Sunday, July 10, 2011


4th OF JULY has come and gone but the celebration lives on. At least that is how I see it! When I was a child and through out my young adult life most of the National holidays were recognized in the pulpit. You would hear a sound sermon as to how God providentially made it possible for our forefathers to pave the road for freedom in a brand new country. How God made a way for successes and failures! How God allowed covenants to be made, and worked in the lives of those who made them. I speak of those who signed the “Declaration of Independence.

WHEN those men signed this paper of renown, they were willing to sacrifice their lives, fortunes and their sacred honor. They wanted this freedom not only for themselves but for their families and a legacy to their children. They wanted to establish a place of honor to worship their God and to form a unity within their worship. Freedom? You have heard that it is not free!

I COULD not help being disappointed in our downtown 4th of July parade. The theme was; “Our Hero’s” and the birth of our nation was forgotten. Oh, there were some flags and we stood up for the soldiers, the fire department etc, that passed by, but there was no honor guard. No National Anthem played. Only one band march by and the rest were about people and groups that represented a cause. Normally I would enjoy a parade for after all a parade is a parade. But when the ‘pride’ cause, walked by with their rainbow flag my celebration ended. I felt sad and lost in a maze of secularism without patriotism, nor God!

MY LITTLE family had gathered together before the parade. We asked God’s blessing upon our food, our family and our country. We ate under a tree with shiny green leaves and little white blossoms where we enjoyed the warmth and light breeze with no yellow jackets. No yellow jackets because I followed the instructions from an email that said to put out the little Bounce sheets upon your tree to keep them away. That’s right Bounce; the little sheet you stick in the dryer to cause your clothes to be cling “free” with a nice fragrance to boot.

WE SAT around the tables and talked about mundane things. We always have a lot to talk about. We always remember the boys when they were small. We remember family, wherever they are. We talk about our freedoms! I just can’t get enough of these kind of moments for reminiscing. I heard Danny softly say; “This has been nice, sitting under the Bounce tree!” We didn’t eat hamburgers and hot dogs; but we sat under a Bounce tree!

4th OF JULY is all about Freedoms! God has given us His son who has given His life to give us “freedom” from the bondage of sin! Our forefather’s and the soldiers, have fought and died for our countries liberties! These liberties give us the “freedom” to have a gay movement shout their cause in our 4th of July parade. We take our freedom’s for granted and don’t realize just how important they are. We are no longer bound by chains, nor do we hide in small rooms to protect ourselves from being caught, for one reason or another.

ARE you sitting under a Bounce tree? It gave us freedom to eat in peace without sharing our meat with the bee’s. We live in a Country where it was originally designed by men, who wanted to live and grow in Godly peace. When all new people began to run the country it became a “free” for all to come and worship. Worship what you believe and not the God who clearly, cleared the path in the beginning of America.

“NOW the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17 America is not free unless it has the Spirit of the Lord! You and I are not free unless we have the Spirit of the Lord! Don’t delude yourself that sitting under the Bounce tree keeps you free from the Bee’s. They are still out there! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/8/11

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