Monday, August 31, 2009

BEACHES! 8/31/09

Growing up in Southern California brought us close to the beach towns where summers were full of bare feet, sun screens, sunburns, tan bodies not to mention the blisters on shoulders and noses. Believe it or not, all of us kids could ride the waves in Redondo, Hermosa and Manhattan Beach. Summers were never boring! My friend Iona Kay had a huge inner tube that we would carry in her mothers blue car. We would sit inside the tube with our feet dangling in the center, letting the water move us around and having the best time. I didn't even know how to swim!

When my children were small I would take them to the beach and sit on a blanket and watch them shovel the sand into their buckets, gather shells and run out into the water as the waves would slap against the shore. When they became more adventurous I would take them to a small saltwater pool. The Hyperium Plant used the ocean water to cool the turbines and then would pump it back out into this small pool of warm ocean water, with a life guard tower. It cost .25 cents for each of us to go through the turnstyle and they could play safely for hours.

In Oregon we didn't live near the ocean so on weekends we would pile into the car and drive for 3 hours or so until we came to Harris Beach where we would picnic, walk the shore line and the kids would run, climb the rocks but never played in the water. The Oregon coast is beautiful but the water is oh so cold. Nothing compares with a day at the beach! Nothing seems even close to the romance of hearing the seagulls overhead, the smells of a mixture of seaweed, wet sand and ocean life permeating the air.

Jim and I always thought we would retire on the coast and let the kids come visit us at the beach. We thought there would be no better place than to watch the sunset, shining it's reflection across the surface of the water. We thought the roaring of the wind and the sound of the waves crashing could loll us to sleep night after night.

I love the book of James! It is full of down home sort of phrases. "Come now, you who say, today or tomorrow, we shall go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit." James 4:13 We make plans even to the point we plan financially for when we are ready. We draw up blue prints of our dream house. We buy a new washer and dryer just before we put our plans into motion because it will be the last one we buy. The point being, that we will need another new set before you know it. Plans change!

"Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." James 4:14 It's okay to plan! It's okay to prepare! It's okay to get new appliances, because it is something you need anyway. But don't put all your apples in one basket; or marbles in one game. "Instead, you ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we shall live and also do this or that'." James 4:15a

The term I hear a lot today is; "I was going to do this or that, but life happened." Yes; life does happen and plans change. Someone dies; someone moves away; someone can't get around as well as they use too. Jim and I found ourselves wanting to be closer to our children all the time, instead of having a place for them to come and visit once a year, if that often.

God isn't concerned where we retire to! God isn't concerned if we are financilly well heeled! God isn't concerned if we drive an old clunker until the day we die! What God is concerned about is that we do not move away from Him. That we are still willing to serve Him and His people all the days of our lives. "But prove yourselves doers of the word and not merely hearers who delude themselves." James 1:22 Yes; Plans change; Life happens, but tomorrow brings a new day with surprises and no worries! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/24/09

Friday, August 28, 2009

In Hollywood there was a news article some months back, about a very popular starlet who had plastic surgery done by a popular Doctor who did the procedure in his or her living room. The work he performed on her, was very disastrous and the risk she took was irreversible. The pictures I saw were terrible! My heart ached for her and what she once looked like. However, there are many risk takers out there, just like her. The major risk in this story, was that this Plastic Surgeon was no surgeon/Doctor at all.

Today, when you have an obvious problem your Doctor will usually refer you to a specialist in the field. I remember once I brought to my Doctor's attention, some spots on my face that were brought about from too much sun as a child. He referred me to a Dermatologist. Since then I have developed small worts on my face and hair line. I mentioned this to my Doctor, thinking he would refer me again to a Dematologist. Our local Dematologist was killed in an airplane crash and so on two occasions my Doctor whipped out his can of Liquid Nitrogen. The second time, he began to rapidly fire his trusty can of spray, attacking my face with such ferocity, that I found myself fighting him off. I felt I was at risk ! I wanted a dermatologist!

Can you think of a time when you took a risk and it turned out bad? Can you remember thinking that it sounds good and later saying; "It was too good to be true!" Now don't get me wrong. There are many things worth taking a risk for. When I married Jim, I was taking a risk!
My mother encouraged me with; "You never know them until you are married to them." My first pregnancy ended up in miscarriage, but it was well worth the risk becoming pregnant two more times. Having a heart attack and the Doctor saying you need a bi-pass or perhaps a stint, is well worth the risk. Many things are worth taking risks for. There are things in our lives that if we do not take the risk, we suffer the consequences.

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools" Romans 1:22 I believe those who refuse Jesus Christ, are taking huge risks which would classify them as fools. A popular preacher in Oregon during the 50's - 80's was Willie White. He had a sermon he called; "The Four Biggest Fools in Town!" One says there is no God; One says he can get along without God; One says he has no time for God; And the last one fails to prepare for God's coming again. Where do you stand among the four fools?

Willie would tell a story about a poor, half-witted boy, who lived in Pennsylvania. All the other kids made fun of him. They would laugh and say; "He doesn't have all his marbles." This mentally retarded boy began to attend an evangelistic meeting and he understood that Jesus had died for him and that he should become a Christian. So one night during the meeting he went forward to confess his faith in Jesus and was baptized. The next day a fellow came up to him and began to ridicule him. Taunting him with; "So you got religion last night!" "Don't you know only fools join the church?" "There is no God; no devil; no heaven; no hell. So you have just made a fool of yourself!" This new Christian, thought for a moment and then said; "If you are right and the preacher is wrong; There is no God or devil or heaven or hell, then I am no worse off than I was. But if you are wrong and the preacher is right and there is a God; a devil; a heaven; a hell; then I go to heaven, you go to hell. Isn't that two chances to one?" The new Christian took a sure fire risk and is no fool. "A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself." Proverbs 18:2 Let me ask this; "Where do you stand among the risk takers?" Are you one that stands at the station as the train pulls away or are you sitting in the observation car and on your way to glory? Come on board! Jane Ann

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I have a calendar that says; "You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself." Yes, you can purpose to change yourself! When the new director came on board at Goodwill Industries in 1976, he called me into his office. As his secretary, much debate was being held amongst the other employees as to how he and I were going to get along because his mouth was very crude, to put it mildly. As I sat down opposite him he said; "I understand we have a problem!" Of course, I already knew what was ahead but I said; "A problem?" He explained to me that he has always talked like a sailor and was to old to change. I tried to let him down gently with; "Mr. Travis, your mouth is your problem!"

It is true that I found his language offensive and had already been exposed to it because he had been the Director of the Board before becoming the Executive Director of Goodwill. However, he never used these expletives directly towards me, but he never took into account who was present. This was just how he talked! I suggested that he could change if he put his mind to it and it didn't matter that he had been using this type of vulgarity all his life. We parted with the idea that he was who he was and I would just have to live it.

If God was to have one speciality He was best at, I would say it is change! His changes come gradually not over night. I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was 10. In my teens I began to walk somewhat, circumspectfully. I fell off the wagon many times but I got back on and would try it His way again. In my twenty's I married and found that I had to change my way of thinking because it was just not me anymore. God's way became more and more my way. When children entered the picture; it was apparent that I needed God even more. Through the years God has changed me. Those who have known me for many years can tell you that I am different than when we first met. God takes a life and begins to form the person he created it to be. He washes away the muck and the mire and you are no longer the same; You are different! You have become a type of metamorphosis, of who you were.

