Saturday, April 24, 2010


In my lifetime I have had the opportunity to witness many things. Some are highlights and some are filled with discouragement. Last weekend could have gone both ways but it turns out to have been one of those highlights that I just have to talk about. We attended the Demobilization and Change of Command Ceremonies for the 1st Squadron 82nd Cavalry in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom on April 18, 2010 at One o'clock in the afternoon in Bend, Oregon. Our #1 grandson, Adam was amongst the wonderful representation of the Oregon National Guard which is a part of the full picture of the wonderful representation of the Armed Forces for the United States of America at home and abroad.

As the troops left Ft Lewis, very early on the 18th, they were accompanied with some bikers. As they traveled through cities they were greeted with welcome home banners and waves of people who lined the streets. The entourage of bikers grew and grew until they covered the front and the rear of the 6 busses carrying our hero's home.

Jim, Jennifer and I had gone to old town Bend to look around as we usually do while in Bend and were told in the local Starbuck's, that this was the parade route. Parade route; we asked? The soldiers were to come through here and so we stayed. We waited with pride and comradery as we watched the streets fill up with well wishers along the flag lined sidewalks and huge flags brought from home, carried by this excited "welcome home committee!" Tears filled my eyes so I could hardly see but couldn't miss the sounds of the bikers as they gunned their motor's rounding the corner full of all the pomp and circumstances they could muster. I couldn't have been any prouder of America as I was at the moment. But I was wrong! It got better as the day wore on.

Adam's parents, brothers and his other grandma watched as the busses approached and saw the biker's fill up the left, right and center field of the Vince Genna Stadium, taking their position of a powerful presence supporting our hero's with contained exuberance. By the time we arrived the soldiers were in three groups receiving their orders. Then they were allowed to greet their families. The grandstands were full and no one cared that the hot sun was out; no one noticed the crowds; all that was apparent was our soldiers were on American soil and what a sight it was to behold.

Many dignitaries were there to give their thanks but the one that stands out was Major General Rees. I suppose because he was also my brother Lynn's boss and friend. On the drive home many family members including us joined the parade to Klamath Falls, following three half filled busses because the hero's got to ride with their families. The parade route continued through the towns with waves of thank you's which culminated in our home town where the shouts and accolades were heard calling the soldier's by their names. I realized that "patriotism" isn't dead, even though it wouldn't make the news!

Todd Beemer said; "Let's Roll" as he and others brought Flight 93 down in Pennsylvania. They paved the way for heroism and patriotism during one of America's greatest homeland catastrophes. Since that time many lives have been sacrificed and at the same time, others used their freedom to dissent. I didn't see any picketers yesterday and maybe one upside down flgag. All I can say for that one dissent is; "Know the truth and the truth shall set you free!" John 8:32 "Jesus said to him; I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me." John 14:6 Because of Jesus Christ, I am free to know Him. I don't have to care about those who tell me another way because I know the truth! I know that as long as I stay in God's Army I can fight any battle.

Whoever thought I would be in a parade led by a motorcycle gang. Whoever thought that I would be comfortable. I was at "Stand in the Gap" with them in Washington DC among the Promise Keepers and yesterday with the Minutemen! Joshua lead the Israelites to victory over the forces of evil because God went before him. God will continue to lead those who follow Him even today in America. "Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened, neither be dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 When Joshua met the commander of the Lord's army, "the angel said; Take off your shoes, you are standing on Holy ground!" Joshua 5:15 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 4/19/10

1 comment:

elandreth said...

Wonderful story. I loved reading it. You are so good at writing.