Sunday, October 3, 2010


REFLECTING on our trip, I have to admit I am so glad we went. Many things were different in my home town. The bridge across the Missouri was refined and I almost missed it, halfway across. The Union Pacific is still present but the hustle and bustle of a railroad town was gone. The house I lived in as a child was still there but the yard got much smaller and houses on both sides moved closer together; the block was shorter and the streets were much narrower! I suppose it could be that as a child it all looked much bigger!

WHAT HADN'T CHANGED was the closeness and love of family. The highlight was visiting in their homes; going to their favorite restaurants; looking at home movies and just strolling through the town they live in. We tried to best one another in telling stories about spiders and snakes but no one could best Harriet with her story of the flying turtle.

LISLE AND HARRIET were driving along in their car as another car came towards them on the other side of the street. Just as the car was to pass them it hit a turtle in the road and literally hit it into the air and it flew across the front of their car and appeared to be flying as they watched it through their windshield. Laughing is good for the soul and it is also good in drawing distant relatives into a close encounter.

DRIVING THROUGH God's country, that we call America, is amazing! We drove through rocky mountains that weaved in and out of several states; across the planes and high desserts. We climbed mountains that scared the bejebies out of Jennifer and me and all Jim could say was; "I love driving this car!"

WE WENT TO MT RUSHMORE and was in plenty of time for the light show in the evening. When the lights came on it started very slow and soft. It gradually got brighter and the Presidents appeared as though glowing in the night. Man may have sculptured the busts but God gave the foundation and it was very illuminating.

WHEN WE ARRIVED at Old Faithful in Yellowstone, having never been there before, our expectations were limited. However, when the steam would overflow and then fade we found ourselves mesmerized. Then we begin to see it bubbling and felt just like the song; "It's bubbling, it's bubbling, it's bubbling in my soul!" When it begin to spew out in force it took my breath away! I could only describe it as watching a bride coming down the isle. It was so beautiful and radiant! It's magnificence put us in a state of awe! It's majestic burst of energy and sparkle in the sun left us with our mouths hanging open. It lasted about 6 minutes and then it was steam, preparing to return again. That is why,it is called "Old Faithful!"

WE STOPPED in Idaho and spent a couple of nights with my sister Jeri and her husband Ron. They are the best Bed and Breakfast in town. Wednesday night we went to church with Jeri at Ten Mile Christian Church. A well established body but a new building! She took us on a quick tour into the sanctuary. Children were bouncing off the walls! They have so many middle school age children in the youth group that they have taken over the sanctuary and the adults are in the large foyer. I know of many elderly Christians who would have had a heart attack. I loved it!

"O LORD, OUR LORD, how majestic is Thy name in all the earth! Who hast displayed Thy splendor above the heavens! From the mouth of infants and nursing babes Thou hast establish strength because of Thine adversaries, to make the enemy and the revengeful cease." Psalms 8:1-2 Jim used this verse this morning in our Sunday School class. I felt it was perfect for this Morning Glory. He is the master designer of all creation; He designed families and He is the one who says babes and infants will cause the masses to stop and take notice. Everyone should take a trip through the west and mid west at least just once! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/3/10

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