I have seen God take the lives of family and friends and turn them into what He wants them to be. He does that to everyone who says they want Him in their lives. He does this to those who say; "I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God!" He lifts the fallen and raises them up. It is easier for Him to do His work in us when we follow and are obedient to His word. Our God is patient!

"Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips." Psalms 141:3 I have this scripture hanging on my office wall in my home. It is a reminder for me because I have a habit of running off at the mouth. I talk too much! I should have given this to Mr. Travis so many years ago. As it was, he learned to control his tongue. He never used those words in my presence again, except for the occasional slip of the tongue. Forgetfulness happens!

I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12:1-2

Change is something we decide to do! Change is something that God does; because changing lives is God's business and He does it gradually. Going down into the waters of baptism gives us the edge which all new followers receive. That edge is the Holy Spirit which will take our old life and make it new. I can't imagine my life without God! I can't imagine facing each day without Him! I just can't! I hope you can't either. Jane Ann

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Plastic surgery is big business! Those who have lots of money can do many things to change their appearance to correct features that are not pleasant. Granted, many corrective surgeries are necessary. A young man attended our church who was very difficult to look at. He had two eyes but one was more toward the center of his forehead and the other very close to his right ear. He had many surgeries to bring his eyes more in line with his face. Of course this sounds extreme but I know that other surgeries have been performed that were even more extreme than this one. There are many talented and courageous Doctors in our world today, who help these people who have great deformities and physical needs.

I watched a segment on "The Doctor's TV show with Joan River's as their guest. Of course the topic was plastic surgery! She has had so many surgeries done to her face that now it is difficult for her to even smile normally. Her face is beautiful for a woman her age, but the skin is so taut that to smile she opens her mouth as though to take a bite of something. However, she is happy with the results and would do it all over again.

Botox and other smiliar injections will enhance your looks by puffing up the wrinkles, smoothing out the tissues and creating a younger look. We are so obsessed with the reflection in the mirror that we forget that what is inside, actually reflects our true beauty.

I am not saying that to change your nose, or replace your teeth and even correct the results of conditions that have caused the sagging of your face or the puffiness around your eyes is a bad thing. I am not saying that a child born with a clef palate shouldn't have this corrected. I am talking about things that are to keep us looking younger, more beautiful and attractive even when our bodies tell us that it is time to grow old. Growing old is not a bad thing; Growing old is a good thing! I know what it is like to grow old without using all the enhancements available on the market. I know what it is like to look in the mirror and face all the wrinkles, sageness, puffiness and knowing my age.

At one time God gave life with the possibility of living forever but that changed in the garden of Eden. After the flood, man's life span became shorter and shorter. Today the aveage life span is 70-80 years. By that time, I think it is close to being over and what God has promised is growing nearer and dearer.

Jim's Mom lived to be 90! Jim's oldest sister, lived to be 97! Jim could live to be 100! However, he too is looking forward to what God has promised. God is still performing surgery on Jim and me. Meanwhile, we are still smiling with all the muscles in our faces, even though the tone is pretty much gone. Our anticipation causes us to say; "Are we there yet?"

Jesus was faced with many situations where He did corrective surgery by just His touch, His spoken word and His presence. Remember the story at the pool of Bethesda? Many came who were blind, crippled and with other infirmities. They would sit around the pool waiting for an angel who would stir the waters. The first one into the water, when it began to move, would be healed! Jesus came along and saw a man who had been crippled for 38 years. jesus asked him; "Do you want to be made whole?" John 5:6b The man replied that as he tries to reach the pool, someone else gets there before him. Jesus said; "Rise, take up your bed and walk! And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked!" John 5:8-9 In verse 14 Jesus see's this man again and says to him; "Behold, you are made whole! Sin no more, or something worse could come upon you." What did Jesus mean? Sin no More! I believe it means that when Jesus healed this man's body He also forgave his sins. Today when God forgives us, it means He has saved our souls. His grace is sufficient! Jane Ann

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

In the 1960's, I worked as a stenographer for the H. I. Thompson Company in California. I worked in the Engineering Testing Laboratory, where we performed tests, made prototypes and even type classifications were completed. Of course all I did was type up the reports. One of the company subsidiaries, Imperial Coffins sent a request into the Chemical Engineering department. Many custodial customers were concerned about their loved ones placed in the ground where the coffin and body decay. They were requesting something that would preserve their loved ones for a much longer time.

After about six months of testing and eliminating it was concluded that everything is biodegradable and would eventually rot and decay, including metals and iron. The only thing that was substantially strong enough to survive the elements was concrete; hence the cement blocks that house the coffin became part of the burial process.

Currently, our world is concerned about all of the products that are thrown into the garbage dumps, that corrode and contaminate our environment. We are worried about the garbage that pollute the air and the grounds for hundred's of years; even though the 600 page report said, everything eventually will rot and decay; melting into the ground to be tilled again.

Plastics are supposedly one of the greatest environmental hazards of our time. Plastics which come in the form of bottles, containers, diapers, bags, clothing, shoes, furniture; cosmetics; you name it, we have it and it is made from plastics. If we were to eliminate all plastics we would be back in the 1500's surviving on our wits alone.

It would be a miraculous thing if we could actually reverse the aging process by taking products that could restore us to our youthful, more beautiful state. We take medicines to reinvigorate us! We use new gimmicks by taking a tiny needle with steroids or the like and pump it into our wrinkles around our eyes; around our lips and even the lips themselves. Of course the restoration doesn't last long and so you are now locked into doing it every so often, so you can retain the youthful appearance created by plastics.

Medical science is amazing today! With the use of prostheses those without legs can walk again; those without arms or hands can manipulate somewhat restrained, but functional. Internal organs can be replaced with live organs or tissues that have been received from willing donors who have died. Our own body tissues can be moved from one part of the body to restore another part of the body. I had an artery unclogged by a stint being put in. Amazing!

Our world worries about many things and passes law upon law to take care of global warming; the energy crisis; the environmental emergencies; and if the cartoon character, 'Henny Penny' were here it would be that the sky is falling. Maybe it is and it hasn't been found out yet!

I believe that God has put all things on this earth for our use. Man is not quick in finding these things but when they do, it opens all kinds of possibilities. God put all the elements out there to create all the things that man has come to invent. Man believes they are the creator and forgets that God had previously put all the components together and then sat back and waited for man to realize his potential. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made." John 1:1-3 (KJV)

As for being biodegradable, God says the body returns to dust; the soul lives forever! Therefore our bodies are meant to be biodegradable but our souls need a home for eternity. Because our soul is not biodegradable we should be concerned about it; "Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to Him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator." 1 Peter 4:19 Our souls yearn for our keeper in Heaven! Jane Ann

Monday, August 24, 2009

PLASTIC! 8/24/08

When we think of plastic we find ourselves thinking of items that lay in the ground for hundreds of years because we have been taught that it is not biodegradable. Assuming that some plastics do take a long time to disintegrate, what about just the word plastic? In looking in the dictionary we find that 'pastic' is a product of synthetic chemistry that is moldable, like in sculptures or the art of modeling. It can be formed into desired shapes and in products that are useful. Wax is a form of plastic because it is easily impressed, moldable and creative. Our skin or tissues and body parts are a form of plastic because it is moldable and can be transferred to other injured or deformed regions of the body. The branch of surgical science which treats and practices the transfer of tissues from one part of the body to another is called 'Plastic-Surgery'.

