Friday, May 22, 2009

When Jim and I first went house hunting back in the early 60's, houses were plentiful and prices were amazing compared to today. When we finally settled on our first home, our excitement was overshadowed by the loss of our first baby. I miscarried during my first trimester! Through the years we have wondered who this child was and what contribution to our lives would this child have brought. However, later the same year I became pregnant again. Nine months later we had Danny and 13 months later we had Jennifer. God is so Good! Even though we wonder about our first, we know that one day we will meet that child face to face. God took away our sorrow and blessed us with two children that have been a joy and delight not only to our souls but to our whole existence.

We lived in the big city of Torrance, Ca. for eight years and then moved to Oregon. We rented an old house in an area that I refer to as Peyton Place. You need to be old enough to remember that book/movie! This was not a desirable neighborhood but it was the only house we could rent, as everything listed in the paper was already rented before the paper hit the streets. We bought a piece of property in the country and had plans to build. We bought a two bedroom 12 x 60 mobile home. We put in a driveway, well, Septic tank w/drain field and a power pole. We called it home for about 4 years. Needless to say we never did get started building our home. Work, Gospel Quartet and life just seem to get in the way so we bought a beautiful double wide home and placed it on a pad a little further from our first house.

After 17 years we sold the property and moved about 13 miles closer to the big city and bought a home that needed some remodeling and TLC. When we retired we sold that home and bought a home where my grandchildren were living and growing up so fast we needed to be closer to watch that happen. Real Estate investments were not our forte’, nor location, location a priority. We either sold just before or we bought just after the housing boom. Go figure!

John 3:16 is the most beloved scripture in the Bible. We had a family who started coming to church because they saw John 3:16 written across a football field on national TV. God loved the world so much, because He considered the world worthy! That is why Christ went to the cross. It was to make a place for us in His kingdom. Therefore, all the world can have a place in His kingdom, if they submit to Him. Many believe that God is in the process of building us a mansion. I believe the mansions are already prepared for us! John 14:1-3 Jesus says; "In my Fathers house are many rooms. I am going to prepare a place for you". I believe when He went to the cross, that was His preparation for us! His blood on the cross gives us a promise of a room in heaven; but of course it comes to us through a process. The world only has to hear, believe, repent, confess and be baptized into the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and then they will have the power that comes from the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.

Although we were unworthy, God considered us worthy and now He has made us worthy and significant in His kingdom. Because, Jesus said that in His Father’s house are many mansions, He is saying that Heaven has plenty of room for everyone. This mansion is ours for the asking! The price has already been paid! Life eternally with the Father is at hand! Nothing comes easy, but this is a gift! You know neither the hour or the day! I would like to recommend Jesus as your Real Estate Agent. When He adds your name to the list, your old house has been sold and your new house is purchased. Moving day is just ahead, so get packing! Get all excited! God is already there and is waiting to welcome you to your new home. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/22/08


Donald W White said...
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Donald W White said...

I'm so glad the housing market will be radically different in heaven! No interest. No down payments. Someone has done that all for us.

Reminds me of the vision of hell that C.S. Lewis gives us in his book "The Great Divorce." In that little book Lewis pictures a hell where everyone continues to go further and further away from each other because they just can't stand each other. They build houses, then are dissatisfied with them because they are still too close to others, so they abandon that house only to build another and continue this process for all eternity.

In heaven, however, there is one Builder and one big home where we shall all be together and content.