Friday, July 31, 2009

When we were children one of the things we were taught was how to give by sharing with our friends. We also learned to say 'thank you' when we received something. Remember? When we had children of our own we taught them the same things. This little piece of manners or etiquette is still alive and sort of well in our society. Even though, this is a hard lesson to learn as a child. Many times we would pretend to share but the first chance we had we would take it back. Lots of crying, kicking and sometimes screaming took place during this process.

As adults, giving comes easier especially when prosperity lies at your door. Receiving is another story altogether. The church is in the business of giving. Special holidays you will find the church making lists of those to give food baskets to and/or money during hard times. Most families that are given a basket can take it thankfully and then there are families who are again, embarrassed and feel resentful. They may take this gift reluctantly or may refuse it altogether.

Years ago my sister Jean had a couple of children in her Sunday School class that could not afford to have a Christmas tree or even gifts to be found under it. The father apparently had lost his job. Jean encouraged the church to donate food and gifts were collected for these two girls. Jean took them over to this home on Christmas eve and put them on their porch. The father became angry; found out where Jean lived and threw the gifts and food in her front yard.
Although Jean was very disappointed, she picked them all up and took the gifts to the Mayor of our town and asked if he couldn't find a family that could use them. My mother purchased the food! So very sad!

It was a blessing for all who took part, but it was so hard for those children because they witnessed this anger in their father. You would have thought that just accepting the food and these gifts, if only to see his children happy that next morning, would have been worth forgetting his pride but then that is how the evil lurks at our doors when Christ is not allowed to enter.

Paul is talking to the elders of Ephesus when he says; "In all things I have shown you that by so toiling one must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said; 'It is more blessed to give than to receive'." Acts 20:35 It is more blessed to give, because it is the nature of the Christian to give. Christ gave and therefore, we give. Paul is ot talking about gifts like we think of gifts. Gifts purchased and packaged in colorful paper and ribbons. Gifts of value and gifts of pleasures. Paul is talking about other kinds of gifts that help to fulfill the needs. He refers to the fact that he worked to take care of his necessities and for those who were with him. He did not ask the elders to support him. He says that by his working himself, he could help others such as the church there in Ephesus. Paul was blessed by using his resources to help those in need. Paul was blessed because he gave, instead of receiving help from the Elders.

Funny, how we take a scripture and use it suit our purposes. Funny, how we quote the Bible and say; 'it is more blessed to give than to receive'. We feel all rightous and good! However, the scriptures are talking about our taking care of those less fortunate than ourselves. It is not necessarily talking about our giving and receiving of gifts between one another.

I believe our giving and receiving of gifts are important because of our attitude in giving and receiving. I believe that our giving and receiving to one another is a good character trait. A character trait that we have picked up by imitating Jesus Christ and those who we have learned from in His word. Learning to be like Christ is our goal! Learning to be like Christ in this world can be achieved if we are willing to accept His ways. Jane Ann

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Since my sister Jewel passed away last year I am reminded of her every time I come across something in my home, drawers and cupboards that spark a memory of someone. I helped go through her home and after things were divided up within the family the rest was either 'Goodwill or trash'. I wasn't comfortable with that! Of course I understood that most didn't know why Jewel would keep some things but I understood. Most of these things were items that brought back memories to me too. All were keepers because she loved the givers.

The little doilies that Linda made to cover the cubed sugar bowls and the tea cozies that Joyce and Jewel made for our first Women's Tea at White City Church. The ornamental Christmas tree made by Bud's dad, out of buttons and jewelry. It was the sample that Jewel used to make ones for her family. The pottery that Bud was making when they were first married and music Bud downloaded so he could listen to his favorites when traveling. The list goes on!

I took it to heart and have given away handkerchiefs that I had received and never used, when it was fashionable to give handkerchiefs. It is easy for me to give away things knowing that even if I wanted to use it again, I could barrow it. Maybe!

I had a lovely red flimsy, silk oblong scarf, that my brother Layton gave to me upon his discharge from the Marines in 1957. I wore it over my shoulders a few times but always kept it in a little hosiery bag. After he passed away I would look at it when I was cleaning the drawer it was in or when I was thinking of him. Early this year I decided to give this scarf to my niece who is Layton's namesake. If it came down to 'Goodwill or trash' I am not sure my kids would even remember who gave it to me. I'm sure they would have kept it but at least with Layton, my memory will suffice for her to keep it for her life time. After that, who knows!

Jim's Mom was quite a character when it came to receiving gifts or even if she borrowed something from you. Many years ago she was decorating for a ladies Halloween luncheon at her church. She borrowed my sister Jean's cutest little scarecrow. It was about 18 inches high and was all ragged with straw everywhere. She thought it was cute also and that is why she borrowed it. Almost a year later I asked her for it back so I could return it to Jean. Very calmly she said; "I threw it away, because it was all ragged!"

Many times her children and grandchildren would send her gifts for her birthday or Christmas and many times we would find it in the trash. I would take it out of the trash and say; "Mom, you just got this; did you mean to throw it away?" She would reply; "I have no use for that!" Some times money is the best thing for the elderly except after she passed, we found some very old checks that she had put away, and never cashed. Of course, we just put them in the trash.

I love giving my kids things! I love sharing whatever I have with whoever needs it or wants it. That is unless I am actually using it. Many times we have bought something from a yard sale and would give it to the kids. They had to take it whether they wanted it or not. I love used and especially old things. I like new also, but being new is not my preference.

When we receive a gift, it doesn't cost us anything except a 'thank you'! When we give a gift, unless we do it in secret, a 'thank you' is nice. When our children bring home something they made at school we put it on the refrigerator to show it off. "But the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord!" Romans 8:23b It is free to us because Christ paid for it on the cross. When we accept His gift we then thank Him by giving Him our life. His gift is the best gift of all! It amazes me how so many throw this gift in the trash and say; "I have no use for that!" You know, it is a choice we make and He will honor that choice! Pass it on! Jane Ann

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It is true that when someone gives you a gift for no reason, you feel a little embarrassed. Embarrassed because you didn't think to give that person a gift for no reason? Embarrassed because you just don't know what to say? Embarrassed maybe; but I am sure you are secretly pleased.

When we feel embarrassed it is because we begin to feel ill at ease. We feel a little tongue tied and perhaps a little disconerted. We are put off guard and momentarily lose our composure. I hate to be embarrassed! My face begins to feel warm and I know it is becoming flushed. Now; I not only feel embarrassed, but I look embarrassed!

Receiving a gift or a gift that cost more than the one you gave is not a reason to be embarrassed, nor does it need explanations. Be a gracious receiver! Regardless of how much it cost, treat it as very valuable! My mother treated everything that was given to her the same. She hung everything on her walls; displayed everything on her shelves and table tops; She wore what you gave her; She was contended and never said; "Why did you give me that, or I already have one, or why don't you keep that, I know you could use it." Perhaps this wasn't all the time!

I realize there are all kinds of circumstances regarding gifts you receive. Perhaps you already have one; it is to small; and the list goes on. Wait a while before getting rid of it or ask if it is okay to exchange it. But don't make a fuss about it! Don't treat the giver as being insignificant, but treat them as you would want to be treated. "Therefore, however, you want people to treat you, so treat them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." Matthew 7:12

Gag gifts are just that! A gag! Jim's family at their Christmas party did gag gifts. After many years the gifts now have a monetary limit and usually it is something that is useful but not necessarily a gag anymore. We started doing the gag gifts at my families Christmas party and it turned into exchange gifts. So in July we draw family names and on Christmas eve we open them. The gag gifts have melted into the past. I don't mind gag gifts as long as you let the person know or at least give some indication that this gift is just in fun. Feelings can get hurt!

Personally, I like receiving gifts that I can use. I suppose most of my children and family know this because I don't have a lot of trinket's on my shelves and table tops, nor do I have many gifts hanging on my walls. I am still using wedding gifts although I wished I had kept all the duplicates, instead of giving them away, because some things just never last. Embarrassed? No!

