Sunday, September 18, 2011

AS TIME GOES BY! 9/18/11

AS YOU get older it becomes easier to think about how time flies! As a child you can hardly wait for Christmas to come again, even though it was just last week. But it seems like a life time, until it rolls around again. Birthdays are looked forward to but it goes by so fast, it makes your head spin. I remember being 10 and wishing I was 15. When I was 15 I wanted to be 18 and out of highschool. When I was in my early twenties, I was wishing I had paid closer attention to my studies, while I was in school.

MANY of my young friends went on to school and became teachers, lawyers and educated in whatever field they were looking toward. I wanted to become a missionary but was encouraged by my pastor to because a missionary close to home. He felt that a Christian young woman in the work place was the field I should go into. And so I did! I became a clerk in an office, later a secretary and low and behold a bookkeeper; me, who had failed general math in my freshman year and had to retake it, in my senior year. I became a bookkeeper! Go figure!

AS TIME went by, I was married and became a mother! I probably could have failed at that but I had a husband who was a father before his time. He did not help to deliver my babies, as young men do today; but he delivered my children from me, by helping in every possible way. He bathed them, fed them, dressed them, rocked them to sleep. In the middle of the night; he would get up with them; “just one more time!” I was a stay at home Mom and he was a working Dad. But when I would say; “Jim, just one more time?” He would!

AS I SIT HERE at the computer, I am again reminded how time goes by. Yesterday, I was able to get up without help and maybe I will tomorrow, but just 10 years ago I was able to not only get up, but I could run if I had to. I don’t think I remember how to run now! You may have to show me how that is done again! While you’re at it show me how to hop!

AS TIME GOES BY I have noticed how my heart is comforted! As time goes by I realize my anger has softened! As time goes by, the taste of home is more pleasant and as time goes by the smells are less fragrant, and sometimes, fleeting. Age comes softly as time goes by!

HAVE YOU noticed that the man you married is walking a little more stooped and his walk is not as sure as it used to be? Have you noticed that his smile is just for you and the gleam in his eye brightens your day? God planned that we should grow old together! The plan doesn’t always work for many; but for Jim and me it is still working. We still walk hand in hand, even though we know the day is quickly fading, as time goes by.

CHRISTIAN take your God seriously! Wake up and smell the roses! Don’t you know that your time is just a puff of smoke? “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:15-17 Knowing God’s will is to “Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, strength and mind; second to this is to love your neighbor as yourself!” Luke 25:27 You can do this, as time goes by! Give it a try!

CHRISTIAN if we do this, everything else will fall into place! Love is the first fruit in the list of the fruits of the Spirit. With the Holy Spirit within us, how is it we go wrong? Are you waiting for the Spirit to move you? He did that when you accepted Jesus and were baptized. He convicted you; now it is your move! It is time for you to give the Spirit the go ahead and become the person God has created you to be, before too much more time goes by!

“BE STRONG, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!” Psalms 31:24 In Revelation 1:3d it says; “for the time is near!” Jesus is talking about reading the book of Revelation. I say, time is of the essence! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/11/11

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