Sunday, February 1, 2015


HAVE YOU ever wanted to do something but didn’t do it because of the time factor? It would be too hard or perhaps it would cost more than you wanted to spend right then. How about, what if it didn’t work? Then what would we do? Well a few weeks ago I had a bright idea! Jim is always agreeable and so we began to plan. Then the time we wanted to do it, wouldn’t work because of obligations already in place. So we decided not to do it that week, but do it the next week. And so we did! It worked and even though it was all done in just a few days, and we were exhausted when we climbed into our own bed; it was worth it!

"COMMIT your plans to the Lord and your plans will succeed" Proverbs 16:3    Our plan was to surprise my sister and her husband on their 47th anniversary, and take them to dinner. They live about 9 hours away which meant Jim would be driving a lot, and of course, we would be staying in motel’s a couple of nights. That wasn’t daunting but we would only be able to spend one night there. What if they weren’t home! Of course we didn’t want to call them until we were in their driveway.

SO THE SECOND PLAN was the first, but make arrangements to visit some old friends also. They are not as old as Jim and me but close enough, and we haven’t seen them for many years. We also wanted to visit with their son and his wife! So the plan included spending the night at the bed and breakfast that they are associated with, for a donation only, and have breakfast out with the four of them.

BUT MY PRAYER was that Jeri and Ron would be home, we would go to dinner and have a good time celebrating both of our anniversaries; theirs the week before and ours, the day before we got there. Our cup would run over by being able to visit with old friends later that night, and visiting in the morning over breakfast. God is so good! Because that is exactly what happened. Everything fell into place and Jim didn’t fall asleep at the wheel!

SOMETIMES when we make plans in a rushed way, it comes to pass. But many times when every minute counts, we don’t do it because we don’t have enough time. In 2002, some one said; "We have all the time we need, to do everything God wants us to, in 2002!" Every year I try to say that and make it rhyme. So here goes again; "God has given us time, to love one another, and it is always, time well spent!" Okay, so it doesn’t rhyme!

THIS IS a new year with one month already spent; eleven more to go! How are you going to spend it? If only we could do something similar to what we did this month; every month! How exciting that would be! Should have thought of this 20 or 30 years ago, but then we didn’t have time! Retirement does have it’s perks!     By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/31/15

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