Again, lets listen to what Jesus has to say while sitting on the hillside. We call it the 'sermon on the mount'. When he refers to those who are evil, he is talking to us because even now our nature is evil when you compare it to the goodness of our Lord and Savior. Earlier on Jesus says; "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks, it shall be opened." Matthew 7:7-8 Jesus is encouraging us to pray! When we come with clean hands and a pure heart we can approach our Lord with confidence. This gift of prayer is for all and we must pay close attention to receive God's answers.

"Or what man is there among you, when his son shall ask him for a loaf, will give him a stone? Or, if he shall ask for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he?" Matthew 7:9-10 Receiving gifts are fun! Receiving gifts are surprises in pretty packages! Receiving graciously is a gift from God. Don't be embarrassed, just enjoy and say; "Thank you!" Jane Ann

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I have never really understood why we ask our children to make a Christmas list to give to Santa. We did it with our children! I still have a couple of lists that the kids made. How disappointing it must be for children when they make their list and when Christmas morning comes, the things they wanted turned into things that they didn't even ask for and some they didn't even want.

We always tried to get the kids things we knew they wanted, or thought they wanted and things we knew they needed. One Christmas, one of the things on Jennifer's lists we didn't get. She had asked for a camera! After all the gifts were opened and the paper picked up, she said; "Where's my camera? I asked Santa for a camera!" Oh boy! I always hated for my children to be disappointed. The day after Christmas I asked Jim, as he was leaving to go to the store, to pick up a small camera. I wrapped it up and Jim slid it under the chair Jennifer had been sitting in on Christmas morning. Needless to say she was thrilled when she found her missing package.

I don't believe I have ever opened a package and didn't want it. Like most mothers, you find a place for whatever it is, or you carefully put it away and when you look at it again you remember who gave it to you. I don't believe I have returned a gift, even wedding gifts, except for a coat and some clothes that Jim had bought for me. I returned them only because they didn't fit. He never bought me clothes again!

When I was turning around the corner of being 50, it was not what I wanted. I didn't want a party, a card or anything that said I was now 50. They say becoming 30 is hard, but I made it although a little melancholy. I was okay with 40 but then I didn't consider it over the hill. I surely didn't want any of the black decorations or pictures showing one foot in the grave.

At 60 my family gave me a party! It was nice having everyone over but again, being 60 was not my favorite thing. I believe there are lots of things that we don't want, but gifts are not one of them. It is always nice to receive a gift! We use to have 'secret sisters' at the church we attended some years ago. Once a month, you could be assured of having a gift on the back table with your name on it. That is if you had a good 'secret sister'. I usually did!

I heard of a man who as a pastor was concerned for the soul of a friend. Through the years he would try to lead him to Jesus and finally on the man's death bed, the pastor thought; "Now is my chance!" He talked to him about the saving grace of the Savior and explained this gift that was his for the taking, even now when his life was ebbing. The man raised his hand and said; "NO!" The pastor left his friends bedside with sadness of heart knowing that obviously this was just not what he wanted.

There are many out in the world who have heard of the saving grace of Jesus and are still saying no to the call. There are those who say; "Not today, maybe tomorrow!" The hearts of the world has been hardened and Jesus Christ is not what they want. They want what they consider happiness; peace; pretty things; night life; all the candy they can eat at the candy store. They want what they see with eyes big as can be, instead of seeing the possibility of eternity in heaven. Instead, their eternity will continue into an existence that will repel their soul.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30 I love this verse because it shows the gentleness of our Savior. It shows how He loves us! It shows that His promise of helping us along the way is for eternity and not just for a moment. Take His yoke and lean upon Him and your resistance will melt into; "I want that!" Jane Ann

Monday, July 27, 2009


Once I bought Lonnie a pair of brown corduroy slacks for Christmas. I bought them at an expensive Men's store. He was happy to receive slacks but not that they were cords. He hated cords! Who knew! One Saturday morning he took me back to the store and had me exchange them. However, the pair he got was far more expensive than the cords. I really didn't mind; because it was Lonnie.

Lonnie was always buying Mom jewelry. Many rings! He had his own special Jewelry store. They knew him by name! The weekend before I was married Lonnie brought a beautiful 'blue sapphire ring' for me to see. It was a belated Christmas gift for Mom! After Mom passed away, Jean told us all to go thru Mom's jewelry and take what we wanted. There was a small white gold filigree ring without a setting. It was small and dainty! I had a pearl that needed a home so I took the little filigree ring and had the pearl mounted on it. It is beautiful! I showed it to Lonnie and he said he had given Mom that ring right after the war but he didn't remember what stone had been in it. Jewel had one of Mom's rings that I remembered seeing Mom wear in the fortys. Jewel didn't wear it anymore because it had become too big so she asked me if I would like it. Like it! I loved it! I gave it to Jeri. She was a baby when Mom began to wear it.

The family that lives in Oregon draw family names at Christmas time. Whatever name Jennifer gets she buys for all members of that family. She begins shopping right after the 4th of July. If anyone was born to shop, it is Jennifer! On Christmas eve, these gifts are opened. Everyone wants Jennifer to draw their name! I sometimes have to remind her that she is not Santa Claus but she doesn't hear me because she loves to buy for others.

When I bought Lonnie the cords, I wasn't disappointed that he didn't like cords. I was excited that he went with me to return them and we shopped together. Lonnie was always buying Mom watches and rings and he didn't care that she didn't wear them all at the same time. He just wanted to see the pleasure on her face when she put them on. Jennifer doesn't even have to
be present when the gifts she chooses to give are opened, because she knows she has chosen something they will like.

When we receive a gift with pleasure, we make the giver happy. The word happy in the Bible is 'blessed'. In Acts 20:35 Paul says that Jesus said; "it is more blessed to give than to receive"! Paul was telling the church in Ephesus this because they had taken care of him during his stay there. I checked the cross reference because I wanted to see where Jesus said this. I discovered it is not in the Gospels. However, if Paul said it, we know it's true! In Matthew 6:2-4 Jesus does tell us that when we give; "Do not make a show of it. Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Give in secret because your Father sees in secret and will reward you." Jesus also says in Matthew 7:11-12 that; "You, who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more your Father who is in heaven, will give good things to those who ask him."

It amazes me how we can take a scripture and turn it around to suit our purposes. Paul was letting the people know that when we give to those less fortunate than ourselves, God will bless us. He was encouraging us to give our tithes and offerings so that those who are in full time ministry of the Lord, can focus on the things above and not on the things of this earth. He was saying, when we give of ourselves and our abundance, God will open the heavens and pour out His goodness upon us. Giving gifts to one another bring us pleasures because of the pleasure it brings to the one we give to. Little things mean a lot! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/12/08

Friday, July 24, 2009

When I graduated from Highschool in 1956 and entered the workforce, I only had to look for 6 jobs out of the 11 positions I held during all of my career. Of course tht doesn't include the time I was a 'stay at home Mom', although that was my greatest opportunity. 5 out of the 11 were opportunities that came along and I accepted for one reason or another. We all experience opportunities that we ponder over. Should we or shouldn't we take this chance?

I attended a seminar on 'Seven rules of success'. Of course I don't remember the rules or whether I ever applied any of them but I remember this one thing; Turn every problem into an opportunity! I worked for an appliance company for a while and the Admiral Salesman, who lead this senimar, said; "Whenever a customer calls you with a problem treat it as an opportunity to serve your customer." He also said; "Problems are only opportunities waiting to happen!"

I remember a dear friend and Pastor named Vernon. He was asked to call upon a woman who lived in a trailer on a country road. Not quite sure of the address, Vernon went to call. He saw a trailer home sitting back off the road. Knocked on the door! No answer! He knocked again! No answer! He stood there for a minute debating whether to knock again or to leave when, the door opened a crack. I don't know the name of the lady he was to call on, but he asked if she was that person. She shook her head no and started to close the door. Vernon seized the opportunity and in his persuasive way opened a dialogue with Ruth. Vernon brought her into a relationship with the Lord and a fellowship with the rest of his congregation.

Sometimes when an opportunity presents itself we think perhaps it is from God. We use these kinds of opportunities to take us to another place or level using God as our reason when in fact it is because we want out of where we are. It's alright to use God as long as we are living according to God's will. God's will doesn't move us around nor does his will put us in the corner office. God's will is for us to be obedient to His word! Be obedient and receive His blessings.

