Wednesday, May 6, 2009

DID YOU KNOW that the word Mom is not found in my Webster’s new American
Dictionary dated 1965? However, the word Momus (with a capital M) is and it means The ancient Creek god of ridicule; hence, a fault-finder or a carping critic....pretty much sounds like a Mom doesn’t it? Isn’t that how we see our Mom’s - as one who always seems to find fault?

DID YOU KNOW that the word mother means 1) a female parent 2) Woman serving as head of a nunnery 3) thick substance in fermenting vinegar. It also means to serve in place of a mother and to care for...Hummmm!

Many of us are classified as Moms or Mothers. Giving birth does not make a Mother but caring for someone does. Those of us who have given birth and have loved and nurtured our off springs feel the name Mom belongs to us - and believe me when we hear someone call Mom all of our heads turn. Many can be called Mothers because in someway we have mothered someone or something. Besides Mom’s, we have Aunts who mother their nieces and nephews. We have Mothers who have adopted children and have cared for them as though they came from below their hearts. We have women today, who have cared for their animals (cats and dogs) as though they are their children.

This week I want to talk about Mom’s. If you have something to share please comment or send me an email. Otherwise you are just going to hear about my Mom. I have many things that cause me to remember different things about her. My Mom....My Mother!

When we were children my mother sang to us a cradle song. When our children were small, we would sing them the same little song. For a little girl it would go like this; I’ve a darling small baby and her eyes are blue, she can open and shut them and smile at us to. In the morning we dress her and she goes out to play but I love best to rock her at the close of the day". If it was a boy the eyes would be brown. He would open and shut them and look all around.

I could tell you many stories about my Mom such as she had an 8th grade education and was very smart with numbers, had beautiful penmanship and could talk on many subjects and had common sense. She would read a book while walking to and from her work. She would check our heads for lice if a report came from the schools about head lice, but then she also liked checking the dogs for fleas.

Exodus 20:12 "Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." Please note it does not say the little word "IF".....It just says do it! Your mother may have been a bad mother and you may never have known your father...but the two of them conceived you and gave you life whereby you could know the Lord and serve Him. Honor that union because it gave you life! Through that union you have been given the opportunity to know the Lord. What you do with that is entirely up to you. Jane Ann

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