Thursday, October 29, 2009

GOD'S SEASONS - Long Days of Winter!

Depending upon what the weatherman says; Winters can be long or not long at all. As a child I remember cold, snow, rain and more snow. As a young girl and adult I remember wind, rain and we wore sweaters and light jackets. California has wonderful Winters! In my early thirties we moved to Oregon and experienced cold winters with all of the above. It seemed like Winter would never end.

Winters are necessary for our farmers, gardens, lakes and streams. Winters are necessary for our economy and well being. Many places are not pleasant to winter in and so snow birds were coined for those who would go to warmer climate to spend their Winters, just like the snow birds.

It's hard to believe that something so beautiful and yet so treacherous could be so necessary. Something important goes on in the ground during the dormant days of Winter that is very much needed for the farmers and our gardens. The Winter snow packs, melt and replenish the lakes and streams which are so important to water life and to the farmers.

I suppose the soil becomes rejuvenated, the worms and other little critters multiply and the seeds that fell through the Fall have germinated and will be ready to sprout again come Spring. Our God, the master planner and creator left nothing out when it came to our well being. Our God, the master planner and creator knew just what we would need to survive in this big wonderful world and gave us that and more.

Sometimes I wish I could be a bear and hiberate. Nothing I like more than on a cold Winters night than to be suggled up in my blanket in front of the fire, and a cup of something warm in my hands to drink. However, I am not a bear and I do get cold! I am sure Jim wishes I was a bear because I end up laying as close as possible to him to keep warm even though we have many warm blankets on top of us. Could it be I just like being near him?

I remember one snow fall while living in Iowa when I was 7 or 8 years old. The snow would be about 18" or more in our front yard. We would clear out the snow leaving walls for rooms. I can't remember what we did with the floor plan after we finished it but I can still see the frame work in my mind. I remember the milk sitting out with a lump of ice at the top and it was slow pouring to get any milk until the ice had melted some. It didn't matter because I don't ever remember getting much milk except for what was in a can.

In Oregon I loved to make fresh tracks in the snow. I remember getting my family around one evening; putting on our boots so we could go out and make those fresh tracks. I wasn't much into making snow angels but I have watched many others doing just that. Going into the hills to get a fresh Christmas Tree was the highlight of Winter the first few years of living in Oregon. A big pot of chili; standing around the fire; throwing snow balls and just plain, good old fashion family fun. Have you been there? Do you remember family times?

"A devout man who feared God, with all his household, gave alms liberally to the people and prayed constantly to God." Acts 10:2 This is a story about Cornelius, a centurion, who believed; he and all his family. What a blessing for a family who come together in one accord to worship and follow the Lord. "So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men and especially to the family who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10 Those of us who are also of the family of God are truly blessed as we are about our Father's business, especially as a family.

Sometimes it is difficult to be cooped up with our families or friends when the Winter weather is closing in on us. However, when we have the presence of the Lord, Winter becomes the closeness, love, warmth and the greatest of times. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/20/09

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