Thursday, September 25, 2008

How old are You? 9/25/08

This year, I became 70! Unlike the last two decades, I was able to face this one without remorse. Now, why is that? One reason is because when I look in the mirror, the woman looking back not only looks 70 but is 70. I hope that makes sense! I don’t really feel old!
When I turned 60 my sister Jean told me that I was not old unless I wanted to be old.
She, herself was not old!. Today, she is 84, but she doesn’t intend to live like she is! She is still teaching the 6th grade Sunday school class and has been since she was in her 30's. I heard recently that to reach 80 is a great milestone because many do not live to be 80. Age is a condition of life, but it should not be a determining factor as to how to live life.
This year, I will have become the youngest of the old folks and the oldest of the young folk. This is a metaphor that can be used for any age ending with a zero. I am 70 therefore it applies to me today. You have heard "you are as old as you feel". Some mornings I feel old! However, some mornings I feel great and every bone in my body works. I love those mornings and I am not a morning person.
I love to hear stories by old people. You know, the kind where they tell you how they lived when they were children. The schools they went to and people they had met. I am now one of them and I wonder if others would really want to hear my stories. Books are filled with stories that tell us much about nothing but I would want my stories to say something. Even though my life hasn’t been colorful or eventful, my stories, should still be worth hearing. Don’t you think?
Did you know that the aged were revered in the Bible for their wisdom? In Job 5:26 age was regarded as a token of God's favor. In Leviticus 19:32 the Mosaic law required the young to honor old people. Being old is like coming of age. With age comes honor, respect and God's favor. Not so bad when you put it all in perspective. With God all things are possible even becoming old!
You can almost count on the fact that with age comes health problems. But then, these kinds of problems can come at any age. What do we do with them, when these issues rear their ugly heads. Paul instructs us in Philippians 4:11_13; "To be content in all circumstances and to be satisfied because we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us". I know that some weaknesses and illnesses cause us to become unable to participate in life as we want. My husband once said he read that life is like a roller coaster. It has many ups and downs but oh what a ride. If we step up to the challenge in God’s word we certainly can continue to enjoy the ride for as long as we live.
My question this morning is "how old are you"? God needs you at any age to teach the
world to sing His praises. A little elderly lady was known for passing out tracks at local places of business. A smile of encouragement across the room is a trade mark of Frances, another delightful lady that I have met. Harry, a man who can barely talk above a whisper carries cards in his pocket so he can lift up and encourage those around him. The desire of his heart is to reach others for Christ! He visits other congregations and attends Men’s Bible Studies besides those at his own church. How about you? Are you ready for a rocking chair or is the rocking chair ready for you? Are you prepared and ready to wait patiently like Simeon at the Temple serving the Lord; seeing the Christ child and then going home to see the morning. Are you Ready? Colossians 3:2 says; "Set your mind on the things above and not on the things of this earth". Come on! Get all excited! Be ready, for the Lord is near! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/20/08

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