"Whatever is true, whatever is nobel, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable; if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things." Philippians 4:8 When we read the Gospels we see Jesus taking every opportunity with whoever He met. There were the blind men; the 10 leprous men; the boy who died; the man called Legion; the tax collectors; the men He called to the Apostleship and even you and me. There are so many that Jesus would seize the opportunity for, that John says they couldn't write them all down because there wouldn't be enough room for all the books that would be written.

Within the church we are called to opportunities! We are called to serve! We are called to share out of our poverty and our abundance! We are called in our inabilities to learn how! We are called to look for ways, to let others see Christ in us! We are called Christians because that is what we are; We are Christian only, not the only Christian! We are called by no other name and we serve under no other name, than that of Jesus Christ.

"As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Galatians 6:10 In 1996 there was a large gathering in Salem Oregon of 'Promise Keepers'. On the way home one young man had a flat tire. He got out and was changing his tire when another car traveling full speed on the freeway, hit and killed him. One of the men who had helped organize this rally was devasted. As he was telling me about it, all I could think of was; "What a way to go!" He had just been to a huge worship service in the Autzen Stadium with fellow Christians; praising God. This young man had the opportunity to go home while he was still high on praising and worshiping his Lord and Savior. I will always be concern about what I am doing, when Christ comes again. Seize the day! Jane Ann

Thursday, July 23, 2009

At the church we attended while living in Medford, we met a family that grew dear to our hearts. Hallie and Carl had two young boys! Lovely family, with a lovely home in a wooded area and hearts that were open to all who entered there. Hallie was very talented inside and outside her home. She loved gardening and the grounds around their home showed it. Carl loved Hallie and it was apparent in all the projects he helped her with.

I remember one time when we were sprucing up all of the Sunday School class rooms. I think I was teaching the Jr. High class at the time and I was privileged to work along side Hallie as we painted and wallpapered a room. We talked about her oldest boy who was graduating from high school, entering the service and also thinking of marriage. It was hard for Hallie to let her son go! We shed tears that morning because I too am like Hallie; I found it hard to think about letting my children go into the world and become all that they could be.

Putting paint on the walls is like raising your children. It isn't until the paint dries do you know what the color will actually be. So it is with children; we raise them praying that they will grow into fine adults, but until they are grown we don't really know what that will be.

Jim and I served at White City Christian Church for 31 years. We loved all the people who passed through those doors. Oh, some were difficult and some very easy. But God sent them through the doors at WCCC! At one point Jim knew that when we retired we would move closer to the church so that we could be of more service as we grew older. Sort of like building and grounds caretakers. During our active years many things happened. A period of prosperity; a time of discontent and church splits; a time of rebuilding; and a time when Jim found himself filling the pulpit. All the way, as we went down these paths, our love for the Lord never wavered but our understanding of what God wanted from us was not always, totally clear.

When it came time for us to retire our kids were living in Klamath Falls and the grandsons were growing so fast we knew we wanted to live closer to them and so our plans changed. About 5 years before we were to retire, we began to prepare the people at WCCC by encouraging them to become more actively involved in the service of the King. As our time drew near the church was in discontent again. A few years before we were to leave, the pastor resigned. Jim and I had given the 'up front' positions to others, except now, Jim found himself in the pulpit.

We moved and Jim would drive over the mountain to continue in the pulpit until the new preacher would arrive. Eventually a young pastor came to help through the transitions and brought with him a team from his church. The church began to grow but the struggles continued to grow within the remaining body. Resentments began to fester because some of the old timers were not being included up front. Then the doors closed! My, how our hearts ached!

If we had stayed, would it have mattered? If we had done some things different, would it have mattered? I wonder if John had not been sent to the Island of Patmos and remained the preacher at Ephesus, if that church would have remained. "I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my name's sake, and you have not grown weary. But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember then from what you have fallen, repent and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent." Revelation 2:3-5

I look back on our years at White City and know that the Holy Spirit was there. I look back and remember all those who came through those doors and the young people who grew up in those walls. The word is continuing to spread, even today, because of that little church. When the paint dries, it's a new room. When doors close, others open. Our God reigns! Jane Ann

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

As a youth director you become acquainted with the parents of the kids that attend your church. I remember sharing a meal with one of these families. During the evening visit, we learned that the father use to attend church when he was a young man. He became discouraged when he learned that the pastor/elder was helping himself to the till, so he quit going. The church is full of hypocrites, he said. He closed the door to the church, until his wife saw the need for having their children in the Sunday School and subsequently, the 'youth group'. He still was reluctant and while holding back, discovered that many are hypocrites but the rest are being transformed into what God wants them to be.

One of the grandest of ladies in my Sunday School class always came by herself. None of the elders or the preacher were allowed to call upon her or her husband. I would drop off the worship schedule which included the songs because she was the organist and I was the pianist. He would sometimes answer the door and even once or twice invited me in. If Jim delivered the schedule he would take it at the door but never allowed her to answer the door nor was he ever invited in. My friends husband use to attend church with her until it was discovered the pastor of their church was having an affair with the secretary. He closed the door to the church and as far as I know, the only time he set foot in our church, was at her memorial service. This man never felt he could trust any man in the church because they were all hypocrites.

Many close the doors because they either want an excuse to not be drawn into God's ways, or because they are so discouraged that they will not allow the log to be removed long enough from their own eyes to forgive those who continue to sin. I have heard it said that the church is a hospital for sick people and that is why we are there. Sin makes us sick! So sick that we become contagious! Don't shut the door to the church! We know that not all who are within the church are who they say they are. But that is God's department, not ours. Our room within the walls of the church is called the 'transformation room'. That is where we learn to; "not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of our mind, that we may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2

I don't where this saying came from but it seems to fit here; "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face!" Don't shut the door on God and His church; Don't shut the door on those who care about you; Don't walk away from the promise of eternal life by refusing to look at his creation through eyes of expectancy. The principal in Jeremiah 29:12-14a still stands today; "Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your yeart. I will be found by you, says the Lord."

No matter where we are and what we are doing, when we seek God we will find Him. When we call His name, He will stop and turn to us because He has promised that when we do this, we will find Him. What a promise! What a comfort! What a Savior and what a Father! "Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blashemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin." What closes the door is when we turn away from and reject the prompting of the Holy Spirit till the day we die. The most important opportunity in our whole existence is when we find Jesus and take His hand. He leads us through green pastures and restores our souls! What closes doors is our attitude and the unwillingness to seek God's face and His people. Jane Ann

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sacrifices are made throughout our life time. Some are big! Some are just because. But there are some sacrifices we make because it is the right thing to do. Sacrifices are not sacrifices unless they are done knowingly, so that you are aware that it is, a sacrifice.

When Mr. White suggested that I should get a maid, Jim and I just laughed. That was almost 30 some years ago. Although, I am much older and not as physically active within the church walls, I still like to see things happening. If I could I would, but just as so many years ago, the young people of today want to see things happening and they are doing it. Praise the Lord!

I realize that Jim and I made many sacrifices but we did it willingly not grudgingly. I look around the church today and I see many who are willing to sacrifice their time, money and even personal desires to see the church grow spiritually and in fellowship. However, the key to remember is that; "Behold it is better to obey than to sacrifice!" 1 Samuel 15:22c

What does God want from us when He says we are to obey? Does He want perfect attendance in the worship hour; Is it our presence when the church doors are open; Perhaps it is our willingness to help out during the second hour taking care of the nursery! Could it be teaching a Sunday School class; or cleaning up the kitchen after a potluck. The list can go on and on when we think about all the things we do or have done as a part of the body of Christ.

Since I was 10 years old I have wanted nothing more than to be at the church building, doing things. Is that being obedient? Since Jim and I married we have been involved in the church! Is that being obedient? Even now we love to be within the church building along with the church itself, doing things. Is that being obedient?

We are to obey God's commandments! "Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might; second to this is to love thy neighbor as thyself." Matthew 22:37 When we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior, we understand that our obedience is loving God and each other. All the things that we do is because we love the Savior and each other! If we are involved then perhaps, we are not in love.

