Sunday, August 28, 2011

WHY ME LORD! 8/28/11

I SUPPOSE, that just about everyone one of us, has whispered that line to ourselves. We were all, able to identify with Chris Christopherson when he sang that song with such a tired, lonesome voice. Recently I heard this song again, on Bill Gaither’s homecoming reunion TV show. And even then I felt this wave of sorrow and self pity wash over me and once again I was reminded of God’s grace and the place I am in today.

THOSE WHO have known me for a long, long time, have known a girl who grew into womanhood in the church. I have blossomed, I have aged, I have failed, I have felt lost! I have lost ground and gained some. We all go through many secret and wide open spaces which can develop us into maturity and even hold us back from realizing our potential.

YEARS AGO, shortly after we got a computer, Jim decided he should write his memories and leave it as a legacy for those who follow after him. A family history of sorts! I thought that was a good idea so I began to write mine. I found it tedious and not very worthwhile! I began with my earliest memory and got as far as nine years old. That was when we moved from Council Bluffs Iowa to California. But then I began to write my memories of my siblings. Then neither of us touched that program again, until 2008 when I began writing Morning Glory Devotionals.

MORNING GLORY was more for my benefit than in letting others read it. I was amazed I could do this and felt great satisfaction. Putting my thoughts down on paper was not something that I could easily do. I could formulate in my mind, but by the time I would try to put it down, it was gone. Where did that come from? Why couldn’t I do that before; how am I able to do that now? Why me Lord? The perplexity of the whole matter weighed on me. Jim just thought it was wonderful. Somewhere along the way, I felt an urgency and so excited; I couldn’t stop writing!

YEARS AGO, when I began teaching a women’s Sunday school class, a lesson on “How to pray,” I came across “He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false, and does not swear deceitfully, He will receive blessings from the Lord and vindication from the God of his salvation.” Psalms 24:4-5 This became my motto! We often sing a song that says; “Open my eyes, that I may see, glimpse’s of truth thou hast for me!” WOW!

THIS SCRIPTURE opened my eyes to God’s truths for me! I began to examine who I was in Christ and discovered that I was not as whole as I should be. The Holy Spirit within me took me to task and I began to pray asking the Lord for clean hands and a pure heart. And now I ask you, who read Morning Glory; “Please be patient with me, for God is not finished with me yet.”

I HAVE pretty much used up all of my memories and have begun to write in the present. Using this new gift that God has allowed me to use keeps me on my toes, just wondering what I should write about for Sunday’s, Morning Glory. I pray that each of you have discovered the Holy Spirit within you. I pray that the Holy Spirit will give you a boldness and will unleash the creative person that God has in store for you and for His purpose.

“AND PETER said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38 I realize many churches do not offer God’s invitation to receive Him and His gift through baptism. However, the way I see it; baptism is important, because this is the only place that the scriptures offer you and me the gift of the Holy Spirit; through baptism is when we receive the gift!

“FOR THE KINGDOM of God does not mean food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit; he who thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual up building.” Romans 14:17-19 Engage the Holy Spirit and become all that you can be in Christ Jesus! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/25/11

Sunday, August 21, 2011


WHEN YOU hear those words you automatically visualize the picture of three little monkey’s, don’t you? I do! We are such a visual people, aren’t we? Today’s technology has made it possible for us to see with our mind’s eye, just about every unimaginable, unthinkable atrocity, as well as a great futuristic, beautiful world, there is to imagine. Good or bad we can visualize it!

IN THE fifties I remember talking about seeing who you were talking to on the telephone. That came into the picture because of television. There was a song that didn’t make it onto the charts that phrased; “I can tell a vision when I see one and I can tell that you’re the vision for me!” We call that a play on words but I think you get the picture.

WE NOW have cell phones; Ipod’s; hand held computers and we can actually see who we are talking to. We can actually take pictures while talking to them. We can use our phones as cameras and even as a daily planner! I use the word we, rather loosely because I don’t do any of those things and personally, I don’t want to. I am not into texting and yet I probably can type faster than most, except for my son!

