Friday, May 29, 2009

Most of my business career was office clerk and then secretary. I enjoyed filing, typing, writing letters and keeping my boss organized. My brother Lee and his son Lance bought a dry cleaner and found they needed office help, primarily a bookkeeper. I wasn’t a bookkeeper! I had to take general math over in my senior year in highschool, how could I possibly keep books. After much insistence on their part and because it was always hard for me to say no to my brothers, I agreed to leave Goodwill and run their office.

With the help of their accountant who was located down the street, I learned to keep books and to keep them out of trouble. I did what was required as far as reporting to SAIF, and the IRS. I learned how to do payroll and the record keeping that was required. Quarterly reports were filed on time and their business prospered.

Even though I was able to change my profession and found I could do it, my main objective was to help Lee and Lance out. Today, I appreciate the start they gave me and for the ten years I worked for them because it gave me the edge I needed to become a bookkeeper. My next employment was for a Title Company where I was able to use these skills for another ten years, until I retired. I know I was not skilled in this profession but I was able to do what was required for that position.

Reading God’s word helps us to know what is required of us as a follower of Christ. Understanding God’s word gives us the edge to become the person God has created us to be. Following His commandments enables us to learn His ways. Obtaining this knowledge helps us to read a passage and to discern what God is saying to us. Who it is speaking about; what is going on at the time; and to know if this passage applies to us, the Apostles, or to someone else.

"He has showed you, Oh man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8. This passage has been put to music and we have sung it many times in our churches. What does it mean? Does it mean that all God requires of us is to be honest in our dealings, to be kind to all peoples and to be humble, not arrogant before the Lord?

Some have thought this passage teaches that God’s only requirement for salvation is to live a good life, that a religious background is not necessary. However, that idea completely overlooks what it is all about. This passage is addressed to that portion of mankind that has a relationship with God. Not the heathen or mankind in general! In Micah’s time the most prominent issue was having a dead faith which did not culminate into a holy life. God lays a foundation here upon the fruits of a sincere belief and trust in Him which is contradictory to an empty profession of faith.

"But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?" James 2:20. Reading God’s word and filling our heads with knowledge is not enough unless we put to use our knowledge. Showing God’s love and kindness is important! Showing our faith in action is required of us! "For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead!" James 2:26

Let us be circumspect in our knowledge. Let us use our knowledge to lift up others. Let us be knowledgeable in God’s word so that we can give an answer but let us not use our knowledge to pander to those who want their ears tickled. I believe I am familiar with God’s word but I lack the ability to tell you chapter and verse most of the time. I trust the Holy Spirit to complete my thoughts and for Jim to finish my sentence. Lets walk in faith daily! Jane Ann

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