Saturday, November 26, 2011

JUST A DASH! 11/27/11

JIM TELLS ME that his Mom never followed a recipe.
In order to get her biscuit recipe, you had to watched her make biscuits. It was a dash here, a pinch there and enough liquid to mix together. In order for me to make anything, I have to have a recipe or just make it up as I go and then make it up again. I have learned to write it down as I make it up, then it isn’t as hard to make it again and get the same results as the first time around.

CHRISTIANITY is pretty much like following a recipe. The Word says we are to have salt in us, so we can savor the world. The Word says we are to have just enough light in us that shows the world God’s way. The Word says we are to just use a pinch of kindness, and the Holy Spirit in us, will do the rest. The Word says, don’t use gossip because it will grow and overflow and make a very bad mess.

WHEN we are forever faithful to God and His Word, we have an abundance of just the right amounts of salt in us and the light shines just bright enough. Our abundance is filled with the fruits of the spirit because the Spirit is within us. Being forever faithful keeps us on our toes so that we no longer have a container in our cupboards called ‘gossip!’

I AM REMINDED about gossip because even though I strive not to, I realize that on occasion, I gossip. Makes me totally ashamed of myself and I am so thankful for God’s patience with me, when I find myself on my knee’s begging His forgiveness. Have you been there? On your knee’s? Gossip is killer! It not only makes God’s recipe for us to spoil, but it can cause a canker sore between friends and families.

PBPWMGINFWMY! If I have hurt someone; if I have caused someone to gossip with me; I want to make amends by apologizing here and now. When I see you face to face, I probably will apologize again! The letters that appear to spell nothing is saying; “Please be patient with me, God is not finished with me yet!” God is not finished with you either! Together, we can make amends by striving to become the persons God has created us to be!

I LOVE the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi; “Lord make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”

JESUS says that when we pray, pray like this; “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Matthew 6:9-13 Both prayers asks God to forgive us as we forgive! I believe that forgiveness is the key to this prayer in the book of Matthew.

WHEN WE SEEK biblical truths and apply them to our lives we find that we receive blessings after blessings. “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive yours; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive yours!” Matthew 6:14-15 Our goal of eternal life can only result from us putting to death our old sinful ways and putting on the identity of Christ.

MY PRAYER is to meet the needs of others by sharing God’s Word! We know that in giving, we receive! I know that I cannot earn eternal life, and I know I am not bold enough, but what God has given me, I can’t keep to myself. I am on my way to Glory and I want as many as possible to go with me! Will you accept His gift? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/10/11

Sunday, November 20, 2011

THANKSGIVING 2011! 11/20/11

I WAS IN HIGHSCHOOL during the 50's. A movie
came out called “Frankenstein 1970". I thought; “WOW” 1970; that hast to be a futuristic movie! Here we are in 2011 and the future is still before us. I am more and more convinced that knowing our past, prepares us for the future. Today I realize that historical revisionism was taking place even while I was in Highschool, but didn’t become a term until the last decade. “What is historical revisionism?” I thought you would never ask! It is changing our history to suit those who want to change the mind set of people.

WE HAVE BEEN reviewing “The Truth Project!” It is a series of 12 video’s created by Focus on the Family and taught by Del Tacket. If you haven’t seen this world view material, it is a must for all Christians. The 6th video is on history; biblical, world and American! If you haven’t been aware that many school books have been rewritten to eliminate all references to God, or factual documentation has been altered to create a different past to those being taught today, then you are being blind sided.

EVER SINCE 1859, when the book “The Origin of the Species” written by Darwin came out, our history has been degraded to theory , and slowly became integrated into our educational system When I was in school it was just beginning to show it’s ugly head but not able to change what we had already been taught. Today, many have chosen to be politically correct and have become tolerant and paid no mind, to how books have changed and newer methods have taken the place of reading, writing and arithmetic.

WITH THANKSGIVING upon the horizon, Mr. Tacket showed us once again how the Mayflower pact has been changed to eliminate any reference to God. It is being taught that it was not Godly men who basically moved their church to America to further the kingdom of God, but some foolish men with a cause that did not have anything to do with divine providence.

WHAT ARE WE thankful for on this third Thursday of the eleventh month, that we sit around a table to share our bounty? Is it for family and friends? Is it for our jobs and homes? Is it for the food that is set before us? What is it we should be thanking God for? Could it be home and family? The country we live in? The size of our garage for our many cars? What is it? Why did our first president in 1989 set aside a day for national thanksgiving? Why do we look forward to it every year with anticipation?

