Saturday, June 21, 2014


WHAT IS our world coming to? I received an e-mail a while back and filed it for future use. I came across it the other day and decided it had merit and that I needed to add it to my Morning Glory topics. It was referred to as a satire and was sent from one pastor to another. It has humor but it is oh so true, and isn’t far off from actually becoming a matter of fact! It begins with the Pastor greeting his congregation: "Praise the Lord!" The congregation greets the pastor with; "Hallelujah!"

THEN THE MORNING BEGINS: Pastor: "Will everyone please turn on your tablet, PC, iPad, smart phone, and Kindle Bibles to 1 Corinthians 13:13. And please switch on your Bluetooth to download the sermon.." (A short pause!) "Now, Let us pray committing this week into God’s hands. Open your Apps, BBM, Twitter and Facebook, and chat with God!"    (S-i-l-e-n-c-e) . THE PASTOR continues; "As we take our Sunday tithes and offerings, please have your credit and debit cards ready." "You can log on to the church Wi-Fi using the password ‘Lord909887.’ 
A. "THOSE who prefer to make electronic fund transfers are directed to computers and laptops at the rear of the church.
B. THOSE who prefer to use iPads can open them.
C. THOSE who prefer telephone banking, take out your cell phones to transfer your contributions to the church account."

THE HOLY atmosphere of the Church becomes truly electrified as ALL the smart phones, iPads, PCS and laptops beep and flicker! The Pastor continues with the; "Final blessing and closing announcements......."
A. THIS week’s ministry cell meetings will be held on the various Facebook group pages where the usual group chatting takes place. Please log in and don’t miss out.
B. THURSDAY’s Bible study will be held live on Skype at 1900 hrs GMT. Please don’t miss out!
C. YOU CAN follow your Pastor on Twitter this weekend for counseling and prayers.
D. GOD BLESS you and have a nice day!

THE ONLY question I have regarding the possibility of all of this is; "WHAT ABOUT ME!" I don’t have all that stuff and if I did, I am not sure I would know how to do all of that, and be able to walk close with the Lord. I need to be refueled and reset! I want that time to remember the Lord right along side all of His followers. I have needs, that electronics could never fill! Not even if they were done by robots or automated!

I LOVE IT when we come together and sing songs giving Him all our praise and worship. I love it when we honor Him by focusing our attention upon Him and giving Him our words of love. I love it when we can bring our sacrifice of praise into His house! The highlight for me is when we come together around His table and remember how much He loves me! WOW! My heart is filled up with His love for me and His people. Makes me feel good and gives me the power to continue keeping on!

"THIS IS THE DAY that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalms 118:24 Let’s forget about our toys and come into His house to worship Him and to magnify His name. Nothing is more glorious than to be in God’s house with God’s people giving Him all the praise and the glory that is due Him! Amen! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/19/14

(Pastors Raymond Scott and Phil Roland)

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