I AM NOT complaining about today’s technology, instead I applaud it. Today is amazing but many amazements come with evil! Yes, I said evil! When I was a girl my mother saw evil in a lot of things; even a brown paper bag lying in the street. Today, I still am cautious when I see a brown paper bag lying in the street. I told this story to Jim and he too points out the brown paper bag in the street. After all, it could contain a baby that someone was wanting to get rid of!

AT THE TIME of my youth, I thought that was ridiculous, but obviously not to my mother. She probably had seen that, or heard about that and it made an impression upon her as it did me! If you thought about it, you could define evil through something you have seen or heard! If you thought about it, you probably see it on the news everyday!

“AVOID the appearance of evil!” 1 Thessalonians 5:22 How do we avoid the appearance of evil? The way I see, it is; “Don’t make companions of those who are or appear evil. Don’t dress like them; don’t act like them; don’t hang out with them or mimic them. You can witness to the world by not becoming one of them. You could be the only Jesus they will ever see. “Whereas you do not know about tomorrow. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.” James 4:14

REMEMBER the cradle roll song; “Oh be careful little hands what you do; Oh be careful little tongue what you say; Oh be careful little feet where you go; Oh be careful little eyes what you see!” I imagine you would have to have been a member of the cradle roll or a helper in the cradle roll to know that little song. Children brought up in Sunday School learn how to love Jesus. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

GETTING back to today’s technology, be careful little hands, ears, eyes and feet what you do with it. Holding one of those small gadget’s in your hands seems relatively small and harmless but they are filled with deadly poison. You can’t smell it; nor do you feel it; but how you use it can destroy you or someone close to you. Without your realizing it, it can bite where it will hurt you the most. It can cause you pain, shame and claim your identity.

“FOR GOD knows the secrets of the heart.” Psalms 44:21b No matter how you deny evil intentions “your sins will find you out!” for God knows the secrets of your heart. Don’t play with fire, when it is not easy to put out! Be careful! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/17/11

Sunday, August 14, 2011


HOW MANY times have we decided we are among the have nots? How many times do we wish upon a star and know that it probably will never come true? How many times do we place all our oranges in one basket and then find out, they were just apples all the time? Maybe Mickey Mouse can make dreams come true, but mostly dreams are just dreams. They are wishful thinking! These are little Scenario’s we conjure up to prepare us, just in case!

I USE to be a dreamer. If the school class room had windows, you could find me looking out those windows; day dreaming. What did I day dream about? I can’t remember! A lot of good it did me. If I had paid more attention in the class room, I could have become someone with letters after my name. I could have become someone important! Maybe because I could have, but didn’t, means I am now among the have nots? I don’t think so!

WE HAVE a tendency to classify possessions such as a big house, new cars, beautiful furnishings, fine clothes and the like as being among the rich and famous. We have a tendency when carrying a big wad of dough in our pockets, that it sets us apart from the lower class and sometimes, even the middle class. I don’t think so!

DURING THIS period of economical crunch, many of us have found ourselves, on occasion, living from paycheck to paycheck. We are still doing the things we want to do, but we are just a little more circumspect on what we spend our money on. Now you may think this is ridiculous, but sometimes you have to be frugal and rely on God. I don’t know how many times I would suggest (I hate to think I am telling Him what to do); “Lord, this is all we can spend right now, please let this come out all right!” And you know what? It does!

JIM AND I just got back from the grocery store. We planned to spend only what he had in his pocket. Jennifer is cooking this week so we were picking up a few things just for her. The debit card is great, but sometimes you need to see if you can handle things on your own, just like in the olden days. Add up the prices as you go! Well, we did not take the can cream or the small can of tomato sauce; and even though another customer offered to pay the extra 15 cents, we laughed and said; “No thank you, we’ve got it covered!” Usually, God brings us just under the wire, but I prayed after we did the shopping. Do you suppose?

