Sunday, November 30, 2014


RECENTLY I was reminded about the pilgrim’s during their first winter of 1621. This was not a time of bounty but a time of despair and heartache. The Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock 393 years ago, experienced nothing but hardships. They lived under a difficult rule and everybody gave into the same pot. The crops were far and few between. They waited for the supply ship to come, and when it did, it brought more mouths to feed but not any food. We have studied about the loss of life, but did you realize, that half of all the people that had made the trip, died?

ABUNDANCE came only in the corn harvest. This was stored for their second winter but was not enough. They rationed out the corn, with everyone getting their portion. They hoped that the game and fish would see them through, however, supplies dwindled away. The story goes that because the supplies were so low, everyone was forced to a daily ration of only five kernels of corn. Amazingly, they survived on so little food; no one died of starvation!

AT THE END OF 1622, out of desperation, the leaders gave up and told all those who were there, that they were on their own. No longer did they have to share their wealth, but were given a piece of ground and were told to take care of themselves. What a novel idea! Take care of yourself, and not expect your neighbor to take care of you.

THE PILGRIMS didn’t have much, but they possessed a great gratitude to God. They came, they conquered the ground, they planted and reaped a strong harvest. They helped each other as they began to till their own land and made friends with the Indians. These people were devoted to purpose, sincere, and devoted in their faith to God! This is how our nation began! Their perseverance is to be admired because it has brought us here today!

AFTER THAT third winter, 1623, they held the famous Thanksgiving Dinner with turkey and the bounty from their farms. They invited their new friends, the Massasoit and the Wampanoag Indians, that also brought game to add to the feast. But because of the deprivation they experience in the previous years they adopted a custom of putting five kernels of corn upon each empty plate before the dinner was served. Each member of the family would pick up a kernel and tell what they were thankful for. It was to remind them that their first winters were dreadful and their portion was only five kernels of corn per person each day.

THIS LAST Thursday, as my family sat around our Thanksgiving table, each one was to tell what we were thankful for. As I began to think about what I was thankful for I was mentally making my list and thought about family, Jim, my children and my grandchildren. Our home, friends, my siblings and our church. All of a sudden it was my turn and I blurted out; I am thankful "I have High Fructose corn syrup Malabsorption". I have a stomach condition where I no longer eat like normal people. But I am very thankful! I have not been in the ER since December 25, 2013. I praise the Lord everyday for my condition!

I REJOICE in the Lord, I am very thankful! Like Paul, I too do not complain of want, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be thankful! In all circumstances God’s peace is mine. I just have to reach out and grab hold of it! Paul says the secret to face plenty and hunger, abundance and want - is by knowing that with God’s strength I can survive. (Paraphrase) Philippians 4:10-13

"REJOICE in the Lord always; again, I will say, Rejoice. Let all men know your forbearance. The Lord is at hand. Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7 No matter what, be thankful!        By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/30/14

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