"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself. Do not merely look out for your own personal interest, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:3-5 "And being found in appearance of man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross!" Philippians 2:8

Jesus was obedient to the Father even to death because He loves the Father and He loves you and me! Simple as that! Jesus said; "If you obey my commands, you will abide in my love!" John 15:10a

I have found that everything I have done and still do, is because I love God, His Son Jesus Christ and all those who call themselves Christians. Think about your service in the name of the Lord. Are you doing it to prove your sacrifice? Are you doing it because you are talented and want to perform? Or are you doing it because you keep falling in love with Him over and over again.

I suppose we could have gotten a maid! I know the kids would have been thrilled. I suppose we could have stopped doing many things. But as I look back on our walk with the Lord, I can't see how we could have done anything different. Our children probably could see it much differently. However, Jim and I have watched our children grow into the kind of people that God has created them to be. Not to mention how much we have grown ourselves. Of course, God is not finished with our family, nor is He finished with you! Jane Ann

Monday, July 20, 2009


We can go for years and not be aware of a physical problem until "bang" out of the blue it hits you. You don't have a clue, what just happened! You go to the emergency at the hospital and they send you to an Orthopedic who take x ray's and then tells you; "your fibula had a growth sticking out with a sharp point that was hitting your nerve in your right leg." What do you do? Jim had surgery! As he recovered, he discovered that now he had a slight limp. Not a bad one but a limp all the same and he will have it probably for the rest of his life. Gosh! Now he can't run the 10k race or even the 100 meter! He now wouldn't be able to do the long, jump; ever! Come to think of it, he couldn't do those things anyway! But now he never will! We are all like that! We put off doing things thinking that maybe someday! Then things happen which prevent us from ever doing it. We should take the chance, the risk and in spite of our age DO IT; NOW! Don't wait until tomorrow, because you do not know what tomorrow will hold and you don't know what condition your body will be in. When opportunity knocks, answer it!

I remember a time when I saw beauty and grace come out of complete chaos. Sometimes it is hard to tell someone else about what happened and what you experienced. Many years ago I was the church choir director. Having attended many "big" musical productions, I decided to give that a try. The opportunity was there and we began to do musical productions. Not only the choir but many others took part in the drama, stage props and choreography. The whole production was to use music to create interest and drama in telling the story. In learning the music, using the stage to it's full potential to the story, and getting everyone on the same page was always total chaos. However, even though the dress rehearsals would be disastrous, the actual performance would be wonderful. The story would be told, the music would be wonderful and everyone who participated would be totally blessed not to mention those who came to watch. What a creative way to tell the story of Christ!

Some years ago we were holding an Evangelistic Meeting at our church. Jim and I had invited the visiting Evangelist to our home which was about 10 miles out in the country. As we talked he soon discovered that we were involved in just about everything that went on in our small congregation. I wasn't complaining but I asked him what I should do. I was the SS Superintendent, Youth SS teacher and Director. I was the choir director which was doing big programs for Easter and Christmas. I was chairman of a month which prepared the communion for Sunday Worship and the monthly potluck. For 20 years I was the Installation Chairperson for the women's ministry. My problem was that I never seemed to have time to do my housework except on Saturdays, which meant our family of four were locked into being home cleaning house every Saturday. This frustrated me and often made me tired. Not to mention my family. The Evangelist sat for a moment and then quite calmly said; "Get a maid!"

Many times we allow things to hold us back from using every opportunity to serve the Lord. Things that keep us away from the fellowship and kingdom work. It is possible for us to become involved in busy work with the church and I know many look down on the thought of 'busy work' because we cannot be saved by doing works. "So faith without works is dead!" James 2:28b I am one of those who loves to see things happen within her church. I instigated many happenings, but I also would get as many as I could involved to bring it all about. Busy work?

In 1 Corinthians 15:21-27 it says that God places all earthly things under our feet, but God places all things in subjection under His Son's feet. Because in Adam all die but in Christ we shall be made alive. Jim says; "Relax! Take every opportunity to be involved in kingdom work and know that God is in charge. Put our Trust in him and His work will go forward. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/1/08

Friday, July 17, 2009

I heard a man say that some, in reading the scriptures, read what they believe and then there are those who believe what they read. I believe I am the latter! I know I want to understand and when I can't I just have to believe what I read. On many things scripturally, I am sure and can take my stand and be firm! However on many things I do not fully understand exactly what God is saying, or when He is silent, what He is not saying. We all have our opinions and because we have some knowledge, deccide we are right in our thinking and we agree to disagree.

Those of us who have received an education through the American school system believe that George Washington was our first President and that he had wooden false teeth. Why do we believe that? Because we were taught in the public schools. We were given history books which talked and showed pictures of a man we never saw. The evidence is shown in our historical writings and in museums such as the Smithsonian's which are located in Washington, DC. Why shouldn'we believe it? Our proof is in our school books! We believe what we are taught!

Those of us who lived in the 20th century and now in the 21st have seen and read about the life's and times of many people and events. We read about WW1 and believe all that took place. We read and see video's about WW11 and believe all that took place because some of us were there and the rest of us heard about it from our families who served. It was brought closer to home!

"The naive believes everything, but the prudent man considers his steps." Proberbs 14:15 "The naive inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge." Proverbs 14:18

For many years there was a question about the existence of Sodom and Gomorrah. In the 20th century archeological records were uncovered describing the trade that went on between two cities called Sodom and Gomorrah. Proving once again that the Bible is true!

We all know the story of Egypt's buiding program; using the labor of the Israelites. Remember when Pharaoh punished them because of Moses? He took away the straw and they had to work harder by finding their own including the stubble and root. When they couldn't find anymore straw they had to make bricks out of pure clay. In the 20th century during excavations a wall was uncovered having the bottom coarse's of brick with good chopped straw and a middle coarse with straw that had stubble including their roots. The upper coarse's were brick made with pure clay. Proving once again that the Bible speaks the truth!

I think that most believe what they want to believe. Many do not want to believe and make excuses because they don't want to change their lives nor do they want to be transformed in their thinking. You must first believe that God is, so that you can believe His word is true. You must accept the life of Jesus Christ as the basis of God's truth and then you can believe what you read.

Even though I do not understand all that I read in God's word, I believe it is written for me to strive to understand. However, what I do understand, is so pertinent to my salvation that I refuse to worry about foolish things. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction." Proverbs 1:7

God's word is written for people! Here is what it says regarding them; "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there shall my servant be also; if anyone serves me, the Father will honor him." John 12:24-26 The solution about "Do Dogs go to Heaven" is in God's hands and when we know God, we know we can trust Him!
Jane Ann

Thursday, July 16, 2009

In Genesis 6:5-8 we read the story about God's anger on all that He surveyed. His anger because of the sin that prevailed in all His creation. His anger was kindled upon man and beast. But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. We must praise God for Noah! We must praise God for letting His anger cool enough for His heart to be opened to a quiet, gentle man who was listening when God called his name; We must praise God because Noah heard His call.

In Genesis 6:13-16 we read that God decides to destroy all living things and commands Noah to build an ark. A very large vessel to house Noah, his family and all those God will send to board the ship. God's blue print is precise and must be followed. Amazing as the Ark must have been, it stands along side how amazing Noah must have been in his village, building a massive structure never seen before and who never heard of rain.

"For behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life from under heaven; everything that is on the earth shall die." Genesis 6:17

In Genesis 6:18-22 we read that God instructs Noah to take himself, his sons, his wife and his sons' wives into the Ark. "Also of every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female." Birds, animals, every creeping thing and so on. Food of every sort was to be stored up to be eaten by Noah and his family and all of those who came two by two.

In Genesis 7:1-5 we read that God is a little more explicit with his instructions. Noah was to take seven pairs of all clean animals, the male and his mate; and a pair of the animals that are not clean. Seven pairs of the birds of the air, male and female, to keep their kind alive on the earth. "In seven days I will send rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living thing that I have made I will blot out from the face of the ground." I wonder if David is talking about the Ark and the flood when he says; "Man and beast thou saves, O Lord" Psalms 36:6c

God thought it was important to not only save Noah and his family but the animals. God saved only some, knowing that man and animals would procreate and the earth would flourish again.

