Wednesday, December 17, 2008

When Jim read the question;
"What is your memory of your first school Christmas
Program", he realized, he didn’t have any memories of a Christmas program at any grade level. When I considered that, I also couldn’t pick up on any other Christmas programs except for Highschool. The choir would always sing the Hallelujah Chorus and would invite all alumni and others who have sung this chorus through past years, to sing with them. Obviously we must have sung other Christmas songs or carols! I tried to remember if our children had any other Christmas school programs after Eagle Point but only remember participating in the Jr. High choir singing the Hallelujah chorus of which Jim had never sung before then.

My Grand kids attend a private Christian school! Every year the elementary through high school have a Christmas program which includes the band and choirs. Even the children from pre-school through primary grades have their own night to celebrate and always a packed house is expected.

The Christian world has been in shock over all the changes in the world regarding Christmas these past 20 or so years. However, it appears it was coming for well over 60 years and we were oblivious to the apparent connotations of slipping in Xmas and greetings of ‘Happy Holidays". I myself am shocked to realize how I let it all slip by me without batting an eyelid! How about you? Did you know in the 50's that Christ was becoming less and less of the focal point and even Santa Claus was taking back stage to the superficiality of the season and greed?

I have always loved the hustle and bustle of the shopping trends, especially the good buys. I have always loved the carols and secular Christmas songs you hear over the sound systems as you shop from store to store. I have always experienced a happy fulfillment as I watched all the shoppers and the excited looks on the children’s faces. Every year I remember, I never took my children Christmas shopping until it was their turn to shop for their Dad and he would take them shopping for me. The stores are filled with children and their parents, Christmas shopping. The element of surprise and even Santa Claus is no longer wait and see.

I guess you have to get old until you can honestly say; "I miss the good ole days"! New traditions are good, but I sure miss some of the old ones, don’t you? I remember in my teen years Mom would have a pot of Oyster Stew on the stove so that when family members came by to drop off packages and pick up packages for under their tree, they would stop and have a bowl of stew. I don’t think anyone in the family does that any more! Not even at the Christmas Eve party! How about you? What tradition of yours has gone by the wayside? "Joy to the World, the Lord has come"! Jane Ann

1 comment:

Carrie Wheeler said...

It's still going.!!! The Bye family Christmas Eve gathering still has the gift exchange and the oyster stew along with all the other goodies. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.