Saturday, September 20, 2014


I KNEW a little toe headed girl who was a preacher’s daughter; one who could laugh at the sun. She grew up in the Sunday School and we were able to watch her grow from a gangly little girl into a tall, lovely blond. Now as blonds go, Connie had her moments of being off the wall, but she showed all of us what kind of metal she was made of, as she grew into womanhood. She was becoming the kind of woman God created her to be!

CONNIE married a young man she had met in school and I bet she was just as surprised as the rest of us were, of the match she made, because they became missionaries! Todd, with his pilots license and later on medical skills, along with Connie and her experience as a dental surgery assistant, became valuable to the mission field that began in the 80's, on some small islands in Micronesia.

FROM THERE, they found themselves in Africa and today the Philippines. Because they were here close by, we saw them. Connie and Todd are amazing! Although their two girls and their adopted sons are now grown with one of the girls being married and almost a Mom, they are still excited about their call. Although they are not novices, but seasoned in their field, their enthusiasm is still full of vim and vigor! After seeing them again, I couldn’t help but remember the Morning Glory I had written in 2009, which was not long after I started writing!

LET ME share one of her stories again. "I was pregnant with my second daughter," Connie begins! "When it was time, Todd had flown the only American Doctor to Guam, through a tropical storm to save a young man who fell from a coconut tree. The Island Doctor was the only one left and he is like our EMT’s and he looked a little like Bozo the clown. Short curly hair that went straight out the sides and bald on top. He always wore a pink striped shirt with maroon corduroy pants, every time I saw him. I had a lady lawyer friend with me when I went to the hospital. There was no power or water on the island because the storm had knocked it out. There was just a trouble light hanging from an extension cord that was hooked up to a generator which was out on the lawn. There were huge bugs! The walls in the hospital only went down, part way, and chickens along with other things were running around. The old saying; "Were you born in a barn" is something my baby would be able to say yes to; complete with the chickens and bugs. The Island Doctor did come in to deliver my baby but he waited and waited to come in because I wasn’t screaming and he said; "all white women scream when they deliver, so I didn’t think it was time yet. However, the Island Doctor did deliver Courtney!"

MANY MISSIONARIES go into the field not fully realizing all that will be demanded of them. But they do it anyway! They worry and fret, but they choose to continue! Our Connie, our little blond, who grew up under our watchful eyes, had become so courageous and unafraid because God said; "I will be with you even to the end of the age!

AS I WATCHED these two the other night, I couldn’t help but be pleased to see them once again in person. "As she sang her song about being one little candle, chasing away the shadows, I could still see some of our little Connie, rushing here and there! Only God could corral this energy and place it around the world to make a difference in His kingdom. Only God can take a life and plant the desire to step out of the box and into His plan!

"SHOUT joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful singing. Know that the Lord Himself is God; it is He who has made us and we are His people and the sheep of His pasture." Psalms 100:1-3 God does amazing things through those who are willing to go into the world. Connie says; "It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus!" What is your mission?    By Jane Ann Crenshaw    (8/12/09)   9/18/14

Saturday, September 13, 2014


MOST OF US have been to a reunion. Sometimes it is like pulling teeth to get there, but when we do it is always a good time. At High school reunions we look around and say; "WOW these are all old people!" But we have a good time anyway. With family reunions there is always so many to visit with and so much to do, sometimes it can go on forever. Reunions are exhausting but when you lay your head down at night, you can’t help but be filled with contentment and joy!

MY BROTHER’S wife Clara, passed away this morning. It was not unexpected but then again, no one was ready. When a loved one goes into that ‘long good night’ we are not prepared for our earthly relationship to be over. Our minds and bodies go into a grieving mode that it is not fully prepared for. We say, she went home. In the Christian world we also say; "This world is not my home, I’m just passing through!" When she left this place and walked into paradise she was immediately in the presence of God! How amazing is that! Would we have wanted her to miss that today? Maybe tomorrow would have been better, but why not today!

SO MANY of my loved ones are already there and when they saw Clara I can imagine their faces. I can imagine their joy; I can imagine how pleased the Savior is to see her there!  That’s what a great reunion is all about! There are some choruses to a couple of old songs that have crossed my mind. "When the Saints go marching in; When the Saints go marching in; oh how I want to be in that number, when the Saints go marching in." Not sure if there are parades in heaven, but just to be counted in the number of the Saints that are there, living their eternal life with all those other Saints; it has to be glorious!