Some years ago my mother was in her kitchen melting some wax in a pan on the stove. It quickly caught on fired! She grabbed the pan by the handle and went to take it out the back door. A breeze caught the flame and she responded by jerking the pan and caused the wax to fly upward onto her right arm. A police car had been sitting out front and watched the whole thing as in slow motion. They responded quickly and took control of the situation. Mom suffered 3rd degree burns on her arm which took months of treatment and plastic surgery to get her arm functional again. Some of the skin was thick and filled the bend of her elbow. It never was 100% but she adapted to it's abnormal condition.

Many times I would come in contact with a woman who lived in our area. Her whole face had been surgically transformed through plastic surgery due to a fire, she had been in. Her eyes were tight and so was her nose and mouth. She had no eyebrows or lashes! The skin was taut which caused it to be very shiny and smooth with no facial hairs. She learned to face her world with confidence, because this type of plastic surgery, was biodegradable and could breath.

When we give God our heart, God can make changes because a willing heart seeks Him out, with not only a heart, but with soul, mind and spirit. On the occasions when God literally changed the heart, as in plastic surgery, self became stronger and destruction was imminent.

As we read 1 Samuel 10 we find Samuel anointing King Saul. In verse 9 God does plastic surgery by giving Saul a new heart. Saul did nothing! God did it all! Even in verse 26 God touches the hearts of those who willingly went with Saul. Saul was disobedient and grieved the Lord! In reading 1 Kings 3:9 we find that King Solomon specifically asks God to give him a heart of wisdom and understanding so he could discern between good and evil to judge the people. God responds to Solomon in verses 10-12 by doing plastic surgery on Solomon's heart. God says; "I have given you a wise and discerning heart". Solomon did nothing! God did it all! God did not make Solomon wise and understanding in all walks of his life. However, because Solomon wanted to do the right thing God also gave him what he did not ask for. Riches and honor! Solomon faced many challenges wisely, however, Solomon did not totally follow God.

1 Samuel 16:7 God looks at the heart of David. God tells Samuel; "Do not look at his appearance as man does, I look upon the heart"! David's heart was good to go; but he too grieved his God! Even so, God loved David in spite of his ways because God knew David's heart.

Our hearts can be changed if we are willing. When our hearts are foolish, they can be hardened and no longer pliable enough to be remolded. When we give our heart to God He becomes the potter and we are the clay. He molds it and makes it new. Do you have the kind of heart that can be molded into the heart God desires for you? Even today, I feel the pressure of the Potter's hands as He continues to mold and make me. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God". Matthew 5:8 By Jane Ann Crensahw 8/15/08

Friday, August 21, 2009

Years ago Jim taught several lessons on how to use the scriptures to show a non believer why he needs a Savior. He was given this idea by Boise Bible College Professor, Kenny Beckman. The neat thing about presenting this procedure is by turning to the scripture and then turning the Bible to face the person you are talking to, letting them read it for themselves.

Starting with the first scripture; circle that verse number in your Bible and then note the next scripture given, in the margin outside of the scripture you just circled. Continue with this procedure until you have made notations identifying all verses listed.

The first scripture we will use is the most memorized and beloved scripture in the Bible. It will be easy to remember where to start and I believe it is the basis for God's plan of salvation.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life."
Romans 3:23 says; "Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
Romans 6:23 "Because the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
John 5:24 "Truly, truly, I say to you he who hears my word and believes Him who sent me, has eternal life; he does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life."
Matthew 10:32 "So every one who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven."
2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow about His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
1Peter 3:21 "Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
Acts 2:38 "And Peter said to them; Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
John 14:15 "If you love me, you will keep my commandments."
Matthew 22:37b-39 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment, and second is like it; You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
John 14:6b "I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me."

Putting these scriptures into context is easy! When talking about how God sent His only Son to save us from our sins, can be ominous! But when we add the fact that God did this because He loves and wants us to live eternally with Him, we want to know more. Therefore we must explain that we are all sinners and sinners are dead to God but through the free gift of His son we can pass right through death into life with Him. Getting there is by way of hearing, believing, confessing, repenting and being baptized. Being obedient to our Lord is imperative to our salvation and so God gives us His commandments. It is the 10 commandments all wrapped up into two. As you can see, this is relatively simple. You just have to give it a try.

These are not the only scriptures that can be used for this process but these were the ones I like the best. If you want to know some of the others that can be used, ask Jim. God's word is for us! God's word is clear! God's word is our map through this life into eternity! Keep it close; Keep it read; Keep it! "A Bible that is falling apart, usually belongs to someone who isn't!"
Jane Ann

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Who do you know that you would say is a 'defender' of the faith? Is this person someone who is ready to give account of why he believes; why he knows that if he should die today he would be in heaven. I know of a man who in his quiet like manner and yet full of purpose, stands out in my mind as a 'defender' of the faith. He would ask you questions and quietly listen as you would hum haw and stammer in giving your answers. He didn't laugh or ridicule but would encourage you with his knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

One other attribute that Vernon has, is that he is also able to learn from you. He is not a know it all preacher; although, he knows a lot! He is a disciple of Christ and considers himself as a follower and that we are in this together. He is not condescending nor is he aloof; He is our friend! Vernon has retired from the ministry but uses every opportunity to share his faith. When I first met Vernon, he asked me to come help him in the office at the church, primarily because I had a portable typewriter. Every day he asked me to call those he was going to visit. Some were very receptive to having the preacher call but many were somewhat reluctant.

For those who were reluctant, I was to ask if Vernon could be of help in any way. If they were painting, he would go and prepare to paint. If they were bailing, he would go and prepare to bail. It didn't matter how difficult or how long, Vernon would go and help. However, Vernon never went without being prepared to share the gospel. As new members of this congregation, on several occasions, he would call Jim to go along. To Vernon, defending the faith was a way of life. His moto was; "Have Bible, will travel!"

A defender of the faith is not always one who stands behind the pulpit, nor is it one who has graduated from a Bible College. A defender of the faith is one who is willing to stand up and be counted for the Lord in whatever capacity that is required at the moment. Recently I have become acquainted with Bessie. She is a true defender of the faith and is ready to bring the name of Jesus into every conversation. She is not afraid, nor is she intimidated by who you are. I need to take a lesson from Bessie! "And who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. And do not fear their intimidation and do not be troubled." 1 Peter 3:13-14

Write your conversion story on a piece of stationery. Put your name and date at the top and then begin with; "I first met the Lord when I was 9 years old." Of course, that is how I would start mine, but you start yours where it begins and build it from there. Tell about how you felt; where you have been; where you were when you met Jesus; and where you are today. Put in the tears, the smiles along with the nuts and bolts of making a change. Put this in your Bible, the glove compartment of your car and/or in your purse. When you are asked to defend or share your faith, whip it out and be not afraid; "For I am with you even until the end of the age!" Eventually, you will be able to say it without the reminder in your hand. You will become confident and the Holy Spirit will continue to enable you to build on your first testimony and before you know it; you will be considered one of the 'defenders of the faith'!