AS I WATCHED this video for the third time, I realized that our thanksgiving should be entirely focused on God the Father who gave us a place called America where we could, from our youth, know him and serve him without interference or persecution. Because of all the alterations that have come upon our learning institutions, those being taught today are leaning towards destruction. Not just of their minds but also their souls. I am serious when I say; “Wake Up America!” “Look at the changes that have been made within our own country since you were a child!” “What were you taught?” “What do you still believe?”

IN THE BOOK of John, Jesus talks about the good shepherd. In verse 1 and 2 He talks about those who do not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way. He calls them a thief and a robber! But the one who enters by the door is the shepherd! The sheep that follow the shepherd, knows his voice and follows him. “The thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 Who are we to follow? The thief who enters secretly or the Shepherd who comes through the door and calls us by name! I believe it is the Shepherd we follow!

MY SUGGESTION to you is to get a very old set of Encyclopedias; history books; parliamentary procedures; Art of Language and English, Beginning Arithmetic and anything else that was written in the early 1800's and the early 1900's, to recapture our history as we were taught. Many bible translations are circumspect so I suggest you learn who the commentaries are written by, before you purchase. Early revisions are probably more sound than later ones. It depends who the writers were taught by!

OH, I am not talking totally doom and gloom! Our Savior came to seek and to save the lost. We, who claimed Him as our Savior are no longer lost. We may be persecuted today by the world wanting God out of public places, but they can never take Him out of our hearts and our lives! When Jesus said we would have life abundantly, He wasn’t kidding! My life is full; His love is everlasting; My joy is complete; His love is everlasting; My soul finds peace and content because His love is everlasting. Oh, if only the world could come to know His love! Let that be our prayer this thanksgiving! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/14/11

Sunday, November 13, 2011


MY BROTHER Lisle passed into Glory October 28th. He enter the gates of heaven, and I know you are asking; “How do you know that for sure?” I have learned to stand on the promises of God! We all are familiar with Proverbs 3:5 that says; “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding.” I do not understand how it happens, nor do I understand when it happens but I do understand that I can trust in God’s word. To the thief on the cross, Jesus said; “today you will be with me in paradise.” Now I don’t how you explain that, but I see that thief, when he died on that cross, immediately in Paradise. With God as the judge, I can only trust in His Word!

LISLE’S DAUGHTER Robin, shared with some, that the last words Harriet had with Lisle were “wait for me at the Pearly gates! And when you see my Mom; tell her that you kept your promise to take care of me.” With my understanding of God’s words, Lisle and Harriet were in fellowship with the Savior. Lisle was prepared to enter into the same Paradise that the thief entered. Lisle knew where he was going and arrangements were made for Harriet to meet him there. WOW!

GRIEF is not a new thing to me. I imagine it is not a new thing for many of you! We grieve over lost jewelry; a pet, even gold fish. We grieve when we have lost weight to a certain extent; and we grieve a lot when we gain weight. Grief is common to man, but that is not to say, we get use to it. I have been grieving the loss of siblings since 1968. It never completely goes away, nor do we experience the same grief with each loss. One thing we can be assured of is; that in God, we are never alone!

LOVED ONES bring different elements into your life. A mother or father are different than brothers and sisters. Even Children bring to us what other’s cannot! Each loss is the worst, because with that loss, you lose something unique. With Lisle it was the fact that he was my eldest brother. He was the first; he was the beginning of our family of 14 children!

DID YOU KNOW, when Jesus was on the cross, he too knew where he was going. He was so sure of what he was doing that He let John take His place with regard to His mother. Did you know that He placed His mother in John’s care for the rest of her life? Both John and Mary had such trust in Jesus that this arrangement was concluded without question. It began at the cross; then they witnessed His resurrection from the grave by seeing Him in the upper room and walking among His people. They were one of the first to become a part of the new church and they remained together until Mary preceded John in death.

MANY PREACHERS ask the question; “When you leave this place this morning, do you know for sure, that if you should die today, you will go to heaven?” Then the preachers says; “Let’s bow your heads right now and pray this prayer and mean it with all your heart.” “Dear Lord, forgive me of my sins and save me now. I put my trust in you Jesus, and you only, as my Lord and my Savior, and I know You will take me to Heaven when I die. Amen!” The preacher concludes this portion of the service by saying; “For those of you who prayed this prayer and meant it, Jesus says you are saved!”

