Friday, December 25, 2009

CHRISTMAS STORY HALL OF FAME! The First Christmas Morning

Mary lay quietly, gasping ever so often to allow her submission to the pain. The pain doesn't seem to be so bad right now she thought; perhaps I can get some sleep and her mind drifted off. Joseph , a man before his time wondered if he should go and get a mid-wife. He was torn; should I leave her now and get someone else or should I wait. he couldn't sleep, let alone rest! Joseph prayed; "Oh Lord, I need help! What am I to do?" Just as he was about to go and search, Mary stirred. She quietly said; "Joseph." "Joseph!" He ran to her side and said; "I am here Mary!" "I think it is time Joseph!"

"Are you sure, Mary?" Joseph responded. "My water broke!" Okay, thought Joseph; it is time! "Mary, I will go and get a mid-wife, I'll be back as soon as I can." "No, Joseph; there is no time, you must help me!" Joseph was beside himself; men don't deliver babies! Only women, the mid-wives do this! But the task at hand was developing and Joseph was the onyl help Mary had. He put aside his fears and became his wife's help as new life began unfolding before them.

"Tell me what to do, Mary." "First, go and get some water, it should be hot! If you can, ask about a mid-wife, but don't take the time to search for one. Upon Joseph's return he came near her cubicle and he stopped! He could hear Mary's smothered cries and almost panicked. He took a deep breath and went to her. She grabbed his arm and pulled until he thought she would tear it off. Her pain was great; her agony reached through her hands and into his body.

Mary relaxed for a moment; Joseph put his arm around her and gently laid her back on her bed of straw. He went to the donkey and began to unload the items that they would need. A basin; bowls; linens; so many things. "I wish a mid-wife would come" he thought! Using some of the water, he washed his hands. He must be ready! I'm but a man; I have no knowledge of these things. "I am willing Lord; use me here;" was Joseph's prayer.

When Mary awoke, she had more instructions. "Make a fire and warm the swaddling cloths. Keep the water hot, at least warm to wash our baby. A knife! Dip a knife in the hot water before cutting the cord." "A knife? The cord?" Joseph asked! "Yes, a knife! Prepare the salt for cleansing his little body. Joseph? Do you hear me?" "Yes, Mary; I'm listening!"

She laid back and the pain came forth as though it was water rushing over the falls. It didn't stop and she pushed! Joseph bent near and said; "I can see His head; push harder!" He was amazed at how calm he felt. He was amazed how Mary pushed as though her insides were exploding from her. How brave and how wonderful she is, he thought!

As Joseph took the baby into his large rough hands and lifted him up so Mary could see, they both looked upon him in wonder and total amazement. Mary relaxed as she watched Joseph take his son and with the knife cut his cord and tied it. He then washed him in the warm water and salt solution and then rinsed him off. Joseph gently wrapped the baby in a cloth and handed him to Mary. He gave her the swaddling cloths and Mary wrapped them firmly around his tiny body. He was covered with several layers, even his arms and legs were held tightly as if in bandages. "She gave birth to her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger. Luke 2:7a In the still of the night, Jesus the Christ was born!

Mary took the water and asked Joseph to leave her alone for a while. She did her ablutions and wondered about herself. Her body was already in the process of recovering from the assault it had just experienced. She said in her heart; "Thank you Lord for this gift you have given Joseph and me! Thank you for preparing my body and healing my soul through this great experience of becoming your Son's mother." By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/18/09

MERRY CHRISTMAS this beautiful Christmas morning as we remember HIS birth and share with one another in the giving and receiving of gifts. "Thank you Lord for your child; the first gift of CHRISTmas!"

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