Saturday, March 6, 2010


Because I grew up in such a large family I can honestly say that I have never been alone. On occasion I have wanted to be alone and would play hooky from work just so I could stay at home all alone. It wasn't so I could accomplish any one thing but primarily just to have time to myself. Time to focus on me; my desires; my purpose or perhaps to get control of where I needed to be! I am not very good at that but it is something that is necessary in each of our lives. Our personal relations are relative. Haven't you ever wonderd who you are? Who you were? Who you could be in Jesus Christ?

If a young man, and you were an athlete, you would go off by yourself. Your head would be filled with dreams of becoming the next Babe Ruth. You would draw a circle on the fence and stand back and throw as many balls as you could, aiming always for the middle of the circle. Your batter's box; your bulls eye. However, with no catcher you had to collect that single baseball, that you threw over and over again.

I remember as an early teen standing in the arch of the rose arbor with a baseball glove on my left hand. My brother Layton, would throw without mercy and I would catch his hard ball over and over again. I never screamed or cried but I did say; "I'm sorry" a lot, because each time I would drop or miss the ball, I would feel bad.

Practice makes perfect, or so we are told. But often we need a little time to ourselves to work out the kinks so that we could perfect who we are. Even after perfecting our stand; our position; our style we still need moments to see if our directions are correct; if we are headed in the right way and if we are able to stay the course.

"And in the morning, a great while before day; He rose and went out to a lonely place and there He prayed." Mark 1:35 When Jesus began His first preaching tour in Galilee, there were moments when He needed to be alone. In verse 37 Peter tells Jesus; "Every one is searching for you." Jesus needed time alone. Jesus needed those moments with the Father, just as we do!

When my babies were small the only place I could find to be alone was in the bathroom. We have a picture of Danny, about 14 months old, standing outside the bathroom door with tears streaming down his cheeks. I didn't go in there to get away from him; it was just the only place where I was alone. I know most mothers know exactly what I am saying.

"But so much more, the report went abroad concerning Him, and great multitudes gathered to hear and to be healed of their infirmities. But He withdrew to the wilderness and prayed." Luke 5:15-16 We know the story by heart, when Jesus prayed in the garden. His friends would fall alseep while waiting for Him. Jesus knew the importance of having His time alone with the Father to restore His purpose, His strength; to remember why His path had been made straight. Do you remember why? Do you remember why He prayed?" Was it for strength?

As a young mother, I remember those days of playing hooky reading God's word; praying for the directions I needed for my son and daughter; directions on how to become a better mother and an understanding wife. I latched onto the scripture where Jesus says; "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33 This passage was talking about overcoming anxiety and worrying about many things.

I posted this scripture on my refrigerator, until it became second nature to me. Each time God would renew my strength and even though I considered myself alone, I have never been alone! "Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it." Genesis 28:16b I love the idea that God is where I am. He can be with you also! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 3/2/10

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