Sunday, July 31, 2011


YEAR’S AGO Jim and I lived in a small house in Southern California; close to the beach. We had company once! A young girl who lived in Oregon and a friend of my brother Layton. He wanted her to know what a real home could be like. Of course, Jim and I had not arrived at perfection, but I loved having company.

DURING our life in Sam’s Valley, our summers were full of company, especially after Grandma Crenshaw came to stay. It was wonderful! Our car knew the way to Crater Lake without reservation. In Medford, while living closer to town, we would have company. Of course most of the time it was Dan, Faye and the boys who lived over the mountain, and some missionaries would come to spend the weekend. For the kids it was sort of getting out of town, kind of thing!

AFTER WE moved to Klamath Falls, we were going to use Jennifer’s little apartment as our guest rooms. Well, since that didn’t work out we eventually dressed up a teeny, tiny room and called it our “guest room!” It excites me when company is coming! We clean the bathrooms, the floors and go shopping! Danny use to say; “This cleaning the house takes all the fun out of having a party or having company!” Someone once said; “God created company so the house would get cleaned!” I think that works for me, how about you?

SO FAR this summer Marie, Jim’s sister came. This past week my sister-in-law Kathleen and her daughter and son-in-law were here. Having company is always something out of the ordinary, isn’t it? You change the sheets and your schedule. You do things that you normally wouldn’t plan for. You eat foods that usually aren’t on the menu and praise the Lord for the occasion. This bed and breakfast even had candies on the beds! Oh, My goodness!

IN TEACHING faith lesson’s for women; one of the questions that will come up once in a while is; “what if Jesus came to your house to visit.”? He would visit Martha and Mary’s quite often. I imagine when they knew He was on His way, there would be a lot of hustle and bustle; “Jesus is coming!” But what if He should just show up on their doorstep? How would they feel then? Would they be somewhat ready, or would they be embarrassed? Would their faces turn red with surprise or beam with joy? How would you feel?

MY THEORY has always been when we go to visit, that we are not there to critique the home but to see those who live there! Shouldn’t that be the case when someone comes to visit you? I know it is nice to have notice! You could at least throw everything on the kitchen counter into the dishwasher but, is that really necessary? Is it? Come on.....think about it!

YES, IT IS a good thing to keep your home in order! God has created in us to be good stewards, but we don’t always act like it. I am an avid watcher of “House Hunters” on HGTV. When the home is furnished, believe it or not, it helps to sell the home. When you walk into some homes, you immediately feel comfortable. Some homes, you sit on the edge of the chair because there usually is not enough room for the rest of you. For me it is not unusual to sit on the edge of the seat; my legs are short, so I feel more comfortable. I think you get the point!

“IF A MAN loves me, he will keep my word and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” John 14:23 What kind of home does our body need so that the Father and His son can live in it? Is it to be a clean and orderly place; a place that is acceptable and pleasing to them? If our body is not acceptable, it means we do not love him, nor keep His word! Shouldn’t our house also be acceptable to them?

WE ARE to walk by faith and not by sight, so let’s be of good courage while we are here in our house and in our body! “Because, whether we are at home or away, we are to make it our aim to please Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:9 You got company? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/18/11

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