Thursday, November 6, 2008

I received an email from a Morning glory follower and she shared with me her concerns regarding the same sex marriage ban issue in California. It passed just as it did previously, but was overturned by the state supreme court. Her concern is that it could be overturned again! I suppose that is something to be concerned about since the supreme courts who were designed to interpret the law, can overturn what the people have voted overwhelmingly for. It is a culture change! People have choice and choosing this lifestyle is their decision, but they want everyone to agree that it is a good thing. Godly people cannot do that and still be following God. He created man and a woman for each other to replenish the earth. The most wonderful things is, that Jesus went to the cross for them just as He did for everyone. While there is life, there is hope for all. All can repent and come to the Lord! Now for thoughts for today’s discussion.
Our world today is full of whatever you want or whatever you want to do. No holds barred! What use to be against the law is now lawful. What use to be outlandish is now stylish. Green hair anyone? I pray that this too shall pass! We shake our heads at some of the things we see and hear but then we walk on by.
It is true that the kingdom of God is a peculiar people! We are the ones that seem to be out of step and that is the way it should be. However, if you find that you are in step with these
new cultural scenes, perhaps you need to stop and take stock of your pattern of living. Remember the story of the ‘Prodigal Son’ as found in Luke 15? The younger son didn’t
like his life living at home with his Father and his brother. He asked his Father for his inheritance so that he could go out into the world and make it on his own. In verse 13 it says; "Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took his journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in loose living." Isn’t that what we do as Christians? We find we don’t like having to be obedient to someone we can’t even see. We want more than toeing the mark. We want to have fun! When the young man in our story comes to his senses, he heads back home with his tail between his legs. Ashamed! Sad! Hopeless! Not all Fathers are as sensitive as the Father in our story. He was waiting for his son to return and when he did, there was a great celebration.
No matter what kind of culture we find ourselves in; No matter how deep we seem to have fallen; No matter how sad, ashamed and hopeless we feel, our heavenly Father is waiting for us to return to Him. His arms are outstretched, waiting! He calls to us to leave the cultures of the world and the lifestyles that they offer and return to His peace, comfort and rewards that He has awaiting us. Why not turn back to Him now? Jane Ann

1 comment:

elandreth said...

Having been quite protected from the "world" by attending BBC and then marrying a minister and devoting my life to my family and the church--it is sad to now be thrust back into the world and see the state of things. I work with about 30 other women with a variety of issues and beliefs about life. Reincarnation, wicca, having babies without marriage, etc. I am the oddity. I have been married only once and for 45 years. I attend church faithfully, volunteer there, and keep very busy doing "good" things. While they think I am an oddity (they don't say it but I know it), they respect and like me. I know God has put me in their midst to be His light and draw others to His light. Oh how they try to get me to go out drinking with them. They would feel better about their choices if I would participate. I make it kindly clear than I have no desire to do that and would much rather go home to my husband. They all love Vernon too because he comes in and jokes with them and fixes little things around there plus dons his Santa suit for the kids at Christmas. I joke with them about their crazy hair colors, their hair always hanging across their eyes, and their belly and butt crack showing. But they think I am the one out of step--old fashioned. But when they have issues that are hard to deal with they often come to me asking what the Bible says. I have become sort of the conscience of the workplace. They watch their language in front of me and apologize if they slip. They don't apologize to anyone else I notice. I have their respect because they see something different in me. I don't condemn then, I love them unconditionally, while still not condoning their actions and behaviors. I pray on my way to work that I will have opportunities to share Christ with these gals and to shine His light. I bake them goodies, fix them soup, am always eager to help them out, and to lend a listening ear. I can't be all things to all people but I can be Christ's hands, feet, and loving heart to these few he has placed in my sphere of influence. I am grandma Ellen to over 200 children who stop by my office to say Hi. I'm trying to bloom where I was planted (for nearly five years now) but sometimes I feel like the tiniest bud. As I read in my Max Lucado devotion this morning, service is worship. I offer myself to my co-workers by loving and encouraging them on behalf of God and His Word--and feel honored that I can worship him in this way. It elevates my everyday life and lifts my heart heavenward.