Saturday, July 21, 2012


ONCE IN A WHILE I get a brain storm. I then wonder, “why didn’t I think of that sooner?” I am always reminding myself that; “life is short,” so now I am excited! A few years after our retirement we decided that the three of us should share in the evening meal preparations. So I cook one week and Jim cleans up my mess. The next week Jim cooks and Jennifer cleans up. The week Jennifer cooks, I clean up. It works so well that one week out of the three we all get a week off. What an idea! But that’s not the brain storm!

BECAUSE my stomach has not been well, when I cook, I fix mashed potatoes; mainly because it is a comfort food and easy on my stomach. I have been cooking this week which was working well because Jennifer is recovering from knee surgery. One night I fix pork chops and mashed potatoes; spaghetti; hamburgers with just meat, cheese, condiments but no lettuce, onions or tomatoes. Tonight I decided I would fix meat loaf with mashed potatoes. I realized that these are some of my favorite things! Especially the mashed potatoes because it is the most comforting of all!

THIS is the brain storm! When Jim cooks he always prepares his favorite things. Chili, Jambalaya and Clam Chowder. He serves each of these for two nights. Jennifer fixes some of her favorites, but I always ask what should I fix? From now on, I am cooking the things I like! Why not? Life is short; “please pass me the mashed potatoes!” Eating is one of God’s gifts to our flesh. We love the smells; the tastes; the textures; and mostly, how satisfying it is to our souls.

WHEN our #2 grandson Ryan, was about 10 years old I told him the story about the man who was very well to do. He picked up a quarter that he found on a sidewalk; looked at it and then put it into his pocket. When asked why he looked it over and then kept it;  and why did he pick it up at all, He said; "it was a reminder to him that In God we Trust!” When I saw Ryan pick up a penny I asked him, what it had written on it. He said; “God loves me!” Good enough! It was a reminder to Ryan that God loves him! When Jim and I pick up a coin, we are reminded that “God loves us!”

WE TALK about the milk in God’s Word! We say that milk is good for children because of Vitamin D, but as they mature, meat is needed to give strength and endurance. However, we should never tire of the milk of God’s Word. It is what brought us into God’s love. Because of the milk, we have learned that we love Him because He first loved us. He loved the world unconditionally through the cross. His love for us, is what has given us a desire to mature and to become all that we can be in Him.

TO BRANCH off and taste of the solid food is what all Christians yearn for. God has given us a desire within us, to seek Him and to grow in Him. “But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their minds trained by practice to distinguish good from evil.” Hebrews 5:12 When we begin to eat the meat, it is when we love Him in return. We search His words and learn to obey His instructions. We become His messengers and we serve one another. Our hope is realized in His gospel, the good news.

“AND HE said to His disciples; “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat, nor about your body, what you shall put on. For life is more than food and the body more than clothing.” Luke 12:22-23 Our life in the flesh, is but a span of time. It is not forever! Our spiritual life spans eternity! When I say “life is short”, I am referring to our life in the flesh.

GOD tells us that we should enjoy the things He has given us and not be anxious about them. “Instead, seek His kingdom, and all these things shall be yours as well.” Luke 12:31 This is a key scripture. I use to have it on my refrigerator, but now it is in my heart. So why not consider that this life is short? Why not consider the meat of God’s word and in the mean time; “please pass the mashed potatoes!” “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!” By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/20/12

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