Sunday, August 7, 2011


HAVE YOU ever come to the realization that you not only are to
serve and be served, but that you should also love it? Being the one serving should be far more pleasurable, than the one being served? When I was a girl my brothers, Lloyd and Lonnie, would just hold their coffee cup up when I was in the room and expect me to get up and fill it for them. I didn’t mind doing that but now I realized that I really loved waiting on them. Maybe I partially did it because they expected me to and partially because they knew I would do it; but I really loved it! I know I wanted to, because I always did it! Of course my attitude would choose the times I would be more willing. Being willing doesn’t come naturally, does it? Wanting to be served or taken care of, does come naturally! We learn that from the time we are born!

I KNOW I have tried to wait upon Jim from the time we married, but through the years I feel he waits on me more that I do him. I love the way he shows me, he loves me! My grandson’s use to say; “Grandpa will give Grandma anything she wants, all she has to say is; “If you love me!” Of course, that was not true! But then, who’s keeping count; especially when it’s a joy to serve your husband and your children!

AS I HAVE gotten older, it gets easier to say “what can I do for you?” Many times I hear myself saying; “can I help with that!” Most of all, Jim and I just do it! We have made an effort to visit the elderly. Especially the ones who are ill; at that point, it matters not the age! We have made it a practice to make clam chowder and put it in a container filled to the brim; that when emptied can be thrown away. I have to admit, Jim’s chowder is pretty special!

“BUT JESUS called them to Him and said; “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles, lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant and whoever would be first among you must be your slave.” Matthew 20:25-27 Jesus is saying; we are to receive service and be glad!

CHRIST IS calling attention to the contrast between the ambition of the natural, once-born, man who covets power and glory for himself; and the born again man who is a Christ centered believer who’s ambitions are performed only in the will of God and are displayed by self-sacrificing love. Do you see the difference? Are you a Godly servant? Do you expect recompense when offering self-sacrificing love? If you are wanting something in return, you can’t call it self-sacrificing at all! Jesus is saying; we are to give service and love doing it!

THE PICTURE of everyone being a servant is amazing. It mean’s that everyone is being served! The picture of everyone being served by everyone causes a moment of, no imagination, because I’ve never seen that done before! Let me ask you this question. Can you be served when you are the servant? Can you be the servant while being served? My answer to both questions is YES! Jesus has served us and in return we serve Him! We can be served and we can serve!

“EVEN as the Son of man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28 Jesus came to show us how to serve one another, not how to receive service. He came to sacrifice His life for each one of us. When we serve one another, we are sacrificing our natural being to give of ourselves without expectations. We have already received the promise of eternal life with our God. That is the servant hearts, reward!

ANOTHER WORD for service is love. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it; You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.” Matthew 22:37-40 Insert the word serve, for the word love and see how it reads. Fit’s doesn’t it? I love serving my grandsons! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/31/11

1 comment:

Donald W White said...

GOOD FOR JIM! What a BEAUTIFUL legacy to leave for your children and grandchildren. I also want my kids (and future grandkids) to know how much their parents/grandparents love each other. ("Husbands - LOVE your wives, just as Christ loved the church." Eph 5:25)