"O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever; O give thanks to the God of gods, for His steadfast love endures forever; O give thanks to the Lord of Lords, for His steadfast love endures forever; To Him who alone does great wonders, for His steadfast love endures forever." Psalm 136:1-4 Our amazing God loved His creation so much that He saved man and beast from the great flood during the days of Noah. Our amazing God loved His creation so much that He sent His only Son to save all the lost during the days prior to the early church. Our amazing God loves His creation so much that; "He is not slow about His promise." 2Peter 3:9

Do dogs go to heaven? I don't know! Will I be working in God's garden surrounded by beautiful flowers? I don't know! Will I recognize my loved ones? The scriptures say we will! Can I be sure I am going to heaven? If you accept Jesus Christ, repent of your sins, have been buried with Him in Christian baptism and are living a Godly life; I thnk yes! The scriptures say; "Our sins will be forgiven and we shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.? Acts 2:38b Baptism seals us and the only one that can break that seal is us. Consider God's promises! Knowing God, is worth it all! Jane Ann

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Just after we moved to Oregon in 1970, we came home after church one Sunday morning and found our cat was missing. However we found a note that one of our new neighbors took her to the cat show in Medford. We ate a quick lunch and took off for the cat show. Our cat Cinder received awards in the Medford Cat Show for best of show for short hair. Her breed was 'Tortoise Shell'. Who knew! She received blue ribbons and even a years subscription to a Cat Magazine, which I gave to my mother. She was thrilled!

In our world, just about anything can compete for the grand prize. We have already mentioned a Beagle named Uno who took 'Best of Show' in the 132nd Westminister Dog Show in 2008. Women compete in each State so they can compete in different pageants for the most beautiful woman in the World, in America and Miss or Mrs USA. Men also appear in various kinds of competitions, including Mr. World! Go figure! I am sure that for those who compete and win, it is like being on top of the world or 'in heaven'. At least for a moment!

Jim sent Jennifer and me to the Humane Society to get a big dog that barks a lot. Unusual request huh? We had a huge skunk problem after our dog was killed on the highway. We brought home a Shelty mix who was not real big, but had big brown eyes. He was afraid when he met Jim but soon found him a kind master. Scruffy wasn't much in the skunk department. Alas, Jim had to kill all fourteen skunks himself, but Jennifer and I loved Scruffy. In spite of being no use in capturing skunks, Scruffy truly was a man's best friend.

We are all aware of animals who work with the Police Force, Fire Department and also in the medical field. Dogs have such good noses that they can be trained to detect drugs, bombs, explosives, cadavers and just about anything. I recently learn they can detect cancer in people! Don't know how that works but animals are useful to all mankind.

The tamed animal make good pets. Tamed animals are also comforting to the aged and those who are in poor health. A furry animal sitting upon the lap, where our first instinct is to pet their fur and to listen to the cat purring and dog enjoying your touch, is a good thing. The untamed animal is another story. "But these, like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and killed, reviling in matters of which they are ignorant, will be destroyed in the same destruction with them, suffering wrong for their wrongdoing." 2 Peter 2:12-13a Peter is referring to the character and conduct of those who deceive others. We look upon friends and don't see their enticing unsteady souls. We can't perceive that their hearts are trained in greed. We fall pray to their silky, shiny coats and think we are comforted.

Our worrying about whether our pets will go to heaven should not take precedence over our hearts condition. "The Lord is not slow about His promise as some count slowness, but is forbearing toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night." 2 Peter 3:9-10a Peter is talking about our being prepared for Christ's return and getting sidetracked about foolish things.

My concern is not whether I will see my pets in heaven but whether I will see my loved ones there. My neighbors and new acquaintances. Those I fellowship with and those I served with in the past, at the workplace, at school. Those I run into in the grocery store and set by on the train or bus. The world is ready for the harvest, who is doing it? You or the deceiver?

Man's best friend can be a cherished friend or pet, but I think in the long run, when we consider eternity, our best friend has to be Jesus Christ; hands down! Jane Ann

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I know you are wondering about our subject this week. It's okay! I realize I don't know all the answers and don't pretend to be wise in all matters. But it is a subject that comes up often where two are three are gathered together.
Many have pets and their world moves around them, especially in their homes If you go on vacation, you need to make special arrangements to care for your dog or cat. If you take them with you, it is necessary to stay in places that will allow for animals. I remember my son Dan and his wife Faye house setting some years ago. They also were taking care of the owners rabbit. Sad to say their dog Bear wanted to play with the rabbit and thus the rabbit never made it to page two of the story. I can't say that the rabbit went to heaven. Can you?

How many of you have a 'Pet Cemetery?" Have you ever considered laying to rest, your pet in an established 'Pet Cemetery?" Why do we become so attached to our pets? For me, I think it is because they are like children who need to be cared for and they respond with such love and devotion. Genesis 1:25-31 tells us that God said after He created animals that they were "Good!" He created the animals the same day he created man; "the sixth day!" I wonder if that is significant! I think God had a purpose for animals because he had Adam name them all.

All I know is that since moving to Oregon we have lost many of our furry animals. We have also lost all of our old beach towels because that is what Jim would bury them in. The first was Frosty and the last was Scruffy. I am like any other woman who loves their animals. I cry for days on end. I mourn those little friends! I also can't forget them!

I wonder if because God created the animals and put them under subjection of Adam and subsequently all men, that animals were created for man alone and not for God. If so that would indicate they probably would not find their place in heaven. But then God made Eve out of man and placed her in subjection to Adam and she has a place in heaven. However, Adam and Eve were both natural and became spiritual. I wonder if God would see that if it would please the redeemed, that perhaps He could find a place for man's best friends in heaven.

Here on earth, we worry about things that have no relevance to our eternal life. Once we reach the heavenly shores, our attention will be focused on Him who sits on the throne. We can only be responsible for accepting the room that has been offered to us. We are going to want to be in the choir singing; Holy, Holy, Holy! I know if I should find Miss Frosty in heaven or any of the others who have given us much pleasure, what a day that would be!

"And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God and Me, Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:2b In Jesus' prayer to His Father, He is going over his purpose on earth and what it will mean to the whole world. Eternal life means we will live in heaven when we leave this world. We are the ones who have chosen Jesus Christ as our personal savior, not our furry friends. Inasmuch as animals can never know Jesus and God as the scriptures speak, wouldn't that mean, they won't be in heaven? The only way we will ever know is when we have made our reservations to live eternally in heaven and walk through those golden gates. We know that all things are possible with God. We know that He has created our souls to live eternally. We know that all must die! "For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; He will save us." Isaiah 33:22 Jane Ann

Monday, July 13, 2009


Jim and I were married in January 1962. In July, I became pregnant and around the first of September, I miscarried. In October and November we bought and moved into our first real home. Our first real baby was Nanell's Miss Frosty! Nanell was the name of the kennel and Frosty was taken from an ancestor on her pedigree listing. We added the Miss, just because! She was a small Beagle. provably a 12 incher! Beautiful spirit and loving eyes.

We doted on Frosty! She was so smart! With the help of Cheezit's, Jim taught her many fine tricks. After many boxes of Cheezit's and weight gain on both their parts, Frosty could roll over, set up and speak. Did I say she was smart? She could howl like all good Beagles, but she only used that extremely sorrowful melody when she was excited about something new and intriguing. For instance; when she saw the huge sports bag filled with balls and bats leaning against the gate. Or when a long garden snake coiled itself along the rod at the bottom of the double door on the garage; weaving its head in a slow, slight menacing way.

When we moved to Oregon she was 7 years old. She turned up missing and we feared she had been killed on the busy highway that we lived on. A neighbor suggested she might have fallen into the 40 ft hole directly across the highway from where we lived. We had been looking for two days, but was not aware of the hole. Our Miss Frosty was at the bottom of the hole! Fearless Jim, with a rope tied to a truck and the other end around him, went down the hole. Frosty was hoarse from howling so much and bruised from being bounced against the sides of the hole on her way down, but that didn't keep her from being so glad and excited to see her master. Jim put her into a gunnysack and held her with one hand as our neighbor pulled Jim back up out of the hole. A few years later, we did lose Nanell's Miss Frosty on the highway. She became the first in our Pet Cemetery on the north forty.

