Saturday, October 19, 2013

"HOW TO" BOOKS! 10/20/13

MY FAVORITE “how to” book is filled with recipes and pictures. I love learning how to bake something or to cook something as long as I have a picture to show what it is to look like! Since I have retired I have read, downloaded and watched all the cooking shows imaginable. I love it! Especially if what I am reading, downloading and watching, have pictures or the finish product for me to see.

THEN THERE are ‘how to’ books on furniture refinishing; creating stuff out of nothing; crocheting; bridge playing; short hand; computer made easy; play the piano, guitar; quilt making; calligraphy and on occasion, you can do it all in five days or less. There are many books out there that indicate we are dummies and because the name is offensive to me, I discovered that I rebel in allowing them to teach me anything. Maybe that is why I can’t make heads or tails of them!

MANY TIME’s when we see a title that has “how to” in it, we are incline to set it aside, because just the phrase “how to” means we have to do something. Which means we have to learn something, and many times the indication is that we have to think in order to do it. I have to have a real desire in order to peruse a “how to” book!

WHEN I was a young girl, I learned the variables in how to study the Bible. These were valuable instructions and they have stayed with me throughout my life. Recently I have seen little booklet’s on “How to study the Bible!” I really mean, little books! I have attended studies that go through steps on how to study the Bible. These methods all have good ways to read and study God’s Word. In all fairness to the way I learned, and how helpful booklets and studies are, the very first thing that has to happen is you need a Bible. Secondly, you need to open it and begin to read.

“STUDY to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth!” 2 Timothy 2:15 My desire for God’s Word began many years ago but it has not been until recently that I discovered my hunger for the Word! It never fails anymore, that after a study, or reading and discussing, that I want to set down and write a Morning Glory!

IN ANCIENT English, study meant to do your best! Whenever we are doing our best we are seeking to win full approval, aren’t we! It is God whom we must please, and not our teacher or our neighbor. In regards to God’s Word we are to seek diligently for the truth so that we can teach correctly; presenting the truth clearly and accurately.

THOSE WHO are still on the milk may have trouble digesting a lot of God’s Truth. Being patient with their understanding is our task, but the Holy Spirit is the one that will bring them to understanding. The following are two more translations of the verse in 2 Timothy. These will give us a better understanding as to how we can use this passage to prepare ourselves as God’s workman.

“D0 YOUR BEST to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the Word of Truth.”    Here is another;   “Do your best to win
full approval in God’s sight, as a worker who is not ashamed of his work, one who correctly teaches the message of God’s truth!”

GOD’S “HOW TO” book leads the way in many categories. It has over 40 different author’s, and many had never met each other, and yet each one received their directions from the same person; the Holy Spirit. This book does not contradict itself; nor does it cause confusion. God begins with His creation, His people, His son, His Church and His return. God made His plans before He created and He will bring it to it’s full fruition, when His Son returns. Open the book and begin reading it again! You will be surprised what God will reveal to you. He is the same yesterday, today and forever and yet His mercies are new every morning and His Word will continue to refresh us! Oh how glorious it is to be in the service of the King!  By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/17/13

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