Saturday, November 16, 2013


JIM and I were browsing through Wal Mart the other day, when I spied some “crackers!” I got excited! Many years ago I learned about “crackers” and went from store to store looking for them, because it was Christmas Eve, and those in the know had already bought them up. Finally located a store, out of town, and bought the last two packages.

WHAT are crackers. You ask? An English tradition! A Christmas “cracker” is a brightly colored paper tube, twisted at both ends. There is a ‘banger’ inside and when pulled by two people, will create a loud snapping ‘crack’ or ‘bang!’ Thomas Smith, a London Pastry cook during 1846, discovered a sugar almond wrapped in tissue paper, twisted on both sides of the treat. He like the idea so much he created his own treat by adding a romantic message inside, and called them “Kiss Mottos!”

SMITH’S product didn’t sell well until he added a ‘cracker - pop’ when pulled apart. Today you will find within each “cracker,” a paper crown made from tissue paper, a riddle or joke and a small gift. Our first “crackers” seem relatively small, compared to the ones I saw this week. I didn’t know until now that it was to have two people pulling the two sides. That surely would make it easier and fun. One way to do that is by crossing your arms at the table and with your right hand you pull your neighbors cracker and with your left hand you hold your cracker while your neighbor on the right pulls!

WHAT would be even more fun is if you all pulled at the same time, and all the snaps and pops sounded with a bang. Sort of reminds me of a Bible Study when everyone gets excited and involved and when you leave that place you are filled with the Holy Spirit saying; “God’s Word is amazing; go and share it with everyone you meet!”

READING through the Bible can be an adventure, especially if you are sharing your reading adventure with someone else. There is talk about the church I am attending, having a reading program this next year. Not just asking you to read; not just leaving everyone at the starting gate; not hoping that everyone will do this, and then forget. I hear it will be a moving together in the scriptures with questions, answers, discussions, and a little of that fire being ignited with a snap, crackle and pop!

HOLIDAYS are upon us, and for some it is slow starting because of all the money that is required to do them up big. As I get older, I have found that bigger is not always better. Dollar’s are not always as wisely spent as pennies are. Taking a look back is not always the answer, but looking ahead can reveal promises kept.

WHY is it we are always frustrated, when this time of the year rolls by. We act as though it is a surprise it’s that time again! We knew it was coming! As the weather changes we knew time was drawing near! Yet, here we are with Thanksgiving around the corner and we are bogged down with all the things we have to do to be ready because company is coming; there are turkeys to be bought and whether or not to have cranberry sauce or whole berries!

“FOR EVERY matter has its time and way, although man’s trouble lies heavy upon him. For he does not know what is to be, for who can tell him how it will be!   Ecclesiastes 8:6-7   Solomon has a way with words doesn’t he? We sit around muddled in our own thoughts, when we have our very own “cracker” given to us by God. God’s word brings us joy, and peace! We can open it by ourselves or together and receive a real crown, read the nugget’s He has left for us, and receive the prize of eternal life. Just learning about Jesus is not enough, the Word clearly spells out what we are to do to be His!

“FOR EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven!”   Ecclesiastes 3:1   Get all excited, go tell everybody that Jesus Christ is King! Purchase some “crackers”, you will find them on the shelves in the stores. Take them home and place them at each setting of your table; have fun together as a family. Open God’s Word, hopefully you will find it on the shelf in your home, and read about God and His promises for you! What a Holiday season this can be, when we forget about the things of the world, and seek Jesus! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/15/13

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