Saturday, May 1, 2010


When I was a little girl in Iowa we recognized May 1st as May Day.  I remember going around and picking dandy lions in all the yards.  Bright little yellow flowers that grew just about everywhere and nobody cared if you picked them.  We would make little paper baskets that had a handle glued across the top.  The easiest basket was coned shaped.  We would draw flowers on the paper baskets; fill them with the dandy lions and walk to my Grandmother's house and leave them on her stoop.  Once we made a basket for our Grandfather and filled it with matches.

When May Day rolled around , after we moved to California, my teachers in school would help us to make the baskets and we would take them home for our mothers.  At the Civic Center we had a couple of tetherball poles that would be decorated from top to bottom and would have long streamers that would be used for the annual May Pole Dance.  I never got chosen to do that although secretively I yearned for the chance to get to wear the frilly little dress and weave in and out covering the pole with the colorful streamers.

Years later I learned that May Day was actually a communist celebration.  At one time, during my life time, Russia was an ally of the United States.  When we became not quite so friendly, May Day celebrations quieted down within the borders of America.  I understand many countries, even America still celebrate May Day in one form or another.  However, like so many things it has just become a memory amongst most of the old folks.  Now Cinco De Mayo on May 5th is celebrated in memory of Mexico's independence day.

May and flowers have become synonymous in most cultures.  Spring brings forth new growth sprouting up all over not to mention babies taking their first breaths in the pastures lining most country roads.  New life; new flowers; long days and the smell of fragrant bouquets fill the air; making Spring a special time of the year.

"For lo, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone.  The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land."  Song of Solomon 2:11-12    Isn't that beautiful?  Of course the maiden is talking about her beloved.  She is praising him for his beauty and grace.  We liken much of Solomon's words in our praise to our Savior.  "My beloved is mine and I am His, He pastures His flock among the lilies."  Solomon 2:16    And I give a long sigh; aaaaaaahhh!

Yes, it is spring time and poet says; "A young mans fancy turns to thoughts of love!"  I wonder if that is true!  Springtime only lasts for a little while.  While flowers are in bloom and the grasses and trees are green we feel good!  We feel free and love to bask in the sun!  We welcome the spring showers and feel refreshed.

"A voice says, "Cry!"  All flesh is grass and all its beauty if like the flowers of the field.  The grass withers, the flower fades, when the breath of the Lord blows upon it; surely the people is grass."  Isaiah 40:6-7    Wow!  Have you ever thought about yourself as grass that the Lord breathes upon?  Have you ever thought when you were young that your life would wither away as the grass and flowers do?  Our being like grass is merely a metaphor but we do fade away!

"The grass withers, the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever!"  Isaiah 40:8   Wow!  We may wither and fade away but God's word doesn't.  It stands forever!  That is why Mr. Ellett's instructions about Jesus and His love are still evident in me and many others, even though he has withered and gone.  I will soon fade away but what I have taught from God's word will stand and live on.  Spring continues to come and flowers continue to bloom; God remains in His glory throughout eternity!   By Jane Ann Crenshaw 4/24/10

1 comment:

elandreth said...

I too remember the May baskets and thought of them wistfully today. I looked around my yard and saw I had only a few tulips blooming and decided taking a May basket to neighbors was a thing for children to do so I went back in and got to work.

I remember May day in 1964, I was pregnant with Curtis and woke up to 6" of snow in Boise. That was a shock and I was glad we didn't have that today.