"But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence." 1 Peter 3;15 Take your facorite scripture with you wherever you go and always be ready to use it. Our God is good to us, even while we are reaching for the stars. Jane Ann

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Recently at the Wednesday night study at our church, the discussion was on what keeps us from taking the opportunities to evangelize? Many talked about fears of failure and being rejected; Some felt they didn't know enough to give answers; Some mentioned that they especially liked difficult situations which spurs them on to evangelize. It was a good discussion!
We were reminded through scriptures that Paul used every opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ even if it became detrimental to his health. Jesus said profound things that caused fear and hatred in those he taught. The evening concluded with the fact that even we should be ready to share the gospel in spite of our insecurities and fears.

I was reminded of taking the opportunity to teach a ladies Sunday morning class so I could reach one young woman. In the process I was able to lift up and encourage many women who were in that class, and who have since gone home to be with the Lord. I was also reminded about Morning Glory and writing this blog. This was an opportunity for me to share what I have learned in my lifetime about my relationship of walking and talking with God.

One of the things that we did not discuss at this session, but perhaps at a later one, is that we are a living gospel of Jesus Christ. We don't have to know everything that is written in God's word to evangelize. We don't need to have all the answers! What we need is our story. The story about how we came to know Jesus as our Savior! We all know how He came into our lives and changed us. We all know how His love and promise of eternal life has given us a future. We all know how we love to hear someone else's story, so why wouldn't someone want to hear ours. Take every opportunity to let someone know just how God has made a difference!

I think I mentioned before that it has been said; "We are the only Bible some people will read!"
As you walk and talk let yourself be known around town as the person God has created you to be. Try not to mix in the old you, so that as you are being read, the reader won't be confused.

I think I mentioned before that it has been said; "You are the only Christ that some people will meet!" "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification, according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear." Ephesians 4:29 Also, let your actions be bold and honest so they can be heard without a word spoken. Sometimes actions speak louder than words; don't they?

When people become acquainted with you they will know that your yes will be yes and your no will be no. "Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth each one of you, with his neighbor, for we are members of one another." Ephesians 4:25 In doing these things, they will know although you are not perfect, your trust is in the Lord. Those who look to you, will learn from you on how to seek God and call upon His name. The only place you need to start when you are ready to evangelize is where you are. A child can do this. A new Christian is the best! Any Christian knows his own story.

Remember the story of the lame man sitting at the door of the Gate Beautiful? Peter and John were just about to enter the gate when the man caught their eye. Peter looked directly at him and said; "Look at us!" Then Peter said; "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have, I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." Acts 3:1-6 Further on in this same chapter, this man leaps to his feet and began walking and leaping along side John and Peter into the temple. He was praising God! And all the people who saw him walking and leaping an praising, God, were amazed. They new who he had been and now they saw him as he was. This man had a story! They wanted to hear his story and others want to hear yours. Jane Ann

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Remember "Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky." How about; "Star light star bright, I wish I may, I wish I might, I wish my dream comes true tonight!" In Music Man one of the songs talks about wishing for that special someone. Remember; "When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are". If we didn't know better we would think man places all his hopes in the stars.

When we are young our heads are filled with thoughts of wishing for someone or something. Many times we begin with; "I wish"! What does it mean to 'wish' for something? I believe it means that we long for something that we strongly desire. It can also mean that we strongly desire something for someone else. We are always wishing someone happiness!

When Jim was a young athlete, his wish/dream was to become a third baseman for the New York Yankee's or some big league team. He also had a wish to become financially secure. Neither of those wishes became a reality because he got me instead. My wish was to become popular; a singer; a secretary; a missionary. As you can see my list was always changing. However, I did become a secretary! But mostly, I got Jim! He changed my whole life instead.

God took our wishes and gave us something that both of us believe has fulfilled all the wishes we never got around to, because we couldn't be more happy than we are right now. Our dreams keep unfolding and as we watch the family God gave us, we are thrilled. Can you think about a time when your head was filled with wonder? I believe it is part of who we were in childhood. Whether our dreams have been realized or we are still dreaming it is all a part of who we are. When we grow up and put dreaming behind us we move into the reality of life. We find our place under the sun and make it what we can. If we do it alone we struggle alone. When we do it with God our struggle is diminished and we find strength in the Lord.

Many times we are disappointed that our dreams never materialized. We are disappointed our marriage didn't turn out the way we had anticipated. We feel disillusioned and can't seem to recover from the discouragements that life has dealt us. "In the day when I cried thou answered me, and strengthened me with strength in my soul." Psalm 138:3

Those who have chosen to follow God, will still find troubles lurking at their doors. Those who have given their lives to the Lord will still find moments of wandering in the desert and can't seem to find their way back. We must remember that God never moved! We are the ones that have been relocating and we are doing all of these things on our own. "Although affliction comes not from the dust, neither does trouble spring out of the ground; Yet man is born unto trouble, as sparks fly upward. I will seek God, and unto God will I commit my problems." Job 5:6-8

I have seen my mother when trouble came her way and it seemed unsurmountable. I remember when she first told me that she was to return to California and live with my brother Lonnie. I was devastated! She told me she was changing. She was becoming forgetful and it wasn't just because she was 75. It was quite noticeable to her! My mother lived alone in a big house where she took care of my brother Lloyd who by this time in his life was very much dependent on someone else to care for him. She needed to be where Lonnie could help Lloyd and her. It wasn't all that long until she wasn't able to care for herself. She put her trust in God!

"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30 Jane Ann

Monday, August 17, 2009

WALK AND TALK! 8/17/09

My mother worked outside the home. One of the things my Mother loved to do was read but because her life was busy, she never seem to find time. On the way home from work she would stop at the store, pick up a few groceries and then walk home. The sack of groceries in one arm and in the other, a paperback book. She would walk and read!

During the 70's my brother Lloyd and my mother were living in Oregon on some acreage where she tended to chickens, a small garden with plenty of open space. One afternoon, I stopped by for a visit. Lloyd greeted me with; "Missed you at the services this morning"! I replied; "What services"? "Oh; Mom cremated a couple of eggs"! My mother was always a multitasker but sometimes she would forget what task took precedence or even what she had been doing. She had put the eggs on to boil and then went into the garden to pull a few weeds.

A few years ago I discovered that walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes was boring. I could watch television but couldn't hear anything. I dreaded going to the gym but Jim wanted to and the Doctor said walk, walk, walk. One day as I was walking on the treadmill I closed my eyes. I found I was able to keep my balance and no one seemed to bother me. I began to pray! The next time we went and as soon as I was in my treadmill rhythm, I closed my eyes and spent 20 minutes just walking and talking with my Lord. What an absolute joy! Jim and I would walk around our neighborhood which we enjoyed but he had to walk slower because of me and I found that I missed being able to talk with the Lord while walking. Other problems came up while walking in the neighborhood. Once, I slipped on some ice and fell, Jim had to hurry home and get the car! Several times I just needed to hurry home. Once, while walking alone, I even had a heart attack. Jim decided that walking in the neighborhood was not for me. We still walk together once in a while.

Shortly after we moved into the house we now live in, Jim had a sidewalk put in that circled the house. He was looking forward and rightfully so! Most of the time, Jim walks the neighborhood by himself, because the treadmill causes his pulse rate to elevate. When he leaves for his walk, I begin my walk around the house and when I see him coming down the street I know that I have one more lap to go. The interesting things is that I walk and talk, praying out loud and Jim walks and talks, praying quiety to himself. Again, what an absolute joy!

