Wednesday, February 4, 2009

On 2/2 I referred to the Freedom of Choice Act as the Fair Choice Act. Later I tried to go back and edit it but the format appeared changed and I didn't know how to do it - so I am making the correction here, because today and tomorrow I refer to it again, but as Freedom of Choice Act.

Years ago when I used this subject
for one of my Sunday School lesson’s, an elderly lady, age 84, came to me after church and asked to speak to me privately in the office. She has long since passed away so I think I can use her story here today. When she was a young woman and before she met Jesus and accepted Him as her savior, she had an abortion. She already had two children, when she became pregnant. Her husband at the time didn’t have a "real" job but was working with a neighboring farmer and they barely had enough to live on as it was. She didn’t tell her husband of her predicament but confiding in a neighbor lady, they decided between the two of them to abort the baby and no one would be the wiser. Their preparation was for my friend to drink some kind of liquid and the neighbor lady had a coat hanger handy if that didn’t work. My friend was very ill afterwards but then later was fine. She knew in her heart that she had done the right thing! Later she became pregnant again but their circumstances were better and she gave birth to her youngest daughter, whom she loved very much. She was telling me this story because she still felt that she did the right thing, but knew that she needed to ask God for forgiveness, even though she still felt justified. I encouraged her to keep talking this out with God and that the Holy Spirit would convict her of her guilt. I knew she was telling me about this in hopes I would condone her actions and assure her that she had done the right thing and then she could be convinced again that her actions were correct. We prayed about her situation, leaving it with the Holy Spirit to convict her of this. Doing something that is wrong certainly does not make it right, even in the long run. She did not hate me for my counsel and even continued to attend the Ladies Class. I know when we come to Christ all is made new but in her heart she had not repented of her actions. I know that our God's love is much greater than ours!

We live in a society that says "it is your body and you have the choice to make decisions concerning it". Those of you, who have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior need to understand that your body is the Temple of the Living God who dwells in us. You may say that it is Jesus or you may say it is the Holy Spirit, but in either case it is the Living God! He dwells in you and you are commanded to keep yourself a living sacrifice unto Him. The scriptures tell us that "whatever we say or do, we are to do it as though unto the Lord".

Now, the world we live in is depraved! It wants to curse God and live for the flesh! We are in the world but we are not of the world. If we obey God’s commandments "we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us:" (Phil. 4:13) If we accept the way of the world, like the Israelites accepted the pagan world before us...Well then.....GOD HELP US ALL!

I couldn’t sleep one night and so I turned on Joyce Myers, who was interviewing a popular TV evangelist (I can’t remember his name and I don’t remember ever seeing him before). It showed a video of his earlier ministry working with his wife in missions - as the video started the commentator says; "a product of rape" he mentioned his name and began to show and tell about himself. You have to understand it was about 3:00 am so I wasn’t picking up everything that was being said but I caught that very first line "a product of rape". When we choose to abort our babies we deny the world and God’s Kingdom of possible, wonderful, children of God.

Our new President said as part of his campaign that the first thing he would do as President is to sign the Freedom of Choice Act. This would eradicate state and federal laws that the majority of Americans support. We must stand firm for It is written; "God never commanded it and it never entered His mind". Jane Ann

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