BE CAREFUL if you believe this is all there is to it! Be careful when you ignore what God’s Word says about believing, repenting,. confessing, being baptized, receiving forgiveness and receiving the Holy Spirit. You may fully believe that Christ can save you, but that is not enough. You must act on that faith by receiving Him as Lord and Savior through the process defined in God’s Word. Satan believes and shudders!

IN 1 CORINTHIANS 1:21 Paul says; “It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching, to save them that believe!” In Luke Jesus talks about hearing and responding to the message, that is heard. In Romans 10:17 Paul says; “Faith cometh by hearing the Word of God!” Do you accept the testimony of those who testify to having walked with the Master, and saw Him die and then live again? In Luke 13:3 Jesus said; “Except you repent, you shall all likewise perish!” Many suggest they are too wicked to repent. But recognizing your guilt is a giant step towards repentance. God included two more steps to salvation and they are confession and baptism. A public declaration of faith is important according to Romans 10:9-10, and in Act 2:38, we find that upon our baptism we receive forgiveness, and the Holy Spirit.

AS a baptized believer, all of the above steps must be continued throughout our lifetime, except for baptism, which is a one time event. I believe in what I read in God’s Word. I don’t read only what I believe. Daily I confess , “Jesus, is the Son of the Living God!” How about you? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/2/11

Friday, November 4, 2011


RECENTLY I received an email that I forwarded to many of my family and friends. It was called Pink Heart! It had nothing to do with a cause or keeping a candle lit in remembrance. It was a reminder that we should live our lives without regrets. It has been said that God never promised us a rose garden, but I believe He did! We just have to watch out for the thorns, weeds and mildew.

FOR THE MOST PART, family and friends returned the email to me, to let me know they care about me also. As usual there were some things said that I didn’t completely agree with. It said; “So love the people who treat you right; forget about the ones who don’t.” That is not entirely a Godly trait. God says to love your neighbor as yourself! But on the whole, it had some good things to say.

MY NEPHEW Bob’s wife, Cindy, sent me a return email with a story that she said I could post in this morning’s Morning Glory. I love stories, I guess that is why I tell so many of them. Cindy writes; “A lot of these little sayings sound like something my sweet grandmother would say. She always said to be kind, speak kind words, and remember your prayers. She told me a story about her big garden, that she had when she was about 23 years old.. Knowing my Grandmother, I’m sure it was beautiful with all her veggies and flowers. Anyway, she had gone down the road to visit her friend Daisy. While visiting, she told Daisy about her tomatoes, so Daisy wanted to show Grandmother, her tomatoes!”

“AS GRANDMOTHER looked at Daisy’s tomatoes, she said; “those are the ugliest tomatoes I have ever seen!” I was shocked to hear that Grandmother would say something like that! Anyway, immediately, Grandmother saw the hurt in Daisy’s face and felt terrible! Grandmother has told that story over and over through the years. She apologized every day of her life to Daisy and it continued to bother her clear up to when she was dying. Even then it was on her mind because she said to me; “do you think Daisy has forgiven me?” Of course Daisy had forgiven Grandmother! They were best friends for over 75 years. I had never heard my Grandmother ever speak a mean word to anybody. So every time I get grumpy, I think of my Grandmother and the tomatoes.”

SO MANY TIMES we speak without thinking; and our tongue becomes sharp. Many times we forget that our expression is more impressive, than what we are wearing. Many times we forget that our thoughts can decide whether we are happy or not, because happiness is a state of mind! We should not carry a grudge, because it can weight us down. You can’t reclaim wasted time, any more than you can restart an old dead battery. Remember that your word can be given and also kept! You may pursue happiness but it is senseless if you do not have Jesus.

“BE KIND to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you!” Ephesians 4:32 It is not as difficult as you may think, to be kind to one another. We are tenderhearted to babies and the elderly, and we can be loving towards each other! “Put on then, as God’s children, compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness and patience. Be forbearing and forgiving. And above all these, put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful!” Colossians 3:12-15

TO QUOTE Pink Heart; “Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.” Many are knee deep in the muck and mire of this world, so if a tomato can help spread the Gospel then you can too! Let them see Christ in you! Let them know your Savior, by sharing God’s love and peace! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/27/11