Sunday, October 23, 2011


WE DON’T usually consider the Pastor as one who would lay down his life for his flock or congregation. We don’t usually put the physical life of the Pastor in the same roll as a martyr; one who gives up his life for another. But many times a Pastor puts his personal life on hold, even when he has his own family. I have often wondered; “How can we do that, to a man of God?” There are times he would willingly lay down his life, for someone in his flock, but we are not privy to that side of him.

AS A YOUNG WIFE, I had many plans for my future. Jim and I loved being together and planning was so much fun. But I soon realized that I needed more conversation than Jim knew how to make. So even while children were to be in our future, I decided I needed children now. When Danny came along and then Jennifer, Jim and I realized our lives were now on hold. Our children consumed all of our attention. Even though we stilled loved being together, and still had plans, we now had other things to think about. We would have laid down our lives for our children, and we still would!

ONE OF JIM’S favorite things to say is; “Here, let me stop this important thing that I am doing, and let me help you!” Can that be laying down your life for another? Another one of Jim’s favorite things to say is; “It’s okay, this isn’t as important as what you are doing!” He doesn’t say these things as much as when we were young. But I remember!

WHEN a Missionary decides, in his heart, that he wants to go into the mission field, the first thing he considers; “Can I lay down my life for another?” Many missionaries have done just that! We have read true stories that tell us about the adventure, the romance and the dangers of real life Missionaries. We have seen their stories portrayed on the big screen. We have heard first hand their stories, when they take time for a home bound furlough from the mission field, to report to those who are interested in God’s church, all over the world.

LAYING DOWN YOUR LIFE, does not necessarily mean to die. It means to give up, to change your mind, to replace your plans with other plans that could interfere with a normal life of family and achievements. It could mean, having children and not becoming a school teacher for many years. It could mean, taking a job on land, when you would prefer to be at sea. Perhaps it is wanting to do something, that gnaws at you, until you give in and just do it.

“PETER SAID to Him; “Lord, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.” John 13:37 Oh yes, Peter was willing to lay down his life for Jesus. He knew he could do it! However, Jesus knew what was in his heart for he said; “Will you lay down your life for me? Truly, truly, I say to you, the cock will not crow, till you have denied me three times.” John 13:38 When the time came, Peter did lay down his life; can we do no less for our Lord?

TO BECOME a Pastor or a Missionary, many things are taken into consideration. “And every one who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.” Matthew 19:29 To become a Pastor or a Missionary, who finds a wife or a husband who wants the same things, and can go into this service together, are blessed!

“FOR WHOEVER would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.” Mark 8:35 I am not a Missionary, nor did I marry a full time Pastor; but Jim and I serve the Lord with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength. We are totally blessed in the service of the King. In my heart I believe I would give my life for my Savior but when the count is down, could I? Oh to be like Jesus, and to be so strong in the faith, that I could! Think about it; can you give your life for the Savior? Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/11/11

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