Saturday, March 31, 2012


ALL MY LIFE April 1st has been called April Fool’s Day. In France during the 1500's All Fools Day began, and eventually spread to other countries. Personally I never did like the antics of April Fools Day; nor did I play major tricks on others. Needless to say, I was always embarrassed when I was the brunt of these foolish jokes.

NOT EVERYONEhas that inner desire to make someone else feel like a fool. But a few are still hanging around, just waiting for that certain person, to either degrade or make a fool. Wasn’t it Orson Wells reading a dooms day proclamation over the radio that caused a great deal of confusion and later it was determined that it was a deception? I assume there are still some out there who remember that! I bet they remember how they felt and how angry they were when it was confirmed not true.

I CHALLENGE the avid reader of the Bible to look at Proverbs and see just how many times the word ‘fool’ is mentioned. It might surprise you! God was aware of the fool. He must have been, to address the fool is so many different aspects of foolery. I began a Ladies Sunday School lesson by asking them to search Proverbs for some ‘fool’ scriptures. It didn’t take long and it was easy. The question that morning was; “Can you identify with one or more of these fools?”

A FOOL is one who can be defined as “one who speaks and acts contrary to reason.” God applied this title to many in the Bible. We talk about the foolishness of man but God tells us that to call a man a fool can be dangerous. “But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother, shall be guilty before the court; and whoever shall say to his brother Raca shall be guilty before the supreme court and whoever shall say; ‘You fool,’ shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.” Matthew 5:22 Raca means scoundrel; stupid; the Jews used it as a word of contempt. This scripture says that you are guilty before the court when you are angry with your brother and even when you say raca. But to call someone a fool, we will be guilty enough, that we could end up in the fiery hell.

“THE FOOL says in his heart, ‘there is no God.’ They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none that does good.” Psalms 14:1 This fool denies the existence of God! “A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.” Proverbs 18:2 This is someone who refuses to reason and believes only in what he thinks.

THIS APRIL FIRST the Christian world calls it, Palm Sunday. This is when Jesus makes His triumphal entry into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. He comes in among the shouts of Hosanna, and the waving of palm branches, laying them on the road so His trusty steed would walk upon them. The people were paying homage to their expected king, although the peoples kingdom was earthly, while Jesus’ plans were heavenly. “And when He drew near and saw the city He wept over it, saying; “Would that even today, you knew the things that make for peace! But now they are hid from your eyes. For the days shall come upon you, when your enemies will cast up a bank about you to the ground, you and your children within you, and they will not leave one stone upon another in you; because you did not know the time of your visitation.” Luke 19:41-44 In Matthew 13 Jesus says; “How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!”

THE ROMAN’s did come into Jerusalem and slaughtered the people just as Jesus said. They were not prepared for such a time. “Professing to be wise, they became fools.” Romans 1:22 In Revelation God says we are to stand firm and be ready! We are not sufficient unto ourselves. We need the Savior! Today is Palm Sunday. Today is the day we remember Jesus’ last visit to Jerusalem; His last week before His death on the cross. And upon the eight day Jesus arose from the grave. This is fact! A non Christian, Jewish Historian, Josephus writes; “Although condemned to the cross, He appeared alive on the third day!” This is no April Fools! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 3/29/12

Saturday, March 24, 2012


LET’S LOOK at some questions that only those who lived back in the day, can answer. Why do we have spring break? Who started it? On the internet it says; look instead for Easter vacation, because that is what it used to be called. Actually it was a spring necessity in the mid west, and later on was adopted in other states and was referred to as Easter vacation. It was to allow families to travel and be together for the Easter festivities. Somewhere in the 60 and 70's it became spring break, which has spelled disaster in most of the highly popular spring break resorts.

THE ORIGINAL plan was for the whole family to plant, because of the short amount of time to seed the field for the best harvest, which kept the family in food and income. But school age children had double duty. They had to get up very early, plant and leave for school and return shortly before dinner and work until sundown. Today, I don’t see that as being equal opportunity and neither did they back in the day. Hence, two weeks in March the schools were closed for planting season.

I REMEMBER Easter vacation. It always came the week before Easter Sunday. It was a beautiful time of the year. A new dress, new shoes and a stinky perm on Saturday night. Easter sunrise service in Palos Verdes with the wind and waves for our musical background as we sang “Up from the grave He arose!” We had such great celebrations back in the day!

TODAY most families plan an outing, of sorts, for the last week in March. Sometimes it comes before Easter but most of the time; not! High Schooler’s and college students find this is a time to sow their wild oats instead of planting seeds to grow a harvest to eat, along with income. Most of the designated spring break resorts, would rather board up their stores and shops with a sign out front that says; detour to the right or left, but do not stop here. But money is to be made! So the welcome signs fly high and so do the vacationers.

GOD IS MINDFUL of the time to plant and the time to harvest. God is mindful of the importance of the time we need to replenish ourselves. In Matthew 13 Jesus teaches with parables. These are earthly stories with life changing meanings. In one, Jesus teaches about the sower. When one hears the word of God and does not understand it, it is because the evil one (Satan) has come and snatched it away. The word is sown on rocky ground; or among thorns in which one has no root and the other gets choked and is unfruitful. Ah, but then there is the good soil; where he who hears the word and understands it, can bear fruit and yield a harvest.

