our walk with God. When we seek God's favor we must first check our motives before we petition the Lord for our wants. "Now to Him, who by the power at work within us, is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think." Ephesians 3:10

WE HAVE the Holy Spirit within us! Our help lives with us! Many want to pray the prayer of Jabez and WALLA, we have it all! I don't pretend to understand the prayer of Jabez but I do understand when God says; "Bring the full tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house and thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing." Malachi 3:10

JAMES, IN CHAPTER 4, talks about passions and desires; our wanting and not able to obtain so we wage war and kill. James says we ask and do not receive! Why? Because we ask with wrong motives. He calls us "unfaithful creatures!" "Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." James 4:4 Lord, help me to put you first in my life! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/8/10

Sunday, October 3, 2010


REFLECTING on our trip, I have to admit I am so glad we went. Many things were different in my home town. The bridge across the Missouri was refined and I almost missed it, halfway across. The Union Pacific is still present but the hustle and bustle of a railroad town was gone. The house I lived in as a child was still there but the yard got much smaller and houses on both sides moved closer together; the block was shorter and the streets were much narrower! I suppose it could be that as a child it all looked much bigger!

WHAT HADN'T CHANGED was the closeness and love of family. The highlight was visiting in their homes; going to their favorite restaurants; looking at home movies and just strolling through the town they live in. We tried to best one another in telling stories about spiders and snakes but no one could best Harriet with her story of the flying turtle.

LISLE AND HARRIET were driving along in their car as another car came towards them on the other side of the street. Just as the car was to pass them it hit a turtle in the road and literally hit it into the air and it flew across the front of their car and appeared to be flying as they watched it through their windshield. Laughing is good for the soul and it is also good in drawing distant relatives into a close encounter.

DRIVING THROUGH God's country, that we call America, is amazing! We drove through rocky mountains that weaved in and out of several states; across the planes and high desserts. We climbed mountains that scared the bejebies out of Jennifer and me and all Jim could say was; "I love driving this car!"

WE WENT TO MT RUSHMORE and was in plenty of time for the light show in the evening. When the lights came on it started very slow and soft. It gradually got brighter and the Presidents appeared as though glowing in the night. Man may have sculptured the busts but God gave the foundation and it was very illuminating.

WHEN WE ARRIVED at Old Faithful in Yellowstone, having never been there before, our expectations were limited. However, when the steam would overflow and then fade we found ourselves mesmerized. Then we begin to see it bubbling and felt just like the song; "It's bubbling, it's bubbling, it's bubbling in my soul!" When it begin to spew out in force it took my breath away! I could only describe it as watching a bride coming down the isle. It was so beautiful and radiant! It's magnificence put us in a state of awe! It's majestic burst of energy and sparkle in the sun left us with our mouths hanging open. It lasted about 6 minutes and then it was steam, preparing to return again. That is why,it is called "Old Faithful!"

WE STOPPED in Idaho and spent a couple of nights with my sister Jeri and her husband Ron. They are the best Bed and Breakfast in town. Wednesday night we went to church with Jeri at Ten Mile Christian Church. A well established body but a new building! She took us on a quick tour into the sanctuary. Children were bouncing off the walls! They have so many middle school age children in the youth group that they have taken over the sanctuary and the adults are in the large foyer. I know of many elderly Christians who would have had a heart attack. I loved it!

"O LORD, OUR LORD, how majestic is Thy name in all the earth! Who hast displayed Thy splendor above the heavens! From the mouth of infants and nursing babes Thou hast establish strength because of Thine adversaries, to make the enemy and the revengeful cease." Psalms 8:1-2 Jim used this verse this morning in our Sunday School class. I felt it was perfect for this Morning Glory. He is the master designer of all creation; He designed families and He is the one who says babes and infants will cause the masses to stop and take notice. Everyone should take a trip through the west and mid west at least just once! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/3/10