“ONE MAN pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth.” Proverbs 13:7 This is an interesting scripture, isn’t it? Have you ever met someone who claims riches and yet goes deeper into debt, day by day? Have you ever met someone who was quite wealthy but lived in a few small rooms behind a store? Owning the biggest and newest car on the block does not mean you are wealthy, it just says you want to live above mediocrity.

ONE WHO is affluent usually lives comfortably. One who is poor usually lives with less than most. But one can live in peace through Jesus Christ who gives abundantly in all things. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 Who is the thief, in this story? The thief is the one, or the one thing that takes your eyes and mind off of the Savior. The thief steals your heart and makes you live life seeking after worldly things and wanting more.

I LIKE nice things! We even had some curb appeal done on our house. We shop at Penney’s and at Goodwill; and our lives are good! I have learned to give away things that I love because I don’t love them as much as I use to. Got no diamonds; got no pearls? We have the sun in the morning and the moon at night; what more do we need! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/8/11


Sunday, August 7, 2011


HAVE YOU ever come to the realization that you not only are to
serve and be served, but that you should also love it? Being the one serving should be far more pleasurable, than the one being served? When I was a girl my brothers, Lloyd and Lonnie, would just hold their coffee cup up when I was in the room and expect me to get up and fill it for them. I didn’t mind doing that but now I realized that I really loved waiting on them. Maybe I partially did it because they expected me to and partially because they knew I would do it; but I really loved it! I know I wanted to, because I always did it! Of course my attitude would choose the times I would be more willing. Being willing doesn’t come naturally, does it? Wanting to be served or taken care of, does come naturally! We learn that from the time we are born!

I KNOW I have tried to wait upon Jim from the time we married, but through the years I feel he waits on me more that I do him. I love the way he shows me, he loves me! My grandson’s use to say; “Grandpa will give Grandma anything she wants, all she has to say is; “If you love me!” Of course, that was not true! But then, who’s keeping count; especially when it’s a joy to serve your husband and your children!

AS I HAVE gotten older, it gets easier to say “what can I do for you?” Many times I hear myself saying; “can I help with that!” Most of all, Jim and I just do it! We have made an effort to visit the elderly. Especially the ones who are ill; at that point, it matters not the age! We have made it a practice to make clam chowder and put it in a container filled to the brim; that when emptied can be thrown away. I have to admit, Jim’s chowder is pretty special!

“BUT JESUS called them to Him and said; “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles, lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant and whoever would be first among you must be your slave.” Matthew 20:25-27 Jesus is saying; we are to receive service and be glad!

CHRIST IS calling attention to the contrast between the ambition of the natural, once-born, man who covets power and glory for himself; and the born again man who is a Christ centered believer who’s ambitions are performed only in the will of God and are displayed by self-sacrificing love. Do you see the difference? Are you a Godly servant? Do you expect recompense when offering self-sacrificing love? If you are wanting something in return, you can’t call it self-sacrificing at all! Jesus is saying; we are to give service and love doing it!

THE PICTURE of everyone being a servant is amazing. It mean’s that everyone is being served! The picture of everyone being served by everyone causes a moment of, no imagination, because I’ve never seen that done before! Let me ask you this question. Can you be served when you are the servant? Can you be the servant while being served? My answer to both questions is YES! Jesus has served us and in return we serve Him! We can be served and we can serve!

“EVEN as the Son of man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28 Jesus came to show us how to serve one another, not how to receive service. He came to sacrifice His life for each one of us. When we serve one another, we are sacrificing our natural being to give of ourselves without expectations. We have already received the promise of eternal life with our God. That is the servant hearts, reward!

ANOTHER WORD for service is love. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it; You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.” Matthew 22:37-40 Insert the word serve, for the word love and see how it reads. Fit’s doesn’t it? I love serving my grandsons! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/31/11