WHEN JESUS talks about the wheat and the tares, we begin to understand that He is talking about the kingdom of heaven. When a man sowed good seed in his field, and when no one was watching, another comes along and sows weeds in among his wheat. As they begin to grow together it is hard to separate one without damaging the other. So they let them grow together until the harvest. At that time the reapers will gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but the wheat is gathered and put into the barns.

“THE FIELD is the world, and the good seed means the sons of the kingdom; the weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the close of the age, and the reapers are angels. Matthew 13:38-39 The parable of the sower was understood by the listeners back in the day, because they knew about the rocky ground and the thorns. This parable teaches us that there are always true and false believers within the fellowship of those who profess to belong to God. Will it be the company we keep and the secrets we hide that will define us, or the fruit that we bear. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 3/21/12

Saturday, March 17, 2012


SO I WOKE UP at 12:30 am! Why was I awake so early? I hadn’t been asleep for very long! I thought about my day; remembered those I spoke to about their days being numbered. My heart ached for the path they were on! I began to seek God’s face and just as He promised, I found Him. I lifted my two friends up, who are on the threshold of heaven; I lifted up my children and grandsons to be encouraged to stay on the path of faithfulness. I thanked the Lord for Jim and then wondered again, just why am I awake so early?

IT SEEMS the older I get the less sleep I require. But then, as you get older it becomes more apparent that you need less of a lot of things. However, the one thing that I need more of is quiet time with my Lord. I need Him more in the quiet hours of the night to find peace and relaxation; I need Him more in the morning sun where I can feel His warmth surround me; I need Him more in the moonlight that gives me ample light in the dark. But most of all I need Him more, to just see my way clear, when the shadows obstruct my view.

WHEN I was much younger I just wanted to be, but today I want purpose and no regrets. Everything I do, I want it to matter. When I hear of someone suffering and they feel that God is far away, I think He is sending me to them. What can I do that others couldn’t? I have no idea but something in me says; you need to be there. Perhaps it is more for me than it is the one who I see.

SOMETIMES I am overwhelmed with urgency. Not anxiety, or depression but the feeling that time is short and if I am going to do something or share something I had better get busy and do it. I am always surprised that God will continue to use me no matter how old I get. “My dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

IT IS EASY to stop, watch, listen and appreciate a child during one of their temper tantrums, or silly little antics. We laugh and applaud because it makes us remember when our children were young and playful, even though we didn’t always take the time to appreciate their childish ways. Stopping to smile, touch or talk with an elderly person isn’t always as easy; is it? You know that their story can be full of sorrow, remorse, or even a little bitterness. Something in me says, stop, anyway!

“IF YOU try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.” Matthew 16:25 My regret is when I fail to stop and listen. My regret is when I rush about being busy that I don’t notice. My regret is in not taking the time. The Lord says; “I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.” Ezekiel 36:26

WHEN I first began teaching a ladies Sunday School class, they were mostly elderly women. When Jim and I retired we moved 70 plus miles away from our church family of over 30 years. However, We returned the following few years to participate in memorial services for some of these dear souls. I was playing the piano for Janice’s service, and when the service was over I walked over to the family and something caught my eye towards the back. I saw Dorothy in her pretty pink blouse and our eyes met momentarily. Someone grabbed my arm and I turned my head. When I looked back she was gone. The next service we attended was Dorothy’s. I still have that picture in my mind when our eyes locked, and I have always felt regret that I didn’t asked to be excused or motioned to her to wait.

“DON’T COPY the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2 I know that even though I didn’t get to talk with Dorothy, she was prepared to enter the gates of heaven. These women, gave me purpose and I knew that God had placed me among them, to lead them gently to the place where He was waiting. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 3/12/12

Saturday, March 10, 2012


FOR THE past few months I have been beginning my morning with Joyce Meyer, I have even got Jim watching her with me. This passed week she had a couple who talked about “Guardrails”; a book the man had written. Wonderful counseling for married couples! Jim and I have not read their book but God’s Word has the same instructions and we have applied them to our lives. However this book, Guardrails, can be a help in learning just how we should protect ourselves. Jim and I have practiced these guardrails for years, because we chose to be together.

MANY believe, they don’t have to worry about places, people and things because God will protect them. I believe that God does promise us protection, but we must be obedient to His Word. When I was in Jr. high my Sunday School teacher taught me that I should be careful where I go and who I am with and what I am doing. The question is; “If Jesus should come, do I want Him to find me in shady company is this place and doing that?”

WHILE WORKING as a secretary to the Executive Director of a Goodwill facility, the Kiwanis Club was hosting a lunch for Secretaries Day. My boss had tickets and asked me to go with him. I said no! He was shocked and asked why. I said I don’t feel right going to lunch with you. He said; “What do you think I’m going to do; rape you?” I said I would be glad to go with you if my husband could come also. Needless to say, I didn’t go!

