Friday, May 8, 2009

I had hoped
to add stories of some of the Mom’s of Morning Glory followers. However, I always end up telling you more about me and mine than you probably want to know. My Mom was of pioneer stock. She handled most situations with calm and fortitude. There have been many women in my life who have nurtured me as I grew to womanhood and have made imprints upon my life but not the footprints that I walk in today. My mother was truth but she was not perfect; My mother was busy because she realized her responsibilities; My mother received the love and respect of her children because of who she was not because of what she was; Because she was not demonstrative I became a mother who was; Because my mother was strict I was not as strict; Because my mother was busy I made time for my children; Because she loved the Lord I too love the Lord with all my heart.

It is quite possible, that there could be more than one virtuous woman as described in Proverbs 31:10-31. We all can strive to be such a woman! I personally did not make up the following list. Nor do I remember where I got it, but it fits so well right here. As you read the following attributes note in your minds the ones that best describe your Mom and/or yourself:
10 She is rare
11 Trustworthy
12 Constant in her love
13 Industrious
14 Thrifty
15 Self-starting
16 Enterprising
17 Willing to do hard work
18 Willing to work long hours
19 Willing to do monotonous work
20 Compassionate
21 Prepared for the future
22 A good seamstress
23 Married to a leader
24 An entrepreneur
25 Not swayed by circumstances
26 Wise and Kind
27 Duty-conscious
28 Blessed by her family
29 Not satisfied with the mediocre
30 A woman of God
31 Praiseworthy

I know that all my siblings saw our Mother differently. Our relationships with her were different and she treated us differently as she would always say that no two children are alike. She also would say that when children are small they walk all over your feet and when they are older they walk all over your heart. She taught us that pretty is as pretty does. She taught her son’s to treat all girls as their sisters and her most famous saying was, "it’s a great life if you don’t weaken".

As we remember our Mom’s this weekend , let us also look to our Heavenly Father for the directions we take, the choices we make and for the many hats we are designed to wear so we can say; "We are who we are because God created in us the desire to please Him", which enables us to also say: "Hats off to Mom" who gave us our start. Jane Ann

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