Tuesday, October 27, 2009

GOD'S SEASONS - The Lazy Days of Summer!

Vacations, Sunshine, Long nights, Breezes, BBQ's, Swimming parties, and just plain lazy days; is Summer in a nut shell. This is the season that Mom's and kids look forward too. This is the season filled with opportunities and plans and adventures. This is the season for fishing, hiking, camping, traveling and being lazy.

As a kid Summer meant 'summer school.' I don't know if we needed the extra schooling or perhaps we were in the 55% that would not retain what we had learned so needed an extra four to six weeks to keep up. I don't know if it was so that we would not be left home alone; or so that our Mother wouldn't be concern about where we were, at least for a few more weeks. But I loved summer school. It was fun and filled with great memories!

As a parent I loved Summer because it meant my kids would be home with me all day. As a parent I hated it when summer was over and school was to begin again. I think of all the seasons, Summer is the the surprise. It falls right in between Spring which is full of new life and color and Fall that brings the cool early nights and burnt orange, reds and yellows into view.

Summer is a surprise because although its merge is subtle, Spring merges into Summer and Summer into Fall without a hiccup. I like it when the nights get shorter and the heat that warmed up to hot, would just softly cool down and we give a sigh of relief.

When Jim and I retired and because of some health issues I was cold all the time. We moved to Klamath Falls where the seasons are prominent. The Summer sun hits the front of our home in the morning and in the back in the afternoons. We would sit in the swing on the front deck and feel the warmth of Summer and it was sooooo good. God always seems to know what we need when we need it.

We need Summer! In the Summer months we rest; we play; we visit! We have parties outdoor and invite family and friends. We are more open with each other to share our love and experiences. During the Summer we build relationships and smile because we feel good. The warmth of the sun does that for us. The warmth of the sun reinvigorates our whole being and does our body good. It is sort of like the seventh day when God rested.

"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. On the seventh day God finished his work which he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all his work." Genesis 2:1-2 In other words, it must have been Summer and God took a vacation. He sat back on the front porch and soaked up the sun. He invited all the angels and had a BBQ. I suppose you could call that a little bit of a writer's humor or taking liberties with God's word.

Growing up in my family, we didn't go on vacations. We didn't plan doing anything special but we went on picnics. We had great picnics! Our family was large enough that you would have thought we would have needed to reserve a spot but in those days that was not required. We always seemed to have fried chicken and baked beans. Never had chips or pop but homemade root beer. It was an all day affair and looked forward to with great anticipation.

Remember the story of Noah! When the ark landed on dry ground Noah built an altar to the Lord. When the Lord smelled the pleasing odor, the Lord said in His heart; "I will never again curse the ground because of man." Genesis 8:20-21a We take our seasons for granted. We take the sun, rain, snow and wind in matter of course. But our God created all of the elements for our use and enjoyment. "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, days and night, shall not cease." Genesis 8:22 I ask myself, which season is my favorite? I think, today is my favorite. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/19/09

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