Recently, during a presidential debate, I heard an old phrase; "We should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time". In other words we should be able to multitask. I believe in multitasking but I also believe that we need to be circumspect with the tasks at hand. Once in a while as we walk and chew gum we find that we need to stop and tie our shoe. Often life gets in the way as we multitask and we just don't want to stop what we are doing to take care of it.

Jesus had one purpose in mind when He began His walk among the people. Did He multitask upon the way? Absolutely! A lot of the time Jesus wasn't purposely multitasking. Did He refuse when He was pressed upon to divert His attention from the path He was on? Sometimes He did!
However, when there was a need, He would delay the important task before Him and stop to help. Jesus knew, He could get where He was going, whatever He did.

In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus gave specific instructions to the Apostles and to us. Jesus said; "Go ye therefore", which means; "As you go!" As Jesus was headed towards the cross, He healed the sick; the lame to walk; the blind to see; demons to flee and raised the dead. He wants us "As we go"; to make disciples, baptizing, teaching them to obey His commandments. It's pretty simple for us, because we are people who are always on the go. Walking and talking is what Jesus asks. Can we do it? You bet we can! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/26/09

Friday, August 14, 2009

"But how are men to call upon Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher? And how can men preach unless they are sent? As it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach good news'!" Romans 10:14-15

It has been said; "We are the only Christ that people will see!" "We are the only Bible that some will read!" "We represent the Christ, who is still in the world!" I read a little story some time ago; "A little girl was walking down the street holding onto her mother's hand. She tugged on her Mom's arm and said; Look, Look Mommy; there goes God!. Across the street she saw her Sunday School teacher walking down the street." Is that how others see you?

Up front people within the congregation are those who do things that are out in the open. "Boy, do we need those servants of the Lord. If they weren't doing it, we would have to do it!" Those behind the scenes are the ones that make things happen. "Boy, are we glad they are the ones doing it, because if they weren't, then we would have to do it!" Do you feel like that? I don't!

In the past, I don't think I ever did anything quietly because I was always out there recruiting everyone I could to help out. I was the organizer, the doer, the participator and sometimes just in the way; But I was there! Today, I even surprise myself because I know I don't have to be out in front, pushing all the buttons, and/or creating some sort of activity. I am now one of the old folks, but I don't want to be one of the ones that say; "Let the young people do it!" I still want to be a doer regardless of my age!

Have you ever wondered who keeps the lawns and flower beds manicured? Have you ever wondered who cleans the rest rooms? Have you ever wondered who continually makes the messes in the kitchen and somehow it is all cleaned up before Sunday? Have you ever wondered who prepares the communion and then cleans it up? Have you ever wondered if the worship team practices and if so, when? Have you ever wondered who arranges for Sunday School teachers and orders the material that is to be used? Have you ever wondered who is in charge of the sound system and replaces the light bulbs? There are so many things that go on behind the scenes that sometimes we wonder if the church has a genie who wiggles her nose and WALLA it's all up and running in order. The church should be a well oiled machine.

I have known many who quietly serve. They never seem to complain about things, they just do it if it needs to be done or if it needs to be fixed, they fix it. There are those who just always seem to be around when I stop by the church. There are many who go about the Lord's work and never seem to have any kind of fan fair. They like it that way! There are many who are type A and don't mind being up front but it doesn't mean that they can't do things without being noticed. It pleases God to watch His children at work and play.

It isn't just the preacher that considers the church his home away from home. The church building is our home away from home. God asks us to be good stewards, by caring for the building that is dedicated to the purpose of missions. By caring for the grounds as good stewards. We give of our tithes and offerings as good stewards so that the work of missions can go forward as prescribed in God's word. Church work is not busy work! It is God's mission!

"Now this I say; he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully. Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful give. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed." 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 Is your Glory here, or in the hereafter? Jane Ann

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Most times we think that to be a missionary you have to travel out of the country. We think that we must go abroad to be called a missionary. We think mission work is not at home, or close to home. In fact missionary work is just that; a cause that we maintain wherever we are. Some mornings I get up with a mission in mind. I must go 71 miles to Medford to call upon some elderly friends; I must take time to go and visit someone in the hospital; VBS is this week and so my mornings are already spoken for. If you are a Sunday School teacher you are active on the mission field, regardless if you are only called a teacher.

Missionary is a name that is given to those who's mission is full time. But that doesn't mean that those of us at thome are not doing mission work. Even though the word mission is used to represent those who are in the act of sending or the state of being sent, it also means ones specified work or calling. However, mostly it has religious connotations.

"Then He said to His disciples; The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest, to send out laborers into His harvest." Matthew 9:37 Jesus is reminding us that we are to pray to have laborers to go amongst the harvest. Those who are willing to be a servant of God have been placed there amongst the harvest by our Lord.

Remember the story when God cleansed Isaiah's tongue with a burning coal and commissioned him to preach among the people? "And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said, Here am I! Send me! And He said, go and say to this people." Isaiah 6:8-9

I remember as a young woman, the Youth Director from our church had taken on pasturing a church of his own. The new congregation was established in a fairly new home that was set up as the church building. A group of us from my church went out to help him canvas the community, to let them know there was a church in their neighborhood.

There we were, clean cut, dressed nicely with our hair combed and faces all aglow with the anticipation of being sent out just like the 70 were as we read in Luke 10:1-23. Of course Gordon didn't exactly say all that Jesus did, like; "give a blessing on the home that receives you and stomp the dust off your feet if you are rejected," but the idea was still planted in our heads.

After highschool, the college and career group I was in, would go to the Los Angeles General Hospital in the center of LA on the first Sunday of each month. We would help the Christian Chaplain at the hospital with his worship service. But before the service we would visit the geriatric wards and invite the patients to come to the service. We would push the huge beds along with all their paraphernalia into the elevators and then into the large auditorium. We would sometimes do the service but mostly we took the communion around and helped the patients with their communion. We did this for years! Up until I married, at almost 24.

When I look back on some of the things our different youth groups did when I was young, amazes me. I don't see much of those things happening today but times are different. Times of high tech and easy access keep us from some of the opportunities that I had. Even though, youth of today miss out on those kinds of adventures; they go on mission trips to other countries.

When the 70 came back they were excited and filled with joy. They exclaimed about all that they were able to do and how they were received. But Jesus said; "Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you; but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." Luke 10:20 Jesus later says to them; "Blessed are the eyes which see what you see!" Luke 10:23b I believe Jesus is talking about those who were to go out after the 70. Those like you and me! We understand God's mission; We understand that it is not easy! I understood and still do, that if it is not me, then who? I ask you; "If it is not you, then who?" Jane Ann

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

One of my girls from the Youth Group was also the preacher's daughter. I watched her grow from a gangly little girl into a tall, lovely blond woman. Now as blonds go, Connie had her moments of being off the wall, but she showed all of us what she was made of as she grew into womanhood. She was becoming the kind of woman God created her to be right before our very eyes.

Connie married a young man that she had known for many years and I bet she was just as surprised as all of us, of the match she made. They became missionaries! Todd with his pilots license and many skills along with Connie and her experience as a dental surgery assistant became invaluable on the mission field. The story I want to tell wasn't being remembered quite correctly so I contacted my friend Ellen, who is Connie's mother. Ellen filled me in on a few details but it still didn't quite compute the way I remembered hearing it, so I contacted Connie. Her story takes place on the small islands in Micronesia. This is one of her stories!

