Sunday, July 17, 2011

CHANCE! 7/17/11

A FEW YEARS ago we became acquainted with a young man named
Chance. We had heard about him through prayer requests for him and his family. When we began to worship within the same family of God, we were impressed at how God was working in him, his family and this church! We were told that the wreath of lights that surrounded the inside.upper circumference of the church building, were placed there as part of the Christmas decoration; but were left up, in honor of Chance.

AT CHRISTMAS time, as these lights shine, they remind me of the light of the world and when He was born. But every Sunday, as I have looked at these lights, I have thought of the light of a young man who was getting closer to joining the brilliancy of the Son of God; soon and very soon. That meeting took place early on July 9th! That meeting, I am sure, was a sight to behold! That meeting, takes the pain of this young man leaving our presence, and leaves us with a peace everlasting! That meeting can be mine someday; soon and very soon Lord!

MANY ASK; “Why?” Jesus says; “I will never leave you nor forsake you!” Hebrews 13:5b The first thought that comes to my mind is; “Why not?” We know that we all shall leave this place because we are just passing through. We know that our bodies begin to decay as soon as we hit the air we breath. We’ve been told that nothing lasts forever and yet we know that our spirit will live eternally. Where it lives is entirely up to us, isn’t it?

CHANCE was a fighter! He knew at the first sign of ‘cancer’, he would probably succumb to it. He knew that God loved him and would not give him anymore than he could handle. He knew that when it was all said and done, the soldier in him would continue the fight until he could fight no more. His was a win, win situation. If he fought the battle and won here on earth he would continue living for Jesus. He knew that if the enemy overtook him here, he would win anyway because to be away from this place, would mean that he was at home, in heaven; with the captain of his army; Jesus Christ!

OH TO have the faith of a child! Oh to be counted among your peers, as one of the great ones because you fought the good fight and won! I take a deep breath and sigh knowing that Chance will never be able to achieve all of his earthly dreams, but then I smile because in reality of living life, not all of it, is great! It is usually a race of endurance. A matter of sustaining ones self, in the race! Hoping to find a cool drink of water just around the next bend.

HAVING WALKED this road of sorrow many, many times; it is always fresh when I begin to walk it again. Something is always different! Something causes me to grieve all over again for those I had already traveled this road for. The process isn’t easy and it is one you shouldn’t try to avoid. I have come to believe that it is necessary for your well being! Don’t hide the tears; nor the moments of sadness. Don’t create a figure of joy when that is far from you. Live in peace, knowing this is part of living. Live in contentment, knowing that you will understand by and by!

GOD HAS created us to cry; to feel sad; to mourn; to grieve! Just do it and remember as you do, the Lord also wept at the tomb of his friend. Many ask the question “why” did Jesus cry? Was it sadness; was it because he hurt for the family and friends? Perhaps it was joy because he knew he could give him life here and or in eternity; heaven! Don’t leave Jesus out! He is your grieving companion! He wants to be included in all aspects of your life; even in the tears!

I IMAGINE, when Jesus was on the Cross and took our sins upon himself, he also felt the suffering of the sick body, that is racked with pain and decay. I imagine, as Chance entered the gates of heaven, tears of joy were in the eyes of Jesus; as he took him into his arms. Tears of joy because Chance came home! “Jesus;” don’t leave earth without Him! By JA Crenshaw 7/15/11

1 comment:

Donald W White said...

JaneAnn - I'm so glad you described Chance's passing as a "win-win situation." That is exactly how we as Christians ought to look at it, but we need to remind ourselves of that all too often, because (frankly) we forget. And I think we forget merely because of our own humanity. All too human, we are so bound with these bodies and this beautiful world God made for us. Thank you for the reminder. Paul agrees with you (great minds think alike): "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.... I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far" (Phil 1:21 & 23).