I was reminded of Frosty as I watched the 132nd Westminster Dog Show on TV. Most of the these dogs are so groomed that it is a wonder that they can even see let alone prance around showing their stuff. A 15 inch, spirited Beagle named Uno came on the scene. The crowds went wild! Each time Uno appeared, he would put the house in an uproar. For the first time in the history of the Westminster Dog Show, a Beagle took "Best of Show!" Upon receiving his accolades he would howl. We later learned that howling was his trick.

Many grieve when they lose their animal friends. I can't tell you how many times Jim and I have been asked; "will my dog or cat be in heaven"? God does not speak to that! Maybe yes, maybe no! If you read 1 Corinthians 15:35-44 you will see that the question asked was; "How are the dead raised? What kind of body will they have?" Paul tells us those questions are foolish! He explains that "on earth we are just a seed but God gives us a body as He has determined. Therefore to each kind of seed He gives its own body. All flesh is not the same! Men are one kind of flesh; animals, birds and even fish are another. There are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, each their own splendor. The sun, moon and the stars differ from one another. The stars differ from each other! All is sown perishable but is raised imperishable. In dishonor, yet raised in glory. In weakness and raised in power. If the body is natural, then it becomes spiritual!" However, in Psalm 36:6 the psalmist says; "Because of who God is and how majestic is His nature, it is possible for Him to preserve man and beast". Does that mean there are animals in heaven? I don't know! Can God do whatever He wants to do? Yes, He can! Is it okay to believe my pets will go to heaven? I am not the judge of what will be or won't be in heaven. I do know, we are to believe that Jesus in the Christ. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/29/08

Friday, July 10, 2009

Jim began to experiment with oil painting many years ago. He was and is his own worst critic. I look at his paintings and I am thrilled! He looks at them and says we can give them to family only. However, through the years we have shared them with those who are not family because I am pleased with them.

I am not a perfectionist, but I do like to finish what I begin. When most start a project and discover they are out of their league, they have a propensity for not being finishers. A cabinet maker must finish the cabinets in order for them to be wanted and installed into someone's home. A contractor must be a finisher if they ever want to be hired again. But most of us complete a project enough so that it can be used and never get it finished. Are they satisfied?

Many times I go to the hairdresser and I leave not satisfied. However, I can go home and take a comb/pick and fluff it up and become somewhat satisfied. Jim recently picked up a pair of slacks from the dry cleaner and discovered when he put them on to wear that they had a double crease down the front. Was he satisfied?

How many times do we discover we are not satisfied. We are not happy! We are disappointed and discouraged! How many times do we try to rectify a situation and only make it worse? This happens to me often. Our being satisfied is not a prerequisite to a full life. Our being satisfied will not promise us happiness. However, being satisfied once in a while is a good thing. God looks at us in all our struggles. He watches and waits!

There is an old gospel song that Jim and I would sing once in a while. He would play the guitar and carry the lead and I would sing harmony. I can't say we were the best in the business but we had a good time. "Do you ever search your heart as you watch the day depart. Is there something way down deep you try to hide? If this day should be the end and eternity begin, when the book is opened wide, would the Lord be satisfied?" By: Stuart Hamblen.

Sometimes we are frustrated because we are not satisfied but we should be asking ourselves; "Is God satisfied with me?" "Am I pleasing to the Savior who gave His life for me?" "Am I the person that God created me to be?" Some of us are just people pleaser's. Are you one of them?

The chorus of the song goes like this; "Is He satisfied, Is He satisfied? Is He satisfied with me? Have I done my best? Have I stood the test? Is He satisfied with me? When my Lord shall come again; When He walks and talks with men; What if every friend He had were just like me? Would He feel a welcome here, or would He go away in tears? Am I all that I should be, Is He satisfied with me?"

Our lives can be satisfied, but first; "If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday." Isaiah 58:10 If we accept the Lord and follow His commandments then; "The Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire with good things and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters fail not." Isaiah 58:11

"He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with gain; this also is vanity." Eccel. 5:10 Ecclesiastes is full of little phrases that should catch our attention.
Philip said to Jesus in John 14:8; "Lord, show us the Father and we shall be satisfied." Jesus has shown us the Father and I for one am satisfied with Him. It is written; "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you." A good meal satisfies for the moment but Jesus Christ can satisfy for eternity. Jane Ann

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Growing up poor and becoming comfortable with what you have is letting God give you the satisfaction of life itself. I love life! I love going back in my memory and remember how I grew up and where I am today. Time is a healer of all wounds and time is an element given by God to be used whether in days of old or today. I know that sounds like I am a profound thinker, but I am not! I live in the present but I remember the past. I look forward to tomorrow by making plans, but if things don't pan out the way I planned, well that's the way it goes. Jim and I have always made plans. Some were short term and some were far reaching into the future. Many plans materialized but I would have to say that many did not. That doesn't discourage me! However, it would have been fun! But I am okay where I am. How about you!

I have heard it said; "Time waits for no man!" Now, what does that mean? How about; "Time marches on!" I suppose because time marches on, it doesn't wait for anyone. Many little projects would be on my agenda, but I would put it off. Then I would sigh with; "Oh well, there's tomorrow." Tomorrow would come and eventually I would realize I never did get that done. Time seems to get away from us doesn't it?

When children come along you put your lives on hold so you can watch them grow and to encourage them. Many times, our projects included the children not because they wanted it that way but because we wanted them to be a part of whatever we were doing. When Dan and Jennifer went off to Bible College, Jim and I found ourselves right in the middle of the 'empty nest syndrome'. Just as we became accustomed to it, they returned home!

During the time they were gone we could have done whatever we wanted but we didn't take the time! Even though time is what we had! However, we were so happy to have them back in the nest it didn't seem like we had missed anything except them.

God has promised us that we would have time to do all the things He wants us to. I know we think that we just don't have time for a lot of God's things because we work and then have a family to care for or we are invovled in the children's after school activities or we just have so many things to do that someone else will have to do the God things.

In 1992, I read; "I have all the time I need, to do all the things God wants me to, in 1992!" Every year after that Jim and I would try to reword that to fit each year. "To do His work, God has given me just enough time, in 2009!"

Time is relative! Many make a schedule to make better use of their time. I keep track of appointments and thing I want to remember on my day calendar. Does that mean I get every thing I have noted down, done? No! It just means I need a prompt to help me to remember appointments. As you get older, time becomes important. It goes faster than it did when I was 10. It goes slower when I am in a hurry!

I have a clock in every room and I wear a wrist watch. It would be good if our stomachs could work on it's own clock; When I rise I am hungry! In the middle of the day I am hungry! Come evening I am hungry! However, I look at my clock and say; It is time for breakfast! I better stop for lunch! It's 5:00 pm, dinner time! Sometime before bed, I might eat again!

"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is" Ephesians 5:15-17 I love the time I spend working on these little devotional thoughts. I love the time I spend in fellowship with fellow Christians! I love the time in church worship! I love the time when I walk and talk with the Lord! I love life, don't you? Taking the time to smell the roses is exactly why God gave them to us. Be alive, live long and prosper! Jane Ann

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Good afternoon! Just wanted to let you all know that the comment and email is now up and running again. Please let me hear from you! Jane Ann
I love curb appeal! As we drive along on our neighborhood streets, I look at all the yards and houses and wish I had that, or wish we could do that and even think; "Why can't we do that!" Jim always reminds me that not all of 'that' is necessary for our happiness. It is good for the neighborhood and for resale but it is not necessary for our lives. Just the same it would be nice! What is important to you? What would you choose to do if your pocket book would allow you your hearts desires?

Because we have chosen to be active in God's kingdom here on earth, most of our resources go into the offering plate and some missionary work and even this and that as we help out on affairs that uplift and encourage the Saints. Now understand, we are not putting funds into the coffer and being active in God's work because we are paying and working our way into heaven. No, that is not it at all! We are so happy that God has given us a way to come to Him through His Son Jesus that we not only want to share this with as many as we can, but we enjoy all that the church has to offer along the way.