THE OTHER song that keeps buzzing around in my mind is; "When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be, when we all see Jesus, we’ll sing and shout the victory!"   Our victory in Jesus is our goal and when we reach our goals a lot of celebrations should take place! Meanwhile here, our hearts ache! God brings us comforts through family and friends and I appreciate that. But I also find comfort through the scriptures that say; "Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth; break forth O mountains, into singing! For the Lord has comforted His people, and will have compassion on His afflicted."

THE CHORUS of another old song says; "O victory in Jesus, my Savior forever, He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood; He loved me ere I knew Him and all my love is due Him, He plunged me into victory, beneath the cleansing flood."    Without the cross; without His sacrifice; without His redeeming blood, we would just go to sleep and know nothing!  But that is because "The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law." 1 Corinthians 15:56     Many would just say; "Lets eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die!"

BUT BECAUSE Jesus experienced the cross; because His blood was shed "not all will sleep but all will be changed." In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. When Jesus comes again, all will be magnified. However, this happens today when a Saint leaves this place. "But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!" 1 Corinthians 15:57

BEING with family today as we comforted one another, Jesus was glorified. All the while I kept repeating to myself something I had heard years ago. A popular singer told about his father dying earlier in the week. He said; "What a fantastic afternoon Charlie had!" Well, come to think of it; "What a fantastic morning Clara had!" We can only praise God for His love for us and for His Son who has made all things possible in Him! We praise Him in the morning and we praise Him at noon; we praise Him in the evening and we pray that He will come soon!
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/13/14

Saturday, September 6, 2014


WE CAN go for years and not be aware of a physical problem until; "bang" out of the blue it hits you. You never had a clue! The ER recommends an Orthopedic who takes an Xray and says; "Your fibula had a growth sticking out with a sharp point that hit your nerve in your right leg. Jim had surgery to remove the growth and was left with a slight limp. Not a bad one but one he probably would have for the rest of his life. Now he couldn’t run the 10k race or even the 100 meter! He now wouldn’t be able to do the long jump; ever! Come to think of it, he couldn’t do those things anyway! But now, he never would! Sound familiar? We all put off doing things, thinking that maybe, someday!

WHEN IS the right time to take a chance or take a risk? In spite of being young or old, just do it! If it enhances the kingdom of God; don’t wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow comes with it’s own problems. But today, is the day that Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! I love it when God’s Word just flows into my head!

MANY YEARS ago I was a church choir director. Didn’t have clue how to do that, but had sung in many choirs. Having attended many "big" musical productions at a local church, I decided to give that a try. The opportunity was there and we began to do musical productions with what we had, and many of the members of the church, were willing to take part in all of the different aspects of it. The whole production was to use music to create interest, and drama in telling the story. In learning the music, using the stage to it’s full potential, and getting everyone on the same page was always utter chaos. But God used it all for His glory!

SOME YEARS ago Jim and I invited a visiting Evangelist to our home for dinner. We lived about 10 miles out in the country and was always thrilled when we could have company!  Our fellowship with Mr. White was wonderful. The discussion was exciting and I had respect for him and his incites into God’s Word. As we talked he soon discovered that we were involved in just about everything that went on in our small congregation. Not by choice, but by desire, because we wanted to see this little church grow in the service of the King.

THERE WAS a problem though! I wasn’t complaining as I told him my story, but I needed a solution! So I began with; "I have a full time job, and I am the Sunday School Superintendent; High school Sunday School Teacher, and the Youth Director! I also was the choir director, doing big programs for Easter and Christmas. I was chairman for one month a year, and prepared communion for Sunday Worship and a potluck. For 20 years I served as Installation Chairperson, for the women’s ministry. My problem was that I never seem to have time to take care of my home. Since my family was also involved in all the happenings at the church, the four of us were locked into Saturdays house cleaning! This frustrated me!

"GET A MAID!" Mr. White was very calm as he said; "get a maid!" I didn’t, but I loved his response! Many times we allow things to hold us back from using every opportunity to serve the Lord. God has blessed me since I began my life with him! I use everything God has given me and some, to serve Him! So does Jim! Our marriage is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ! "Was not Abraham, our father justified by works, when he offered his son Isaac upon the altar? You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works." James 2:21-22

MANY talk about busy work! We should be busy! When is the right time? The church was built by Jesus Christ through men who sacrificed their all by being busy about the Lord’s work! "For as the body apart from the spirit, is dead, so faith apart from works. is dead!" James 2:26 Even in my old age, God is using me in a women’s ministry! WOW! I am truly blessed because the right time is always NOW!       By Jane .Ann Crenshaw (5/1/08) 9/5/14