Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Even though our subject is 'relying on God', using words like; depend; confident; trust; having faith , can give us a broader view. Let's discuss how trusting in God is an example of cause and effect.

When my son was about 2, Jim would hold him up by his two feet in one hand. Danny
would stand there unwavering. Jim thought it was a great trick! One afternoon as Jim was showing Danny’s trick, his little foot came lose from his left shoe and he started to teeter and would have fallen if Jim had not caught him. Needless to say Danny was not as trustful to do that trick again and of course as he got older, there were more tricks that he didn’t want to do.
In the book of Micah chapter 7, it talks about sin and hope of mercy. In verse 5a it says; "Put no trust in a neighbor, have no confidence in a friend". I am using this line because I think it is fitting that if we truly put our trust, confidence and rely on our neighbor, friend or even family we will eventually become disappointed. Christ is the only one that Paul says in Hebrews 2:13a; "I will put my trust in Him".
As a Sunday School teacher for many years, and if you are blessed enough to watch some of these children grow into adulthood, you will find that you are imperfect. Being a Sunday School teacher does not exempt you from making mistakes. One little girl, who grew to womanhood, followed my teaching of God’s word to a point that became detrimental to her, me and our relationship. Her understanding was basically correct but how she used it was more of what she wanted and not necessarily what God wanted. Psalm 118:8 says; "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man"! As Christians our need to F.R.O.G is super important. It is good for our health, our physical condition and peace of mind. When we begin to think we know so much more than our instructor, we can find ourselves in trouble. Of course I am talking about the perfect instructor, Jesus Christ! We are to rely on God’s teaching to direct our paths. When we come to a fork in the road. Prayer is the key! Using this key and putting aside what we think we want or what we think should happen, allows us to not rely upon ourselves but upon God. Jane Ann

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