Saturday, March 13, 2010

STAGE 4? 3/13/10

Goodmorning! Last weekend and the weekends leading up to Easter our discussion is on what it means to have Christ in our lives through His death, burial and resurrection. What it means to us when we say; "I believe that He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God!"

What would you do if the Doctor said to you; "You are in stage 4 and have less than 3 months to live? What would you think? Would you be surprised or perhaps you had already come to the conclusion yourself! Stage 4 has touched many of our lives and if it hasn't, it will. Jim says that while in stage 4 we know stage 5 is near! Hallelujah!

I know of a man who was taken with tobacco, alcohol. self centeredness and turned into a man who welcomed Christ as his guest when praying at the table. I saw him fall in love with two young people that were hard for him to love when he first married their mother. He and his wife had two more children, but he eventually, considered all four of them as his. Circumstances caused him to look at his life and he knew he had to make some changes. He let the alcohol go except for the occasional wine. He quit smoking when he realized it was hurting him. He became a man that God was beginning to work in, using him as a witness and so much more. Some found it hard to see the changes, but we did!

I was there when after many days and tests, the Doctor came into his hopsital room where he was sitting up on his bed. She went through some of the results of tests and then said; "you know you have cancer and are in stage 4!" His wife, his daughter-in-law and I watched as he sighed. It was almost like he was relieved. He already knew this in his heart but now it has finally been said. He now knows for sure and so does everyone else. The first thing he asked was; "When can I go home!" The Doctor suggested he stay with them a little longer so that they could walk him through the days ahead; and to introduce Hospice, who would be in to get him set up for their visits and care. But he was restless, he wanted to get on with the rest of his life and he wanted to do it at home. He was calm, cool and collected! But anxious all the same. This man was amazing as he showed us in the following weeks, how to die. He was ready!

The inevitability of death and taxes is something people like to say but when it happens it is as though it was not expected. A man who did prison ministry visited an inmate who said; "You know I am dying!" The minister said; "Well, so am I; we all are dying!" I am sure the man in our story thought he could do a lot in three months, but he did it in less. He visited with everyone he could. He sent emails; went to church carrying his oxygen tank; and encouraged all.
He was moving a little slower each day but he was keeping on with every bit of energy he had.

A special celebration of life happened on Saturday night. It wasn't advertised, but as people heard about it, they came. Those who knew and loved this man were there. The Gospel Hymns Quartet came out of retirement; of course they were family. Other family members gave their praise and worship; lots of praising going on! Many spoke including Bud; family and friends. What a special time to say "I love you." What an opportunity for Bud to share his changed life in the Lord, with those who were there. On the following Wednesday he entered stage 5.

1 Corinthians 13:12 says; "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood." What a fantastic afternoon Bud had on Wednesday! Our God is "awesome!" "Bud was a amazing!" "Simon Peter asked Him; "Lord, where are you going?" Jesus replied; "Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but you will follow later." John 13:36 When we die we enter stage 5; a new beginning in our eternal life. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 3/9/10

1 comment:

elandreth said...

Wish we could have been there to share in that special occasion. Isn't retirement stage four anyhow? So if the doctors tell us that we can say "I've already been living there so bring it on." A sad thing is that my cousin and his wife have two little girls, 8 and 10 and she has just found out she has stage four breast cancer. That should have been me instead of her. She will miss out on the weddings and the grand babies. At least they are Christians but it is still very sad and painful for that family. I've told God many times "I've already had enough good things in my life to last a lifetime--come what may."