Danny and Faye, my son and his wife, have three boys. Believe me when I say they are button popping boys! From the beginning they have brought much joy into our lives and they have been a delight to our souls. Dan & Faye made the decision early on that if they could, they would put them into a Christian school for their primary, Jr. High and Highschool years. This decision was made possible because Faye began her teaching career at Hosanna Christian School when Adam was in pre-school. She has continued throughout these 16 years and has seen Adam graduate, Ryan will graduate next year and Jordan in another 4 years. As a teacher she received financial educational benefits for her children but many things they would want, would have to wait. The greatest benefit of all is that she has been one of her boys teachers and know they have been taught what is the most beneficial of all, Jesus Christ!

Being happy does not depend upon our pocket book, the car we drive, how big our house is or whether our yard is big enough and manicured enough to appear on the front page of House and Garden Magazines. Our happiness depends upon knowing God and how much we care for one another. Our happiness comes from inner peace and good thoughts that come from knowing God. Our happiness is relative to how much we love life and making the most of all our encounters with one another.

"And He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the multitude putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two copper coins, which make a penny. And He called the disciples to Him and said to them, "Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For they all contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, her whole living." Mark 12:41-44

I find this passage of scripture interesting because Jesus points out her poverty because she gave what she had and points out others giving in abundance. The point here is not her poverty or their abundance but how she gave all she had. We mow our lawns and we pull the weeds; We plant flowers and prune the plants and bushes; We take care of what we have and yet want more. We should be using our poverty or abundance to enjoy life and to learn more about Him who has given us everything.

Yes, I love to watch Curb Appeal on TV and wonder what we would do if we were so inclined. I would rather spend what God has given us on the things that are important to God and to us, like taking the kids out for Sunday dinner. Jane Ann

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

When I was a child I remember hearing stories about a family that my older brothers and sisters were acquainted with. I could only imagine their home as well as I could only imagine such a life style. The boy's name was Elmer! Their home and personal hygiene left more to my nasal imagination than it did to my visual. I would hear about the farm animals that would wander in and out of the home. How unkempt they were and how they accepted the way it was.

When we would vacation in Oregon we visited my Mom and the other siblings that had already moved to this beautiful green country. On one of our outings Mom along with Jewel and her husband Bud took us out to a place called Wimer to visit some relatives that lived in that area. While we were there they took us to a place that I could only refer to as Ma and Pa Kettle's Farm. Those who are old enough would know immediately what that would entail. Jim and I sat along a wall and watched while Ma Kettle made butter with her hands while Mom and Jewel anxiously awaited their purchase of fresh homemade butter.

As I remember sitting in that kitchen my memory took me back to the stories of Elmer and his home. I didn't see any animals wondering in and out but oh my, the kitchen and their home left much to be desired. On this farm there were many farm animals. They had a pig that stood as tall as a horse and weighed as much as two. To Jewel and Mom it was a treat to be there; for Jim and me it was unbelievable!

Appearances are what we see and make impressions of. However, just because it is the way it is, doesn't make it, who the people are. Circumstances sometimes dictate how things become. Those who adapt to their situations and make the most of it are to be applauded. Most "Citified" people allow their abundance to dictate circumstances to become the way it is.

Growing up in a large family where we would use every inch of the housing provided us was to be considered creative ingenuity. It was the way it was! We learned to adapt and to be happy regardless of our circumstances. At least that is how I saw it!

In biblical times life was pretty much as it is today. The Schunamite Woman had substance and built on an addition so that Elisha had a place to stay when he came to town. Elijah, had nothing and lived under a tree for three years, and ate what the birds brought him. Jesus didn't have a home and a stone was His pillow. Can you imagine our Savior a homeless person? According to the scriptures, He was! Martha and Mary along with their brother would scurry around preparing a place for Jesus and His disciples when they heard they were coming to town.

Do you have a place for a homeless person? Do you have compassion for those who are actually homeless due to circumstances? Oh, I know there are many out there who choose to be in those kinds of straights because they are bucking the establishment. They don't want to participate in the society that expects something from them. I know there are many out there who feel they deserve to be taken care of instead of being a part of a community. Jesus said the poor will always be with us. Whether by circumstances or by desire, the poor are with us!

"Listen, my beloved brethren. Has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He has promised to those who love Him?" James 2:5 It is harder for the rich to be satisfied, even though they have much. God has chosen the poor because they give up worldly ways to belong to the kingdom of God. We have riches in our faith, because we are poor in the spirit! However, there are many with abundance that are also rich in faith and poor in spirit because they also have come to know the Lord. Being humble before the lord makes up rich! Jane Ann

Monday, July 6, 2009


This week we will talk about how we are on the outside. Personal appearances; curb appeal and how God looks at us.
My Own Personal Stylist!
After I married, Jim and I bought our house pretty close to Gene and Joetta's. We became not just sisters but friends. She loved to shop and I didn't, but sometimes I would go. Joetta had an untapped talent called, creativity! She could sew! I remember a dress she made for herself out of three different patterns. She made my baby Jennifer, a doll dress to wear. She also had a flair with hair! She could have done well with her own shop but she didn't have a license. Today, with all the cutesy names, she could call it; "Flair with Hair" or "Hair with Flair"! On Saturday mornings she did my hair! She would shampoo, cut/style, give me perms. And when she saw me on Sunday, she would give me a final personal fluffing up. When I was pregnant with Danny she suggested she could give me a 'brush-up' which would perk me up while I was being so plump. I loved it! It was short, very curly, especially in the back and very eash to manage. You know, I don't think I ever paid her for being the best stylist I ever had!

About a year ago I asked my hairdresser to give me a 'brush-up'. She wasn't quite sure what it was. I did my best to explain; you cut it very short in the back and perm with the rollers going up instead of down. The sides will be curly also and would brush up towards the back. The top has a little bang. But all in all it is curly and easy to manage. Because my hair was so thin I thought this style would help hide some of the more bare spots. Obviously, hairdressers today have never even heard of 'brush-up'. First run through, wasn't bad! It was pretty close but not exactly like Joetta's style. Through the weeks following and subsequent trims and perms my hair began to fall into my new hair stylist, style. It never quite became a 'brush-up'!

I have never been a style setter, nor have I ever been inclined towards the latest fashions. I only like what I like and feel most comfortable with. I know there are a lot of women out there like me. However, I don't like going out of the house without my face on. When my grandson's were small each one was intrigued with the idea of 'putting my face on'. They would come into my bathroom, sit on the counter and watch me. One Sunday morning after I had finished getting ready for Sunday School and Church, Adam, almost 4 said; "Grandma, you're gorgeous"! Boy was he a charmer! As a matter of fact all three of those boys are charmers.

There is vanity in all of us, some have more than others. We want to look nice and presentable. If we look beautiful the more pleased we are. If we look country, well then we feel a little bit country. No matter how much money we spend on the outside, the inside never will measure up unless we fix it also. When we meet a 'homeless person' on the street we are made aware of how poor and seemingly alone they are. We see their need and although we are sorry for their condition, we are glad that our lives are not like that. When a 'homeless person' meets a well dressed person on the street they are made aware of how it could be but is not. We are all aware of those who have and those who are the have nots. I realize these are just words! Words we use to express what we see, hear and feel. Words that express the conditions of life.

When Jesus met the 10 lepers, he was not shocked at their appearance or their disabilities. He was moved with compassion. When Jesus visited Martha, Mary and Lazarus he was comfortable in their home not because of their wealth but because of their kindness to Him.
2 Corinithians 8:9 Paul brings to our attention that Jesus, although He was rich, became poor so that by His poverty we might become rich.

My hairdresser was concerned about my hair and was willing to try to fix it with a style she knew nothing about. I was willing to let her try. At least she had an idea! No matter what our outside appearance makes, it should reflect Jesus Christ. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/10/08

Friday, July 3, 2009

Years ago my neighbor and I planned a birthday party for my brother Layton. We didn't usually have birthday parties in my family perse' but we did this time. I just felt he deserved a party! I invited him and my brother Larry for dinner that evening and after dinner my neighbor came over and we began to put out all the decorations, the cake and snacks. We planned games and gifts were expected. After everyone arrived Layton, a little embarrassed about all the fuss, came and told me he had to leave. He had a previous engagement! Needless to say, I was a little hurt! However, not surprised because through out my life Layton taught me many things. This time he taught me that no matter how much we plan and how much we want to please others, accept the disappointments and go on. We did! We played the games and opened the gifts. Layton was the only one that missed out but I knew that secretly, he was pleased. Things like this don't cause me stress or anxiety! It's a party! A celebration!

