Monday, November 16, 2009


Celebrations come in different packages. There are births; birthdays; first day of school and then graduation. First tooth and losing the first tooth; not to mention taking the first step and running a marathon. Attending your first prom and getting your drivers permit, and eventually, your drivers license. It seems that firsts are always an occasion to celebrate. There have been so many firsts, it is hard to know where to begin.

Often when we celebrate it is to commemorate or observe something with joy and exuberance. Many times it is paying tribute to an anniversary of an occasion that took place before and so it is remembered again and again with a celebration. In our culture, celebrations are a time to eat. Whether it is cake and ice cream, or a banquet we celebrate with food.

Before and after Jim and I married, he was attending Long Beach College. On Thursday nights after he left school, he would pick me up and we would go to Tony's on the Pier and have clam chowder. Until our babies came along, every Thursday night we would go to Tony's on the Pier and remember. He gave me my engagement ring on July 15, 1961, however I remember he asked me to marry him on July 10th. It was a Sunday night when he brought me home after our College and Career group meeting at church. These are memories worth celebrating!

We celebrate our anniversary! Sometimes we go away; sometimes we get dressed up and go to dinner; sometimes we wait and while visiting So. California, we go to Tony's on the Pier and walk down memory lane, again. I love it that Jim is sentimental! I love the way he loves me!

God loved celebrations! "Three times a year you shall celebrate a feast to me." Exodus 23:14 The Israelites were to observe the Feast of the Unleavenbread; commemorating leaving Egypt; the Feast of the Harvest at the first fruits of your labors; and the Feast of the Ingathering at the end of the year when you gather in the fruit of your labors from the fields. There were other celebrations that God recommended for His people, but these three were primarily for Him.

Don't you find it interesting that God's celebrations were with food. I suppose that is why when we celebrate we often do it with food. God has a feast planned in heaven, and I know it will be with food. How do I know? Because the Tree of Life bears fresh fruit every month.

They say that food should not be a part of your celebrations because it becomes more about food than what you are celebrating. We have food because we are celebrating; or, we are celebrating so we can have food? Either way, it works for me!

On Saturday, 11/7, we celebrated Adam being home on leave from Iraq, with family that lives about 1 1/2 hours away. When family comes together for any purpose it is always a celebration. The following Wednesday, 11/11, we not only celebrated Veteran's Day but we had a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner because my #1 grandson, Adam was leaving that Friday for Iraq. We in America believe that we are to take every opportunity to celebrate with one another because freedom is not free. Because family is important and loving one another is a part of life. Because celebrating brings joy even amongst the chaos. Being a Christian is a celebration!

"A cheerful heart makes a cheerful face." Proverbs 15:13a To celebrate means to observe joyfully. It makes us happy! It is "singing and making melody with your heart." Ephesians 5:19c "A joyful heart is good medicine." Proverbs 17:22a God wants us to be happy; God wants us to take time out and have a festival. God wants us to sing, to love and to be jubilant.

"For the Lord is good; His loving kindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness is to all generations." Psalm 100:5 As I sat amongst my little family at our table of Thanksgiving, I felt God's presence and His blessings. When we truly make an effort to walk with the Lord, He is ever present and His blessings overflow. Thank you Lord! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/12/09

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