Saturday, September 18, 2010

THE SUMMER OF 1947! 9/18/10

I WAS 9 years old in the summer of 47. Short red hair with freckles; not very tall and I wore high top brown shoes. I remember boarding a train at the Union Pacific railroad in Iowa which was to take my family to California, the land of milk and honey; or perhaps a place with jobs, oranges and palm trees.

IN IOWA there are four seasons. School being out was summer; winter heralded in Christmas. Flowers, popping up everywhere meant it was spring and in the fall the rains came. In California the weather was pretty much the same year round but we knew when it was Christmas time because a large box would come in the mail. That box was loaded with presents for everyone. Once in a while we would receive a very large fruit basket. Harriet would write the nicest letters to Momma and also sent beautiful cards.

LISLE WAS THE ELDEST of the children and he married Harriet! They didn't move to California. They stayed in Iowa and raised their family! They still live in Iowa! And that is where Jim, Jennifer and I are headed this next week.

I KEEP DRAGGING my feet because I really don't like car trips. I wasn't always that way but I am now! 5 to 6 hours on the road is enough for me. A few nights in someone else's bed is enough for me. A 5 to 6 hours return trip home is enough for me! We will leave on the 21st and return home on October 2nd. Please pray for Jim and Jennifer that their adventure will be great in spite of me.

YOU MIGHT THINK I really don't want to go home. You might think that leaving at age 9 means I have no memory of home. You could be right! When some of the family moved to Oregon and Idaho, Lisle and Harriet would always visit wherever Mom was. During the time she lived in Oregon where we live, we got to see them. While Mom lived in California, you were lucky if you were also visiting when Lisle and Harriet were there.

LISLE CAME when Mom, Lonnie & Lloyd were ill. Lisle came to Daddy's Layton's Mom's and Lloyd's memorial services. Lisle was very attentive to his family even though he lives many miles away.

LISLE JUST CELEBRATED his 88th birthday! Harriet is not far behind at 86 and they have been married over 60 plus years. I am excited about seeing them once again. I am excited about visiting with my nephew Bob and Cindy; also my niece Robin and her family. Family is so important even when we are absent from one another!

JESUS THOUGHT family life was important. He developed a close relationship with His Apostles and visited frequently with Mary, Martha and their brother Lazarus. He said to allow the children to come to Him and best of all, He calls us family. We are His brothers and sisters! We have the same Father and are striving to achieve that family resemblance.

THE SCRIPTURES talk of the man who gives freely of himself. Especially one within a family! "He who troubles his household will inherit wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise." Proverbs 11:29 Have you seen this happen within families? Do you understand the root problem?

SOMETIMES when we follow the path of the fool our judgements are hindered. Not sound or of good report. "He who is greedy for unjust gain makes trouble for his household, but he who hates bribes will live." Proverbs 15:27 We must walk circumspect becasue we are Christ's ones. We have a Father who cares for us! "Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn awawy from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones." Proverbs 3:7-8 As part of the family of God, we are always home! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/17/10

1 comment:

elandreth said...

I hear you. I don't like trips anymore. Planning them seems all fun and then as the time approaches I begin realizing what all I am leaving behind. My computer nest, my bed, my familiar foods. Maybe we could liken this to our hesitation to leaving this world for that great family reunion in heaven. We know it will be better than here but it is hard to leave the familiar. But I saw my mother cross that boundary with peace and I know I will be at peace too.