BOUNDARIES sound confining but can be a good thing. It is setting limits so that you do not stray across the line. As a child we are given limits set by our parents. In school we were taught to stay in our seats, another limit that felt confining, but kept the room in order and not in confusion. In sports, it comes down to team work and keeping the fouls at bay.

AS AN ADULT setting safe guards keeps us out of trouble and above reproach. Being married says that he belongs to me, and I belong to him. Don’t let anything or anybody come between what God has made to be become one. Protect yourself by paying attention to the spider webs that surround us. The dangers and the pitfalls! In other words, what may look innocent at the beginning can turn into a mess with a capital “S”; (sin).. Don’t let ignorance cause you to fall. Be fully aware of circumstances and not your feeling of good intentions.

“A PRUDENT man (or woman) sees danger and hides himself; but the simple go on, and suffer for it.” Proverbs 27:12 Jim and I have always felt that we got married because we wanted to be together all the time. Occasionally he goes to functions that are for men and I go to those for women only. He does not have a man cave and I don’t make it a habit of going out with the girls. He holds my hand and kisses me in public. I belong to him! I look for him when we are in a public place and feel secure when I see him. He belongs to me!

WE ARE TO PROTECT ourselves! When we drive our car off the road and into the gravel we can run into trouble. With Jim’s Subaru it is easy to come out of it, but on occasion it can turn the car over. When our husband or wife is out of the loop of our activities, it can only come back to haunt you. It can destroy you! Think before you come near to the guard rail.

“LET MARRIAGE be held in honor among all and let the marriage bed be undefiled; for God will judge the immoral and adulterous.” Hebrews 13:4 Honesty and the desire to love, honor and obey (yes I said obey), should be well established in your marriage to keep you undefiled. Your mind never goes into dark places, when you set your mind on things above.

DO YOU have a favorite person in your life? I do! Jim is my favorite person to be with and I know I am his. How do I know?, because he always wants to be with me. Life is good when you can put your trust in God, and in your spouse! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 3/2/12

Saturday, March 3, 2012


HAVING BEEN in the service of the King for lots of years I have heard the term “burned out,” many times. Having that feeling doesn’t mean you have decided not to follow Jesus, but that you are tired of doing the same things. If you need an excuse to stop something, saying; “I am burned out” clarifies your position to others. Perhaps the feeling comes from not having found the place of service you were seeking. We are all not cut out for the same area of service. However, if you don’t try you would never know!

HAVING served in many different area’s of the church I can honestly say that I have found pleasure in all of them. I have never felt burned out, or at least never thought of it in those terms. But found that stepping aside for others to do them, was a good thing. The body needs to grow and not become stagnate by one person. New and fresh ideas can make all the difference in the world!

I REMEMBER the pastor of my youth, commenting on a boy in the Sunday School, he said; Bobbie is a good leader; now if he could just lead in the right direction. I suppose that could be said about anyone! Are you a leader? Do you see yourself as a leader and do you know which direction you are leading? Do you have a GPS in your life, like some have in their car?

WE DO NOT have a GPS in our car or on our cell phone. Jim uses the internet when he wants to see how to get from here to there. Works pretty good, but of course he does it before we leave home; for us it is a “don’t leave home without one!” There is no excuse anymore, for getting lost. There is no excuse to ignore your talent in the service of the King. Be ready to dance!

WHEN YOU need motivation to step up to the plate, just look around you at those who are leading and think about the kind of leader you could be. Being a leader is not always being the up front person with authority and personality. A leader is one, that others pay attention to, listens to and wants to emulate.

I RECENTLY attended a Sunday School “teachers” meeting. These were people who have stepped up to the plate to teach. Three of them are public school teachers and yet they choose to continue with their profession, in the Sunday School. WOW! What leaders they are!

“LET YOUR good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:16 Jesus said this while sitting upon the mountain, talking to all those who saw Him as a great leader and teacher. Yes, Jesus is saying that we must do things for all to see. He said to let yourself shine brightly, so those who follow you, can see that you love God, and this will cause them to praise His name! I am thankful to have been counted among teachers of God’s Word!

“TAKE A NEW GRIP with your tired hands, and strengthen your weak knees. Mark out a straight path for your feet, so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.” Hebrews 12:12-13 Sometimes we feel burned out when serving the Lord, and head for a back seat. But instead of quitting, Paul says to strengthen your hands and knees by readjusting your grip. He says when you do, your way becomes fresh and those who are following behind you, are filled with renew strength themselves. If you are ready to become refreshed, do it and praise God!

CIRCUMSTANCES may call for you to step down, but do not let them cause you to fade out. We all need to step back and refresh ourselves so that we can begin again. But once a leader, always a leader. You have tasted of the goodness of our Lord, and you will thirst for it again. Be assured that your service to the King never goes unnoticed. “I hold you by your right hand; “I, the Lord your God!” And I say to you; “Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you!” Isaiah 41:13 I never dreamed I could be a leader, but I am! I never dreamed I would have followers galore, but I do. If God can use me like this, He can use you! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/25/12