Monday, May 25, 2009


When I was young, probably in my teens, I wanted to be smart but didn’t want to apply
myself enough to become smart. I talked too much to be successful in learning head knowledge. My family would often sit around the dinner table, long after dinner discussing mundane things. I don’t remember who all were still at the table except for Layton and Jean. Whatever the discussion was it became a little heated on my side. I blurted out, as though I really knew what I was saying; "Well, if you think your so smart, then who is Magillan?" Layton burst out laughing. So did Jean! I was so embarrassed! Why were they laughing at me! Apparently I mispronounced Magellan as Magillan. I am sure that had to be a common mistake! If you asked me to pronounce it today, I bet I’d get it right! You would have thought I would have learned a lesson when I wanted to show just how smart I was.

Being smart sometimes is knowing when to keep your mouth shut. For some reason I never seemed to be able to do that. I have had a habit of butting in! Why couldn’t I wait until it was my turn? When someone is talking to me, instead of giving them my full attention, I was already formulating in my mind what I wanted to say. More times than not I was impatient for them to finish. During my grade school years, Mrs Ellett, the Pastors wife was the director of the Primary and Junior Sunday School Dept. She and a couple of other ladies would lead our opening exercises. This is where announcements, instructions and singing were done. She often had to say my name in order to shut me up and get my attention. One Sunday, she said; "Janie, be still or you won’t hear what I am saying!" I am sure I was a little surly, when I replied; "I don’t hear with my mouth!" I never would have put up with me like they did. I probably would have sent me from the room and locked the door.

During my growing older years and especially when Jim came into my life, I have loved learning. Why couldn’t I have been like that in school? I always seem to ponder what I could have done if I had applied myself! However, we can’t go back and pick up the pieces but instead we start now. Right where we are! You read about so many going on to college long after their children are grown. I read about one lady who was a freshman at the age of 80. I’m not so sure that would be me. But it can happen to someone!

Proverbs talks a lot about the wise and how man should use his wisdom. Looking at Proverbs 10:8 sounds like the old me; "The wise of heart will heed commandments, but a prating fool will come to ruin". As I learned more about God’s word, Proverbs 22:17 comes to sound more like me; "Incline your ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply your mind to my knowledge".

The more I read God’s word, the more I realize that having knowledge of God is not the same as knowing God. Even when Paul is talking about knowing what is in the scriptures and how important all of that was and is, 1 Corinthians 8:1b-3 he states; "all of us possess knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. If any one imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. But if one loves God, one is known by Him".

God knows me and He gently puts me in my place again and again. He is patient with me, just as the pastor of my youth and all those who dwelt among his flock. To a child, love and acceptance is all that it takes to guide their footsteps. To a child, a family that cares makes all the difference in the world. I praise the Lord for those who took the time to be patient and understanding with me. Especially those, who would say, although a little exasperated; "Oh Janie"! And then explain it to me again! Romans 10:17 says; "Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ". By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/28/08

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