Monday, March 23, 2009


This week we are going to look at war. We like to complain about our government and our position in the world, but this week I want to look at some of the realities of war from the past to today. My grandson Adam is preparing for his stint in Iraq and that brings this subject close to our family. I know that some of you are in the same boat. Holding onto God as our anchor will keep us in safe harbors.
Jim’s Mom lived in a small trailer near us on our property in Sam’s Valley. The property had lots of trees and was surrounded with hills. During the spring it would come alive and during the summers it was full of color and sunshine. My favorite was the winters when the trees became bare and the moon would pale. The starkness of winter was stunning! Jim’s Mom hated that look! She said it was cold and empty! The older I get the more I understand the thoughts of my mother-in-law. I too feel the cold and the emptiness during winter especially during the winters of war that lasts not just for a season but for many seasons.

My #1 grandson, Adam, upon graduating from highschool enlisted in the Army National Guard. He signed up for the educational program which means he is not army active but can be deployed at anytime as needed. Of course this strong willed young man seems to have that devastating internal urge to use his manhood by using his mental and physical prowess to strategically win his battles. But then he is a sharp shooter! The men in the family are pleased with Adams decision because our Country is and has been for several years at war. We need young men and women who are willing to not be fearful and put their lives on the line to protect the interests and freedoms of this wonderful Country. However, the women who are closest to these who have chosen to go, know we could be facing a very long winter.

War can be devastating to families who have seen their loved ones go off and never come back. The return of a loved one from war, whether whole or maimed is a welcome sight. War can tear families apart and war can tear Countries apart because of those who dare to become dissidents. Dissidents are those not wanting war because of lives lost and because we are not the police of the world. These dissidents haven’t noticed the senseless deaths on the highway because of drunk drivers. The amount of deaths due to drug overdose. Nor diseases that ravish the body. Most dissidents are immature idealists! The statistics are everywhere and the numbers are staggering. Loss of life in war is hard, but this is one time that I can agree with much difficulty, that the loss of life in war is honorable and just. My heart aches for families who have experienced such a loss but I know in their grieving they are also proud of their spouse, brother/sister or child’s sacrifice in time of need.

The world looks upon our God with; "Why does your God allow these things"? The Christian world often looks upon God with; "God is love, war is mans doing"! Joshua 5:13-15 puts God in perspective as to where God stands when it comes to war. Joshua asks if the man with sword drawn was an adversary. He says; "No; I am commander of the army of the Lord"! The commander tells Joshua to take off his shoes because he is standing on holy ground. When you read about the exploits of God’s army you will find that they would annihilate the land and destroy all that breathed. The reason why God’s army was so fearsome, was if you did not believe in God and follow His commands you would pay the price.

God’s army was and is great because they followed their formidable leader. That same formidable leader puts man in charge of army’s to punish the lawlessness of man. Nobody likes war not even God! Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:6; "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not alarmed; for this must take place, but the end is not yet." Nation against nations, famines and earthquakes; all this is just the beginning. We cannot escape war by running away or hiding. War is providential and necessary. God has deemed it so! "But he who endures to the end will be saved"; Matthew 24:13. Putting our trust in God is what will keep us warm during the winters of war. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/14/08

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