Sunday, November 25, 2012

WHEN THE WINDY CAME (2) 11/25/12

THIS PAST WEEK we experienced the wind for several days. It wasn’t just passing through, it came and stayed! I was sitting in my bedroom looking out at the wind when all of a sudden the chairs on the deck began to re-arrange themselves. The tree was swaying from side to side and it began to rain which was being pelted against the french doors. I just sat there amazed at the turmoil that was being generated by the wind, while I sat inside feeling the warmth and comfort of my home. Later on I was told that the wind was throughout all of Oregon, along with the rain. Lots of problems, including flooding was experienced by many.

LISTENING to the wind howling, I was reminded of another time when we took the three grandsons along with Jennifer for a bike ride. This particular bike path ran along Bear Creek and the sides of the path were filled with many trees and ground foliage. Not long after we got onto the path we noticed the sky becoming dark and the wind began to russell in the trees. Jennifer and Adam went on ahead just as the wind began to pick up! The rest of us had not gone far when the wind turned into a fierce gale with branches falling all around us and we were unable to steady our bikes. Up ahead we could see that Adam and Jennifer were peddling back as fast as they could peddle. Later on, after we had managed to get back to the truck. reloaded the bikes in the back, and us inside the cab, Jordan, with excitement and wonder began to recount the story. He said; “And then the windy came!”

WE CAN’T SEE the wind but we can see the evidence of the wind and all the while, we can feel it. No one can deny when the wind comes. In God’s Word, Jesus says; “The wind comes from where it is and you feel it, but you do not know how it comes and from where. Neither do you hear the sound of it, but you feel it.” This is found in John 3:8! The last part of the verse Jesus says; “So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

DO YOU KNOW what Jesus is saying? He had been talking to Nicodemus about being born again! Jesus said that we must be born of the spirit. Being born of the flesh was not enough! Jesus was likening the wind around us, to the Spirit within us. You can’t see it, touch it, or smell it but you can see the evidence of it; you can feel the presence of it; and you can experience the results of it. I have been studying about the Spirit, His gifts he gives, and the fruit He brought with Him. We receive the spirit as a gift upon baptism. I know that many believe that baptism is an outward expression of an inward conviction. With it, we also receive forgiveness! But without it we do not get the Spirit!

REMEMBER the story in Mark 4:35-41. Jesus was asleep while the Apostles were experiencing a fierce wind. They were afraid! They woke Jesus up and said; “Master, do you not care that we are perishing?” Jesus said to the wind and the sea; “Hush, peace, be still!” The winds and the waves immediately were calm and then Jesus said; “Why are you so afraid? How is it that you have so little faith! They became even more afraid and said to one another; “Who is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him!”

WE HAVE AN Applebee’s that is located on a little knoll. It is always windy there. When we get out of the car we are greeted with a breeze no matter what time or season is upon us. When we walk out of the door we are greeted with gusts of wind, again it doesn’t matter whether the sun is shining or cloudy and gray, there is always some wind. I never cease to wonder why that is!

THE GIFT of the Holy Spirit, we receive upon baptism, is always with us! He convicts us of our sins. This Spirit helps us to see our need for Jesus! We need to follow His commands and become one of those who the Holy Spirit teaches to walk in faith. The Spirit shares His fruit with us. “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22    Unless we clothe ourselves in these attributes, our lives are like blowing in the wind. We run for cover and look for shelter, but all we need to do, is take refuge in the arms of the one who came and said; “come unto me? The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows!     By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/24/12

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