"I was pregnant with my second daughter Courtney," Connie begins! "When it was time, Todd had flown the only American Doctor to Guam, through a tropical storm to save a young man who fell from a coconut tree. The island Doctor is more like our EMT's and he looked a little like Bozo the Clown. Short curly hair that went straight out the sides and bald on top. He always wore a pink striped shirt with maroon corduroy pants every time I saw him. I had a lady lawyer friend with me when I went to the hospital. There was just a trouble light hanging from an extension cord that was hooked up to a generator which was out on the lawn. There were huge bugs! The walls in the hospital only went part way down and the chickens along with other things were running around. The old saying; "Were you born in a barn?"; is something that Courtney can say yes to; complete with chickens and bugs. The island Doctor did come in to deliver Courtney but he waited and waited to come in because I wasn't screaming and he said; "all white women scream when they deliver, so I didn't think it was time yet. However, the Island Doctor did deliver Courtney!"

Of course the way I remembered hearing this story was Connie cleaned the delivery room and delivered her own baby! Ellen remember Connie was waiting outside the delivery room when the baby started to come. She walked into the delivery room, fearful that the baby would come before she got there. Our Connie, our little blond who grew up under our watchful eyes, so courageous and unafraid because God said; "I will be with you even to the end of the age!"

Todd and Connie's family now include two young men they adopted as boys, while they were living on these islands and their two teenage daughters. Jessica, the eldest, just graduated from highschool. Their plans for mission work is broadening as Todd is now enrolled in school to become a Doctor. Having a pilot's license and also being a Doctor will allow the two of them to do more. I am not sure of their destination; it could be Africa. They know of the desperate need there and they both love huge and exciting challenges.

"Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing. Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and we are His people and the sheep of His pasture." Psalm 100:1-3 "For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer. In pointing out these things to the brethren, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine which you have been following." 1 Timothy 4:4-6 God does amazing things through those who are willing to go into all the world. Connie says; "It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus!"
Jane Ann

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We met a young couple who recently married and were planning to go into full time missions as Bible Translators in Brazil under the auspices of Wycliffe Bible Translators. Mike grew up in Brazil with missionary parents and he and his new bride, Kelly, knew that this was the life for them. Lots of preparation was ahead of them and even though their outlook was hopeful and promising the preparations were daunting. Kelly needed to learn the language and both were to become licensed along with visa's, not to mention raising their own support.

Jim and I, along with others within our church signed up to be monthly supporters of this young couple. With eye's shining bright, they were so thankful for the outpouring of love and money which was going to bring their dream to fruition. After about two years and still preparing, a baby was born. A lovely baby girl with a clef palate! Not mild but pretty severe! Surgery was on the horizon. Not just one but several! Plans were delayed but still on going! This very strong young couple are determined to eventually live in a remote small village called Soytown, with the Curto people who's language needs to be written down, so they can learn how to read it. Learning their sounds and phrases will enable Mike and Kelly to write it down and then it can be translated into their own Bible. This will take approximately 20 years or more.

You have heard many stories like this and have read many books written by missionaries telling their own personal adventures of relying on God. We are always amazed and in awe of their humility and tenacity in serving our Lord in such courageous ways. The Missionaries adventures are written as autobiographies and are in libraries across the country. In missionary stories we see God's unbelievable powers working to make clear their paths; to soften the blows; to lift their feet so that they can fly like eagles. We see God bringing them through much destruction and terrifying circumstances and yet saving them to serve another day. We see lives sacrificed and others taking their place because God's word needs to go into the whole world.

We often think our sacrifices are enormous when we give a little more than our budget allows; or I don't really have the time but I will squeeze it in; or yes, I have a spare room, but I already have so much to do that taking in the missionary this time; "Oh well; I guess I can!".

What if we were asked to give up our comforts of a big house, full pantry, clean linen's on our beds not to mention all the stores that are available for us to pick and choose where we will grocery shop this week. What if we didn't know, when and where we would lay our head each night; or even if we would get a good nights sleep without concern for our safety. These are some of the things our missionaries face regularly, even today.

When we calmly set back in our chair to read God's 'Great Commission' as found in Matthew 28:19-20, do we ever contemplate those who took it literally and are out there amongst foreigners and even savages experiencing; "And I will be with you always, even until the end of the age?" I have to admit, I haven't, but today I will!

Many years ago I read a book that thrilled my missionary minded soul. "God's Smuggler", an autobiography of "Brother Andrew". A young soldier, while sitting out the war due to an injured ankle, read the Bible. He converted to Christianity and learned how to trust in God's word, literally. First off, God healed his ankle! Brother Andrew would smuggle bibles into communist countries in the height of the cold war. When he would be interviewed he would keep his appearance blurred in order to keep himself from jeopardizing his mission. On one TV interview he was asked why he didn't just drop the bibles from the sky, into these countries instead of smuggling them. Brother Andrew replied; "God said; 'Go ye therefore'; He didn't say, go and dump." I imagine Brother Andrew being 81 years old is praising God that the countries he smuggled Bibles into are now open. I think it is time to read his book once again! Jane Ann

Monday, August 10, 2009


1997 was a year that has become renown in our history but had nothing to do with the United States. August 31 1997 Princess of Wales; Diana Spencer, the worlds princess; was killed in a freak car accident while being chased by the Paparazzi. At the time of this writing, eleven years have passed and we still can't get enough of her pictures and her story. I can't blame those who follow even today, the glitz and glamor of Princess Diana! We have always been infatuated with the rich and famous and I doubt if that will ever stop.

The morning of September 5, 1997 Jim and I were driving to Idaho to visit my sister Jeri and her family for a few days. It was Labor day weekend! While driving along listening to one of Jim's favorite radio commentators Rush Limbaugh, he interrupted his program with a news bulletin; Mother Teresa passed away! What a loss! What a life she had led! I was happy that she was to receive her reward but saddened for those who would miss her love and care.

Interestingly enough, this woman of notable renown was completely overshadowed by shock and despair of the passing of Princess Diana, 5 days earlier. I don't want to compare the lives of these two women because both were involved with many deeds of love and care that would be considered above reproach. However, Mother Teresa was a women unlike any other woman in our world.

She began her career emotionally when at the age of 12, she felt called by God. In 1950 it was approved, that she could start her own order called "The Missionaries of Charity". It was an order to love and care for those, who nobody was prepared to look after. She has been quoted by those of all faiths; She established over 610 missions in 123 countries, including hospices. She has received many prizes but the most acclaimed was the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. I would have to say that Mother Teresa was a woman after God's own heart.

Sometimes we ask ourselves, what is God's will for me? Sometimes we feel at a loss as to what we should be doing for God. Sometimes we think that because we don't have the passion or desire to do the things like Mother Teresa that we are a failure in serving God. Sometimes, we just need to wait upon the Lord! I always felt that I had a passion for missions!

One evening after an evangelistic meeting at my church, I felt not only the passion but a heartfelt desire. I wanted to be a missionary! I talked with my beloved pastor and because he knew me so well and also my financial condition, he said to me; "Janie; You would be great as a missionary, but what we need more is for women like you in the work place. A woman that when the co-workers would speak of you it would not be; "She is a good employee but you ought to see her after hours! Instead they would know that you belong to Christ! That your no is no and your yes is yes! There would be no question of your honesty in character"! I like to think I became a Godly woman in the workplace, just as Mr. Ellett suggested!

