Sunday, August 28, 2011

WHY ME LORD! 8/28/11

I SUPPOSE, that just about everyone one of us, has whispered that line to ourselves. We were all, able to identify with Chris Christopherson when he sang that song with such a tired, lonesome voice. Recently I heard this song again, on Bill Gaither’s homecoming reunion TV show. And even then I felt this wave of sorrow and self pity wash over me and once again I was reminded of God’s grace and the place I am in today.

THOSE WHO have known me for a long, long time, have known a girl who grew into womanhood in the church. I have blossomed, I have aged, I have failed, I have felt lost! I have lost ground and gained some. We all go through many secret and wide open spaces which can develop us into maturity and even hold us back from realizing our potential.

YEARS AGO, shortly after we got a computer, Jim decided he should write his memories and leave it as a legacy for those who follow after him. A family history of sorts! I thought that was a good idea so I began to write mine. I found it tedious and not very worthwhile! I began with my earliest memory and got as far as nine years old. That was when we moved from Council Bluffs Iowa to California. But then I began to write my memories of my siblings. Then neither of us touched that program again, until 2008 when I began writing Morning Glory Devotionals.

MORNING GLORY was more for my benefit than in letting others read it. I was amazed I could do this and felt great satisfaction. Putting my thoughts down on paper was not something that I could easily do. I could formulate in my mind, but by the time I would try to put it down, it was gone. Where did that come from? Why couldn’t I do that before; how am I able to do that now? Why me Lord? The perplexity of the whole matter weighed on me. Jim just thought it was wonderful. Somewhere along the way, I felt an urgency and so excited; I couldn’t stop writing!

YEARS AGO, when I began teaching a women’s Sunday school class, a lesson on “How to pray,” I came across “He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false, and does not swear deceitfully, He will receive blessings from the Lord and vindication from the God of his salvation.” Psalms 24:4-5 This became my motto! We often sing a song that says; “Open my eyes, that I may see, glimpse’s of truth thou hast for me!” WOW!

THIS SCRIPTURE opened my eyes to God’s truths for me! I began to examine who I was in Christ and discovered that I was not as whole as I should be. The Holy Spirit within me took me to task and I began to pray asking the Lord for clean hands and a pure heart. And now I ask you, who read Morning Glory; “Please be patient with me, for God is not finished with me yet.”

I HAVE pretty much used up all of my memories and have begun to write in the present. Using this new gift that God has allowed me to use keeps me on my toes, just wondering what I should write about for Sunday’s, Morning Glory. I pray that each of you have discovered the Holy Spirit within you. I pray that the Holy Spirit will give you a boldness and will unleash the creative person that God has in store for you and for His purpose.

“AND PETER said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38 I realize many churches do not offer God’s invitation to receive Him and His gift through baptism. However, the way I see it; baptism is important, because this is the only place that the scriptures offer you and me the gift of the Holy Spirit; through baptism is when we receive the gift!

“FOR THE KINGDOM of God does not mean food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit; he who thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual up building.” Romans 14:17-19 Engage the Holy Spirit and become all that you can be in Christ Jesus! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/25/11

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