Saturday, May 18, 2013

MY HEARTS CRY! 5/19/13

MANY BOOKS, poems, and songs have been written with the heart in mind. We love to hear secular love songs that cause our hearts to cry. Remember; “My Heart Cries for you; sighs for you; dies for you; My heart longs for you; please come back to me!” I can still hear my favorite of the times; Patty Page singing this song. Jim has always felt that those who write these kinds of love songs are really longing for the love of Jesus. They don’t realize it, nor would they understand it, but the words can draw the heart of the Christian back into a longing for the presence of Jesus Christ, after we have abandoned Him.

“I HAVE a song that Jesus gave me, it was sent from heaven above. There never was a sweeter melody; Tis a melody of love!” Mr. Roth new exactly what I needed when he wrote this song. Jesus is a song within my heart and it is because of His love for me, that I am drawn to love Him. Another song says; “I love Him because He first loved me!” Do you believe that God can put these words into the pen of man, so that we would be lifted up to praise Him? I do!

TODAY is the birthday of the Church! Today is a reminder to me that Jesus began a good work in the Church so that He could draw His people together in harmony. “And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place!” Acts 2:1   A lot has happen since that day when the Apostles spoke to all the people in their own native tongue. Their own language so that they would know that the Messiah had come, and had completed His work on the cross, so that all men could be drawn to Him.

WHO KNOWS what lurks in the hearts of man? If you are of my age you would reply with; “The shadow knows!” But it is not the shadow, but God Himself that knows! “For He knows the secrets of the heart!” Psalms 44:21b    We cannot hide from God no matter how we try or how many excuses we make, because God knows! Ever since I realized that I am an open book to God, I have become an open book to my family and to my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. I know that Jim wishes I could be more withdrawn and keep the up front and personal side of me, to myself. I believe, I might as well reveal my ways done in secret, so that those ways, will not become who I am.

GOD DIDN’T begin His Church to give us a place to hide, but a place to shine. “Am I a God at hand, says the Lord, and not a God afar off? Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? Says the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? Says the Lord.” Jeremiah 23:23-24   Our God is right here, He is wherever the Church is and He is where I am. How can I be someone I am not suppose to be? How can I pretend to be, who I am suppose to be? I want to be who God has created me to be! Don’t you?

LET’S BLOW out the candles on the birthday cake of the Church and remember what God has designed us to be. Let’s don’t bother to count how many candles, but look around at each other and give God all the praise and glory that is due Him. When He says, He is doing a good work in each one of us, let it be so! And I say; “Let it begin with me!”

“WHERE shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Hell, you are there! If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. If I say, “Let only darkness cover me, and the light about me be night,” even the darkness is not dark to you, for darkness is as light with you!” Psalms 139:7-12     Our God is awesome!

I BELIEVE even though David speaks of God as being everywhere, He is not a God that pulls the strings of our lives. He is independent of man, because He gave him choice. And yet God knows our hearts! The Holy Spirit convicts and Jesus Christ saves! Let’s celebrate the birthday of the Church and rejoice! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/18/13

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