In Matthew 6 Jesus talks about doing things in secret. Giving your money; not letting your left hand know what your right hand is doing; praying; fasting; laying up your treasures in heaven. Verse 22 says; "The lamp of your body is the eye; if therefore your eye is clear your whole body will be full of light". Jesus also says; "If your eye is bad your whole body will be filled with darkness." He continues with; "No one can serve two masters"!

"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father"! Colossians 3:17 I know I will never be accomplished or world famous like Mother Teresa or Princess Diana. Life is not a competition to receive glory. Our glory is Jesus Christ! Glory can be here and in the hereafter. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/15/08

Friday, August 7, 2009

I believe I strive to be neither lawless or legalistic. I believe to be lawless, is to be one who is heedless to the law. I believe to be legalistic is one who observes the letter of the law and not the spirit of the law. A legalist would say; "if you're too sick to be baptized you are going to hell." A legalist would say; "that a woman is absolutely not allowed to speak in church." A legalist is someone who takes everything to the extreme.

In the Old Testament God's law was to teach the people they were sinners and He gave them the law so they would be able to quickly identify right from wrong. The New Testament gave us Jesus Christ. He was our scape goat, propitiation for our sins and/or a replacement for our sins. In other words Jesus became sin so that we could become free of sin.

Webster says; to be lawless is to be in violation to the law. You could say they are lawbreakers which is also one who violates the law. Webster says; to be a legalist is to be an advocate of legalism and legalism is to pay strict adherence to the law.

One of the saying's within the church is; "Where the Bible speaks, we speak; where the Bible is silent, we are silent!" It is also said; "We agree to disagree!" But I like; "God said it, I believe it and that settles it!" Many thoughts run rampant regarding how we should interpret the Scriptures and/or the law. I believe if we are patient and listen long enough, God reveals the truths to us. We will never learn all that we are capable of, even with God as our teacher.

I am not here to convince anyone that I am the last word in any of these theological discussions. I am not here to convince you of anything except that I believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God. I am here to cause you to think about what you think you know. There is so much more for you to learn about our Savior. About Heaven! About the process of becoming Christlike or a Christian. So much more!

"Everyone who commits sin is guilty of lawlessness; sin is lawlessness!" 1 John 3:4 Jesus says; "And because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he shall be saved!" Matthew 24:12

In Philippians 3:4-8 Paul talks about all the things he was found blameless in, even to the point of being righteous in the law. His legalistic views? He counted them all as loss for the sake of Jesus Christ. We bind ourselves with our views when in fact it is written; "Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty!" 2 Corinithians 3:17

"Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslave's of God." 1 Peter 2:16 "For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word in the statement, you shall love your neighbor as yourself." Galatians 5:13-14 "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1 Let's examine this last verse. Christian liberty is salvation by grace and comes only through Jesus Christ; Liberty is freedom from the law and it's curse; from the fear of death; from sin; from the yoke of the Old Testament. But liberty must never be used as a cloak for sin. It is not a license to sin! Our total liberty is in subjection to Christ. I read that the Christian finds his liberty when he is in bondage to Jesus Christ.

My friend, Iona Kay tells me that she heard a great sermon by Al Young one time, about the church. "The theme was that the church is within all of the different denominations." I believe where Jesus Christ is preached, God is the judge not you or me. When God's will is being done, it doesn't matter what our church is called, God is still the judge. Let us become free in Christ! "For the Lord taketh pleasure in His people." Psalm 149:4a Jane Ann

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The word universal, according to the dictionary means; All-pervading; relating to the whole world, general, common to all; and limited, restricted, sectional. Catholic with a small 'c' means 'universal', general or liberal. I love dictionary searches, don't you? Universalism pertains to the doctrine of universal salvation and redemption. The United Church of Christ is a good example of Universalism. They have taken all wants and desires of most churches and combined them with worldly views and formed a union of one.

As I have said before, I am always amazed how we can distort God's word to suit our purposes and create an atmosphere of; this is right and everyone else is wrong. Of course I am not saying Jane Ann is always right but I am saying that God's word is. We must read it, believe it and live it, if we want to reign with Him on high.

Universally speaking, is God's desire! Universal is a given when God said; "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life"; John 3:16 (KJV) That promise was made to everyone! The world! The masses! Or anything else you want to call it.

Just as the world has crept into everything in our lives, it has crept into the church and brought all of it's wishes, wants and desires. Unless we know God and know His word, we cannot be surprised when we realize what is happening. Personally, I fight this all the time. That is why I write Morning Glory and have put them on a blog. That is why I have taught God's word in the Sunday Schools, Women's meetings and at special occasions where I have been asked to speak and in raising my children and my grandchildren. Once I was more timid than I am today, but today I speak up and most who know me say; "There she goes again!"

The line that is drawn is the line between the world and the conservative church. The church that seeks God's word for it's direction and it's existence. "If you continue in my word you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." John 8:31b-32 The Jew's that believed in Jesus said; "We've never been in bondage, what do you mean; 'We will be made free'?" John 8:33

Here, Jesus is saying that when we know the word, the word will set us free! God's word is so important to us, as it is written. Keep reading it! Even if you don't understand the first 100 times. God will reveal His truths as you are ready for it. Just ask anyone who is a scholar of the Bible. You many read a scripture many, many times and then all of sudden, it is made clear.

When Jim and I visit other churches we always feel right at home. The church is a universal family of God. We visited Christ's Church in Jerusalem! It came out of the Orthodox traditions but it had a wonderful praise team. Beautiful singing, long, long prayers and even some speaking in tongues. Communion was served up front with a universal cup! However, they were preaching and teaching the love of Jesus Christ. I felt privileged to worship with them. We have visited many churches with liberal views but have enjoyed worshiping with them because they were preaching and teaching the love of Jesus Christ.

I consider, my home church to be conservative and it teaches what I believe, but when I visit I find that I am once again within the universal church walls. Remember when John questions Jesus when they see others casting out demons in Jesus name? John says; "We tried to stop him because he does not follow along with us!" Luke 9:49 But Jesus said to him; "Do not hinder him, for he who is not against you is for you." Luke 9:50 God wants all, but will only accept those who follow His teachings. Be careful what you follow and believe. Only Jesus is the way! Only Jesus is the truth! Only Jeus is the Life! Jane Ann

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Recently I was reading a short bio of my daughter-in-law, Faye. When it came to religion she wrote 'conservative Christian'. I guess I had never seen that before, at least in writing. Years ago people would put in either Catholic or Protestant. I always just put in Christian as well as American for race. I try never to conform to establish a difference. In the Christian world the saying was; "I am Christian only, not the only Christian". Up until yesterday that is what I would say. Today, I am pondering the idea of being a conservative Christian.

Being a conservative Christian is like drawing a line. Yesterday I wrote about the liberal thinker and today, the conservative thinker. I realize that my views are conservative and of course you probably have already guessed that, if you have been following my blog. I am also conservative in my politics, in the way I dress and also in my social habits.

