Saturday, February 11, 2012


UNLESS your birthday or your anniversary, is on Valentines day, most husbands and men in general haven’t got a clue that it is all about romance and not the day. A dinner out is the usual! Sometimes candy! But for the most part, unless the wife or girl makes plans it’s just another day.

WHILE I was working at the a title company, Jim would contribute to a fund raiser for some organization through the school district, and would have a dozen long stem red roses delivered to me around Valentines day. The first time, the guy who delivered them would not say who they were from, nor where he was from. I finally called Jim and he had to admit he had them sent. I loved that! All the girls in the office were just a little bit jealous. Sometimes it makes you feel a little bit special when others express a desire to want what you have.

AT A CHURCH we attended, we went to a couple of Valentine Dinners that were catered by the most prestigious caterer in town. Most adults, couples or not, were there! A few times our Master of Ceremonies would host a game show of TV renown, called “The Newly Wed Game.” One time Jim and I were called upon to participate. No one really wanted to be in the game because, most of the time, it was a little embarrassing. But oh so funny! I have to agree though, that a good time was had by all!

DID YOU KNOW Valentine’s Day is celebrated all over the world? Most countries celebrate Valentine's Day by expressing love to sweethearts, spouses and special ones. However, customs and traditions of celebrating the festival vary in different countries due to social and cultural differences. But the barriers are thrown down when it comes to telling our special ones just how much we love them. Valentine cards to light up our hearts; a special dinner so we can look at each other in candle light; buying candy and little gifts for our kids when they were small and now our grandsons. Just how fun is that? Little things mean a lot!

I RECEIVED an acrostic for John 3:16 in a birthday card, which comes close to Valentine’s Day. I am sure most of you have seen this, but if you haven’t, take the time to circle the letters of the word Valentine in this verse. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life!”

THE MORNING that Jesus was born, love was in the world and it came from God in the form of a baby. The reason for the baby was so that He could become the man of sorrows that we read about in God’s Word. When I received the acrostic of John 3:16 I immediately thought that this was the first valentine ever sent. It was filled with love, purpose and a promise, and it is the most memorized verse in the entire Bible.

MR. VALENTINE, or so I am told, was a man that while in prison, wrote a note to someone he cared for and signed it; “Love, your Valentine!” This may or may not be totally accurate but I bet he never thought his name would be remembered in history, concerning a day of love.

IF YOU had a scripture that you could paraphrase into a valentine to God, what would it be? I love the song that says; “I love Him because, He first loved me; He first loved me, He first loved me. I love Him because, He first love me, and died on the cross of Calvary.” God writes to us about love through His own words, and through those who spoke for Him. Have you captured His words of love just for you? Have you noticed that He laid down His life just for you?

MY VALENTINE to God is; “God, you are rich in mercy, and out of that great love you have loved me! Even when I was dead in sin, you have made me alive by your grace. My love is yours for ever and ever.” Ephesians 2:4-5 My Valentine to Jim is; “Thank you for being my Valentine ever since the day you said “I love you!” To my children; “You are the valentines of my heart!” And to all of you; Could it be that In Jesus, we are God’s Valentines? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/8/12

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