Sunday, March 21, 2010

THE KEY! 3/21/10

I have heard it said, that how many keys you carry, show your importance. How many keys do you have? I have a lot besides other stuff on my key chain which include our car keys of which I don't use because I seldom drive. However, I don't have one house key among the bunch and we have three doors. Go figure!

Why do we have to have so many keys? I suppose it could be one of the conveniences of our time. You have a key to get into your work place; the church; your cars; your house; your mother's house and so it goes. Key's are only good when they work. Jim recently had three new keys made for a new deadbolt. One of the keys didn't fit! He didn't return it so we have enough for Jim, my son and my daughter. A few days ago he bought new deadbolts for all three doors and they use the same key. What a concept; One key for all doors! I still don't have one!

It has been said that the key to success depends upon who you know. I guess I haven't known any of the right people; I've been happy, but not necessarily successful as the world determines success. I suppose success depends also upon your determination and perseverance of which I have had neither. I have never even asked for a raise! It has been said that to sing you have to be able to sing on key. Perhaps, but I have heard many sing, even professionally; who couldn't. I think those who said; "I can't carry a tune in a basket," are probably right!

Did you know that one of the key attributes of God is grace? It is among His being "merciful and gracious; long-suffering and abounding in goodness and truth." Exodus 34:6 Therefore, grace is almost always associated with these attributes in the Old Testament. God showed His grace through the redemption of the Hebrew people when He took them out of Egypt. This was not because of their perfections or merit but in spite of their imperfections. Even though God's grace is given freely it must not be taken for granted. It is a gift given by God to be received by man through repentance and faith. The Israelites learned the hard way!

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld His glory as the only Son from the Father." John 1:14 Jesus is the grace of God as revealed in His person and in His works. "God the Father embodied Jesus Christ with His grace so that it would appear for the salvation of all men. Training us to renounce godlessness and worldly passions; and to live sober, upright and Godly lives in this world." Titus 2:11-12

Jesus restored the broken fellowship between God and man through grace which took place upon the cross; His death and His resurrection. "But we believe that we shall be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus; just as they will." Acts 15:11 Here the Apostles were speaking to the counsel, setting them straight about the gospel being spread even by those who were not circumcised. We know that God's grace is offered to all!

Sometimes it is difficult to understand God's gift of grace. Do we have grace to give as God gave to us or is it because of God's grace that we are able to receive the Spirit, who is called the Spirit of grace; the one who holds Christ to His people so that they can be forgiven, complete for adoption, as children of God and to receive a new life. It is said; "But grace was given each of us according to the measure of Christ's gift." Ephesians 4:7 His gift was abundant upon the cross and He suffered and died for all. So now; "They are justified by His grace as a gift, through redemption which is in Jesus Christ." Romans 3:24 This is talking about us; those who have accepted Christ as the Son of God. Those who recognize Jesus as their Savior.

I have heard God's grace being used without thought; but I believe that God's grace is what holds us all in the balance. Without it we are in darkness; with it we shine. Together we continue building the bridge that Jesus began. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 3/12/10

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