Being a conservative says I am cautious, prudent, moderate, believing in established principles, opposes change that causes major conflicts with the scriptures. For instance; legalized abortions and legalized same sex marriages due to extreme life style choices. Yes, I would say I am a conservative Christian. For me that is not a bad thing. It is the way I think!

Christ was a conservative and if we are to follow in His footsteps then we too should be considered, conservative. Isn't the child, more times than not, what the parent is? I am probably more vocal than most when it comes to my views. I used to argue politics with the best of them. But because of the turn our country has taken, I have decided I can't change anything with my arguing because this is all in God's hands at this point in time. I used to argue the scriptures but having taught adults for many years I have discovered that most have their minds made up. However, there are many that are willing to hear what the word says. How exciting is that?

There are probably more 'thou shalt not do' than there are 'thou shalt do', in God's word. There are probably more restrictions on social habits and everyday activities than there are in using our freewill to do whatever we want to. One of the cliche's of twenty or more years ago is; "If it feels good, do it". This is not found in the Bible, but on every street corner.

In Jesus Christ we have more freedom than can be imagined. We are free to say no to whatever we want to; We are free to say yes to all the good things that God has provided for us. We are free to live a life that is free from Godly condemnation. We are free to attend the church of our choice; We are free to worship whenever we want to. We can be free of guilt! We are free to become the kind of person God has created us to be. The list can go on and on!

What is part of the conservative church is; an Elder who knows the scriptures and follows God's direction; A man after God's own heart! An approval by the Elder; which is still a desired quality for any well organized church. The pastor of such a congregation teaches that it is not easy to become a Christian. The matter of surrendering one's life to Christ, facing our sin and submitting to Christian baptism require much courage and humility. The process required for you to become saved by the saving grace of Jesus Christ is relatively simple. The process is to hear (Luke 8:4-15); believe (John 3:16); repent (Luke 13:3); confess (Romans 10:9-10); be baptised into the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38). No short cuts! No watered down philosophies! No pretense here! The picture of baptism is compared to a burial and a resurrection as found in Romans 6:3-6. We bury our old self and become raised anew!

Peter says in Acts; that in baptism we are given forgiveness of sin and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Why would anyone not want to be baptized? Baptism is the only 'once in a lifetime' step to salvation. To live a Christian life, the other 4 steps must be continued daily. "Paul was to live by faith." Galatians 2:20 So must we; even if it means to be conservative! Jane Ann

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We don't usually think about a liberal thinker within the spiritual world. We usually are considering politics or political correctiness when we think of a liberal person. I have discovered that within the last 40 years many changes began to take place within the churches. Not just one but within all different sects. I grew up in the Church of Christ or Christian Church. The teachings and doctrine were patterned after the 'restoration movement' which began somewhere in the 1800's. It was a back to the Bible process which tells me that before the movement there were liberal thinkers even then with the churches.

Somewhere along the way instead of evangelism, we began to focus our attention on the 'seekers'. Seeker's being those who were looking for a church, but not of the standard biblical type, but of a place that would welcome their way of thinking. Somewhere along the way we began to placate to the whims of making the congregation comfortable instead of changing lives.

Liberalism is taking the process of becoming saved and taking the name of Christian, by shortening it to "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved!" Acts 16:31a The only thing left is to say a prayer of repentance and WALLA, you are saved. You will know then, that after you have said that prayer, you are on your way to heaven!

Liberalism within the church body says that the Elder's are more of a financial counsel giving their okay for spending or not to spend. The Elder's are to oversee all programs and give directions to the pastor. The Elder as defined in the scriptures, is not the Elder we find in a liberal congregation.

"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths." 2 Timothy 4:3-4

"In the last days, there will come times of stress. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, fierce, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding the form of religion but denying the power of it." 2 Timothy 3:1-5a Paul continues in 5b; "Avoid such people!"

I realize the discussion this week is harsh. I realize that nobody wants to hear these things about what is going on in some churches. Obviously, it was going on not long after the church began. I realize that because we are taught to love one another we find ourselves overlooking some things. But loving one another within the church never changes. We need to look to God's teaching to know what it is that God expects from His church; His people; His followers!

Let's don't take short cuts! We get into trouble taking short cuts! We need to follow God's word to the full extent that it is given. When the Israelites took short cuts they always ran into trouble. God always bailed them out! Our way out is Jesus Christ and only Jesus Christ! Examine what you believe and be sure you are believing what God is teaching, not what man has decided is okay. Personally, I don't want to take any chances; I want to be sure! When God says; "Follow me", that is exactly what I want to do. How about you? Jane Ann

Monday, August 3, 2009


What does it mean when they say; "Life is like a bowl full of cherries"? I've often wondered about that! Do you suppose it means life is the pits? Perhaps a bowl of cherries is like the song that says; "don't take it serious, it's so delirious". I think the pits make it easier to relate to? "If life give you lemons, you make lemondade!" That is pretty clear, isn't it? We all have grown up in a world full of phrases and cliches. Some are more trite or hackneyed than others but they become familiar and therefore easy to repeat. Today, one of the popular phrases is; "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die!" I bet you didn't even realize that was originally said in Isaiah. Also in the book of Luke and in Ecclesiastes.

In the book 'Why You Say It' by Webb Garrison, talks about an English poet, who in the year of 1598 became a chief literary lion of his time. Ben Johnson's last work, 'The Staple of the News', was finished in 1625. By that time he was widely read and quoted. He used a phrase to describe a prejudiced person by referring to him as being narrow-minded. The phrase caught on and today we use that same phrase when it suits our purpose to separate ourselves from those who do not believe the same as we do.

I use to think it was a bad thing to be narrow-minded. In Webster's Dictionary it means illiberal. The word ill may indicate a health issue but it is also used to define something that is not a good thing. I see illiberal as one who is a conservative thinker. Go figure! Another cliche!

I have always been told by my friends, peers and co-workers that I was narrow-minded because I would not participate in some of the social activities that were offered to me. I have never considered myself narrow-minded but when I look at the world and all that is allowed, I have come to realilze, in the worlds view, I am narrow-minded. According to today's worldy thoughts, God is narrow minded also, which makes me feel like I am in good company. I fit in so much better in God's world, so being narrow-minded is not a bad thing.

Today, you are narrow-minded if you are prejudice against another's color, religion, sexual orientation, abortionists and the 'Right to Choose' organizations. When you do not associate with those who are involved in some of these activities, they attach names to you like; homophobe; goody-too-shoes; Jesus freaks. Obviously, these worldy views and lifestyles belong to the liberals and not to the illiberal's or the narrow-minded. Somewhere a line has been drawn! God's word has made it very clear that homosexual activities, whether you are a man or a woman, is an abomination. It never entered God's mind that people in the Old Testament would sacrifice their babies to the god Molech and I am sure it never entered God's mind that today babies would be aborted during the gestation period and even at the time of delivery. A view that the fetus is not a life until born is not a Godly view!

Let's go a little further. Narrow is the opposite of broad! The word strait is used in reference to a narrow, small, confined passage. I think of 'strait' when Jesus is talking in Matthew 7:13-14. "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life and few are those who find it". Further down in chapter 7 we find verses 21-23 where it says; "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord', will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord' did we not prophesy in Your name, and in your name cast out demons and in your name perform many miracles? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness." Within the practices of the world we become lawless! Are you narrow-minded? Are you lawless? Think on these things! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/25/08