Sunday, December 7, 2014


WHAT IS so fast about waiting in line? Most fast food chains have a line of cars waiting to move forward to place an order. If you go inside you may find yourself in a line waiting to place your order. The only difference between fast foods and a sit down restaurant is you get waited on to order in the latter, while in the others you can sit or stand, but in any case you wait! I hate waiting and I guess that can tell you what kind of patience I have.

HOW ABOUT YOU? Is waiting, or patience, your long suit or does it show up your short comings? Waiting is the name of the game! We wait to visit the Doctor; we wait after an engagement to get married; we wait at least nine months for the child to be born; and we wait until they grow up so we can get some rest. We wait until dawn to begin a new day and we wait for the sun set so we end our day with sleep. We are always waiting for someone or something, and we wait for the second coming of Jesus!

HOW MANY of you are recognizing the different values of the Christmas season by following the days of Advent. We are doing it at our church and I am leading a Ladies Bible Study that is featuring the Advent. I even receive emails daily thru the month of December, all talking about the Advent of Jesus Christ.

IT DOESN’T matter how you follow the Advent, or that they are all the same. Our church began with HOPE, Jesus is the light of the world. The Ladies Bible Study begins with WAIT. The Israelites waited for the Messiah and when He came they didn’t even recognize Him. Today our hope is in Jesus Christ and we wait for His return!

FOLLOWING the days of Advent helps us to keep our focus on Jesus Christ. I know that the glitz and glitter of this season is something to behold. It attacks our eyes, what we are seeing; it attacks our noses; of the smells that surround us. It attacks our tastes buds and we can’t wait to taste the familiar flavors of Christmas mixed in with the new. The stores are all lit up calling my name; "Jane Ann come shop here, we have what you are looking for!"

BUT WITH all the sounds, the smells, the colors and tissue paper, those who follow Him are called by His name; Christian! We need to be reminded of who we are when we get so caught up in what the world is offering at this time of the year. I love the idea of Santa Claus; I love the giving and the receiving of gifts. I love decorating my home and putting up a tree. I specially like a fresh, flocked tree and even though my children and my grandchildren are grown, I like the secular walk in the park kind of celebration, but I love the mystery of the spiritual aspect of Christmas .

MAKE NO MISTAKE, I know the difference. I know whom my redeemer is and that He is alive! I know who I have chosen to follow and I know that He came as a child and was born in Bethlehem. I know that He grew up and as a man began a ministry that turned the world upside down. "But they that wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31    While we wait for the Lords return, perhaps we should be (waiting on) serving Him!

MANY YEARS before the birth of Jesus, the Old Testament prophets were writing and talking about waiting for one who would be like a light in the darkness. Those to whom they spoke, were weary with impatience. They wanted the Messiah now! They yearned for God to be on their clock. Years added to more years, but through the events of history, through priests and poets, God said; "WAIT!" However, it is how one waits that matters. Advent does not give us permission to rush to the manger; it says "WAIT!" May God bless you during this season!      Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/6/14

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