This last year my brother Lynn and His wife Kathleen went through some very difficult days with cancer, chemo, radiation along with diet to keep Lynn's strength up. Tests after tests! Strength ebbing and weakness setting in. But the grace of God permeated their household and prayers were in abundance. Lynn and Kathleen danced, not just once but many times!

Disappoints come and heartbreaks happen. Health issues raise their ugly heads and the economy hurts our pocket books. We lose things and find things that have been missing for ages. Life goes on! Life is a good thing! God thought so, that is why He gave us life. Life is a celebration, a blessing from God. It is how you look at life that makes all the difference.

This weekend we are celebrating our Countries birthday, our Independance from the oppression of England's rule! July 4, 1776 set the tone of our Countries freedoms that were held in gentle hands because it was so precious. It cost us plenty then and still is not free today.

I know our country is in flux. We feel the impending doom and wonder if we will survive the power within the halls of our government. What good does it do for us to worry. We need to be praying about it instead. Why not go instead for a drive and enjoy the wonders afforded to you where you are. Just because you can't go abroad doesn't mean you can't imagine being there. Take up painting or write your memories. God is still in charge!

We are familiar with Ecclesiastes 3, where Solomon tells us there is a time for everything. "Every matter has its time and way, although man's trouble lies heavy upon him." Eccl 8:6 "Conduct yoursleves wisely towards everyone, making the most of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone". Colossians 4:5-6 Trusting in God gives peace! No worry there!

Everyday is new! Everyday is a day to celebrate! Everyday is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Let us leave our worries and stress behind us. Don't let anxiety set in until we are fully depressed. I read once that a man would rise each morning with; "This is just the kind of day I wanted!" Let us live each day as though it was our last. Let us celebrate and find joy in being alive. Go to church and celebrate the Lord! Take a walk in the rain and let it wash away the cobwebs in your brain. Prepare for the day when you take that walk into heaven, but don't worry about it. Instead, call a friend! Perhaps, eat come chocolate! "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!" Philippians 4:4 Jane Ann

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fear is not a symptom but a cause. Fear can trigger symptoms of stress and/or anxiety. A person who experiences fear is afraid; fearful of things that are external or of things that have consequences. In other words, being afraid is being fearful! I suppose a person who is fearful is easily frightened which can cause stress or anxiety on many occasions.

I am afraid of many things! I suppose they are called phobia's. I have a fear of heights; being in a mummy sleeping bag; snakes and most creepy, crawly things. Many things I just don't like, but not necessarily, afraid. Spiders are one and flies are another. The only good ones are dead ones. I don't like mice or small animals that run very fast and close to my feet.

Some stress and anxiety can be brought on by medical and/or health problems. These must be handled through the medical profession and not by anything I may say. However, some are commonly brought on by outside forces or by our own mental anquish. When these types of conditions are apparent and making me heavy of heart I turn on Satan. More times than not, he runs away like a scared rabbit. That makes me very happy!

"Resist the Devil and He will flee from you!" James 4:7 In order to recognize Satan we must look at the scriptures that tell us who he is. He has many names and he can cause many problems, especially when he knows where we are most vulnerable.

Many years ago I used a book called "Dealing with the Devil" in teaching the High School SS class. I found it interesting and tried using it. I was not able to actually perfect the instructions until in 1998 when I presented a shorter version to my Ladies class. I began to use a key verse, Colossians 3:2 and then I began to have better control and was able to put Satan in his place. Oh I am not perfect at it and I forget to read the signs, but when I do I can stop him in his tracks and I am always amazed how well it works.

The difference between natural and spiritual is huge. If you are a natural person you already belong to Satan. If you are a spiritual person you belong to Christ. A natural person is of the world and has no fear of Satan because he is the god of this world. A spiritual person has the Holy Spirit within them and therefore God is their world.

"An angel of light" 2 Cor. 11:14; "An adversary" 1 Peter 5:8; "A restless lion" 1 Peter 5:8; "A tempter" 1 Thess. 3:5; "A deceiver" 2 Cor. 11:3; "A hinderer" 1 Thess. 2:18; "A beast" Rev. 19:19; "The god of this world" 2 Cor. 4:4; "Prince of the power of the air" Eph. 2:2 and "father of lies" John 8:44. Being familiar with these names helps us to know when Satan is causing us our fears, stress, anxieties, feeling pressures and even some occasional depressions.

When I recognize his work in me, I yell as loud as I can, whether it is inside of my head or out loud when I am alone. It works! I don't know how it works, but it works! When my problem was induced by medicines it was difficult for me to know my right hand from my left. When my medicines were corrected, I recognized Satan immediately.

In 2nd Corinithians Paul talks about forgiveness and reaffirming our love for the Savior. Then in verse 11 he says when we do this; "It is to keep Satan from gaining the advantage over us; for we are not ignorant of his designs." What does Satan want from us? "So as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he!" I have heard that Satan wants the mind of man because it is the mind that has accepted Jesus Christ and it is the mind that keeps man focused on God.

"You dear children, are from God and have overcome evil because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world!" 1 John 4:4 I love the idea; "Practice the Presence of God!" No matter what is happening in our lives, practicing the presence of God may keep Satan at bay, but surely not in control of our lives. Jane Ann

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I am not sure when Mary Jane's hair changed but I know it was when we were young and perhaps while in highschool. Her hair was dark but a clump of her hair at the middle of her forehead turned white. Of course she hated it and I always thought it looked not only interesting but very glamourous, not to mention she stood out in a crowd. I thought it was beautiful! The wicked lady in '101 Dalmatian's' had that white streak in her hair! Of course it has nothing to do with character or personality because Mary Jane is still one of my best friends. A friend suggested she could get rid of her streak if she wanted to and she did!

It has been said that worry can cause premature gray hair! I understand that 30 for men and 35 for women is usually when the first signs of gray appear. However further studies show that gray can appear as young as in the teens, like Mary Jane. I think the jury is still out on whether stress is the cause of premature gray hair. Some believe it is a factor, while others think there needs to be more research, even though it has been noted that graying has accelerated among patients under stress. Personally I felt stressed when my graying accelerated!

One report says; "It's not your kids that are making you go gray! Your hair is simply building up too much hydrogen peroxide which is produced naturally. The HP interferes with melanin, the pigment that colors our hair and skin. Also the enzyme catalase is a factor. Not to mention that it is also inherited and for the most part will happen as we age!

Several times in Genesis in the story of Jacob losing Joseph and when the brothers want to take Benjamin with them when they return to Egypt where Joseph was, the term; "would bring down my gray hairs with sorrow", is used. What do you suppose that means? Perhaps, because Jacob was an old man, it merely meant that he felt he would probably die because of his sorrow. Gray hair is synonymous with old age, not stress!

"Are not two sparrows, sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's will. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered." Matthew 10:39-30
Here, God doesn't address gray hair but He does tell us that we are important to Him because he knows just how many hairs we have. The hair on Jim's head is easy to count, but that doesn't make those with a heavy head of hair any more important. Praise the Lord!

I suppose stress and anxiety can account for many of our health issues and perhaps could help the process of turning gray because I remember my mother saying; "If you don't cut that out I will grow old before my time." Whatever that meant I am not sure, because I thought she was old then. I believe I have more gray hair than my mother did at my age.

In my old dictionary it says that stress is caused by pressure. This pressure could be trying to be accurate in making a point or perhaps the stress or strain of an object pulling against one another. However, anxiety is a condition of mental uneasiness. Being anxious is deeply concerned or apprehensive. Today we call it stress! Perhaps that is because the word stressed spelled backwards is 'desserts'! Could that be the remedy for being stressed?

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God". Philippians 4:6 We all have memorized this scripture and know that it is a truth, that Paul has given us, because he knows it works. It is easy to say, "to be anxious for nothing," but in our world being anxious has become second nature. "Let us set our minds upon things above and not on the things of this earth!" Colossians 3:2

Some days are good and some days are bad. Dwelling on circumstances brings depression, but giving the day to the Lord is giving back to Him that which belongs to Him anyway.
Jane Ann